Astronomy with an Opera-glass - Part 1

Part 1

Astronomy with an Opera-gla.s.s.

by Garrett Putman Serviss.


In the pages that follow, the author has endeavored to encourage the study of the heavenly bodies by pointing out some of the interesting and marvelous phenomena of the universe that are visible with little or no a.s.sistance from optical instruments, and indicating means of becoming acquainted with the constellations and the planets. Knowing that an opera-gla.s.s is capable of revealing some of the most beautiful sights in the starry dome, and believing that many persons would be glad to learn the fact, he set to work with such an instrument and surveyed all the constellations visible in the lat.i.tude of New York, carefully noting everything that it seemed might interest amateur star-gazers. All the objects thus observed have not been included in this book, lest the multiplicity of details should deter or discourage the very readers for whom it was specially written. On the other hand, there is nothing described as visible with an opera-gla.s.s or a field-gla.s.s which the author has not seen with an instrument of that description, and which any person possessing eye-sight of average quality and a competent gla.s.s should not be able to discern.

But, in order to lend due interest to the subject, and place it before the reader in a proper light and true perspective, many facts have been stated concerning the objects described, the ascertainment of which has required the aid of powerful telescopes, and to observers with such instruments is reserved the n.o.ble pleasure of confirming with their own eyes those wonderful discoveries which the looker with an opera-gla.s.s can not hope to behold unless, happily, he should be spurred on to the possession of a telescope. Yet even to glimpse dimly these distant wonders, knowing what a closer view would reveal, is a source of no mean satisfaction, while the celestial phenomena that lie easily within reach of an opera-gla.s.s are sufficient to furnish delight and instruction for many an evening.

It should be said that the division of the stars used in this book into the "Stars of Spring," "Stars of Summer," "Stars of Autumn," and "Stars of Winter," is purely arbitrary, and intended only to indicate the seasons when certain constellations are best situated for observation or most conspicuous.

The greater part of the matter composing this volume appeared originally in a series of articles contributed by the author to "The Popular Science Monthly" in 1887-'88. The reception that those articles met with encouraged him to revise and enlarge them for publication in the more permanent form of a book.

G. P. S.

BROOKLYN, N. Y., _September, 1888._


Star-gazing was never more popular than it is now. In every civilized country many excellent telescopes are owned and used, often to very good purpose, by persons who are not practical astronomers, but who wish to see for themselves the marvels of the sky, and who occasionally stumble upon something that is new even to professional star-gazers. Yet, notwithstanding this activity in the cultivation of astronomical studies, it is probably safe to a.s.sert that hardly one person in a hundred knows the chief stars by name, or can even recognize the constellations, much less distinguish the planets from the fixed stars. And of course they know nothing of the intellectual pleasure that accompanies a knowledge of the stars. Modern astronomy is so rapidly and wonderfully linking the earth and the sun together, with all the orbs of s.p.a.ce, in the bonds of close physical relationship, that a person of education and general intelligence can offer no valid excuse for not knowing where to look for Sirius or Aldebaran, or the Orion nebula, or the planet Jupiter. As Australia and New Zealand and the islands of the sea are made a part of the civilized world through the expanding influence of commerce and cultivation, so the suns and planets around us are, in a certain sense, falling under the dominion of the restless and resistless mind of man. We have come to possess vested intellectual interests in Mars and Saturn, and in the sun and all his mult.i.tude of fellows, which n.o.body can afford to ignore.

A singular proof of popular ignorance of the starry heavens, as well as of popular curiosity concerning any uncommon celestial phenomenon, is furnished by the curious notions prevailing about the planet Venus. When Venus began to attract general attention in the western sky in the early evenings of the spring of 1887, speculation quickly became rife about it, particularly on the great Brooklyn Bridge. As the planet hung dazzlingly bright over the New Jersey horizon, some people appeared to think it was the light of Liberty's torch, mistaking the bronze G.o.ddess's real flambeau for a part of the electric-light system of the metropolis. Finally (to judge from the letters written to the newspapers, and the questions asked of individuals supposed to know something about the secrets of the sky), the conviction seems to have become pretty widely distributed that the strange light in the west was no less than an electrically illuminated balloon, nightly sent skyward by Mr. Edison, for no other conceivable reason than a wizardly desire to mystify his fellow-men. I have positive information that this ridiculous notion has been actually entertained by more than one person of intelligence. And as Venus glowed with increasing splendor in the serene evenings of June, she continued to be mistaken for some petty artificial light instead of the magnificent world that she was, sparkling out there in the sunshine like a globe of burnished silver. Yet Venus as an evening star is not so rare a phenomenon that people of intelligence should be surprised at it. Once in every 584 days she reappears at the same place in the sunset sky--

"Gem of the crimson-colored even, Companion of retiring day."

