A Standing Ovation With Izaya Orihara - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The standing ovation given by the spectators was shaking the whole stadium. It was probably because Kans.h.i.+rou Munakata had hit a third consecutive home run for the second time today.

However the result itself meant nothing to Izaya Orihara. The target of his interests was the movement of the human heart brought out from that result. In other words kandou, which controlled the body.

Consequently, imagining the emotions of each person echoing in the stadium from the immense standing ovation, Izaya decided to reflect upon the happiness thoroughly. Just like the loneliness of smelling nothing but the splendorous meal placed in front of someone, presently for Izaya just by thinking of the people's joy or the lament of the pitcher he could truly feel alive.

"You're making quite a delightful face, Izaya Orihara-kun."

There was a voice with various emotions feigned in an astounding amount of calm addressing Izaya, who had been immersed in conceited joy. While taking in the heat within that complex tone, Izaya had a gentle smile on his face and moved his wheelchair to the direction of the voice.

"Of course, it's because I have been able to meet with you. President of the baseball stadium Ryuusei Takioka."

"That's the most important. Call me executive."

It was Izaya in the center of the room, but the situation was anything but good. If one could thought it over normally, it would be a good impression to say it was the worst situation.

The office serving as both a unique reception room and a meeting room was actually about thirty meters wide, but with this many people spread out throughout the room the s.p.a.ce felt a bit confined.

There was Izaya Orihara sitting in the wheelchair in the center. And Sozoro standing beside him. In front of the office desk opposing them stood Ryuusei Takioka and Tamae Takioka next to him. A little off to the side Hiura sat on the sofa and a secretary with a blue tinged face was positioned behind him. And then there were several subordinates Fudou started with who knew Ryuusei's true face.

And finally there was each person of the third investigation division facing towards Izaya vigilantly. With the situation having more than twenty people crowded in there, all with weapons on them, left an impression that a one sided slaughter could begin at any point.

In the midst of such a overwhelming difference in position, Ryuusei gave Izaya a composed smile. He was looking down on him, but with a sharp gaze holding no precaution the king of this stadium spoke.

"How dare you. Though I do admire you for being able to boldly show your face in front of me."

"Would you have liked me to cower in fear within the shadows?"

"It doesn't matter if I would have liked that or not, that would be natural."

Takioka declared with no intent for negotiating, glaring him down from above.

"For stepping into the 'theater' I built, I'll have you play a suitable role. Your role will be nothing more than chinpira A who has ended up miserably begging for his life for getting too c.o.c.ky."

"There are a lot of types of producers who take the perspective of actor, you know?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not that type. I think the producer is the G.o.d of the stage and the stage director the king. A malevolent G.o.d a tyrant. It's fine for people to just be manipulated puppets. You all should just offer your respects to the stadium that is this 'theater' of mine and continue to bear fear in your hearts."

Perhaps he got more invested in this conversation, but Ryuusei spoke in a manner leaning more towards theatrical expressions as always. Each person in the area thought to themselves it was tedious and tried to brush it off. However.

Izaya Orihara began to throw back words to his statement head on.

"This place is your theater? That can't be it, right? I think the real owner is the head of the Natsugawara group Byakuyamaru Natsugawara-san. The one who makes the final decisions for what will perform in that theater. If you are not the puppet gauging the sponsor's feelings then who can prove that?"

"The substantial ruler is different from the outward king. The Natsugawara group is after all just money hungry. I completed this 'theater' the Summer Tile Stadium with just my power alone! If there is any weakness to it then it is only that is has the name Natsugawara Baseball Stadium. But eventually that too is a plan for change when I seize control of the Natsugawara group."

Takioka readily expressed his rebellion against the parent corporation, the Natsugawara group. But his rampage did not stop there.

"I have the duty to make this stadium a more perfect 'theater.' You could say I was born to do this. That's right. This stadium will surpa.s.s the boundaries of the theater in the end, and as one country, no, it'll be as one completed world itself! I can do that!"

Takioka shouted, his voice ringing like an actor of an opera.

Hiura averted his gaze, thinking, 'I'll pretend I didn't hear that just now.' And Tamae had her usual, never-changing smile, but her eyes remained quiet. The guards also did not show any expression on their faces, and one of the people like Fudou was frightened and had a look as though he wanted to say 'yeah, if that declaration is leaked outside what do we plan on doing?' However since the wild idea became a motive power to rise up in the Natsugawara group it was not easy to revoke that. They could not.

In the midst of everyone thinking that, there was the sound of applause within the office. The sound of a slow yet strong applause.


The one who gave the applause was no one else but Izaya Orihara. While remaining seated in the wheelchair, he gazed at Takioka with sharp eyes and continued to give an applause of praise.

"That is truly a magnificent dream. Indeed, for such great exploits would not have been accomplished without your level of competence. No, even if they had the competence, it is also necessary to have the power to fulfill it. In truth, you opened a vent in the Natsugawara group you direct and gained this stadium and the Serpents! The completed 'theater' you direct makes one universe. You had that possibility to do that."

Izaya praised him, raising the status of 'the world' to 'universe' nonchalantly, but Takioka frowned at the last words.

"……I had the possibility. Why did I hear the past tense form?"

"Well, it is. The present you does not have the path leading to the creation of heaven and earth as an option."

When Izaya made the mention of creation, Fudou and the ones around them had the thought 'Huh? Another one with a cork screw in their head increased?' However since Ryuusei looked over to him with glaring eyes of interest in the conversation there was not alternative to interrupt Izaya.

Without reading the atmosphere around him, Izaya continued talking in a manner for Ryuusei to swallow.

"You have a 'theater' close to perfection. And you have the talent suited as a stage director and producer for that theater. You also have the courage to fight against the world…….Just with that it would not be a disappointment. Just one thing. Well, if I could thin it down more then it's because of two components you lack that will cause the curtains to come down in the middle of your scenario."

"What are you saying that I lack?"

He at first planned to hear out the man's show of courage since he was backed into a corner, but Ryuusei immediately got concerned in what Izaya said was 'something he lacked' and got caught in his opponent's pace.

Now with pure interest, he demanded an answer from Izaya. The answer provided to Ryuusei's question was enough to jolt his heart.

"It's capable people. The cast and staff."


Ryuusei frowned, but Izaya ignored him and looked around in full circle while remaining seat in his wheelchair.

"You didn't gather the appropriate actors that would make your stage successful. And it is difficult to say your staff is doing a perfect job either. Even though your directions are perfect, the people around you don't believe in your words. With this the stage isn't complete."

