Assassins: Rushing The Goal - Assassins: Rushing the Goal Part 27

Assassins: Rushing the Goal Part 27

Benji: No, I unfortunately slept on the plane thinking I was coming home to hot, naked butt.

Lucy: That sucks.

Benji: You have no clue. So if I suck at kissing tomorrow, we can blame you.

Lucy: Me?

Benji: You.

Lucy: Rude.

When he sent an emoji smile that had his tongue sticking out, she giggled. When the light turned green, she set her phone down as she hit the gas, taking off in a frenzy. She was ready to see him. Now. Turning into his community, she sang to Sam Hunt, loud and with no cares. She was so excited, so damn happy, and she felt good. A little guilty, but then Jayden was Angie's family, she was fine. Lucy was doing this for herself. She needed this.

She missed him.

When she turned onto his road, she could see his house and a grin appeared on her face as she slowed to pull into his driveway.

But then she noticed a pair of blue lights flashing on his white house.

Looking behind her, she saw they belonged to a cop car.

That had his spotlight on her car.

"Driver, stay in the car."

Stunned, she muttered, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

But this was Lucy's life.

A fucking mess.

When blue lights started to flash in his window, Benji turned in his chair to see that there was, in fact, a cop car in front of his house.

At two in the morning.

Probably some dumbass drinking and driving.

"Idiot," he said, getting out of his chair to shut his blinds since the lights were distracting as he tried to watch Netflix. He really didn't think Lucy would be there, but a part of him hoped she would be. Because of that, he was annoyed, and this was not helping. As he reached for the cord to the blinds, he looked out to not only see the cop car, but also a car that looked very much like Lucy's.

In his driveway.

"What the hell?" he said, moving to the front door and opening it. As he stepped out onto the porch, the cop turned, and sure enough, Lucy was sitting in the car, looking at him with a sheepish expression on her face.

"Sir, return to your house. Nothing to see here."

Benji scoffed. "You're in my driveway. Obviously, there is something to see," he said, coming down from the porch.

"Sir, please stop where you are. I'll be done in just a minute," the cop demanded and Benji paused, Lucy slowly shaking her head. Even in the dark, he could see her face was beet red. "Ms. Sinclair, why are you driving over here so late at night? Have you been drinking?"

"No," she said, frustrated. "My, er, friend, just got home from a trip, and I came to see him."

The cop looked back at Benji, and he waved. "Hi. I'm the friend."

Turning his back to Benji, he said, "Now, ma'am, you were speeding through a residential neighborhood."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was excited to see him and wasn't paying attention. Please, don't give me a ticket. I get one more ticket and my license gets suspended and I have a kid, and ugh, I should have never left the house."

"I agree, ma'am," the cop said sternly, looking at her paperwork. "But give me a minute. Let me make sure you don't have any flags on your record."

As he walked away, he looked back at Benji. "Stay where you are."

"Yes, sir," he said as he sputtered with laughter, which did not please the cop at all. When the cop got in his car, Benji shook his head, meeting Lucy's gaze. "Really?"

"Surprise?" she said with a shrug and he laughed.

"Only you."

"I know. It's so bad," she said before letting out a long breath. "I just wanted to see you."

"Hey, I'm not complaining, and if you get a ticket, I'll pay it," he said with his hands up in the air and she grinned.

"Shut up," she said as the cop got out of the car and came toward her.

"Ma'am, are you related to Jayden Sinclair?"

Lucy's face changed, dimples beaming as she cheered internally. "Yes, sir, I am. That's my little brother, and I love him more than anything and he loves me. I'm his favorite."

Benji snorted with laughter as the cop nodded. "You're in luck. He's my favorite player on the Assassins."

"Really? He's one of mine too, but my other favorite is Benji Paxton. He's standing behind you."

The cop paused and then turned to look at Benji. "Really?"

Benji nodded. "Yup. How you doing? Can I move?"

The cop smiled as he came over, shaking Benji's hand. "Yeah, wow, it's really cool to meet you. Great playing in Minnesota. I watched it in my car tonight."

Benji grinned. "Awesome. Thanks, man," he said, slapping the cop on the shoulder and taking in his name. "Listen, Edwards, call up the box office and there'll be some seats for you come Monday, all right?"

Officer Edwards beamed. "Yeah, thanks, man!"