No eye can fail to note her, and as the nearest and most beautiful of the Earth's sisters it would seem that everybody should be as familiar with her appearance as with the face of a friend. But the popular ignorance of Venus, and the other members of the planetary family to which our mother, the Earth, belongs, is only an index of the denser ignorance concerning the stars--the brothers of our great father, the Sun. I believe this ignorance is largely due to mere indifference, which, in its turn, arises from a false and pedantic method of presenting astronomy as a creature of mathematical formulae, and a humble handmaiden of the art of navigation. I do not, of course, mean to cast doubt upon the scientific value of technical work in astronomy. The science could not exist without it. Those who have made the spectroscope reveal the composition of the sun and stars, and who are now making photography picture the heavens as they are, and even reveal phenomena which lie beyond the range of human vision, are the men who have taken astronomy out of its swaddling-clothes, and set it on its feet as a progressive science. But when one sees the depressing and repellent effect that has evidently been produced upon the popular mind by the ordinary methods of presenting astronomy, one can not resist the temptation to utter a vigorous protest, and to declare that this glorious science is not the grinning mathematical skeleton that it has been represented to be.

Perhaps one reason why the average educated man or woman knows so little of the starry heavens is because it is popularly supposed that only the most powerful telescopes and costly instruments of the observatory are capable of dealing with them. No greater mistake could be made. It does not require an optical instrument of any kind, nor much labor, as compared with that expended in the acquirement of some polished accomplishments regarded as indispensable, to give one an acquaintance with the stars and planets which will be not only pleasurable but useful. And with the aid of an opera-gla.s.s most interesting, gratifying, and, in some instances, scientifically valuable observations may be made in the heavens. I have more than once heard persons who knew nothing about the stars, and probably cared less, utter exclamations of surprise and delight when persuaded to look at certain parts of the sky with a good gla.s.s, and thereafter manifest an interest in astronomy of which they would formerly have believed themselves incapable.

Being convinced that whoever will survey the heavens with a good opera-gla.s.s will feel repaid many fold for his time and labor, I have undertaken to point out some of the objects most worthy of attention, and some of the means of making acquaintance with the stars.

First, a word about the instrument to be used. Galileo made his famous discoveries with what was, in principle of construction, simply an opera-gla.s.s. This form of telescope was afterward abandoned because very high magnifying powers could not be employed with it, and the field of view was restricted. But, on account of its brilliant illumination of objects looked at, and its convenience of form, the opera-gla.s.s is still a valuable and, in some respects, unrivaled instrument of observation.

In choosing an opera-gla.s.s, see first that the are achromatic, although this caution is hardly necessary, for all modern, worthy of the name, are made with achromatic objectives.

But there are great differences in the quality of the work. If a gla.s.s shows a colored fringe around a bright object, reject it. Let the diameter of the, which are the large lenses in the end farthest from the eye, be not less than an inch and a half. The magnifying power should be at least three or four diameters. A familiar way of estimating the magnifying power is by looking at a brick wall through one barrel of the opera-gla.s.s with one eye, while the other eye sees the wall without the intervention of the gla.s.s. Then notice how many bricks seen by the naked eye are required to equal in thickness one brick seen through the gla.s.s. That number represents the magnifying power.

The instrument used by the writer in making most of the observations for this book has 1.6 inch in diameter, and a magnifying power of about 3.6 times.

See that the fields of view given by the two barrels of the opera-gla.s.s coincide, or blend perfectly together. If one appears to partially overlap the other when looking at a distant object, the effect is very annoying. This fault arises from the barrels of the opera-gla.s.s being placed too far apart, so that their optical centers do not coincide with the centers of the observer's eyes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: A VERY BAD FIELD.]

Occasionally, on account of faulty centering of the lenses, a double image is given of objects looked at, as ill.u.s.trated in the accompanying cut. In such a case the gla.s.s is worthless; but if the effect is simply the addition of a small, crescent-shaped extension on one side of the field of view without any reduplication, the fault may be overlooked, though it is far better to select a gla.s.s that gives a perfectly round field. Some have an arrangement for adjusting the distance between the barrels to suit the eyes of different persons, and it would be well if all were made adjustable in the same way.

Don't buy a cheap gla.s.s, but don't waste your money on fancy mountings.

What the Rev. T. W. Webb says of telescopes is equally true of "Inferior articles may be showily got up, and the outside must go for nothing." There are a few makers whose names, stamped upon the instrument, may generally be regarded as a guarantee of excellence.

