All places in the world would turn into the ninth circle of h.e.l.l without the need of sinners or heretics for the three-headed demon is naught but a mortal who had a thirst for the maniacal thrill to do the deeds of a bringer of life and the ender of souls.
Sorry, sorry! I recently watched a video about the Divine Comedy, and I prepared this part to make this an "Ooohhh! Skehriiii!" moment! Oh, whatever! I tried, okay?
Moving on...
The man took the unconscious Justin inside a small room, but even this dull place would turn into the castle of Bluebeard with the presence of a person such as Subject 1.
The man quickly swept every object on top of a table with one swing of his hands. The man then forcibly carried Justin by pulling his hair, dragging him towards the surface of the table, and kicking his body to put him into proper position. He wanted him to lay on top of this steel, rectangular table with his feet opened wide while his hands were on top of his head.
The man then tried to find a way to restraint Justin. At this point, Subject 1 doesn't know anymore why he's still doing this, but he had already started it; he might as well see through it till the very end. Luckily for him, there seems to be a rope conveniently laid somewhere at the corner of the store. Well, this is not a work of his luck, for this might be one of the few times my time used our services to aid the man without his knowledge.
Without further ado, the man took the rope, not even minding why a s.e.x shop has such a long and high-quality rope.
Not minding any context that lay within this rope, the man tied Justin's feet and spread it so far apart that it spread on each side of the table. The table was quite a big one, so the man had to spread his legs so far apart for it to reach the edges. The man didn't know how he could tie Justin's arms too, so Subject 1 just simply used whatever remains of the rope by stretching it until it reached Justin's hands, linking the other end of the rope onto this pig's hands. The logic behind this is that whenever Justin moved his feet, he would just end up pulling his arms till it tears the skin on his armpits apart, and vice versa.
The man didn't have the time to undress Justin; well, to be fair, he didn't really have the intention of seeing this cas.h.i.+er naked. To begin with, he just wanted to kill him, but something within his bowels screamed for him to use this unconscious man more for... experimentation, if I do say so myself.
He wanted to know how to use s.e.x toys. He never once laid his hand on one of such objects in the past, after all. Justin would be his little practice guinea pig, if that makes sense.
After tying Justin tightly in a position that he deemed secure enough to prevent his prey from escaping, Subject 1 left the room to find more s.e.x toys that he could use. The man looked around outside, and what first welcomed him was the wall clock. 1:15pm. He didn't even realize that it was already that late. He remembered leaving his house quite early, but it doesn't matter, what matters more is what toy would catch his attention more.
He took many things, to say the least: d.i.l.d.os of varying sizes, a humbler, three different whips, a scented candle, a few vibrators, a urethra chast.i.ty catheter, a clamp that was apparently used to ping the nipples, a small cage-like structure that is the size of a limp p.e.n.i.s, and a small bottle of some kind of drug.
The man looked around again. To be honest, he was just taking his time because he's pondering as to why someone would build a s.e.x shop in such a remote village at the foot of a mountain near the forest. Not only does it not make sense, but it also doesn't align well with the old population of the village, so it's also foolish. However, the business practice of this shabby store is none of his business. As he let his eyes glide from every direction all over the store, his sight locked on the gla.s.s counter, particularly the broken and bloodied area where he smashed Justin's face.
Beneath the circular arabesque pattern of the broken gla.s.s, he saw some kind of paper that contained a table of some sort of schedule. Curious, he gently swayed the fractured shards of gla.s.s on top of it before taking the liberty of reading what the paper contained. Subject 1 was a bit surprised to see that it is a schedule, a time table for the people working in this shop. At this time, Subject 1 still doesn't know who his prey is, so this discovery pleased him a lot. He likes knowing the name of the people he kills; it's some kind of fetish, I guess?
Based on the paper he had in his possession, he found out that only two people are working in the s.e.x shop, one named Justin and someone else named Patricia. This timetable then inexplicably made the man know that this victim's name this time is Justin. Unless he actually uses the name Patricia. The man wanted to brush that thought off, but after browsing Twitter since the site's inception, he knew that it's not at all weird nowadays to find a man who wanted to call himself with a feminine-sounding name. Perhaps, the s.e.x shop's employer has a liberal belief when it comes to gender and s.e.xuality; I mean, after all, we are talking about a person who owns a s.e.x shop. The man thought that maybe such a person would not find it weird at all to see a man who identifies as a woman.
Gah! At this point, Subject 1 is already in too deep his own thoughts about ident.i.ty politics that he just checked some clues in the timetable. It is a table that indicates the schedule of both employees, after all. The man remembered that it was around 1pm already, that day was Wednesday, so... He just needs to find the name of the person working at 1pm every Wednesday, and sure enough, Justin is, indeed, the name of that person. Patricia needs to wait until 3pm before her s.h.i.+ft. The man heaved a sigh of surrender. He thought that he probably needs to stop thinking things too complicatedly next time.
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The moment he achieved a moment of enlightenment, he heard a shriek from the storage room of the s.e.x shop; this was then followed by a shrill scream. The man didn't even realize that he had actually confined Justin inside of the shop's storage room and was confused for a moment until he realized how slow he was.
He then kicked the door open, making the door smash onto the wall of the storage room, making the man who was tied on the table flinch. Subject 1 then dropped all s.e.x toys he took from the shop onto the floor.