'Now what?'
It's a valid question! And to be honest, there came a time when we almost dropped on the prospect of acquiring Subject 1 as one of our employees, but here we are now anyway!
To be quite frank with all of you, I may have overlooked a few minor details regarding the history of Subject 1 for us to get through the more important and exciting stuff regarding the man.
However, we are a deadlock, and at this point in Subject 1's life, he had also reached that particular point in which he doesn't know where to go on and what he should do with his life. He would often contemplate the idea of killing himself entirely, which irked most of us while we were observing him. Sometimes, he would wake up in the middle of the night, not knowing what time it is and asking who he was while looking at his reflection in the mirror.
As I contemplated on this dark moment that plagued our subject, it also dawned to me that the data we have regarding the things he had done in the future needs suffice information about his past and his relations.h.i.+p with his environment at large.
And well, I have to apologize because this random backtracking that we're doing right now is caused by my inability to control myself from wanting to present the information that I found more interesting than some other biographical data that shows the man's life before his inevitable descent to madness.
I thought that I could just simply tell this information as we go on along the presentation, but I ended up forgetting to add them clearly; thus, it might be quite confusing for some of you to learn about the following few details without us discussing the more significant information regarding the man of the hour.
It's just... You know, I want to tell the better part of the story as fast as possible, so I just... skimmed through the less important stuff.
Well, anyway, let's backtrack. Please, go back to slide uh... I think it's slide #3? No? No, yeah, I think it's maybe slide #8? Maybe? Oh, no, no, that's not it, next. Next, again. Next.
Oh, there it is!
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure that I don't need to reiterate that Subject 1 is a special kind of degenerate. I'm sure there's no need for me to say that he would definitely refuse to give up on his mission to f.u.c.k and eliminate every single f.u.c.k-worthy individual in his immediate vicinity.
However, strolling around the marketplace, he soon realized that the consequence of his actions had already created a noticeable crack in his peaceful abode. He had ruined the reputation of the town to the dirt. Thus, most of the women he was eyeing had left the town; there is nothing but sadness and death lingering all over him now! I know it was quite vain for these women to a.s.sume that they would be the next victim of a rapist c.u.m murderer. Still, I guess their paranoia earned them their life because now, the man has no target left.
At least, in this part of the town.
You see, Subject 1 is quite a picky fella, and a very clean-freak kinda guy for someone who has such a disgusting, err... well, I guess we can call it a hobby. The only dirt he permits to touch his skin is either human bodily fluids, such as sweat, blood, and sperm, or the fecal matter of the people he decided to involve himself with s.e.xually. He also hates noise more than anything in the world. Just hearing the loud sound of a train or the honking of a car would drive him insane. He could be quite impulsive if he's given the wrong environment. Still, it could easily be fixed by putting him in one of our quiet areas, far from our main headquarters. This just shows that when the man eyed something, he would seize it with the determination of a thousand G.o.ds! His preference to live a hygienic life would not interfere with his mission. Although the people he would kidnap often scream and moan loud, it didn't irk him to kill them right away. He can be patient with them as long as he got his desired outcome.
I'm sure you're quite confused and lost as to what I'm talking about, so let me give you guys a little information about Subject 1 and his relations.h.i.+p with the townfolks, as well as an overall background of what the town is and how it operates.
The man is living in a camper van in the forest a few meters away from the town. Currently, the man is working as a freelance artist in his van, so one might often see a lot of art materials inside his van once they peeked a bit of what lies in his little sanctuary in the darkened woods outside of the town. He found solace in making adult content for the furry community online, so he had been making a living making animal p.o.r.n. Well, he doesn't like doing it, but there he was anyway. It's just the way it is for a man like him; he can't possibly complain unless he wants to have a job that pays less but demands him to make an extra effort.
This also reflects well upon the character of Subject 1. The man is a person driven by his pa.s.sion. He wishes to make a living as an artist, and he would do it although he knew the obvious repercussions of chasing such a dream. Thus, if we could just give him an ample motive for working for us, then he would do the job properly with an unrelenting pa.s.sion of a forest fire. He would do what it takes as long as we could make him understand that there's a good reason for him to be pa.s.sionate.