But the best test is that of actual performance. I have a field-gla.s.s which I found in a p.a.w.n-shop, that has no maker's name upon it, but in some respects is quite capable of bearing comparison with the work of the best advertised opticians. And this leads me to say that, by the exercise of good judgment, one may occasionally purchase superior at very reasonable prices in the p.a.w.n-shops. Ask to be shown the old and well-tried articles; you may find among them a second-hand gla.s.s of fine optical properties. If the lenses are not injured, one need not trouble one's self about the worn appearance of the outside of the instrument; so much the more evidence that somebody has found it well worth using.

A good field or marine gla.s.s is in some respects better than an opera-gla.s.s for celestial observations. It possesses a much higher magnifying power, and this gives sometimes a decided advantage. But, on the other hand, its field of view is smaller, rendering it more difficult to find and hold objects. Besides, it does not present as brilliant views of scattered star-cl.u.s.ters as an opera-gla.s.s does. For the benefit of those who possess, however, I have included in this brief survey certain objects that lie just beyond the reach of, but can be seen with the larger instruments.

I have thought it advisable in the descriptions of the constellations which follow to give some account of their mythological origin, both because of the historical interest which attaches to it, and because, while astronomers have long since banished the constellation figures from their maps, the names which the constellations continue to bear require some explanation, and they possess a literary and romantic interest which can not be altogether disregarded in a work that is not intended for purely scientific readers.



Having selected your gla.s.s, the next thing is to find the stars. Of course, one could sweep over the heavens at random on a starry night and see many interesting things, but he would soon tire of such aimless occupation. The observer must know what he is looking at in order to derive any real pleasure or satisfaction from the sight.

It really makes no difference at what time of the year such observations are begun, but for convenience I will suppose that they are begun in the spring. We can then follow the revolution of the heavens through a year, at the end of which the diligent observer will have acquired a competent knowledge of the constellations. The circular map, No. 1, represents the appearance of the heavens at midnight on the 1st of March, at eleven o'clock on the 15th of March, at ten o'clock on the 1st of April, at nine o'clock on the 15th of April, and at eight o'clock on the 1st of May. The reason why a single map can thus be made to show the places of the stars at different hours in different months will be plain upon a little reflection. In consequence of the earth's annual journey around the sun, the whole heavens make one apparent revolution in a year. This revolution, it is clear, must be at the rate of 30 in a month, since the complete circuit comprises 360. But, in addition to the annual revolution, there is a diurnal revolution of the heavens which is caused by the earth's daily rotation upon its axis, and this revolution must, for a similar reason, be performed at the rate of 15 for each of the twenty-four hours. It follows that in two hours of the daily revolution the stars will change their places to the same extent as in one month of the annual revolution. It follows also that, if one could watch the heavens throughout the whole twenty-four hours, and not be interrupted by daylight, he would behold the complete circuit of the stars just as he would do if, for a year, he should look at the heavens at a particular hour every night. Suppose that at nine o'clock on the 1st of June we see the star Spica on the meridian; in consequence of the rotation of the earth, two hours later, or at eleven o'clock, Spica will be 30 west of the meridian. But that is just the position which Spica would occupy at nine o'clock on the 1st of July, for in one month (supposing a month to be accurately the twelfth part of a year) the stars shift their places 30 toward the west. If, then, we should make a map of the stars for nine o'clock on the 1st of July, it would answer just as well for eleven o'clock on the 1st of June, or for seven o'clock on the 1st of August.

[Ill.u.s.tration: MAP 1.]

The center of the map is the zenith, or point overhead. The reader must now exercise his imagination a little, for it is impossible to represent the true appearance of the concave of the heavens on flat paper. Holding the map over your head, with the points marked East, West, North, and South in their proper places, conceive of it as shaped like the inside of an open umbrella, the edge all around extending clear down to the horizon. Suppose you are facing the south, then you will see, up near the zenith, the constellation of Leo, which can be readily recognized on the map by six stars that mark out the figure of a sickle standing upright on its handle. The large star in the bottom of the handle is Regulus. Having fixed the appearance and situation of this constellation in your mind, go out-of-doors, face the south, and try to find the constellation in the sky. With a little application you will be sure to succeed.

Using Leo as a basis of operations, your conquest of the sky will now proceed more rapidly. By reference to the map you will be able to recognize the twin stars of Gemini, southwest of the zenith and high up; the brilliant lone star, Procyon, south of Gemini; the dazzling Sirius, flashing low down in the southwest; Orion, with all his brilliants, blazing in the west; red Aldebaran and the Pleiades off to his right; and Capella, bright as a diamond, high up above Orion, toward the north.

