Assassins: Rushing The Goal - Assassins: Rushing the Goal Part 33

Assassins: Rushing the Goal Part 33

"No, you have my daughter subjected to filth between that River bastard and this guy. She needs stability, and Lord knows that ain't you. We're done talking."

He stomped off, but his wife stayed behind, embarrassment all over her face. She looked to her husband and then back to Lucy. Leaning in, she said, "I'm so sorry, Lucy. I'll talk to him."

Lucy's lip trembled as she shook her head. "It's whatever. Did he tell you about dance?"

"Yeah, I pulled her."

"Thank you," she said, looking to Nina. "Hey, Nina."

"Hi, Miss Lucy," the little girl said in a small voice.

"Okay, well, sorry. See you guys later," Heidi said, walking away with Nina.

He could feel the anger and the embarrassment pouring off Lucy. When he looked over at her, she was fighting back tears as she slowly shook her head. Clearing his throat, he reached for her, but she put her hands up. His stomach dropped.


"No, I need a minute," she said, sucking in a deep breath and letting it back out. When a tear slowly slid down her face, he wiped it away and ignored her flinching, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple.

"It's okay. He's scum, baby, calm down," he said because she was shaking so badly.

"No, you shouldn't have done that," she breathed against his chest, her body shaking. "Damn it, Benji."

"He won't talk to you like that," he choked out as she pressed her nose into his chest. "I won't stand for it."

Slamming her fist into his chest, she shook her head before pulling out of his arms. "Yeah, well, thanks."

She turned on her heel, but he was right behind her. "What, you want me to stand by and not stand up for you?"

"I don't need anyone to stand up for me," she snapped back at him. "I've got this. I can deal with him. Just, shit!"

She opened the door but he pushed it closed, pulling her to the side. "No, don't walk away from me."

"I have to get to my daughter," she bit out, her eyes flooding with tears. "Before my family makes this even worse."

"Lucy, look at me," he demanded, but she shook her head.

"I can't. I just can't, okay?" she said, pulling out of his grip. He didn't want to let her go, but when he looked in the direction of her gaze, Angie was watching, her brows together. "I need some time."

"Time?" he bit out, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yes, just...please," she said, moving out of his hold and walking to the door. She opened it and headed to where her family stood with Angie. Rick was nowhere to be seen, but Benji was frozen in place, unable to understand what he had done wrong.

He just wanted to be there for her.

How was that wrong?

No one should be able to talk to her like that. Maybe he had overreacted, but, no, that dick wasn't going to treat her like that. He did nothing wrong. Did he? Shit.

Turning, he reached for the door, pulling it open and walking through before running his hands through his hair, frustrated. He wasn't sure if he should leave or go to where everyone was acting like Rick didn't matter and was gushing over Angie.

He knew he couldn't leave without saying good-bye.

Walking to the group, he came between Autumn and Jayden, watching as Lucy helped Angie put on the clothes she had brought. When her mother's hand came to rest on his arm, he looked down to see her smiling at him.

"Thank you," she mouthed, her eyes full of appreciation. He nodded slowly, unable to speak as Angie rambled happily.

"I want Texas Roadhouse, River," she said and River grinned.

"Anything for the superstar."

She grinned and then looked to Benji. "You'll come to lunch, right, Benji? Or are you busy?"

Lucy's gaze cut to his, but then she went back to fixing Angie's jacket.


"Of course he'll go," Autumn said, rubbing his back with a big smile on her face. "He's a big guy, he needs food. Right, hon?"

But Benji was looking to Lucy, waiting for any sign as to what he should say, but apparently that jacket was really important. Or the buttons were giving her a hard time. He wasn't sure, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't even know where he stood with her, but before he could even decide, Angie was practically begging.

"Come on, Benji, please!"

Swallowing hard, he smiled down at her and nodded. "How can I say no to the glittery butterfly princess?"

"You can't!" she cheered, wrapping her arms around Lucy's neck. "I'm so happy!"

Lucy smiled as she kissed Angie's cheek. "That's all that matters, baby."

But what about Lucy?

What about her fucking happiness?

"Benji, can I ride with you?"

Looking over at Lucy, he found she wasn't looking at him or even at Angie, for that matter. She was carrying Angie's bag, her lips pressed together, her eyes on the door. God, he hated this. He didn't want her to be upset, and he really didn't like that he wasn't sure if she was mad at him or not. He just wanted her to talk. Tell him something.

When he looked down at Angie, her eyes were wide and hopeful, and Benji couldn't say no.

He was wrapped around her finger.

Hell, both of their fingers.


"It's up to your mom. You both are welcome to ride with me," he said as he pushed the door open, holding it for both of them.

"Mom! Can we?"

"Angie, honey, I can drive."

"Yeah, but I want to ride with Benji. He has, like, this huge truck-"

"Honey, not right now," Lucy complained, rubbing her eyes, and when she looked down to see Angie's dejected expression, she let out a breath. "I'm sorry, honey. I have such a headache."

"More reason for Benji to drive."

Clearing his throat, he said, "I don't mind. I can bring you back to your car after lunch."

