Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1085 Seeing Through the Lie

Chapter 1085 Seeing Through the Lie

Chapter 1085: Chapter 1085 Seeing Through the Lie

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1085 Seeing Through the Lie

Lu Yu and Hu Zhan exchanged a glance. Something about this situation felt increasingly off-kilter.

So youre saying the Xu family might be aware of this cloaked figure and even antic.i.p.ate him seeking me out? Lu Yu murmured, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

In that case, wouldnt that suggest a potential plan on their part? Perhaps theyd send someone to tail you, waiting for the opportune moment to swoop in and claim the secret treasure once you locate it.

Hu Zhan nodded grimly. The possibility was undeniable, especially considering the Xu familys lack of knowledge about his true strength. They might very well believe they could overpower him and his companion once the treasure was within reach.

Maybe, Lu Yu conceded, a hint of skepticism lingering in his voice. But its also possible were overthinking things. Perhaps the Xu family doesnt value this secret treasure at all.

Then lets see how things unfold tomorrow, Hu Zhan suggested. Well have a clearer picture of the situation then.

With that, they returned to the villa area, the weight of suspicion hanging heavy in the air.

The next morning, Lu Yu rose with dawn, a plan brewing in his mind. He and Hu Zhan headed towards the entrance of the villa complex, where the cloaked figure, back turned, idly tossed a coin in his hand, seemingly lost in thought.

As Lu Yu approached, the figure swiveled around, a grin splitting his face. Lu

Yu! Right on time! Lets get going.

Not late, are we? Lu Yu countered with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt. It seems youre the one eager to get your hands on this secret treasure.

The man chuckled nervously. Well, who wouldnt want to get something valuable as soon as possible? Isnt that human nature?

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Fair enough. Lets be on our way, then.

But hold on a minute, Lu Yu interjected, abruptly halting their departure. Before we embark on this journey, theres a matter I need to address. I dont work well with individuals of unknown backgrounds. It would be beneficial for you to reveal your true ident.i.ty.

The man in black faltered, his hand hovering over the mask that concealed his face. Youre not a local, he scoffed. What difference does it make if you see my face? Besides, this is a one-time collaboration. Once we retrieve the treasure, our paths will diverge.

Lu Yu studied him intently, his gaze unwavering. After a long moment of silence, he conceded, You have a point. It is a temporary partners.h.i.+p.

However, knowing your name wouldnt hurt, would it?

The man drew a deep breath, exasperation evident in his posture. Alright, alright, he sighed in defeat. If you must know, my name is Zhao Ming. A simple name, really. It doesnt matter if you remember it or not.

Lu Yu covertly sent a mental query to the Nightmare Dragon residing within him as Zhao Ming spoke. Can you peer into his mind and gauge his emotional state?

Of course, Master, the Nightmare Dragon responded eagerly. Let me take a look!

A beat of silence followed. This man the Nightmare Dragon began, its voice laced with surprise, he seems fl.u.s.tered. His mind is in a state of disarray, like a balloon on the verge of bursting!

Lu Yu acknowledged this information with a subtle nod. He then turned back to Zhao Ming with a knowing glint in his eyes. Zhao Ming, thats it? A very ordinary name, indeed, he remarked.

Relaxed, the Nightmare Dragon reported. He seems to have calmed down.

The tension has dissipated.

This update from his companion solidified Lu Yus suspicions. He studied Zhao Ming with renewed scrutiny.

Lets go then, Zhao Ming urged, his voice regaining its former confidence.

No point in wasting more time.

Is Zhao Ming truly your name? Lu Yu pressed, his words laced with a hint of challenge.

Zhao Ming blinked, momentarily thrown off guard. What do you mean? he stammered. Of course it is! Why would I lie?

Hu Zhan, confused by the sudden s.h.i.+ft in the conversation, chimed in, Wasnt everything settled just now? Why are we questioning his name again?

Hold on, Lu Yu countered, his voice firm and laced with suspicion. Lets clear the air before we proceed. Tell me your real name. This partners.h.i.+p hinges on honesty, and right now, thats sorely lacking.

Zhao Mings eyes narrowed defensively. I already told you, its Zhao Ming. Why the doubt? Were wasting precious time here. Lets just get moving. Are you still interested in collaborating, or not?

Lu Yu remained unconvinced, shaking his head resolutely. The truth matters. Without a foundation of trust, cooperation becomes precarious. Why cant you come clean?

A flicker of guilt flickered across Zhao Mings face. Why why wouldnt I be Zhao Ming? He stammered, his voice betraying his growing unease.

Because youre lying, Lu Yu declared, his gaze unwavering. And I can see right through it. Now, tell me the truth.

The man in black stumbled back a few steps, his facade crumbling.

Lu Yu, did you really detect the slip-up? How? Hu Zhan looked at the man in black and asked.

This is your last chance, Lu Yu pressed, his tone leaving no room for argument. Come clean, or this partners.h.i.+p ends now.

Taking a deep, defeated breath, the man confessed, Alright, alright. You got me. I have no idea what giveaway I made, but your observation skills are impressive. Its natural to conceal your ident.i.ty during ventures like this, wouldnt you agree?

Since you insist, he continued, a hint of resignation in his voice. Ill reveal my true name.

Hu Zhans jaw dropped in astonishment. d.a.m.n it! You were lying all along? I couldnt tell a thing! Lu Yu, how did you figure it out?

Lu Yu offered a sly smile towards the man in black. Tell me your real name, he prompted.

The man in black spread his hands in a gesture of surrender. Its Ming Baixuan. Thats my real name. No more lies, I promise. You have my word.

Lu Yu nodded subtly, the Nightmare Dragon in his mind having already provided the confirmation. Good. This time, you showed some sense by admitting the truth.

Ming Baixuan, defeated but strangely impressed, acknowledged Lu Yus perceptiveness. Youre a remarkable individual, Lu Yu. You have a keen eye for detail. Clearly, youre no ordinary man.

Enough talk, Ming Baixuan declared, eager to move forward. Seems like messing with you is a bad idea. Lets consider this a forced partners.h.i.+p. Once we gain access to the treasure trove, I have no doubt well both walk away with significant rewards.

Lu Yus gaze sharpened. Wait a minute, he said, a new question forming in his mind. Youre saying this as if it isnt your first time? Are you implying youve been here before?

Thats right, Im a treasure hunter. Ive been looking for all kinds of hidden treasures, so of course, its not my first rodeo. Its just that this time, I couldnt get the key to the treasure. In the end, I found out that the key was with the Xu family.

Lu Yu stopped and looked at him, asking, Did you go to the Xu family and negotiate with them after you found out that the key was with them?