"No problem. I truly believe in supporting our first responders. I appreciate you keeping the streets safe from thug speeders like my girlfriend."

Lucy glared and Edwards laughed. "Eh, she wasn't so bad."

"I don't know, maybe you should arrest her to be sure. I can frisk her for you," he teased, and he was sure he was tiptoeing the line between getting laid and getting killed once she was inside. As he wanted, Edwards laughed and shook his head.

"Nah, she's good. You guys have a good night. Go Assassins!"

"Thanks, buddy," Benji said as he walked to the car to open the door for Lucy. After rolling the window up, she stepped out, glaring at him. "Hello, Speedy."

"I should go home," she said, but she wasn't going anywhere. Shutting the door, he reached for her, pulling her to him.

"You're not going anywhere, you sexy delinquent," he whispered against her lips before crashing his mouth to hers. Gasping against his mouth, she slid her hands up onto the back of his neck as he hugged her tighter to him, moving his tongue into her mouth.

God, he had missed her.

As she melted against him, their kisses became more urgent. He knew if he didn't stop while he was ahead, they were going to get arrested for indecent exposure. So reluctantly, he pulled away, kissing her nose.

"Come on, my smooth criminal. Let's take this inside."

Rolling her eyes, she smacked his arm as he pulled her down the walkway. "Shut up!"

"Oh, give me a second and you'll be yelling something else," he promised and she took in a sharp breath as he helped her up the steps. Once inside, he slammed the door shut, pressing her body into it as he caught her mouth with his. Arching into him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her leg coming up to hook along his hip.

Pulling away, he kissed her jaw as she lengthened her neck, gasping his name. He wanted to take her right there, right then, but first, he found himself asking, "Angie okay?"

"Yeah, Jayden is with her."

"You told Jayden?" he asked, surprised, between kisses.

"No, somehow he suspected. Any idea how?"

He paused, moving his nose along her jaw. "I'm gonna lie and say no, okay?" he said, pulling back to look at her. Her eyes were dark as stone, full of lust, and fuck, she was beautiful. "Only because I don't want to fight with you right now."

Shaking her head, her eyes narrowed. "You told him?"

"Shh, kiss me," he demanded, taking her mouth with his, and she didn't protest or stop. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his middle, her mouth meshing with his in a sexy frenzy. She was just as hot as he remembered, if not hotter, and he swore there would never be enough time to truly get his fill of this gorgeous woman. But he was going to try. He was going to try until he couldn't try anymore.

Lifting her away from the door, he tore his mouth from hers so he could see where he was going. She dropped the jacket she wore, and he stepped over it, heading for the stairs. She held on to him, her lips trailing along his jaw, and then his neck as he climbed the steps to his bedroom. Once there, he laid her down, covering her body with his as he pulled at the T-shirt she wore. Lifting it over her head, he kissed down her breasts, which were held by a very sexy white lace bra.

"Jesus, you're so hot," he murmured against her skin, dipping his hand into her sweats, cupping her pussy. Arching into his hand, she cried out, her body vibrating underneath his. "God, I've missed you."

"Less talk, more do," she demanded, and he chuckled against her goose-bumped skin.

"Maybe I want to talk about my feelings?" he said, pulling up and looking down at her flushed face.

"Feelings?" she asked, out of breath, arching more into his hand.


"Well, here's one: horny. I'm feeling fucking horny, and if you don't fuck me, I'm gonna get myself off and go home."

His brow quirked. "I mean, I might be down with that. Except for the going home part. But watching you get yourself off could be very satisfying for me."

Her eyes narrowed and he grinned. "Don't try me, Paxton."

"Oh, baby, I'm not trying. I'm actually about to beg. Here, let me take your pants off for you," he breathed, pulling down her sweats and thong, throwing them to the ground. Drinking her in, he bit into his lip, shaking his head. Her body was beautiful, all flushed, and her pussy was so pretty, her lips shining with her arousal. He wanted to drop his lips to her, suck her into his mouth, but he liked her idea better. Swallowing hard, he looked back up at her face and then nodded. "Please, don't let me stop you."

She eyed him, her breathing heavy as she held his gaze. The challenge was in her eyes, and he wasn't sure if it was her hotness or her never-back-down stare that had his body taut. Her eyes were so dark, so gorgeous, and fuck, he wasn't sure he could handle this. Moving her tongue along her bottom lip, she closed her eyes a little and his breath caught.