Sighing, she shrugged, and he could tell she just didn't want to fight. "Whatever. Stay with Benji. I'm gonna put your stuff in the car."

Sliding her hand into Benji's, Angie shrugged as they watched Lucy walk to her car. "Guess she's not feeling good."

"Yeah," Benji said, his heart heavy. He was pretty sure she was mad at him, and he still really didn't understand what he had done wrong. But he sure as hell wasn't going to apologize. Rick could suck it; he wasn't going to talk to Lucy like that. It was that simple. Clearing his throat, he gave her a weak smile. "She'll be okay."

Angie nodded. "Yeah, she always is. My grandma says she's the strongest woman she knows."

Benji agreed. But at what expense?

She always worried about everyone else and not herself. She felt she could handle everything, so fiercely independent. It was killing him. He wanted her to lean on him. Let him help. Let him be there for her. But then, who was he to ask that of her? He had just come into her life; she wasn't used to it. But he would do everything for her to know that he was there. That he wanted to help.

When she started back toward them, Angie's booster seat in hand, he tried to smile at her, but she ignored him, taking Angie's other hand. Giggling, Angie squeezed both their hands, looking at Benji then to Lucy.

"Aw, we're like a family!" Angie cheered, swinging their hands, and Benji smiled, while Lucy did not. "Isn't this nice, Benji?"

Benji nodded, but he didn't answer because Lucy warned, "Angela."

"I'm just saying," she said simply, but Lucy wasn't playing, and Angie's shoulders soon fell in defeat.

God, this sucked.

Reaching his truck, he opened the back for Angie and she hopped in with her seat, shutting the door. Lucy tried to get in, but he was blocking her on purpose. Turning to him, she gave him a look. "You're in the way."

"I know. Listen-"

"Not now," she said, her eyes pleading. "I can't right now. I'm doing everything to hold it together. Please, Benji. Not right now."

He could see it in her eyes and it gutted him. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, kiss her, tell her it was okay, but he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. "Do you need a hug?"

Her shoulders fell as her lip wobbled and she looked away. "I do, but not now. Not with Angie right here," she almost whispered and his heart sank.

"Rain check?"

"Yeah," she whispered as she pulled in another breath. He nodded, opening the door for her. She climbed in, and before he shut the door, he heard Angie ask if she was okay. Walking around the car, he saw Lucy reassure her daughter that she was. But he didn't think she was, and he also wasn't sure they were okay.

He wasn't sure which thing bothered him more.

But he knew he could deal with them not being okay; he could fix that. But he worried about her. Could he fix her? Would she even let him?

Swallowing hard, he started the truck as Angie asked, "Did you hear from Dad, Mom?" Lucy stiffened as she folded her hands in her lap. But before she could answer, Angie said, "I didn't see him. Sucks he didn't come."

Shaking her head, Lucy let out a long breath. "He was there. You didn't see him?"

"No, where was he?"

"By the visitors' side."

Angie thought that over for a moment. "Why didn't he say anything to me?"

Rage filled Benji's soul as he sucked in a frustrated breath. What a dick.

"I don't know, honey," Lucy said sadly, and Benji couldn't stop himself, he reached over and laid his hands on Lucy's. "I'm sorry he didn't."

"Isn't your fault," she said simply, and Lucy closed her eyes as Benji squeezed her hand.

"She's right, it's not," he said then, but Lucy didn't say anything, she just looked out the window.

And he wanted to shake her.

At lunch, she also had nothing to say. No one really did, though. Benji talked hockey with Jayden and River, while the girls gushed over Angie. Lucy, though, she just sat there, smiling when she should. But it never reached her eyes. He tried to enjoy lunch. Autumn was a hoot, and River was so doting on her and Baylor and really proud of Angie. He remembered the man to be so hard, but seeing him with his ladies was sweet. It was obvious he loved them all. Even Lucy. He wrapped his arm around her, hugging her, and she curled into his side. But she didn't say anything, just a weak smile that didn't fool anyone.

"Honey, eat," Autumn urged but Lucy shrugged.

"I'm fine, Mom, just tired. Not really hungry."

She was a horrible liar and everyone knew it, especially Autumn. To his surprise, though, she didn't say anything as she turned to look at Benji. "Benji, where are you from?"

Laying his fork down, he wiped his mouth and sat up straight. "Chicago, right outside the city in the suburbs."

"Oh, how nice. Is your family still there?"

Benji paused. He wasn't sure, but he assumed so. "Yeah."

"Is it just you? Or do you have siblings?"

He cleared his throat, Silas heavy on his heart as he tried to smile. "I had a brother, but I lost him in a car wreck when he was seventeen."

Angie's brows pulled together. "He died?"

Benji nodded sadly. "He did."

"That's so sad, I'm sorry. Isn't that sad, Mommy?"

Lucy looked up then, meeting Benji's gaze. "Yeah, it is."

He gave her a small smile and he picked up his fork as Autumn asked, "So are you single, Benji?"

"He is!" Angie giggled and Lucy cut her a look.