Anyways, going back on track, Subject 1 had been living in this van for well about three years before he started his murderous crusade in the town, and this time, he had already achieved a close relations.h.i.+p with the people in this quiet suburb at the foot of a mountain.
It is important to note that this town is usually the go-to place of older people who wanted to retire in a quiet, rural area; it also attracts the attention of younger people like Subject 1 who wishes to live in an environment that connects their spirit with the power of nature.
Subject 1 is very much a Romantic. The man wishes not to be involved with what goes around the industrialized world and would choose to surround himself with the caress of Mother Nature. Thus, he did not waste his time when he learned that there was a vacancy in one of such rural towns near the allure of his green wonderland.
However, he soon learned that the only home the town offers is somewhere on the other side, the other outskirt.
This area of the town was unbelievably close to the forestry industrial zone around the other side of the mountain, so it was not just noisy, it's also quite muddy, and the homes are far from the marketplaces. Not to mention, the house that they were offering was not adequately maintained after all the years that pa.s.sed since they first built it.
The noise, the dust, the dirt, the mud all proved to Subject 1 that he could not bear living in such an environment. This was why he decided to live in a van in the forest outskirt, the better outskirt, the quiet outskirt, the cleaner outskirt.
And he soon realized that this part of the town housed the best-looking people he had ever see in his life. He thought for sure that he would only be meeting old people in this town, but no. There were a lot of young people too, way more than he had expected. Apparently, these are the children and grandchildren of the town's elderly citizens who refuse to leave their parents and grandparents.
The older people of the town would always boast about how good their kids are to them, while some of them would force their children to leave the countryside to pursue their pa.s.sion. Some of them complied, and Subject 1 would often see some of his friends leave the town to go to the big city in the short time that he had spent living in his van in the forest outskirt. The ones who still insisted on living with their parents and grandparents really loved being in this town, so they had no qualms in staying. They are all kind-hearted people who are healthy both inside and outside.
Not to mention, the people on the quiet side of the town thrived in their farming industry, particularly their potato harvest. Thus, every citizen would always prefer to add potatoes in their everyday diet, making them stronger, firmer, and far, far more attractive than the people in the urban cities.
Thus, after three years of being patient, the man finally snapped and decided to unleash the rampaging beast he had hidden in his pants.
Just because there are no other people whom he wanted to f.u.c.k in this side of the town, that doesn't mean that he would stop his lifelong mission to conquer the world with his ravaging c.o.c.k. There's absolutely nothing holding him back, not even the fact that he hated the other side of the town.
In this part of our presentation, we will be showing you more slides of him experiencing what I could only describe as the expansion of his s.e.xual pilgrimage throughout the town.
His initial plan was to kidnap the young librarian at the public library in the town plaza, so he went to the noisy and dirty outskirt of the town to buy the necessary tools that would aid him in once he would seize the girl and when she was already bound to his bed.
He was reluctant at first, but he had to do it. The only s.e.x shop near him was somewhere at the dirtiest and vilest part of the town, filled with dust, mice, and cow dung, but he had no choice but to buy the things he needed there because he can't buy these things online. After all, he has no address, and he didn't want to live his tracks in the town's post office. It was such an unneeded strain that he put himself into, seriously. He didn't need to be this careful in this town, especially considering how dumb the people of this town were. I'm sure some of you might think that I'm harsh for calling these people stupid, but come on! Even after all those murders that he committed, none of the citizens still suspected the shoddy-looking man living in the middle of nowhere literally outside of their town. Well, perhaps we can say that the reason why none of them suspected him was because of how careful he was, but still. Agh! Never mind that, let's move on.
At first, he hated the idea of going into this s.e.x shop. The only thing he ever used to his victims that closely resembled s.e.x toys is the things that he had lying around in his large van. Thus, this was the first time he ever took a step inside this s.e.x shop. No, this is the first time he ever went to this side of the town.
However, Subject 1 would soon realize that going in this town would be the best idea he had ever done in the three years that he had lived there.
"Welcome, sir..."
That. You hear that? Let me repeat that for you.
"Welcome, sir..."
That's it.
That lazy sounding greeting that welcomed Subject 1 was the thing that permanently moved his mission further into the deepest part of the abyss.
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That was the first time he ever heard the voice of Justin.
And that was not the last time he would hear his voice.