I noticed that each and every single living human being around me has this disturbingly happy looks on their faces as if they're a bunch of drugged-up hippies going to a free Pink Floyd live concert. They're donning a wide grin on their wrinkled up and ashen faces along with unblinking pairs of eyes that only directed towards the direction before them. They seem zombie-like as they moved with their heads hunched forward, making their backs turn into an unusual arc shape. They didn't even look at me—no, they weren't looking at anyone else in the whole wide world other than what seemed like their destination.
The hall rummaged along with the many sounds of footsteps as the Plural Heights members ambled towards the broken escalator. Almost magically, the escalator that wasn't working just a few seconds ago started to function once more when someone finally stepped onto it.
The almost lifeless, weirdly unblinking, and perpetually smiling members of the Plural Heights group continued to traverse up every escalator from every floor until they reached the sixth and final level of the mall. Throughout their journey, I remained behind them with furrowed eyebrows and a pained grimace on my face. The group then finally started walking towards the entrance of the mall's only working cinema so cordially and orderly that one could consider them as a group of humans acting like working ants, traveling back to their hill.
The entire cinema looks precisely like what every mall theater would look like: bland, cheap-looking, and unimpressive with posters plastered outside everywhere, a few attendants here and there, and a sign above the open door that says, 'Mother Has Arrived.' I thought it was some kind of movie t.i.tle at first, but when I saw that the poster of whatever they're showing in the cinema contains the face of Veronica, I know then and there that this will be some talk or a seminar. Obviously, Veronica will be in the center stage.
Since I was the last one in the long line of people who are going into this lone mall cinema, I was also the last one to notice that Jimmy was inside of the cinema, beside the door, telling people to go inside accordingly and sit on every available seat. He would then repeatedly tell everyone not to let any seats unused and not to reserve a s.p.a.ce for latecomers. When I finally entered through his line of sight, Jimmy's eyes brightened with an unbelievable glow as he escorted me to my specially designated chair at the very front beside him. Jimmy told me that the seats are reserved for him and his forum members; thus, since I was also now a part of his community, he had told me to sit with them.
When I arrived, I saw the familiar faces of all the members in Jimmy's forum—of course, the lovely Nicole will also be sitting there with her lovely and radiant smile that would melt all the hardened hearts of all ice-cold gentlemen. When I looked down at them, Nicole moved her head towards our direction and tapped the empty seat right beside her. Jimmy then slowly pushed me towards her, and Nicole pulled my hand towards her direction, making me stumble a bit and almost forcing me to sit beside her. Jimmy then sat on my right side as I looked at Nicole in bafflement who's smiling with an awe-struck look on my left hand.
After a while, I noticed that I was starting to get lost in Nicole's flawless and pale face as my gaze suddenly drifted towards her pink and luscious lips that would make any man drool in a matter of seconds. My immediate trance halted when my surroundings suddenly erupted with the loud cheering and applause originating from all the enthusiastic members sitting behind me. Most of them were even standing up, jumping around, crying uncontrollably, or kneeling with their fingers tightly intertwined together. Still, all of them had their eyes on the real star standing at the very center of the stage.
And at the very instance, nothing else in this room mattered other than her, the Mother, Veronica.
"How are you, my children?"
Bellowing and overwhelming response that almost made me thought that I accidentally attended a One Direction fan meet.
Every single living person in this room started to clap and scream like their very living being depends on having the best reaction among all their fellow members. This, undoubtedly, made Veronica feel more than just pleased—she looked quite ecstatic, almost moved by their unbelievable response. Still, it was also apparent from how calmly she seems right now that she had done this thing many, many times before.
"I want you to all repeat after me, 'I am strong!'"
Everyone around me, including Jimmy and Nicole, repeated what Veronica had just said.
"I am free!"
Again, all of the people, young or old, repeated those words like it was the only sustenance their body ever needs.
"I am me!"
At this point, I already got the memo, and I didn't really want to feel like I'm some kind of odd one out, so I started to repeat those words underneath my breath with a pathetically confused expression painted all over my troubled face.
"Okay, this one's long. Are you ready?" Veronica uttered with a bit more enthusiasm than earlier as she leaned her body forward with an expectant gaze. After saying those words, she extended her hands towards her audience to point the microphone at us.
"Yes, Mother!" Everyone around me said in varying degrees of excitement.
"Yeah... I guess?" I said with an awkward chuckle as I started playing with my hands while my eyes wandered aimlessly all around me.
"Very good, children, very, very good! A plus! Now, I want you to say, 'I denounce my current G.o.d. I reject the media. I shun the government!' Now say it with me!"
Veronica then uttered those three sentences once more, but this time, the members of the audience spoke those same sentences along with Veronica.