As though it was enough to make one think he prepared a script from the start, theatrical phrases spilled out from Izaya's mouth at length. Sozoro had listened beside him and thought, 'he's really a man born with a big mouth.' But he remained silent and watched the course of events as the mere attendant pus.h.i.+ng his wheelchair.

"Your dreams, ambitions, no, not even your realistic plans; no one in this room believes in them. Including your sister Tamae."

"…What are you saying? That's ridiculous."

Immediately having to reject his words, Tamae oped her mouth to laugh as though scoffing. Izaya gave a single glance towards her and stated mockingly.

"You're quite fl.u.s.tered, Tamae-san. Having one eyebrow slightly raised is a sign for lying, you know?"


"I know those kinds of things. Even this is part of being an informant after all. I have to be able to tell if someone is lying or not for business."

After remaining quiet for a while, Ryuusei asked in response to Izaya with a calm and self-possessed expression.

"Izaya Orihara. Are you able to show such composure because you have the belief you won't be killed? You think we would consider the organization at your back and refrain ourselves?"

"No way. You are the type of person to actively kill and show your position to your opponent right? Then could it be a consideration for Hiura-san if you do not kill me right away ?"

Hiura glared at Izaya.

"Hey, even if I wasn't involved, if you die……would that data on the 1996 case be leaked?"

"I wonder about that. I think it would depend on the decision of the person taking care of that."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d…"

"Well, I thought I would suggest the same proposal to Takioka-san, but for your case he has the ability to dispose of all the evidence before the police or the media gets a hand on it."

Takioka answered with a snort.

"The theater is made for that purpose after all."

Takioka moved around the inside of his office desk and asked Izaya.

"Izaya Orihara, we have something called honor here. At the very least, how about we go through with the negotiations if you hand over the perpetrator."

"A perpetrator, you say. For which case? There are too many I know of that happened in this stadium. Generally speaking who are the victims?"

"Naturally, it's the murder cases. My subordinate Amagi and vice governor's bodyguard Nis.h.i.+……ummm."

"It's Nis.h.i.+kino."

HIura added plainly at Takioka's hesitance.

"Right, the perpetrator who killed Nis.h.i.+kino. It hasn't even been an hour since Nis.h.i.+kino was killed. I think he's still around the baseball stadium, but……if he is a killer you guys hired would that be a major loss, so how about presenting him to us?"

"Haha, so it's come to this."

Naturally Izaya did not know the culprit. Moreover it was a first for him to hear two people died. Nis.h.i.+kino was likely the man who showed them out from Hiura's VIP room.

"With my jurisdiction alone, I cannot. Do you mind if I make a call?"

"Yeah, but we'll listen in on all of it. You'll make the call here."

"Alright, I do not mind."

Izaya took out the cell phone and made a call with Nec's app. In an instant, Tamae's expression clouded over slightly. She probably planned to verify the other party with some method if it was a regular phone line. But with an independent app she could not immediately solve it.

Nec picked up, and Izaya started to speak to her while enjoying Tamae's mortified expression.

"Hey, it's me. Did that Usubara guy head over there?"

[Yeah, it was bad he found me. Also, I um, I honestly said I think you went in one of the stadium's offices somewhere. Sorry? And he just went into the backyard just a moment ago. The security personnel who were trying to stop him in a panic were dragged through the door, but I think it'll be bad when he hears your location from them.]

Nec's voice could not be heard to those in the area. Using that to his advantage, Izaya continued speaking as though he was talking with his employer.

"Actually, with the case of Amagi-san and Nis.h.i.+kino-san getting killed we'll need something to strike a deal. Is Usubara someone who wouldn't be a problem to dispose of?"

[……Kee hee hee. Is that it? Amagi-san and Nis.h.i.+kino-san. Ok, Ok. So, who'll do it?]

"Aah, of course Takioka-san or Tamae-san. It seems they will not be convinced if Hiura-san and the baseball managers are killed. Could I have permission from above?"

[In short, all people involved then. Kee hee hee. Right, how should we hara.s.s them?]

"Anyway if the decision is made, you can contact me through text. I'll leave the negotiations to the higher ups. See you."

[Ok, ok. Alright then, I'll go do some grave robbing. Kee hee hee.]

At the same time he cut the call, Takioka broadly grinned.

"Usubara……That's the name of our perpetrator?"

"He's a fairly strong person. If you wanted his person right away I would help give guidance, but sincerely watch out for resistance from him."

"Sorry, but we have the preparations done for that already."

After Takioka said that he opened the drawer of the desk and took out a certain object. Hidden under the bottom draw was a hand-gun equipped with a silencer.

"My, you have quite the dangerous thing there."

"It's because there are guys like you. It's necessary to have equipment to protect myself. Of course just about everyone around us has one."

And then once again he made a wide smile and with that villainous grin stated.

"You said earlier that I lacked people. But how about you? If it is you, would you be able to perform perfectly by my intentions?"

"If you're asking which I am then I am the type working behind the scenes."

"That isn't a role; that's a problem of resolve. I would like to test to see if you and I could be business partners."

And then Ryuusei slowly walked forward and placed the hand-gun in front of Izaya. The guards and the third investigation team members reached for their pockets in hast, but Ryuusei looked down at Izaya sitting in the wheelchair with an inhumane smile.

"This is the first script I'll bestow onto you as the director."

Then pointing with his chin to Sozoro standing only a few steps away ordered him.

"You'll shoot that old man who has pushed your wheelchair. By your hand."

The Sixth Parlor Room

"Huh? Where's Izaya Orihara-kun? It can't be you, could it?"

The place Yuuki Usubara was taken to was an underground parlor room. When Yuuki looked around the area, there were two children and a young woman wearing a bartender uniform. The man who guided her already left the room, and at that moment she sensed the sound of the door locking.

However, more than worrying about that right away, one of the children – the boy – called out to her.

"Eh? Onee-chan, do you know Izaya-san?"

"Ahh, seriously. To call me onee-chan, you're good at flattery."

In actuality she was in her twenties with a child-like face so it should be a normal occurrence for her, but perhaps because of her self-awareness as a widow and Ayumi's step-mother she was under the impression that she was a great mother. After she patted the boy's head, the woman wearing a bartender uniform moved towards them.

"Hey, ummm……What type of connection do you have with Izaya Orihara?"

"Eh? Yeah, right. Izaya Orihara-kun, you see, is a friend of my son!"

"Your son's…?"

Iroha Mayuzumi was confused. If she had a son, no matter how old she was her son would have to be around five years old.

So what does it mean he is a friend of Izaya's?

"Ummmm…..How long ago were you an acquaintance of Izaya-san?"