Yup, he was a goner.

"Are you serious?" she gasped, her hands slowly going down her belly, stopping right at her beautiful, plump pussy. "You want me to?"

He could only nod as she traced the outline of her lips with her forefingers. Swallowing hard, he watched as she moved her fingers up to his mouth. "I need some wetness, please."

"Baby, that pussy is good and wet, I can promise you that," he somehow managed to get out and she shrugged.

"Maybe I just want your mouth on me?"

Fuck, where had this sex kitten come from? Taking her fingers into his mouth, he locked his gaze on hers. He swirled his tongue around her fingers, flicking his tongue at the tips, causing her breath to hitch as she watched him. After pulling them from his mouth, she moved them between her swollen lips and into her delectable center. Breathless, he watched as she moved them along her clit, inside of her and out, her eyes never leaving him. A shiver ran down his spine and his cock; it was rock hard, begging to come out.

He almost brought it out, but he couldn't move. But then, licking her lips, she reached out with her other hand, moving her fingers along the bulge in his sweats, still pleasuring herself. Closing his eyes, he arched into her hand, unsure if he could handle much more. She kept him on the edge, and he was really about to embarrass himself. Or so he thought.

Suddenly, her hand was in his pants, pulling his cock out into her soft, cold palm. He cried out from the sensation, and she grinned before sitting up and moving to him, taking the tip of him in her mouth.

"Oh fuck," he hissed, his hand coming up into her hair. It was in a ponytail, so he quickly undid it, her hair spilling onto her shoulders only for a second before he balled it up in his hands, squeezing as she took him into her hot fucking mouth. "Mmm, yeah, baby," he urged her as she sucked him in, all the way to the back of her throat, and then back out.

He couldn't handle it. She was pleasing him and herself, and he wasn't sure what to watch, what to do, for that matter. So he just felt, his eyes falling shut as she continued to wreak havoc on his body. When she gasped, crying out against his cock, he sucked in a breath as she came, her body jerking forward, his cock going farther down her throat and causing her to gag. Backing up, she glanced up at him, desire swirling in those green depths, and he knew he couldn't come like this.

No, he had to be inside her.

Moving out of her mouth, he went to lay her down, but she pushed him back against the pillows, reaching for his pants and pushing them fully down his legs and onto the floor. A cute little grin sat on her lips as she undid her bra, and he threw off his shirt before she climbed into his lap, her wet center sliding against his engorged, sensitive flesh. He hissed out a breath, and their mouths joined as she rocked against him, making him completely and utterly crazy.

Still kissing him, she went up on her knees before reaching for him and directing him inside her. To his oblivion. She lowered onto him, their moans filling the room as their eyes met and the world stopped. Reaching up, he cupped her face, and everything inside him was on fire. This woman. Fuck, this gorgeous fucking woman. Leaning his head to hers, he whispered, "I'm so glad you came and almost got arrested."

She grinned against his lips, her nose brushing his as she clenched herself around him. "I would do it again if this is what waited for me."

His eyes searched hers, and he wondered if she was feeling what he was. Hell, what was he feeling? But before he could even figure that out, she was moving up and down on his cock, sending him into another universe, slowly and almost painfully. Holding her ass, he wanted to go deeper. He wanted to feel her all over him, but she was drawing out each movement, blowing his mind and making him crazy all at once.

"Faster," he said, smacking her ass, which she glared at.

"Shh, this is a good speed. It's nice," she said slowly, undulating on top of him.

"I want more."


"Yes, fuck," he said, sliding his arms beneath her legs and lifting her as he went up on his knees. "Faster," he said more forcefully before jackhammering up into her, her body slapping against his. Crying out, she hung on as he went deeper and deeper, her whole body clenching around his.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," she panted, her body jerking against his, her pussy squeezing his with another release. Closing his eyes, he nuzzled his nose into her neck as his body jerked. Then he was arching up into her, his body stilling with his own orgasm. It shook him to the core.

The fucking core.

As she gasped for breath, her body squeezed his while he pulsated inside of her, his body shaking from the aftershocks of one hell of an orgasm.

God, he had never come so hard in his life.