I'll cut to the chase. They appeared to be gold, but that's only the case outside of their bodies. A huge chunk of people was sort of glued together to form a statue made of gold. We soon realized that these golden statues contain blood and muscles and bones and the whole human anatomy within them. Now, one could say here that this is just another case of an art form to b.a.s.t.a.r.dize the life of men and this is just a work of the messed up mind of Giuseppe San Sebastian, but I wholeheartedly disagree. This is too intricate and advanced for even professional doctors like me to perform.
We have three different cases in our hands at the time. There are the bodies that were covered entirely with gold. Again, be mindful that they are not golden people, they are people covered with gold. Their skins turned into gold. There are only a few cases of these men wherein their bodies contained a few gold particles within their bodies. There's also the case of the two bodies that had their insides turned into gold. Their entire digestive system all turned into gold while their skin is completely untouched save for their arms.
The last case, of course, is the infamous Giuseppe San Sebastian. He is a simple case, really. His head is gold. Simple conclusion: He dipped his head the contraband to off himself. Now, this is where the case takes a huge turn. I know it is not my jurisdiction as a doctor to make any conclusions nor is it my job to make any conclusion, but it is quite obvious at this point that he dipped his head in the water.
To be honest, there's really nothing much to say about this case when it comes to my part of it, but the best I could really say is that whatever it is Detective Morrison was saying is false. I heard him once say that it is their destiny or something why they all turned into gold. I think that's an unfair a.n.a.lysis of the Gold Men Case. I respect Detective Morrison as a human being, but his belief made it seem like they had no choice other than to face whatever it was that was coming to them. That is very unfair to these poor people and it is very unfair to even think that he would say that they were in the right place and at the right time when they died. That is horrible and that is something one should ever say about deceased people in my humble opinion.
These men are a bigger victim of an entire affair that was way bigger than any of us or any of them for that matter. If we looked at it subjectively, they are both a victim of the Cleveland scandal and their own will to stop whatever it is they wanted to stop. It is all muddled as to what their goal is for raiding rich people on the street and I do not condone their actions either. However, I will not come here and say that having their bodies turned into gold is something they had coming or was it something that was a part of their destiny. They are unfortunate people who had an unfortunate encounter with something they never expected to face.
As for the gold… There's also nothing much to talk about them. They are real, authentic gold and there is no scientific way as to how I can explain why these people had a portion of their bodies turned into gold. The only lead we have is… Well, San Sebastian's fantasy story.
My point is that this is something a human could do. This is not a big crime wherein someone carefully placed human body parts on perfectly made human statues. This is not the work of destiny or whatever it is they were trying to think about in order to make sense of what is happening in that case.
Does it really matter at the end of the day? We cannot explain what happened to them. We don't even know if we'll ever be able to unravel the secrets in it. I sure was curious a few years before, but now… I'm not so sure. I feel insecure about the fact that there seems to be nothing we could do to explain it. It ruined my interest in the matter. Why would I waste my time into further research of this phenomenon that one never encountered before?
All I could hope now is that this will be the first and the last of such a thing…
Imagine thinking that these sorts of phenomena have been happening since the Middle Ages and we didn't know anything about it? Or imagine the prospect of having a future where people would use such a technology that could turn people into gold in wars.
Either way, it's a scary thing to think about.
Now, if you wouldn't mind me going back to the topic at hand, if we dig deeper into the rabbit hole, we'll start seeing some more abnormalities in the victims' bodies. Let me cut to the chase. They're under the influence of a huge amount of morphine in their bodies, but that is also a phenomenal part of the entire investigation aside from them being gold.
You see, if we follow San Sebastian's letters and apply his convenient recollection to what happened to the case, we can probably infer that San Sebastian died just a few more hours after the other gold men. We also a.n.a.lyzed the two other corpses lying beside the wooden contraband, and it matches up. All of them died almost at the same time.
The problem with this is that the insides of the gold men, you know, their system, is completely preserved. I do not understand how it happened, and believe me, I wish I could pinpoint you to an answer as to how their bodies got preserved inside their golden sh.e.l.ls, but what I can tell you, as concise as possible, is that being contained inside the gold statues made the insides of their body look as if they all died a few hours before we unraveled their system. This is unbelievable. Take note that it took three months before we could even see the statues and another month before we could even touch them. It took another year before we were allowed to dissect what's within those statues. It took a year for us to know for sure that there are people inside those golden statues. It seems unreal to think that the victims' blood remains as fresh as ever by the time we conducted the autopsy on them.