In the southeast you will recognize the quadrilateral of Corvus, with the remarkably white star Spica glittering east of it.

Next face the north. If you are not just sure where north is, try a pocket-compa.s.s. This advice is by no means unnecessary, for there are many intelligent persons who are unable to indicate true north within many degrees, though standing on their own doorstep. Having found the north point as near as you can, look upward about forty degrees from the horizon, and you will see the lone twinkler called the north or pole star. Forty degrees is a little less than half-way from the horizon to the zenith.

By the aid of the map, again, you will be able to find, high up in the northeast, near the zenith, the large dipper-shaped figure in Ursa Major, and, when you have once noticed that the two stars in the outer edge of the bowl of the Dipper point almost directly to the pole-star, you will have an unfailing means of picking out the latter star hereafter, when in doubt.[A] Continuing the curve of the Dipper-handle, in the northeast, your eye will be led to a bright reddish star, which is Arcturus, in the constellation Bootes.

[A] Let the reader remember that the distance between the two stars in the brim of the bowl of the Dipper is about ten degrees, and he will have a measuring-stick that he can apply in estimating other distances in the heavens.

In the same way you will be able to find the constellations Ca.s.siopeia, Cepheus, Draco, and Perseus. Don't expect to accomplish it all in an hour. You may have to devote two or three evenings to such observation, and make many trips indoors to consult the map, before you have mastered the subject; but when you have done it you will feel amply repaid for your exertions, and you will have made for yourself silent friends in the heavens that will beam kindly upon you, like old neighbors, on whatever side of the world you may wander.

Having fixed the general outlines and location of the constellations in your mind, and learned to recognize the chief stars, take your opera-gla.s.s and begin with the constellation Leo and the star Regulus.

Contrive to have some convenient rest for your arms in holding the gla.s.s, and thus obtain not only comfort but steadiness of vision. A lazy-back chair makes a capital observing-seat. Be very particular, too, to get a sharp focus. Remember that no two persons' eyes are alike, and that even the eyes of the same observer occasionally require a change.

In looking for a difficult object, I have sometimes suddenly brought the sought-for phenomenon into view by a slight turn of the focusing-screw.

You will at once be gratified by the increased brilliancy of the star as seen by the gla.s.s. If the night is clear, it will glow like a diamond.

Yet Regulus, although ranked as a first-magnitude star, and of great repute among the ancient astrologers, is far inferior in brilliancy to such stars as Capella and Arcturus, to say nothing of Sirius.

By consulting map No. 2 you will next be able to find the celebrated star bearing the name of the Greek letter Gamma ([gamma]). If you had a telescope, you would see this star as a close and beautiful double, of contrasted colors. But it is optically double, even with an opera-gla.s.s.

You can not fail to see a small star near it, looking quite close if the magnifying power of your gla.s.s is less than three times. You will be struck by the surprising change of color in turning from Regulus to Gamma--the former is white and the latter deep yellow. It will be well to look first at one and then at the other, several times, for this is a good instance of what you will meet with many times in your future surveys of the heavens--a striking contrast of color in neighboring stars. One can thus comprehend that there is more than one sense in which to understand the Scriptural declaration that "one star differeth from another in glory." The radiant point of the famous November meteors, which, in 1833 and 1866, filled the sky with fiery showers, is near Gamma. Turn next to the star in Leo marked Zeta ([zeta]). If your gla.s.s is a pretty large and good one, and your eye keen, you will easily see three minute companion stars keeping company with Zeta, two on the southeast, and one, much closer, toward the north. The nearest of the two on the south is faint, being only between the eighth and ninth magnitude, and will probably severely test your powers of vision. Next look at Epsilon ([epsilon]), and you will find near it two seventh-magnitude companions, making a beautiful little triangle.

[Ill.u.s.tration: MAP 2.]

Away at the eastern end of the constellation, in the tail of the imaginary Lion, upon whose breast shines Regulus, is the star Beta ([beta]) Leonis, also called Denebola. It is almost as bright as its leader, Regulus, and you will probably be able to catch a tinge of blue in its rays. South of Denebola, at a distance of nineteen minutes of arc, or somewhat more than half the apparent diameter of the moon, you will see a little star of the sixth magnitude, which is one of the several "companions" for which Denebola is celebrated. There is another star of the eighth magnitude in the same direction from Denebola, but at a distance of less than five minutes, and this you may be able to glimpse with a powerful field-gla.s.s, under favorable conditions. I have seen it well with a field-gla.s.s of 1.6-inch aperture, and a magnifying power of seven times. But it requires an experienced eye and steady vision to catch this shy twinkler.