A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return - Chapter 1425 - I’m Her Husband

Chapter 1425 - I’m Her Husband

Chapter 1425: I’m Her Husband


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

The girl was pale and weak.

Wei Lingnan used a ray of energy to detect her condition and found that the internal organs of her body were broken in many places. There was a possibility of complete collapse at any time.

He got up and stepped out of the intensive care unit. Both Xia Yingluo and Du Zheng gathered around anxiously and asked, “How’s the situation?”

Wei Lingnan shook his head. “Where is the attending doctor? I want to see him.”

Time was pressing, so the two couldn’t ask any more questions. They quickly arrived at the attending doctor’s office under the leaders.h.i.+p of Du Zheng. Wei Lingnan took a small bottle of light blue medicine from his carry pocket and gave it to the attending doctor. “Take this. After diluting it, give it to her on an intravenous drip.”

The attending doctor frowned and looked at him. “Sir, please don’t interfere with the treatment in case something happens to the patient…”

“I’m Wei Lingnan.” He stared coldly at the attending doctor, emotionless.

The attending doctor froze slightly, but the nurse on the side had already cried, “Wei Lingnan? Isn’t that the superhero who developed a new anti-cancer drug?!” This was one of the best hospitals in the city, and the best doctors and nurses in it were all old and busy with their work, so they didn’t chase after celebrities like the youngsters. When they heard the words Wei Lingnan, their first reaction was not the recent movie that became famous, but the new anti-cancer drug—this was the big topic that caused a sensation in the medical community.

Wei Lingnan nodded. “It’s me.”

He took a few steps forward calmly, intentionally or unintentionally covering Xia Yingluo behind him. Although Xia Yingluo had put on a mask and sungla.s.ses before she came in and would not be recognized in theory, he didn’t want to cause her trouble.

The attending doctor also responded at this time and said excitedly, “You are really Mr. Wei Lingnan?! It is a great honor to meet you! Can you tell me about the new anti-cancer drug in detail? Such a wonderful principle, I have never seen it before!”

Wei Lingnan’s voice remained cold. “We are now treating Jin Ling’er.”

Then the attending doctor returned to his senses, and the enthusiasm on his face faded. His serious att.i.tude and responsibility to the patient returned. Speaking of this critically ill patient, he was meticulous. “Sorry, Sir, I just lost my focus. But you can’t prove that you really are Mr. Wei Lingnan. The origin of this bottle of medicine is unknown, and I cannot give it to the patient.”

“He is.” This time it was Du Zheng who spoke. “Dr. Huang, if you don’t believe it, you can search the Internet. The photos of Mr. Wei are easy to find. No one will spend a lot of time on plastic surgery to lie to you, right?”

Xia Yingluo couldn’t help but glance at him.

This man was really worthy of Ling’er entrusting her life to. He had quickly a.n.a.lyzed the pros and cons and calmly examined the problem in such an emergency situation, then proposed a practical method for the doctor.

The doctor patted his head. “Look at me, why didn’t I think of that?”

He really turned on the computer in the office in front of everyone and searched directly for Wei Lingnan’s photos. He contrasted the two and determined that he was really Wei Lingnan. The attending doctor stood up in a hurry and apologized to Wei Lingnan. “Mr. Wei, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

Wei Lingnan was a little impatient. “Are you not giving Jin Ling’er the medicine?”

The attending doctor was put on a spot. He said, “Even if it is your medicine, I cannot directly use it on Ms. Jin without the permission of the hospital. This is out of the process. I cannot afford this responsibility if something happens.”

Wei Lingnan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and there was a spread of murderous aura.

The attending doctor trembled at the sight of him and stepped back a little.

Xia Yingluo saw Wei Lingnan’s eyes slowly condense. This was a precursor to the energy of the Skatana Planet to brainwash people. She couldn’t help but interrupt. “Dr. Huang, take the medicine first. If something happens…” She remembered the mask and quickly changed her words. “Mr. Wei will take full responsibility. In addition, we will do the hospital work now and will not let you take responsibility.”

Whenever there were other methods, she didn’t want Wei Lingnan to use his energy. The energy consumption of controlling people’s thinking was very large, hundreds of times more than their little disguise last time. In addition, there were Du Zheng and several nurses on the scene. After the event, they would have to dispel their doubts and it might be necessary to perform brainwas.h.i.+ng and memory reconstruction, which was also a major project that consumed much energy. She still remembered that when he was shooting

, he seemed weak because of a lack of energy, so she didn’t want him to be in danger again.

Wei Lingnan heard her, looked at her, and kept his aggressive look. He changed his tone and said to the attending doctor, “Yes, I will take full responsibility. I’ll have someone go through the formalities. This drug can be treated as a new trial. Don’t hospitals always have volunteers for that kind of drug trial? Just take Jin Ling’er as a volunteer.”

The attending doctor was still put on a spot. “Mr. Wei, I don’t mean to make it difficult for you, really… sigh, those experimental new drugs need volunteers, yes, but volunteer volunteers are all voluntary. In the case of Ms. Jin, she’s still unconscious and in a dangerous state. We would have to get her family’s signature and approval! Where is her family and are they here?”

Xia Yingluo frowned slightly. Neither of Jin Ling’er’s parents was in the city.

She was about to say something when Du Zheng said, “I’m signing. I’m her husband.”

Xia Yingluo was startled, and even Wei Lingnan glanced at Du Zheng. Since when did this man marry Jin Ling’er? It was so silent and no one knew about it. But when they thought about it again, they understood that perhaps the marriage of the two was false. Du Zheng was just in a hurry and wanted to pretend to be Jin Ling’er’s husband to resolve the issue first.

They very tacitly did not expose Du Zheng.

The attending doctor took a look at Du Zheng, but there wasn’t much suspicion. After all, after Jin Ling’er’s accident, the first one to come was Du Zheng.

He thought, according to the original treatment plan, the girl’s death rate on the bed was more than 95%. Then, it would be better to let the dead horse try out Wei Lingnan’s new medicine. Given the strength of the Wei family’s ability to develop anti-cancer drugs, maybe there was really a cure?

“Okay!” He made up his mind and told the nurses around him, “Give this bottle of medicine to Ms. Jin.”

The nurse did as instructed.

Wei Lingnan sent his senior staff in the base to handle the procedures of the new medicine. Then, he accompanied Xia Yingluo and Du Zheng to stay outside the ward.

Xia Yingluo looked at Jin Ling’er behind the gla.s.s window and watched as the nurse hung the bottle of diluted blue medicine. Her heart was still full of anxiety. She asked Wei Lingnan, “What medicine did you give her? Can you rescue her?”