"I'm going to meet him for the first time today! At first I thought I would give him a complaint, but I'm looking forward to see what kind of kid he is when I meet him!"

The woman had suitable, sparkles in her eyes on that child-like face. Iroha remained unsure how to correspond to her. The message talked about a contact of Izaya's, but she did not seem like that at all.

"Umm, so what about you then?"

"Ah, yes. I'm Iroha Mayuzumi."

In the midst of her confusion, Iroha thoughtlessly gave her name.

"Iroha-chan! That's such a cute name! I'm Yuuki Usubara, nice to meet you!"

That was just chance. A slightly trivial moment for the one woman to decide on 'changing jobs.'

– Ah, I see.

– I really got soft (got dull).

– A killer wouldn't easily give their real name.

– Huh? Well, this one of mine is from a purchased registry so would it be fine?

– Besides I didn't have a name the last time I killed someone.

– ……

– It doesn't matter. It's troublesome.

– When today's job ends, I suppose I could run away to some other area somewhere and become a worker for a coffee shop or something.

When she was absentmindedly considering those thoughts, the woman who asked for her name continued conversing with her with an innocent smile.

"That's right! I wonder what type of job you have. Hmmm, wait, wait, I'm going to guess! Since you're wearing a bartender uniform, a bartender – would be too simple wouldn't it?"

Watching the girl circle around her to study her, Haruto joined in. 'What is it? A guessing game? That sounds fun!'

The pretty girl and elementary school boy circled around her, and in front of the peculiar situation with the two staring at her intently, Iroha stopped comprehending exactly what was going on.

"Hmmm, perhaps, a body guard?"

"How you walk is the exact same as how some of the people working in the Adamura household did, and since you don't seem to be part of the Yakuza, maybe something more along the lines of that?"

Immediately following what Yuuki suggested, Haruto made a guess.

"Well, umm, I think she's a killer!"

"Yeah, I debated that possibility too! Then let's take this chance and say she's a spy! A spy – isn't that pretty cool, a spy! Okay, what else? What's the right answer?"

To the inquisitive Yuuki and Haruto with eyes sparkling with interest, Iroha mislead them with an extremely confused look and a forced smile.

"Ahaha, there is no way I am any of those, right? …If I was an a.s.sa.s.sin or a spy, wouldn't I be scary?"

Haruto readily replied to Iroha.

"Eh? Why?"

"What do you mean why…Me a professional killer? If I was I could kill you, you know?"

"It's okay! There are good hit men! Izaya-san's friends have a lot of them!"

He spoke something so obscenely dangerous with a smile that matched his naive words.

"Besides, onee-chan gave me some ice cream! Even if you killed a lot of people, I bet you're a nice person!"

With more to add Yuuki commented as though in agreement with him.

"That's right, no matter how many people the lead actor of a historical play has cut down, he's a good person."

s.h.i.+vers ran down Iroha's back in shock.

Does that mean Izaya Orihara's connections are all like that?

Outwardly and inwardly no matter which perspective of society she took, it was apparent this was not normal. However, on the other hand, she strangely felt relieved. Even though it was an abnormal situation, to be trusted by the children immediately upon meeting them made her feel uplifted.

– A good person, huh.

– This sucks.

– Even though I just decided today will be my last at this.

Experiencing deep emotions, Iroha plainly thought with a smile.

– At this rate, my last job will become difficult to kill.

– Aaah, it's good the order to kill the kids hasn't come.

But in the end if the order was given she would follow through with her job. Though she called the children and Yuuki abnormal, perhaps her unwavering decision on the matter was due to her upbringing as a killer.

Or perhaps it was due to something more irregular.

A Certain Pa.s.sageway

In a pa.s.sageway that was not supposed to exist on the official blueprints underneath the backyard. In that pa.s.sageway there were people fallen on the floor randomly.

They were the guards of the backyard who grasped the knowledge of what goes behind the scenes and even Fudou's subordinates.

The time goes back to about ten minutes prior.

When Usubara caught Nec who for some reason sat in the seat next to Izaya, she quickly said, "Ah, you're looking for Izaya? If so he's not here anymore. He may have went to the other side." She then informed him that he was brought to the manager of the stadium.

However, there was something more important than Izaya right now.

Usubara was a poor talker, but when he asked Nec albeit with difficulty if a woman came looking for Izaya at the wheelchair seats:

"Eh? Actually a woman was talking with an official, and I feel she was brought to the back, but……If she came looking for Izaya, maybe she was taken to the same place as where the executive is?"

So she had said. He left her there and took off.

Usubara then roughly wrenched the door entrance to the personnel pa.s.sageway, broke the door k.n.o.b, and stunned the guards who tried to stop him by dragging them in with him. Usubara headed inside, found the guard who looked like he would know the location to the executive's location and tried to make him talk by threatening him. But en route from there the environment became strange.

At first if was the guards who possessed unique batons, but then they started to bring out taser guns before they brought out the knives and hand guns near the end. It was apparently clear normal stadium security guards would not have these weapons.

As he was losing his cool at the thought that this too was part of Izaya's conspiracy, he also became concerned for his step-mother. It had not even been more than two years since they meet in person, but there was one thing he knew for certain. That his step-mother accepted too much of everything.

She immediately got along with the yakuza from the Futsuku group he was a part of, and she would easily talk with the influential people who opposed him. She had a thoughtlessly observational eye, so she could clearly see through anyone if they were honest or not. But on top of that she could carelessly talk with anyone.

He could not help but think the part of her brain that would register fear was lacking. But on the other hand, he had complicated feelings regarding her since he thought she could call someone like him her son and interact with him like a normal person since that was exactly the way she was.

Usubara thought this as broke the fingers of the man who pulled out a hand gun on him. He broke one at a time, persistently asking the whereabouts of the executive. The man told him at the point when his forth finger broke, but just as he thought to try and break the man's neck, thinking it would be troublesome to let him go only for him to try and use the gun again, the face of his step-mother came to his mind. He decided to let him go and released his grip on the remaining bones of the man's fingers, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Except that he already lost consciousness when he dislocated his elbow.

Ayumi Usubara.

If someone could look past the standing out parts of his outer appearance in addition to his nonstandard power, he was an excellent destroyer who manage small tasks such as operating phones or opening doors. Although that one weak point was hardly a major handicap.

"Wha……!? M-monster!?"

Again one person took notice of him, brought out a knife from his pocket and pointed it at him. He held the knife the same way as a professional killer he crushed at his previous workplace, but for now he made a front kick out of range of the knife.


