"Calm down now, sir." The Ringmaster sighed but his mocking little grin still remained on his face. "There's no need for us to be so heated! Aren't you having fun!?"
"Fun!? You took me here against my will, pinned me on the air, and then you're asking me if I'm having fun?" I could hear the rasp-like sensation of his voice as he continued to howl at the Ringmaster like a struggling wolf on a hunter's trap.
"Well, this is the most joyous place ever! You cannot find this in your world, and I can a.s.sure you that!" George kept screaming and roaring at the Ringmaster, but he still continued to talk to him ever so calmly as if he's dealing with a juvenile child.
"I've been waiting so long for this moment..." George chuckled, but it doesn't have a sense of joy in it. It only has a twinge of hopelessness and a huge amount of anger. "I'm going to f.u.c.k you up the same way you did to my daughter!"
"Your daughter?" The Ringmaster asked while he wrapped me around with his entire body. "Hmm... I've disposed of a lot of daughters in the past; remind me, what does this daughter of yours look like?"
"You're a sick f.u.c.k!" George said with the same raspy growl he always had from the very beginning, but the volume of his voice is slowly lowering as time goes on. "You took her away from me! You did many things to her, and you sick f.u.c.ks made me watch while you do..." George's voice started to tremble as he stutters while presumably trying to think of a proper way to explain what was in his head.
"Hmmm..." The Ringmaster said with a frown showing on his face although a portion of it is covered with his mask. He started whisking my hair in a light, gentle pat while I tremble with my head on his chest. "Yeah, you need to be more precise with me. That's not enough info."
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"You... You stabbed her... You... You called everyone and then... and then..." George's voice trembled even further than before. "You murdered her! You ganged up on her! You tied her and stretched her body and then you took me away while I was out to go to work, and your f.u.c.king piece of s.h.i.+t kidnappers took tied me up and threw me inside of a f.u.c.king door and you made me... and you made me..."
"Made you watch while everyone took turns to stab her body one after another?" I interrupted his incoherent mumbling while I take a whiff of the Ringmaster's cologne while I lay my head on his st.u.r.dy and strong chest.
"Y-yes... How..." George mumbled in bewilderment without the trace of his initial anger he always had. There's only confusion lingering around his tone. "Are you... One of them..." He continued with the same anger he always had by the time he stepped foot on this ring.
I then continued as I slowly turn my body around while feeling the Ringmaster's hands all over my upper body. "And then you were there, tied on a chair, with your eyes forced to be wide open by the Ringmaster's abilities and then..."
"Please stop..." He whispered in a rather hopeless tone.
I then finally faced him with a sweet, innocent smile on my face, like a little kid taking a cotton candy from her parents, as I pat the metal head of my ax while feeling a gooey sensation over it which probably meant that they put oil all over this ax before giving it to me.
I spoke in a chuckle as I feel the smoothness of the Ringmaster's bare hand on the palm of my hands as he wrapped me in his cold embrace. "And then everyone played a little game of tug of war while the rope is tied on all of her limbs—"
"Please, don't..." I could see the tears welling on George's eyes as I remind him of that one faithful day I'm sure he would never forget.
"Yeah, I remember that." The Ringmaster whispered; our bodies then started to sway as if we were slow dancing while a Nancy Sinatra song was on. "There are four groups. Each group, one limb."
I continued then as if I wasn't aware that any of them was speaking, ignoring the fact that the man in front of me rudely interrupted my coherent recollection of that exciting year, but my heart melted again when I heard the Ringmaster's voice. "... And then we pulled the rope from each side with all the happy little faces of our great friends.h.i.+p until her body—"
"NO!" George screamed in the same anger-filled scream he always had with him from the very beginning.
"... Snaps into half!"
I heard the Ringmaster chuckle behind me as I visibly see the moment George's sanity snaps in his head like a crack of two wafers snapping into two pieces or like the way her daughter did after we pulled her body for a few minutes while hearing the beautiful requiem of her screams.
"Hey, man." I chuckled while playfully swaying the ax in front of me in a motion similar to that of the infinity symbol. "It's good for team-building."
I could see by the way he looked at me that he does not like the tone of my voice when I said those words, and he started to gnash his teeth as if a volcano was about to erupt on his head. "You killed her! You took her away from me and then you played with her body! You kidnapped her—"
"Kidnapped?" I chuckled as I took a step forward while the Ringmaster willingly let go of my body, but he made sure that he properly touched my waist well before his fingers finally detached itself away from the clothes above my skin. "Who said anything about kidnapping? n.o.body kidnapped her."
"Liar! You kidnapped me the same way you did to her! You and your f.u.c.king psycho friends, your f.u.c.ked up games ruined my life, and you killed my daughter for f.u.c.king team building? f.u.c.k you!"
"Well, yes," I said while tapping my fingers on my cheek, leaving a trail of grease on my face. "We kidnapped you, that's a fact, but your daughter came to us willingly like the good little angel that she is."
"Stop lying to me!" George howled again, and at this point, I'm not sure anymore as to how he still has enough energy to make so much noise. "I'm going to end this s.h.i.+t once and for all!"
"Ooh! 'Once and for all', huh? Aren't you a feisty little poet? Where did you get that from? Anime?" I laughed; the others laughed with me. The Ringmaster let out a little chuckle while Gertrude groaned from the side. "But as I said, she went here willingly. n.o.body forced her."
"Stop. Lying!" George growled once again, but this time, I can only see a pained expression of his face and none of his initial anger-filled bravado.
"Well..." I replied in a rather playful tone similar to that of how a child talks to their parent if they're hiding something funny behind their back. "I lured her here though."