Assassin's Chronicle - Chapter 262

Chapter 262

fey said. "Ah, I see. You want kids too, don’t you?"

Suzanna thought that Anfey would try to run if she chased after him, and would not finish his sentence. Anfey, however, did not try to run. He just stood there and waited as Suzanna walked down to him. The two of them stared at each other, but neither moved. Some girls liked the little things, like hugs and kisses, while some were more introverted. Suzanna would usually be the latter. She would lash out only when she was too embarra.s.sed. Now, as she was staring into Anfey’s eyes, she did not know what she should do.

Anfey raised his hand to her head. "Suzanna?" he murmured. He voice was deep and gentle, and made Suzanna’s heart flutter.

"What is it?" Suzanna asked.

"Your dream is also my dream. I will try my best to make it a reality."

"What…" Suzanna widened her eyes, realizing what Anfey was implying. She reached over, embarra.s.sed, and tried to grab his arm.

Anfey jumped back to avoid her advance. He jumped onto a wind blade that propelled himself a dozen feet away from her.

"Stay exactly where you are!" Suzanna called angrily. She summoned her combat power and chased after Anfey. Perhaps it was because she trusted Anfey too much, she allowed him to trick her time and time again.

The two of them ran into the town, and reached the back of the town in no time. This spooked Riska, who was checking the markers they left there before their departure.

"Did something happen?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes," Anfey said.

"No! Riska, don’t listen to him," Suzanna said, following Anfey.

"What?" Riska frowned and asked.

"Don’t worry about it."

Riska sighed and shook his head. Then he turned around and returned to checking the markers.

"No one has been here, right?" Anfey asked. He had reminded Christian several times that they should leave the tunnels unless Anfey, Suzanna, and Riska returned. If the markers had disappeared, it must be that outsiders were there.

"It’s perfect," Riska said, walking towards the tunnel entrance. "No one’s been here since we left."

Anfey summoned his fire sword and followed Riska. The three of them quickly found the gate to the tunnels and knocked on the large metal door.

After a few moments, a quiet voice asked, "Who is it?" If the three of them weren’t standing still, they would have missed it.

"It’s us," Anfey called.

"You guys are back!" Anfey recognized Christian’s voice. "Quickly! Open the doors. Feller, go tell everyone. They’re back!"

The door opened slowly, accompanied by a cacophony of chains rattling. After Anfey, Suzanna, and Riska walked through, the door closed slowly.

About a hundred feet away, Christian appeared from one of the side tunnels. "Welcome back!" he said happily. His voice was very high, and he was walking very fast, with his arms out. Christian was normally a reserved and quiet person, and did not easily let his emotions show through. His actions now proved that he was overjoyed.

Anfey walked over with a smile and embraced Christian. He looked at Christian and said, "You are so pale. You look like a proper toy boy now."

Christian shook his head and said, "If you lived here, you would be too."

"How is everyone? Is everything alright?"

"Everyone is good. Let’s go back and talk. Oh, and Black Eleven is back."

"He’s back? I thought he had stayed in White Mountain City," Anfey said, surprised. Bruzuryano had told them that Black Eleven was attacked on the way to White Mountain City and suffered serious injuries. He had survived, but Anfey expected him to stay in the city until he was in better condition to travel.

"If it wasn’t for the High Priest of Light, Slanbrea, he would still be in bed," Christian said. "He’s worried about you guys, but he’s also worried about us. So he came back after just two days of rest. Come on, everyone will be so happy that you guys are back."