The knife pierced at the bottom of his shoe, but it was useless against the specialty safety shoe which had an iron plate at the bottom of it. His broken knife and his arm were caught. He then took a hit from the giant shoe directly into his solar plexus. The pro killer from the third investigation team felt his arm crumble and break under the impact of the blow, and he bounced several times down the pa.s.sageway before immediately falling silent.

After that Usubara proceeded to walk towards the office room. If Izaya was there, he would crush him right then and there. If his step-mother was there, he would save her at once and then leave this place. The problem was if both Izaya and his step-mother were there. What should he do?

While considering his options, the released 'Adamura's pet whale' heavily walked down the pa.s.sageway.

Without knowing bound on this day he would be given the nickname 'the blue whale baseball stadium destroyer' in the underground society.

Ryuusei's Office

Izaya, receiving the gun, smiled slightly and said to Ryuusei.

"Do you not think I would aim this gun at you?"

"The moment you move your own in my direction you'll get riddled with bullets. You can try if you have the confidence to shoot faster than the guard's reflexes, but even if you happen to shoot through the crown of my head, it would not change the fact of you getting rained on by bullets."

Izaya moved his gaze around the area. When he did he saw the several men retrieved the gun from their pockets and prepare themselves to fire at any time.

A bit of his smile vanished. Izaya turned his focus back over to the blind covered windows.

"Right, I'll tell you in advance, but it's pointless to shoot the window to try and alert the spectators to an abnormality. The gla.s.s behind the blinds are bullet proof. Only a lead bullet with that gun would smash it."

"You got me. You seriously want me to shoot Sozoro-san?"

"Sozoro? That's a unique name. Well it doesn't matter if he's Sozoro or Osero. There are amply enough bullets in there. I don't care how many shots you hit him with, but if any stray bullets come this way you'll die in the following moment."

"Telling me to shoot and kill Sozoro-san……it's impossible, that sort of thing."

Huh, Ryuusei and Tamae thought while Hiura frowned.

What Hiura took out of Izaya was that he had att.i.tude as though he would not think much of another person's life. He had doubted this old man would be that important of a person to him.

– But why would he bring him into such a dangerous place?

The question came to Hiura's mind, but Ryuusei took it as he found his opponent's weakness and looked between the old man and Izaya with a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile.

"Hahaha! So you too are a child, informant! It seems we can direct an unimaginable tragedy. But don't worry. What is beyond the overcoming of sadness is the honor of working with me."

"……I really have to do it?"

Izaya was slightly covered in a cold sweat. Ryuusei shook his head in answer with his greatest smile.

"Of course. If you can't, it'll lead to those kid friends of yours and your young lady contact dying."

– A young lady contact?

– Well. I just talked to Nec-chan on the phone.

He was confused, but for right now he did not have to time to decipher that information. Izaya looked over to Sozoro as though seeking for help.

"Izaya-dono, for these old bones you can shoot without concern. For me to have lived so long, I do not have many regrets."

"Sozoro-san……don't say that."

Izaya was shaking his head in plea, but Sozoro siply nodded with a gentle smile.

"Now then, shoot. You should prioritize the children's lives rather than this feeble-minded old man."

In the Audience

"Ah. Shoot."

Nec had been continuing her work on her laptop when raised her voice as though she remembered something.

"I forgot to tell that Izaya that Usubara was also looking for a woman……Oh well."

The audience around her stood up and started to sing the Serpent's rooting song, but having no care for the game Nec resumed typing on her keyboard. Soon after she immediately happened upon certain data asleep in the sea of the net. They were the two names of the victims she was informed about on the call from Izaya.

Takioka and Hiura had finished looking into the matter already

They were the details Takioka and Hiura had already finished looking into and the list of people connected with the baseball stadium. On it Nec discovered the items her name originated from. She happily and joyously smiled as she looked through the data.

"Kee hee hee! I found two fresh bodies~!"

Her ridiculous sounding whisper was blown away by the large chorus of the song; it did not reach anyone's ears.

Ryuusei's Office

"Hahaha! That's the spirit, old man! Now then, Izaya Orihara! Answer that senile old man's feelings."

In contract to the exalted Ryuusei, Hiura had frowned.

– Sozoro….?

– Now, I feel like I heard that from somewhere……

But before he could remember the answer, the situation in the office already began to unravel.

"It can't be helped then."

After letting out a big sigh, Izaya wiped away any expression on his face and said to Sozoro to confirm with him.

"Alright, Sozoro-san. This is because I was threatened and couldn't help it, okay? This isn't a violation to the contract, so I'd like for you to think well on that. After all, it's to save Haruto and Himari."

"I already understand. I will not bear a grudge, so please shoot already."

Ryuusei felt something off about their exchange, but then in the next moment Izaya put his finger on the trigger. And then without any hesitation he turned it towards Sozoro and took a shot.

In an instant there was the small sound from the suppressor, and the form of the old man blurred. One moment he thought the old man shook from the impact of the shot, but somehow something was off. When he looked, Izaya was crouched over in his wheelchair while grasping his right hand. And then near the ceiling a some kind of black object was revolving, suspended in mid-air. It looked like it was just making an arc, and the black object started to free fall.

The ones paying attention to Izaya gasping his right hand noticed it. The fact his right wrist was easily bent downwards.

The ones who focused on the black object noticed it. The fact that that was the gun Izaya held in his right hand until a moment ago.

From those conclusions what they knew was that not only did Sozoro dodge the bullet, he made a counter attack and hit Izaya's hand. The gun flew into the air from the impact, and in the next moment it landed in Sozoro's palm.

That was all it was.


The people around them were taken aback, creating a slight gap of time, enough so Sozoro positioned the suppressor hand gun in both hands and pulled the trigger several times as he rotated. There were m.u.f.fled plosive sounds from the suppressor; the ones who were holding guns were hit in succession in their arms and shoulders.

"Gah….." "Gua….."

And with the men's arms now useless and unable to hold their guns, Sozoro slowly pointed the mouth of the gun towards Ryuusei.


Not really catching up with the events, he raised his voice in a daze.

"To spare time, you should have left one bullet. Or you should have prepared a full revolver to entertain this hand. If you did that it would have left myself in a quite the predicament when I ran out of bullets."

Sozoro chided Ryuusei's carelessness and arrogance instead of a.s.serting his loss.

"My. I can use weapons, but my foundation is in hand-to-hand combat, so I am not particularly skillful handling firearms. Even so, from this distance I cannot miss."


The one who moaned was not Ryuusei with the head of the gun pointing at him. It was from Izaya Orihara, crouched over in his wheelchair.