To make all that clearer for the common viewers, they died a long time ago, but the insides of their bodies looked as if they just died an hour ago. It seemed like time had stopped inside those golden statues. It's unbelievable. Like, you can't even preserve gold properly. To think that anything inside gold could stay fresh is, well, it's beyond science. I'm sorry, but that is beyond me.
There's a silver lining on this though. That means we can examine the bodies of the victims with the mindset that they had all just died. This is why I find the letter of Giuseppe San Sebastian as, well, its fiction. It's a drug-induced fantasy. I'm sure not a lot of people would go by me talking about this regarding a dead person, but this is only the facts we have gathered along the way.
First, well, I'm not sure if detective Morrison already spoke about this, but we found three pounds of cocaine below their hideout. All of them are not at all well-hidden below a wooden compartment about a meter away from the wooden contraband. Second, we saw traces of morphine in a used syringe literally right beside the letter of San Sebastian. Though we cannot prove anymore if he's under the influence of the drugs, we can prove one thing, and that's my third point.
There are traces of morphine in the system of the so-called golden men. Now, I cannot explain how their bodies turned that way, but I can explain the magical realism implanted within the words of San Sebastian, and that is why I am still an astute critic of the man's words. We cannot prove if he's using drugs but based on his recollection through his letters, it seems plausible enough for us to conclude that his fantasy is an effect of the opioids in their bodies. I mean, hallucinations and seeing insects and feeling them inside your body? That seems like an effect of hallucinogen to the mind of an otherwise unhinged man and I'm not afraid to prove that for as long as it takes.
To be fair to San Sebastian though, he is the only lead we had in explaining the gold men phenomena, but where are the pieces of evidence supporting this matter? Where is the water he speaks of? Based on what he wrote, it seemed that he used the remainder of the water to dip his head in it. Why? Most of his actions and most of what he wrote just… do not make sense.
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I guess that pretty much summarized the entire case. It does not make sense. It still continues being an enigma none of us could explain.
Facts are facts though, and the data shows that the men are under the influence of whatever drug they were putting within their bodies. They are junkies who got lucky, or well, I guess, in this case, they weren't so lucky because they are too unhinged to understand what they stumbled themselves upon.
I remembered having a short conversation with San Sebastian's mother. Poor woman, I forgot her name though, but she seemed sweet and kind. She's very polite too. Well, polite until I talked about the truth behind her son. See, I told her with all honesty all that I found out regarding the case. I was just a doctor doing my job.
I told her straight up. He's on drugs. None of what he said is real. Sorry. That's just the truth.
And haa… Well, the woman flipped. It seemed that I had triggered a switch I shouldn't have triggered. In my defense, I was in the a.s.sumption that she's well enough to believe in the data I am showing her. She's a determined woman, that I can say. She kept telling her that my words are lies and how her son is an honest to G.o.d Christian boy and all that which is a huge contradiction if you think about it because the boy lied to her about whatever it is he was doing while he's under the pretense that he's a hero. He's a hero of junkies, that's what he is.
She kept lambasting me for the entirety of our conversation and how her son was possessed by the devil haha, I mean, can you imagine the amount of mental gymnastics people would come up with just to make sense of their tragedies? She kept that belief for the remainder of her life. She kept saying that the devil influenced her son and all that… stuff. I spoke to other parents, too, but they weren't as hysterical her. Most of them were reasonably mad, but they did not curse me for doing my job. This woman truly believed that her sweet little son, Giuseppe, who's probably just as much of a junky as most of his friends, was possessed by Satan. I mean, reading his letters is enough for us to know that he's not well. He needs therapy. He seems to believe that he's living in this dystopia Middle Ages world, and for all I know, his words are just something he read in a book about alchemy or some other fantasy novels he might have fancied.
They're all fiction, but we do also have men turning into gold, so sure, I can welcome the devil in the equation too! Hahahahaha!