"I denounce my current G.o.d. I reject the media. I shun the government!" They all cried out as Veronica's voice rang throughout the loud and huge speakers all around.
"Now, say those words again the way I told you last month!" Veronica said before directing the microphone towards the audience again.
"Faraqha, sharvhaza, dheze!"
"That's right! Faraqha, I denounce my current G.o.d; sharvhaza, I reject the media; dheze, I shun the government!" Veronica said as if she was a teacher who's glad that her students did their homework. "Now, say it again in chorus!"
"Faraqha, sharvhaza, dheze!" The audience repeated with a greater form of enthusiasm while either clapping or stomping their feet, excited or angry.
"Religion is a mess, and it's a poison! Say it with me, 'poison'!"
They all complied willingly with a sense of anger in their tones, making the theater shake for a bit with their loud stomping and echoed screeching.
"You're a great crowd, Los Angeles!" Mother said with a beautiful grin plastered all over their faces, followed by a wonderfully sounding chuckle that further exemplifies her deep but still feminine-sounding voice.
Suddenly, as I had my eyes rooted on Veronica, admiring her hourgla.s.s shape beneath her familiar red dress. I felt a hand coiling around my arms like a seething snake, ready to take a bite. It was from Nicole. For some reason, she's suddenly acting all cute to me with her head on my shoulder. Not that I mind, but it was still making my heart beat so loud that I don't know what to do. I wanted to jump up, but it might turn Nicole off and have her take her head and hands away from me! Oh my G.o.d, she smells so good; I can faintly whiff the subtle citrus scent of her perfume, making me want to eat her up literally, just gobbling her body like a glutton freak. G.o.d, being a female is so f.u.c.king easy, man. She just needs to nuzzle my arms and rub her tiny little soft face on my skin, and my d.i.c.k is already going so f.u.c.king hard that I could have probably sworn that there must be some kind of hidden bomb planted on my pants, ready to explode if this woman keeps. .h.i.tting my deadly triggers like this. Nicole kept on rubbing my arms gently while her other hands were sitting quietly on my legs, making me feel her hot and moist hands.
At that moment, Veronica is still saying some kind of radical bulls.h.i.+t that's making everyone lose their s.h.i.+t. Still, as I moved my head back because of the pleasure that I'm receiving from this beautiful woman, I started to lose all of my hearing senses and prioritized all of my attention to this white woman who's making me spill so much prec.u.m that it's almost making me insane. I tilted my head back even further with my eyes started to redden and my drool suddenly spewing out of my eyes, when suddenly, a blinding light poured all over me, almost making me blind. I winced with my hands covering my face when I realized that a spotlight was pointed directly into my horned up face. At this point, Nicole is still grabbing my arms, but she's no longer trying to make me bust a nut by moving her hands all over my skin.
"I already said his name, and I'm sure all of you know who he is. Let's not waste time anymore and welcome our newest member. My children, I want you to show him how wonderful it is to be a part of the Plural Heights family!"
Everyone around my immediate vicinity started to ruffle my head, pat my shoulders, and approach me for the sole purpose of exciting me. It's working, but holy s.h.i.+t, this is too much!
"Why don't you get up here, son?" Veronica said while pointing at me, gesturing me to get up on stage with her. "Why don't you escort him up here, Brother James!" Veronica thundered without using her microphone as she beckoned Jimmy to stand up.
Jimmy happily complied to her request with an excited look on his face. He then pulled my body up and made me walk towards the stage using the stairs on the far side. Jimmy wrapped his hands around my shoulders as he whispered in my ear many words to encourage me and excite me. However, none managed to get through my head because of all the noise coming from all random directions. They were all screaming, screeching, crying, roaring, growling, gnas.h.i.+ng, clas.h.i.+ng! Everything else that one could use to describe an unruly crowd of people who's way too excited for a n.o.body like me just because a powerful lady like Veronica uttered my name for a little bit.
When Jimmy and I went into the stage, Jimmy started waving at the crowd with a nonchalant gaze as he tried his very best to rile them all up by pointing his hands at me. Veronica noticed this and immediately went at the very front of the stage with her hands tightly grasping her microphone.
"Give it up for Brother James, my children! Come on!" Veronica roared as I saw the sweat gradually dripping onto her forehead while I could see that her red dress was finally getting stained by the sweat welling up on her chest. She didn't give two s.h.i.+ts about the welling moisture tainting her delicate skin, though. When the crowd suddenly started calling Jimmy's name with all the enthusiastic praises in the world, Veronica began to feel rejuvenated again like she just became three years younger. "That's right! That's right, yeah! The best of the best out there—highest quality you could ever find in the Organization, ladies and gentlemen!" Veronica said while pointing at Jimmy, still not minding the sweat acc.u.mulating on her face, as she talked about Jimmy like he's some kind of high-grade product.