Sozoro did not lie at all. Izaya could have shot him and he would not hold a grudge; his statement was completely true.

However Izaya came to the natural realization. That he never said a word about attacking back.

"…..! ……Ah! That hurts! Sozoro-san! My wrist! My wrist is dislocated, you know!?

Izaya exclaimed in protest.

"You should be glad for just this much for pointing a gun at me. Besides, I knew it was going to turn out like this because you held the gun in your non-dominant right hand."

He replied rather fast. Sozoro grasped Izaya's wrist tightly, waved it up and then pushed back down. The next moment, surprisingly Izaya's wrist was put back to the way it was. It seemed that the pain did not completely vanish, yet Izaya pasted a smile on his face as he withstood the pain while holding his wrist.

"…Seriously, it was Ryuusei's fault. Being told to point a gun at the Densuke Sozoro is the same as being told to commit suicide, after all."

The one who reacted to that sentence was Hiura.

– Sozoro……Densuke Sozoro!

"It can't be……Densuke the Lion?!"

"Well now, it seemed Adamura-san also knew, but Sozoro-san, it seems you're quite famous to the older generation."

After mentioning the name of a wealthy big shot person he was acquainted with through a certain event in the past, Izaya crossed his legs upon his wheelchair. He then spoke with a refres.h.i.+ng smile as though he did not feel the pain from his wrist and back bones.

"Well then, now that I know the p.a.w.ns here, how about we continue with the business negotiations?"

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d……after showing such disgraceful behavior you shouldn't make that kind of expression……"

"Really now? I don't really know what you mean."

When Izaya and Hiura were conversing, behind the guards who unable to move and the third investigation division guys who were shot in their arms and groaning on the ground there was one shadow moving stealthily.

It was the responsible official of security, Fudou.

While hiding himself behind them, he made a call and spoke with a quiet voice into the radio.

(It's an emergency. Everyone grab a weapon and come to the office! Also, Mayuzumi, bring one of the people from there! Izaya and that old man are dangerous! Make them a hostage! Alright!)

A gun was turned towards Ryuusei, but now that it was down to this he started to even think he would not care if he, his employer, died. Fudou could not help but want to run away from this nonsensical situation.

The Sixth Parlor Room

Hearing Fudou's orders from the radio, Iroha took a breath.

– Ah, I see.

– The third investigation division and the guards couldn't do anything against that old man after all.

– ……I don't think bringing a hostage or two now would really help.

– Well, it's work……right?

Quietly, deeply, she set her resolve; to change her mind to work. But that renewed work was interrupted. Yuuki called out to her.

"What's wrong? Iroha-chan. You're making such a scary face."

Iroha fixed her expression and addressed the three in the room.

"I'll have one of you come with me."

"Eh? Where to?"

She answered Haruto's question straightforwardly.

"To where Izaya Orihara is."

– I think the person who will follow me will meet a terrible fate.

She cut off without mentioning that. Naturally she could not tell him that she would kill him in the worst case scenario.

"To where Izaya-san is!? Okay, then I'll……"

"You can't, Haruto-kun."

The one who gently interrupted Haruto was Yuuki.


"It would be sad if you left Himari-chan here all by herself, right? If you two don't meet with him together, Izaya-kun would also be worried for her wondering where she is, you see?"

"Ah, I see……You're right. I'm sorry, Himari-chan."


Himari looked over to Yuuki and Iroha with confused eyes.

Yuuki gave her a smile and said as she took the TV remote nearby.

"Look, you can wait here and watch TV, okay? Izaya-kun will surely be here soon."

She turned on the TV screen and searched through for an appropriate channel. Seeing Haruto take a seat right in front of it, Himari after hesitating for a moment bowed her head deeply towards Yuuki.

"……Why did you decide to come?"

When they exited out into the pa.s.sageway, the men on watch were suddenly not there. It was probably because they were summoned by Fudou and were heading to the office.

When Iroha asked that question on their way there, Yuuki laughed aloud and said.

"I really don't like children dying."

Iroha's eyes widened, and she asked.

"Th-then why……?"

"Well I've been mothering Ayumi-chan for two years now……Even now, I've seen a lot of different people come by. I can somehow tell that sort of thing. And that you are the type of person to thoroughly go through with the job."

"If that's the case, then this is all the more the reason……why are you doing it?"

If she chose one of the children, then she would be safe for the mean time. Depending on the circ.u.mstances, she would have been able to run away. If she had realized it was a dangerous situation, then why did she say she would come?

"Hmmmmm……Impulse, I guess. It's the same as when I got married."

After Yuuki made a self-ridiculing smile on her childish face, she told Iroha as though to relieve her.

"Besides, no matter what happens to me, you wouldn't have liked it, right? Hurting children. If you can, haven't you thought of changing jobs?"

This time Iroha stopped in her tracks. Looking at her with eyes as though she was a spectator that could read her mind, Yuuki continued with a childish laugh.

"Looking at your face and I know, Iroha-chan. What you're thinking about really shows on your face, you know?"

Iroha thoughtlessly patted her face and gave a wry smile like an evil spirit had fallen.

For a wry smile, it was a smile right from her heart in a long time. While thoroughly reflecting on the fact it was not suitable for a killer.

Ryuusei's Office

"So then…you think you won against me? Izaya Orihara."

Ryuusei wrung out a deeply resentful voice from his throat towards Izaya, who was patting his red swollen wrist. There were a few meters of distance from the gun Sozoro is pointing towards him, but even so there was no mistake by seeing his previously demonstrated skills he could easily hit him.

Izaya told the immobile Ryuusei.

"It's not a victory or defeat. I only came for negotiations."

"I'd agree if I employed that monstrous old man. And being able to remain dignified in this kind of situation. Then the one who killed Hiura-san's guard during that blackout really was……"

"It was not us."


Having an answer beyond his expectations Ryuusei was thrown into bewilderment.

"We certainly moved in legitimate self-defense, but we do not do something so cruel as break his neck. Besides, the negotiations with Hiura-san went well, so would there be any reason to kill his subordinate?"

"Hold on……what do you mean self-defense?"

Izaya plainly answered Hiura's question.

"We were attacked. In the middle of the blackout."

Having to supply more Sozoro spoke further on the matter.

"I would say I felt it the moment the power outage happened. He attempted to strangle me, so I hit him in the nether regions and his Adam's apple then left him there."

"What do you mean…..?"

Hiura squinted as though he could not comprehend what was said.

"We were also set up. Really, the real culprits are a terrifying bunch."

"Just what are you……"

Ryuusei just started to speak up, but then the office phone rang.

"Ah, go ahead. I don't mind you picking that up."

