What is your name?
They say I am an orphan, Cast from my birth into the arms of G.o.d, And who my parents were I never knew.
Have you no parents?
They abandoned me.
How? And how long ago?
At my birth.
Do they, at least, not know your native country?
This temple is my country; none I know Besides--
Your father?
Where is it said that chance discovered you?
Among the cruel wolves, their helpless prey.
Who placed you in this temple?
An unknown woman, never looked on since, Who did not say her name.
But who took charge of your most early years?
Does G.o.d e'er let his children want in vain?
He gives the smallest birds their nourishment, And over all His works extends His goodness.
Each day I call on Him. His care paternal Nourishes me with gifts presented at The altar.
What strange event again perplexeth me?
The sweetness of his voice, his youthful grace, Cause my aversion imperceptably To be succeeded--I could be inclined To pity.
Is this, then, Madam, that terrific foe '?
The fraud of your false dreams is manifest: Unless 'tis sympathy that touches you, It is that fatal blow which makes you tremble.
{ATHALIAH (_to Joas and Josabet_).}
Are you going?
His story you have heard: His further stay would be importunate.
No, No, return. What do you every day?
Adore the Lord; they train me in His law, They teach me how to read His sacred book, And now I copy it with mine own hand.
How does that law instruct you?
That love is what the Lord desires; that He Sooner or later will avenge His name, His holy name blasphemed; that He protects The timid orphan, that He breaks the proud, And punishes the murderer.
I understand. But what do all the people Enclosed within that place?