Jimmy didn't mind this at all. In fact, it excited him further as he tightened his grip around my shoulder, still trying his best to direct all of the attention of the crowd towards me. Still, everyone else, especially the ladies, were all calling his name with their hands extended forward as if it would make them magically touch Jimmy in the air.
Now that I am here in front of the stage, I have finally understood the scale in which Veronica operates. Everyone looks so happy, but they also looked like they're some kind of wild animals inside of a correctional facility. If it weren't for the innate human decency lingering within them, they would have already rushed forward to lunge at all three of us just to leave their bite mark at our skin. Their voices boomed, which is why there's a lot of speakers all around us. If they removed even one of those, I'm sure it would be quite hard for any of us to hear what Veronica is saying. The hard spotlights pointed at the stage is so blinding that it literally started irritating my eyes while the heat coming from such harsh lights were enough to melt my skin. Thus, I am very well aware now as to why Veronica is sweating so much, although she wasn't even standing here for half an hour. Due to her enthusiasm and the number of movements she's doing in this huge stage, it's no surprise that it would make anyone sweat bucket. Besides, Veronica is wearing what seems like a 6 inches heels as she walked all over the stage to capture more enthusiasm from all over the cinema.
It was absolutely breath-taking.
So this is the world that Veronica leads.
This is what made such an amazing woman; this is what she strives all of us to become.
The absolute reawakening of the primordial strength originating from our soul, that's what she calls it. I finally understood it now that I'm standing here before all the excited people who are all excited to live their lives to the fullest.
Veronica then gestured me to come towards her using her fingers. Jimmy then pushed me lightly towards her before uttering, "you can do this. I believe in you!"
I then awkwardly stumbled towards Veronica, which elicited a few laughs from the people on the audience. Looking at Veronica's grim expression after seeing such feedback from her children, she started to look at all of them with a contemptuous look on her face. And for once, everyone in the cinema shushed as if their consciousness suddenly dwindled. There are no big screens that show Veronica's face all over the cinema, but somehow, every living creature, young or old, in this hall, even those who were sitting at the back, saw the sudden anger creeping into Veronica's face.
After a moment of silence, Veronica finally spoke once again, "Is that how you treat your brother?"
Silence ensued throughout the cinema as I saw dome ladies in the audience starting to tear up with regretful looks all over their faces.
"Is this how Plural Heights helped you throughout this many times that you spent being with us, being in this loving and caring family?" Veronica whispered with a vindictive tone that is oddly filled with loving care that lingered in every syllable she spoke. She said those heartfelt words while moving her hands all around her to tell her point that she's calling out all people who had just laughed at me.
"I-It's okay, Veronica. It didn't really offend me." I tried to say with a pained smile as I chuckled with my eyes on the ground.
"Did you hear that? Did your insensitive ears hear what this man had just said? He said that he's willing to be your little punching bag. No! That's not okay! In this house, we do not laugh at small people like my child right here! NO! I will not stand up for that behavior!" Veronica said, still looking at the audience while breathing heavily, trying to conceal the seething anger rus.h.i.+ng through her veins. "This man right here had seen death! This gentleman right here who's standing right in front of me had just seen her mother and her friend die in the same month, this month." She then placed her hand on my shoulder, tightly wrapping her hands around me, making me feel the trembling of her hands. "The person you're looking at right now has seen enough tragedy, and I am here to extend my hand at him just like how I did to all of you; what have you done in return? You laughed at him." She paused as she gritted her teeth with her lips clasped tightly. "YOU LAUGHED AT HIM! Each and every single one of you laughed at a grieving man. You laughed at a person for being clumsy--well, of course, he will be clumsy, his life flipped right before his very eyes! How can you not understand that?" Veronica uttered every single word she had just spoken with so much heartfelt conviction, but none of us here even considered for a little bit that her harsh tones exude a violent intent. "I am disappointed by your behavior." She said while shaking her head as the love flowing through her voice finally touched the hearts of her children.
And the room was once again rooted in the deafening silence that felt like it would last for an eternity.
"Apologize," Veronica said, but this time, instead of anger, she's shaking because she's trying her hardest not to cry. "All of you. Now."
All the people in the audience started to look at me with pleading eyes, sorrowful voices, and regretful woes. They're all speaking different words, but all of them pointed at one thing: they all wish to apologize to me--it doesn't matter if they laughed or not. They still apologized.
"Do you forgive them, my son?" She said before placing the microphone a few centimeters away from my lips.
