1864 Mar. 17 On a Method of Slewing a Ship without Inst. Nav. Arch.
the aid of the Rudder.
1864 Apr. 5 Comparison of the Chinese Record of Solar R. Astr. Soc.
Eclipses in the Chun Tsew with the (Month. Not.) Computations of Modern Theory.
1864 June 4 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1864 June 10 On the Transit of Venus, 1882, Dec. 6. R. Astr. Soc.
(Month. Not.)
1864 June 10 On the bright band bordering the Moon's R. Astr. Soc.
Limb in Photographs of Eclipses. (Month. Not.)
1864 Notes on Methods of Reduction applicable to the Indian Survey.
1864 Sept. 3 A Visit to the Corryvreckan. Athenaeum.
1864 Sept. 29 Examination Paper for the Sheepshanks Scholarship.
1865 Jan. 13 Comparison of the Transit-Instrument in R. Astr. Soc.
its ordinary or reversible form with the (Month. Not.) Transit-Instrument in its non-reversible form, as adopted at Greenwich, the Cape of Good Hope, and other Observatories.
1865 Mar. 9 Syllabus of a course of three Lectures on "Magnetical Errors, &c., with special reference to Iron Ships and their Compa.s.ses," delivered at the South Kensington Museum.
1865 Apr. 1 Remarks on Mr Ellis's Lecture on the Horolog. Journ.
Greenwich System of Time Signals.
1865 Apr. 1 Free Translation of some lines of Virgil, Athenaeum.
"Cithara crinitus Iopas," &c.
1865 June 3 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1865 June 17 Note on my Recommendation (in 1839) Athenaeum.
of Government Superintendence of the Compa.s.ses of Iron Ships. Also Note on the birthplace of Thomas Clarkson.
1865 July On Hemiopsy. Phil. Mag.
1865 Aug. 22 On the Value of the Moon's Semidiameter R. Astr. Soc.
as obtained by the Investigations of (Month. Not.) Hugh Breen, Esq., from Occultations observed at Cambridge and Greenwich.
1865 Sept. 16 On "The Land of Goshen"--Reply to "A Athenaeum.
Suffolk Inc.u.mbent."
1865 Oct. 21 Address of the Astronomer Royal to the individual members of the Board of Visitors. (On improved Collimators.)
1865 Oct. 23 Note on an Error of Expression in two R. Astr. Soc.
previous Memoirs. Also Description and (Month. Not.) History of a Quadrant made by Abraham Sharp.
1865 Nov. 11 On the Possible Derivation of the National Athenaeum.
Name "Welsh."
1865 Essays on the Invasion of Britain by Julius Private.
Caesar; The Invasion of Britain by Plautius, and by Claudius Caesar; The Early Military Policy of the Romans in Britain; The Battle of Hastings. (With corr.)
1866 Mar. 10 On "The Compa.s.s in Iron Ships." Objections Athenaeum.
to pa.s.sages in a Lecture by Archibald Smith.
1866 Apr. 13 On the Supposed Possible Effect of R. Astr. Soc.
Friction in the Tides, in influencing the (Month. Not.) Apparent Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion in Longitude. Also on a Method of Computing Interpolations to the Second Order without Changes of Algebraic Sign.
1866 June 2 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1866 July 17 Papers relating to Time Signals on the Ho. of Comm.
Start Point. (Parly. Paper.)
1866 Sept. 1 On the Campaign of Aulus Plautius in Athenaeum.
Britain. (Reply to Dr Guest.)
1866 Nov. 19 On the Continued Change in an Eye Camb. Phil. Soc.
affected with a peculiar malformation.
1866 Dec. On the Simultaneous Disappearance of R. Astr. Soc.
Jupiter's Satellites in the year 1867. (Month. Not.) Also Inference from the observed Movement of the Meteors in the appearance of 1866, Nov. 13-14.
1867 Jan. 1 Memorandum for the consideration of the Commission on Standards. (Policy of introducing Metrical Standards.)
1867 Jan. 12 On Decimal Weights and Measures. Athenaeum.
1867 Feb. 19 On the use of the Suspension Bridge with Inst. C.E.
Stiffened Roadway for Railway and other (Minutes.) Bridges of Great Span.
1867 Mar. 21 Computation of the Lengths of the Waves Phil. Trans.
of Light corresponding to the Lines in the Dispersion Spectrum measured by Kirchhoff.
1867 Mar. Corresponding Numbers of Elevation in R. Obs. (Also English Feet, and of Readings of Aneroid Meteor. Soc.
or Corrected Barometer in English Apr. 17, 1867.) Inches.
1867 Apr. 16 Remarks on Sir W. Denison's Paper on Inst. C.E.
"The Suez Ca.n.a.l." (Minutes.)
1867 May 3 Statement of the History and Position of Private.
the Blue-coat Girls' School, Greenwich.
1867 June 1 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1867 June 14 On Certain Appearances of the Telescopic R. Astr. Soc.
Images of Stars described by the Rev. (Month. Not.) W.R. Dawes.
1867 Dec. 13 Note on the Total Solar Eclipse of 1868, R. Astr. Soc.