Assassin's Chronicle - Chapter 168

Chapter 168

were fighting. You felt murderous. That’s not a good thing."

Suzanna hesitated, then said softly, "My combat power isn’t like normal combat powers. It’s difficult to explain. You wouldn’t understand."

"How do you know? You didn’t tell me anything about it."

Suzanna shook her head. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted someone. She turned to take a good look and called out, "Anfey, look. What is she doing?"

Anfey turned and found a shadow crouching next to a tent.

Isis held a dagger between her wrists and was kneeling on the ground. She tried to stab herself in the neck with the dagger. It was difficult, and she missed two times, but she continued stubbornly. Under the moonlight, it was easy to see the blood dripping down from her neck. She gasped in pain, but continued on with her movements. She was very determined.

Suzanna was going to run over to stop her, but she was stopped by Anfey, who shook his head slowly. Suzanna stood there, and tears began streaming out of her eyes. Just then, Isis’s cries of pain alerted those who were still awake. Christian and Blavi were among those who ran out of their tents to check on the situation. The dagger between Isis’s wrists flashed a cold, silvery light. She fell forward stiffly, and fell onto the dagger. Her body tensed, then slowly relaxed.

Everyone knew what had happened to Isis, but watching her killing herself was too much for them to handle. Someone cried out in shock, some covered their mouths with their hands. All eyes were focused on Isis.

"Why didn't you try to help her?" Niya asked angrily.

"You can save her today, but tomorrow? Do you think you could save her every time?" Anfey asked coldly.

"Niya, don’t blame him," Suzanna said, wiping her tears away. "You don’t know what she had been through. It would be hard for anyone to continue on living after that."

"If she wanted to live, she could use time to ease the pain of what had happened to her. No one would purposely try to remind her of her past. Even if she did not want to stay with us, she could find a place where no one knew her and her past and live there. If she had lost all will to live, why force her to continue on with us?" Niya turned her head away. Even though she hadn’t known Isis for long, she knew Isis had gone through h.e.l.l. Her untimely and unfortunate end had touched everyone present.

Making a decision like this had a lot to do with Anfey’s personality. If Isis had wanted to live, he wouldn’t treat her any differently. If Isis had wanted to die, he wouldn’t try to stop her, either. If there was someone who had grown up without any darkness or hards.h.i.+p present, they might try to talk to Isis and stop her from killing herself. However, Anfey could not. He was under a lot of stress, and he did not have the time or the energy to deal with someone he barely knew. He could only watch and let Isis make her own choice.

Anfey walked over slowly. Isis was still breathing softly. He could tell from her eyes that she had conflicting emotions. However, he knew there was no hesitance or regret.

Anfey peeked into the tent. The princess was still asleep. She had spent days in a cage, and that night she had witnessed a battle. In the end, she had punished the prisoners to avenge herself and her friend. She must be physically and mentally exhausted. She didn’t know her friend had already ended her life. For her, it may be a good thing. Witnessing something like that would break her.

"Christian, bury her," Anfey ordered.

"Poor woman," Christian said, shaking his head and sighing.

"Poor?" Anfey asked. "Remember the girls in Lagan City?"


"Remember. This is a world of survival of the fittest. Don’t show your weakness, or else one day this may be your end."

Everyone was quiet, trying to understand Anfey’s words. After everything that had happened, everyone had their own understanding of power and survival. This tragedy was additional proof that they must remain powerful.

They had remained alive up until that point because of Anfey and Suzanna. What if they found themselves alone one day? With the woman still lying on the ground, dying, everyone felt an acute desire for power.

"What happened in Lagan City?" Suzanna asked.

"Let Niya tell you."