Izaya prompted. Ryuusei picked up the telephone receiver. Honestly he thought the gun would have been thrust at him or there would have been no one on the phone, but the number on the display being one from a man he could never ignore. Ryuusei took the call.

"……h.e.l.lo. Yes. It's Takioka."

There was a slight lapse of time in silence, but then Ryuusei frowned.

"Haa……the TV?"

Hearing that, the curves of Izaya's mouth lifted into a smile and he whispered "bingo." But no one caught that.

Not understanding what was going on, Ryuusei changed the switch of the projector, playing the TV footage on the screen in the gap of the room.

And what was being projected was-

The Sixth Parlor Room


Haruto had been changing the channels at random with the remote left it on the desk, tilting his head to the side.

"What's up with this? All of them doing the same thing is boring!"

"……A special news program then? But, no, all the screens are really the same….."

Himari moved her gaze to the same footage displayed on all channels, and the moment she confirmed the contents she made an apparent deep frown.

It was not what was in the contents. She confirmed that with the case happening on the TV and their situation right now Izaya Orihara had something to do with it.

Ryuusei's Office

[Informing the Natsugawara group. Informing Byakuyamaru Natsugawara. Informing Ryuusei Takioka.]

[Call off the concessions for the Summer Tile Stadium's "lighting" and "extras."]

[For this to not be a threat means it has already been shown to the world.]

Those three sentences kept being displayed on the pure white screen. Between the intervals inexplicable images and geometrical patterns were inserted, and mixed with a noise that sounded like someone whispering it was an unsettling footage wrapped in an uneasy atmosphere just by watching it.

At first he doubted that maybe it could be projected from someone's computer screen, but going through the channels he recognized it was not a sensible phenomenon. Switching the television station and looking at certain stations that televises anime the same footage is still displayed across the board.

"An electromagnetic wave……hijack?"

Ryuusei's muscle were twitching in his cheeks. Izaya said to him while looking at his cell phone.

"Yes, right now……it looks like there's a huge commotion on the net."


"It seems a factory of the Natsugawara groups exploded during break. And then apparently there was a bottle filled with poison of some kind left in front of the Natsugawara's commodities. 'Already shown to the world' seems to be referring to these happenings. Really, somehow these incidents should have been kept quiet so it wouldn't come out to the public, but it seems it became a huge incident shaking j.a.pan!"

Izaya talked as though it was other people's affairs. But for each person in the office room: Ryuusei, Tamae, Hiura, the secretary, Fudou, each of the guards, and even the ones who were shot in theirs arms could not follow the speed of the situation.

Ryuusei had dropped the call and put aside the receiver unconsciously. There were several thoughts that pa.s.sed through his mind.

– In times like this is it possible for a hijack to occur on each station?

– No, it doesn't matter if it's possible or not. The problem is a hijack actually happened.

– Why        - Who could possibly?

– Actually, a similar case happened in Kyushu a few years back.

– It'll be in the news all over j.a.pan.       - Why the talk on the "extras?"

– How can I trick them?       - It's impossible.

– Before the police come I can clean up the evidence.      - But they will certainly begin an internal investigation of the Natsugawara.

– Is it the end?                   - For me?

– Who would do this?      - Are the murders a link to the explosion and poison then?

– But in the first place the letter only said "hand over the list of patrons and records of dealings"……

No matter what question he could think of, he arrived at no answer for any of them. However the confusion for each person in the office room did not end there. Ryuusei's cell phone blared up.

Thinking the Natsugawara group headquarters he dropped the call from was calling his cell phone this time he turned his attention to the display screen. And on there was the notification of a sent text along with the name of the sender. A name of a man that should not even be displayed.


A text from Amagi who was supposed to be dead. As though something possessed him, his thumb slid over the screen and opened the text.

[How dare you, to me]

A short sentence.

Just with that the confusion only increased.

And then as though to not give Ryuusei time to think, Tamae's and the other people's cell phones started going off one after the other. On Ryuusei's cell phone too many continuous texts were coming in. A good half were texts from Amagi, but there was one unknown address. But seeing the sender's name Nis.h.i.+kino, he confirmed it likely to be the man who was Hiura's bodyguard.

Naturally, Hiura's subordinate was dead. He was currently in the warehouse awaiting disposal, but it was hard to imagine he came back alive and sent a text.

– Then, who's cell phone….

– No…..

While the man Nis.h.i.+kino had yet to be dealt with, Amagi's cell phone had already been taken care of. But on their cell phones the unsettling sentences kept coming from both PCs and cell phones.

[Hearth, hearth, hearth  hearth, hearth]   [It's not me]     [Help me]   [Tamae]   [Hiura-san is]

[I was betrayed]   [Why me]   [Yo- -tera- -gun-  -hata]   [Don- -o]

[Fudou]   [the plane is falling]  [I was tricked]   [Ryuusei Takioka]   [   ]

From the enumeration of meaningless characters, the names of the people, to even the terms speaking ill of something, several words continuously sent through text.

"What the h.e.l.l is it? These things."

There was no way the dead could send texts. But for a prank this was peculiar.

Ryuusei, Hiura, and the guards only frowned, but Izaya observing the inside of the room noticed two people here who openly turned a pale color.

"What's wrong? Your complexion doesn't look too well. Tamae-san."

"…….! It's nothing. I always hated this. This type of horror."

She attempted to feign calmness, but the tips of her fingers were shaking slightly. However, she did not seem to plan on saying anything more than that and started to type on her tablet.

After Izaya confirmed that he called out to the other person. On top of originally looking weak-spirited, the man currently had his gaze swimming as though his eyeb.a.l.l.s were going to fly out.

"You over there also don't look so good; are you alright?"

"N-no….No, no! No!"

Ryuusei changed his focus to the man who yelled out when he was called by Izaya.


"I-, i-i-it, it wasn't me! I wouldn't….why! I'm not involved! I'm not part of the terrorist explosion……or poison! d.a.m.n! I just found Amagi's body…….s.h.i.+t!"

And then as if he went mad he pointed towards Tamae and yelled.

"Her! It's her! Everything was her! I know! I know it! You and that, Hiura's guard were together! You…..You both were on it!"

Tamae answered Fudou, who was shaking and yelling at her, mixed with sneer as she wiped the sweat from her face.

"What are you saying? Fudou, you're crazy!"


There was a dry sound. What was in Fudou's hand was the same suppressor handgun the third investigation team had.

The bullet missed Tamae's cheek; her hair that was. .h.i.t fluttered down onto the floor. With that she sunk down onto the floor, her whole body trembling.

