Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1097 Killing It With A Single Slash

Chapter 1097 Killing It With A Single Slash

Chapter 1097: Chapter 1097 Killing It With A Single Slash

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The victory over the Giant Horned Rhinoceros left Jiang Ling exhilarated. Just as they were about to press on deeper into the forest, the ground began to tremble violently.

Lu Yu and Jiang Ling halted in their tracks, a tremor of unease flickering across Jiang Lings face.

What was that? An earthquake? She stammered, darting her eyes nervously around the forest.

Her bodyguard, ever vigilant, reacted swiftly. He grabbed Jiang Lings arm, his voice urgent. Miss Jiang, somethings not right! We should return immediately!

No, wait! Jiang Ling protested, her compet.i.tive spirit flaring. I havent truly tested my limits yet. It was probably just a tremor. Nothing to worry about.

Miss, the bodyguard pressed, his voice laced with concern. the city just issued an announcement. Apparently, a high-level monster has been spotted in the forest. Theyre urging everyone to stay away. This area is suddenly very dangerous. If we dont leave soon, what if we run into that creature?

A frown creased Jiang Lings brow. An announcement? I must have missed it. Not that I care much for those things anyway. She hesitated, casting a questioning glance at Lu Yu.

Sensing her unease, Lu Yu offered a curt nod. If its truly dangerous, returning for now is the wise choice.

Just as the trio prepared to retrace their steps, the tremors intensified, escalating into a series of booming thuds.

Lu Yu spun around, his gaze landing on a monstrous crocodile lumbering towards them with terrifying speed. The trees in its path were no match for its immense strength, snapping and splintering under its weight.

The violent tremors continued, creating a suffocating pressure. The creatures cold, reptilian eyes fixed on Jiang Ling, locking onto her like prey.

Terror seized Jiang Ling, rendering her immobile. The crocodiles head dwarfed her entire room, its maw wide enough to swallow her whole with horrifying ease. Tears welled up in her eyes as she trembled uncontrollably.

Master, run! she shrieked, clutching Lu Yus arm in a desperate attempt to flee.

The bodyguard echoed her plea, his voice laced with urgency. Lu Yu, we need to get out of here! This is no monster to mess with!

However, Lu Yu seemed oblivious to their panicked pleas, standing his ground unwaveringly.

In a heartbeat, the monstrous crocodile reached them, stopping before the Giant Horned Rhinoceros carca.s.s. With a gaping maw, it devoured the entire creature in a single, sickening gulp. Its hunger was seemingly unsated, and it continued its lumbering charge toward Lu Yu and the others.

Jiang Lings voice hitched in a strangled cry. This is insane! It ate a whole monster, and it still wants more? Were finished!

Run, Miss Jiang! Now! the bodyguard roared.

The monstrous beast was upon them, its fetid breath overwhelming. Jiang Ling squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable.

But in that heart-stopping moment, Lu Yu made his move. He unsheathed the Void Evil Blade in a flash of dark energy and, with a powerful swing, unleashed a dark purple sword aura that sliced straight towards the monstrous crocodile.

With a chilling hiss, the Void Evil Blades dark purple sword aura sliced straight through the monstrous crocodile, vanis.h.i.+ng into the thick trunk of a tree behind it. The colossal beast lurched to a halt, its movement abruptly ceasing.

A stunned silence descended upon the clearing. Jiang Ling, frozen in mid-step, stared with wide, incredulous eyes. Her bodyguard, about to yank her away, remained rooted to the spot, speechless.

With a sickening thud, the crocodiles body split open down the middle, collapsing in a gruesome heap. Its insides spilled out in a torrent of blood and gore, the partially digested form of the Giant Horned Rhinoceros tumbling out amidst the carnage.

Lu Yu calmly sheathed his Void Evil Blade, turning to Jiang Ling nonchalantly, The danger is gone. Lets resume your training.

Jiang Ling gaped at the scene before her, a mixture of awe and horror reflected in her wide eyes. D-dead? Just like that? she stammered, clutching her head in disbelief. Her hair, previously meticulously groomed, hung loose and disheveled.

The bodyguards, pale and trembling, remained rooted to the spot, the sheer power displayed by Lu Yu rendering them speechless. That that sword took down such a behemoth in one hit? one of them finally croaked out.

Jiang Ling lurched forward, the metallic tang of blood flooding her senses. Her stomach lurched, and she fought back the urge to vomit.

Covering her mouth with a hand, she finally managed to speak, her voice choked with awe. Master, youre incredibly powerful! Dispatching such a monstrous creature with a single strike! Youre definitely no ordinary man.

Lu Yu offered a faint smile. It was a mere formality. Now, lets get back to your training. Dont waste valuable time.

Jiang Ling, still grappling with the implications of Lu Yus strength, regarded him with a mixture of admiration and confusion.

The level of power he wielded was terrifying, far exceeding anything shed ever encountered.

Could there truly be someone in Skyplume City capable of such effortless dominance?

She shook her head, dismissing the thought as impossible. There was no way anyone here could match Lu Yus display.

Swallowing nervously, a sudden realization dawned on her.

This unbelievably powerful being was now her master! What an extraordinary twist of fate!

A hesitant smile played on her lips. Master, she began, your strength is truly awe-inspiring. May I inquire about your current Dragon Trainer level?

Lu Yu scratched his head thoughtfully. Honestly, Im unsure. The Dragon Trainer system is specific to the Ten Thousand Dragon Country, and I havent undergone any official evaluation. They do have a Level 100, I believe.

Indeed, Jiang Ling readily agreed. There must be higher levels, but its difficult to say exactly where you stand.

Curiosity gnawed at her. Where exactly do you hail from to possess such power? Such exceptional talent is incredibly rare, even within the vast Ten Thousand Dragon Country!

Lu Yus gaze narrowed slightly. That cant be entirely true, he countered. The Ten Thousand Dragon Country boasts a vast territory and a large population. Surely, geniuses and skilled individuals arent uncommon.

Perhaps Jiang Ling conceded hesitantly. While I may not be the most knowledgeable person, your strength is undeniably extraordinary. In Skyplume City, at least, youre unmatched. No one here could even come close to challenging you.

Lu Yu flashed her a rea.s.suring smile. Very well, I trust your judgment. Now, focus on your training. Lets see how far you can push your limits. And worry not; Ill ensure your safety. If another colossal beast appears, Ill handle it.

Relief washed over Jiang Ling. Hearing that from you, Master, is a great comfort. Now, prepare to witness my best effort! Ill dedicate myself to showcasing my full potential!

With newfound determination, Jiang Ling clenched her fists and continued her journey deeper into the forest, carefully navigating around the grotesque remains of the monstrous crocodile.

The overpowering stench of blood and the gruesome spectacle were enough to deter most wild beasts, leaving the area desertedat least for now. Only when the corpse began to decompose would it attract a new wave of scavengers..