I stared at the people of the audience who were all looking at me with tear-filled faces. Meanwhile, Veronica leaned her body towards me, placing her head a few inches away from my face with unblinking eyes, making me hear and feel her heavy breathing.
"Yes," I simply uttered timidly.
Veronica then turned her body towards her audience while nodding nonstop with an impressed look on her face. The people in the audience suddenly started clapping without their usual roars. They were all merely clapping at me with the intent to celebrate the moment I had forgiven them. When Veronica heard this, she started to mumble into the microphone, "That's right. That's right. That's real bravery in action right there. Only real strong people know how to forgive. That's right."
Everyone's clapping became even louder, with a few people screaming, "whoo!"
"Let me ask you, child," Veronica said with her eyes directly moving towards me. "do you still have the strength to forgive all of these people who have wronged you even knowing all of those tragedies that happened to you."
I didn't really understand what the tragedy she spoke of has to do with me forgiving them, but I just replied to get it over with, "of course."
"Then, can you agree that your strength remained even after the death of those people you loved?"
"There you go, ladies and gentlemen," Veronica said with the conviction of a real leader. "the man himself uttered the truth! Even without love, strength can still thrive to strong people! This just shows that since you laughed at him, you're still weak, and your soul is still incapable of being awakened to its maximum state! Children, this is because you're still allowing the monsters around you to poison your mind! Your family, your friends, your media, your religion, your government, all of them are toxic things that you kept biting no matter how much I plead of you never to do it again! If I can beg every single one of you right now to abandon all of those things once and for all, I will do it in a heartbeat right now! RIGHT NOW!" Veronica then sighed with a sullen look creeping to her face as her shoulders slowly drooped. "But we don't have enough time, so let me just say these things to you, ladies and gentlemen! Abandon the toxicity of your home. Avoid the poison that your friends are spewing you! They are all liars who're manipulating you because you can offer your life to them as slaves to the social norms! Your brother right here who's standing in front of you at this very moment is proof that you don't need your friends and your family to be strong! We won't ask anything of you; we're not even asking you to pay us, remember?"
The audience members then started to clap with expressions that only showed how much they trust everything that Veronica had said as absolute truth.
"We are your family." She then moved her left hand all around her. "Plural Heights in your friend. We can give you everything that your family and friends SHOULD give you without asking anything in return, but your absolute commitment to our cause! Do you agree, my child?" Veronica said before placing her microphone in front of me.
"Yes..." I uttered timidly with a weak voice while looking at the velvet floor of the stage.
"Louder." She said to the microphone subtly while looking at me with dilated and unblinking eyes.
"Yes," I said with much more conviction as I closed my eyes with my head hanging low.
"I said, louder, d.a.m.n it!" Veronica said with a stomp, making her heels echo a thud throughout the hall.
"Yes!" I shouted with eyes all over the audience who's looking at me with eyes filled with antic.i.p.ation. I then took the microphone from Veronica and raised my fist high into the air. "Yes, I agree! I agree!" I shouted into the microphone; it garnered so much support from the crowd that everyone started to lose their mind once again.
I started to look at this exquisite scenery that I have made with an excited look on my face as I tried to calm my swiftly beating chest.
"Very good, my boy," Veronica said to me, not to the microphone. "why don't you go backstage for a while? I have something for you there." She then pushed me into the backstage, and as I walked out of the stage, I heard everyone screaming my name repeatedly like I am some kind of enormous movie star.
Jimmy then walked towards me and told me where I was supposed to go, but he didn't come with me. He said that he has to see through this event until the very end. What I saw then in the backstage is a hallway that leads to a red double door.
"Faraqha, sharvhaza, dheze!" I heard the audience screaming as I looked at the dimly lit corridor with a gulp.
I walked through this metal corridor, feeling the cold touching my bare skin as my foot hit the metal floor, making me hear the appalling sound the soles of my shoes. .h.i.tting the metal floor. I noticed that the floor, the walls, and the ceiling are all made out of stainless steel, making the surrounding look like it's a long and wide vault.
"Faraqha, sharvhaza, dheze!" I heard the audience once yelling once more, so loud that I could feel their voices making the entire corridor shake.
When I finally arrived in front of the double door, I swung it open immediately because I already want to get out of the damp air in this corridor.
What welcomed me inside is a room, obviously.
A bedroom.
In the middle of the room stood Nicole wearing only a translucent dress.
"You're here." She says with a sweet voice. She then slowly took her dress off, revealing her voluptuous breast, her bushy flower, and her untainted white skin. "I want you."
Needless to say, after all the excitement I felt earlier, I f.u.c.ked her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
I f.u.c.ked the living s.h.i.+t out of her.