"M, mo-……Move! Move iiiitt! I'm not it! I just, I, the culprit! I only killed the culprit! A terrorist, poison – why did it get this big, dammit! It shouldn't have been anything! d.a.m.n you! d.a.m.n you, d.a.m.n you, d.a.m.n yooooou!"

Shouting incomprehensible things, the man threatened with the gun and backed behind the guards and continued like that and ran for the door's entrance.

At about that time the door opened, two women tried to enter the room.

"Um, I brought a hosta-……"

"Outta the waaaaay!"

He shouted while flinging the gun around and thrust himself past one of the women in front of the door.


The small figured woman was thrown back by Fudou with his great physique, and after hitting her head on the hallway wall she fell unconscious.

Running past them on the side, the pale man ran far away from the room.


Watching the girl's back in the bartender uniform hurry out into the hallway, Izaya tilted his head a little.

– "I brought a hostage"…..she said that, but.

– But who was the person thrown into the hallway? Whose hostage?

But he decided to think on that later for now.

Since right now there were humans welcoming the climax of their lives right in front of him.

Not knowing what to do in front of the unusual occurrences and calamities Ryuusei stood stock still dumbfounded. And the alert sound from the succeeding texts now arriving on the computer on the desk started to ring. The senders were from the expected addresses of the dead Amagi and Nis.h.i.+kino. And on there the exchange of Nis.h.i.+kino and someone's e-mail and SNS was attached.

Forgetting that he had a gun being pointed towards him, Ryuusei looked over the attached file, devouring into it.

And then after some time had pa.s.sed, his haughty att.i.tude completely dissipated. He turned towards his own sister with an expression of that of a demon.


Tamae did not say anything. On her tablet the same file was sent. On her handheld model the remaining proof that was restored from the dregs of the server in relation to the exchange that should have been erased was displayed.

"Did you…….kill Amagi?"

"Tell me! Tamae!"

"…….It wasn't me. The one who did it was Nis.h.i.+kino."

Hearing that, Hiura's face hardened.

"What does that mean……? Does that mean the letter was written by Nis.h.i.+kino?"

"Aah, I see."

Nodding his head in understanding, Izaya interjected.

"Tamae-san here, who was in charge of managing the surveillance cameras, changed a part of the stadium's cameras into still screens. And then the true culprit Nis.h.i.+kino-san helped……is it?"

Ryuusei hearing that conjecture shook his head in disbelief.

"That can't be….why? The list of patrons and the records of the deals requested on that letter…….Don't you already have them! Yet why was it necessary to make a threat to obtain that!?"

And then Tamae, collapsed on the floor, started to talk with a completely given up expression.

"But……going ahead and use it and do business, wouldn't that expose our inner conduct?"

"In other words, once the internal doc.u.ments were leaked by a 'mysterious menace' she would have tried to use it without bringing attention to themselves to make money……something like that perhaps."

Izaya said with a light smile. Hiura asked him after opening and closing his mouth several times.

"Wait then. Then you're……It can't be that with the letter and the murders; you had nothing to do with any of it!?"

"Huh? Did I say I was involved? If I did, I'm sorry. That was a lie. It burns to have thought an informant not getting paid to tell the truth, right?"

Izaya shrugged his shoulders back in his wheelchair, and Hiura stiffened with his mouth wide open at his statement. Seeing his behavior, Tamae pasted a broken smile on her face and glared at Izaya.

"It seemed you were insane. Suddenly appearing and then behaving as though you were the culprits. I thought of inquiring of your true intentions, and so you should have been threatened by Nis.h.i.+kino-san."

"Then that blackout was……?"

"I set it up. Nis.h.i.+kino-san was the one with the switch. The truth was he was supposed to kill you near where Fudou-kun was. Haha. Hahaha."

In the Hallway

– Strange.

– Why is it. Why did it get like this.

Pus.h.i.+ng the woman aside and running down the hallway, Fudou's mind recalled the actions of his past. When the blackout happened he heard the groaning voice from the hallway by chance. s.h.i.+ning the flashlight and peering into the hallway frightfully, he saw someone collapsed on the floor, and he knew that it was the vice governor Hiura's guard.

Just as he approached thinking of helping him, an odd switch fallen beside the man caught Fudou's attention. Beside the switch was a cell phone, and both seemed to have fallen out of the same pocket. Whatever happened to him, the man continued to shake in pain. Fudou felt some kind of unsettling sign and looked at the cell phone screen. And there was the sentence 'Have you dealt with the troublemakers?' and Fudou's body shook in shock.

Thinking of the possibility he looked through the text history, and while the history was all deleted at a certain period of time there were fine exchanges of instructions left. Fudou who was the first to find the body knew immediately. That it was the exchange to confirm the process of killing Amagi. And furthermore from the process related to the surveillance cameras he realized these texts were from Tamae.

The culprit was right in front of him. The accomplice was among them.

He was afraid, but at the same time a desire arouse within him. If he finished off this man here, he thought perhaps he could take over the profits. Fudou continued to tell himself in his mind, 'It is revenge for Amagi. It is revenge for Amagi-'

He wrapped his arm around the fainted Nis.h.i.+kino in the darkness. And then feeling the nauseous sensation in his arms he told himself if he stopped here it would be h.e.l.l before breaking his cervical spine.

After that, he dragged the body to the front of the VIP room nearby, avoiding the public eye.

– After that. After that I meant to only threaten Tamae-san from the shadows.

– Tamae-san was meant to be mine!

The one who killed Nis.h.i.+kino and Amagi should have been handled as the work of the same person as long as the police were not investigating into it. The remaining evidence would have the body disappear, and with his case of Amagi's murder as his alibi no one would question him.

– That's how it should have been! What the h.e.l.l is this explosion! What the h.e.l.l is with this electromagnetic hijack!

– Why did it have to become a national level terrorist attack!

– d.a.m.n, now that it's like this I have to run!

– I don't know how far I can run from that Ryuusei, but for now-

Just as he was caught in thought, he suddenly could no longer move forward. His feet were moving, but his body had stopped.


A moment too slow, Fudou's head was grabbed by someone and realized he was being held with one hand.

"Arghh!? Ah, Ah, Aaah!"

A sharp unpleasant sound was made- but it was not his neck that broke; unfortunately it was the result of being thrown with a terrific force. At that speed it was a force bounced back with more power to be called a line drive more than a straight ball thrown from the pitcher's mound.

Fudou lost consciousness at that point, but the tragedy could not be allowed to end there.

A Few Minutes Prior – In the Hallway

When Usubara was looking for the executive's room at about that time he saw the form of his step-mother. She was being brought by a girl in bartender clothes, and they were trying to enter a magnificent door.

Usubara, knowing it was the executive's room, pressed onward with quick steps. He finally found her, but her being in good condition was the most important. After that he had to take her outside and beat up Izaya Orihara and Densuke Sozoro in that executive room.

While bearing that sense of duty, Usubara was glad to see his step-mother looked alright. However.

An event happened right in front of him.

"Outta the waaaaay!"

There was an angry shout and something came flying out from the room.

That was the one who had a smile on her face only a moment before: his step-mother. With a small cry, her delicate body was thrown onto the floor. She seemed to have been pushed over by the man coming out. It could be because she was. .h.i.t in the head, but she remained unmoving, collapsed on the floor.

Usubara forgot the next several minutes from that point on.

Ryuusei's Office

Hands placed onto the desk, his face had turned a pale color like that of a dead person. The messages kept coming up even now on his computer, but now the names of the senders were not just Amagi and Nis.h.i.+kino. Names of freelancers eliminated in the past started to mingle in, and the evidence pointing to that asleep in the underground warehouse was included. Honestly it was as though the dead came back from that world and were pus.h.i.+ng him into a corner.

"As expected, you cannot cast the dead?"

Izaya spoke to Ryuusei, standing there in the pit of despair.

"Really, you're so interesting. You truly are an amazing person, Ryuusei Takioka-san. You were close. If we met a little bit sooner and under different circ.u.mstances we may have been friends. I would have been glad to be an actor for you. But we ended up meeting differently. The "ordinary coincidence" is truly something to behold. Just a slight detail could entirely change human's fates."

"Izaya-dono, I think it would be best to cease this meaningless provocation."

Sozoro chided, but Izaya continued with his sharp tongue.

"The one who was being directed until now was you yourself, isn't it?"

"You really are just a puppet. You put strings on yourself and continue to pull them desperately to manipulate a 'strong you.' A pitiful, ridiculous puppet."


His voice was shaking, but the strength in Ryuusei's fingers on the table were tight.

"Right, more than anyone you were closer to being a puppet, but so much more human than anyone else! It's wonderful! Just looking at you makes my heart race! If this really is a theater I would generously give a standing ovation from the audience seats! It's amazing! It's truly, so truly amazing I would give a long round of applause-"

"Shut uuuup!"

Ryuusei took out one more gun from the inside of the desk and tried to point it towards Izaya. No longer caring if he was shot by Sozoro, it was a action of his resolve to die and bring Izaya with. However.

Another puzzling incident occurred for the third time. Although more than puzzling, it should be called fear itself. More so for Izaya Orihara, it was bewilderment and fear at the same time.

After all the pretty st.u.r.dy doors were crushed like plywood; a man flying through, breaking the doors. His arms and legs were bent in irregular directions, and his face swelled up with internal bleeding like that of a ranchu goldfish. With his narrow breathing as it was he would not escape death if left without treatment.

From the torn up clothing Ryuusei Takioka could tell this was the man who previously flew out of the run, Fudou.

– ……What?

– Now what's happening?

– Is all of this Izaya Orihara's work too?

He considered and moved his gaze over to Izaya, but he was also looking to the doors with bewildered eyes.

– …….?

When Ryuusei looked to the broken doors Izaya was staring at in the threshold between the hallway and the room stood a monster.

That was a giant man.

Underneath the blue hair he stared with monstrous eyes, and around them about half of his face is covered with bandages. From his eyes sanity had all but disappeared, which could be taken as him simply forgetting his sense of self in his rage rather than from drugs.

If someone were to call it a Frankenstein monster, Ryuusei right now would readily believe that. The giant had that much intensity. And with him believing he was in despair for having lost everything, he realized he was shaking in the fear of death.

The monster looked around the inside of the room and focused on the man sitting in the wheelchair. With his eyes burning in anger the monster slowly turned towards Izaya with a mad smile as though he just found his adversary and gave out a roar.


"Ah, this is a bit bad. Sozoro-saan, can you I ask you for a favor?"

"I do not mind, but then there would be no one to keep Takioka-dono with a gun in check. If you end up getting shot and die, I cannot take responsibility."

Glancing over, Izaya could see Ryuusei reaching to withdraw it. It was likely he already has a gun in his hand.

"Ummm….Ryuusei-san, how about a truce right now? Hiura-san, please say something too…….huh?"

Ryuusei was only looking between Izaya and Usubara in silence, so Hiura escaped the room with the secretary in that gap of time. Izaya's shoulders slumped as though he was stumped, but he shook his head without showing that much fear.

"It can't be helped, huh. Then I'll just have to manage on my own……"

His gaze hardened, and he began to make the preparations to use the various gimmicks equipped in his wheelchair.

"This will be the first time since I got into a wheelchair that I would have to seriously run around."

Recalling Ikebukuro for only a moment, Izaya smiled with a slight grimace.

"…..I don't think he's probably faster than him though."

And in the hallway in front of the office, there was one person who was bewildered. It was Iroha Mayuzumi looking after the unconscious Yuuki.

The time goes back slightly.

Iroha was checking on Yuuki's condition, but although she certainly lost consciousness, her pupils and breathing were alright. In any case, right now nothing would happen to her.

The moment she gave a sigh in relief thinking that, she met eyes with Fudou pa.s.sing right by her at great speed, his face swollen.

Fudou had previously pushed past Yuuki and ran away but now came flying by horizontally as half a lump of flesh. And then there was a man that could only be thought as a monster heavily step into the room following him.

Dazed, Iroha thought perhaps she was dreaming, but-


Hearing the monster's roar, she returned to herself. It appeared the monster's target was Izaya Orihara. Then she would be safe for now.

However –

– "That's right! Izaya-san is amazing!"

Unintentionally, Haruto's smile came to her mind.

And she imagined.

That at this rate if Izaya Orihara was killed by the monster, the boy Haruto would surely be sad.

And then,

– I don't want that boy to cry.

She thought that. She ended up thinking of that.

– …….

– Really, I don't have the qualities of a killer.

Without taking into account the various people she had killed in the past, reflecting on her present self she smiled.

She did not have any other orders after being told to bring a hostage. If she did not have orders- it would not matter if she moved on her own.

So she then stepped into the room. Ahead in her sights was the giant shadow approaching the man in the wheelchair slowly.

– Ah, this isn't good.

– This big person makes s.h.i.+vers run down my spine.

– His orientation is completely different, but…..he's about as bad of an opponent to face as that old man.

– ? Why is that old man pointing a gun towards Ryuusei-san?

– He seems st