-------dome housed countless a flock
-------of youths gathering forth
To rid themselves of this
-------pest only her alone
-------(great mother) can relieve
Seeking wondrous a cure
-------so their youth eternal
-------for angels to adore
-------the seraph weeps
--------------------------once more
Thus they clog their bodies
-------inside this damp chamber
-------as instructed by her
For her words are law
-------and this audience her sheep
-------lest they seek not the cure
And when great mother says
-------the cure is upon them
-------their voices rejoices
-------the seraph weeps
--------------------------once more
But these all young men are
-------ignorant of what lies
-------ahead for great mother
Is not a hallowed saint
-------and delivers no gifts
-------from phantoms on the sky
Nor's the cure a vial
-------from the fountain of youth
-------and philosopher's stone
-------the seraph weeps
---------------------------once more
These all splendid young men
-------foolish, naïve, and rich
-------expects the cure costs gold
For their parents away
-------while their money astray
-------so to demons they pay
But the cure requires not
-------jewels or treasures but
-------a sip of the spirit
-------the seraph weeps
--------------------------once more
And so great mother yells
-------open fire in front
-------of these confused young men
Seconds pa.s.sed, bullets rain
-------piercing their velvet skin
-------ceaseless till they perish
Armed men envelopes them
-------baptizing the concrete
-------with blood and gunpowder
-------the seraph weeps
--------------------------once more
Behold the great mother
-------laughing hysterically
-------with red wine on her hands
Behold the armed Reapers
-------none older than sixteen
-------with weapons on their hands
Behold them pathetic
-------young men seeking the cure
-------their life gone from their hands
-------the seraph weeps
--------------------------once more
The sound of bullets fills
-------this bloodied dome again
-------armed youths gunning their brains
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With this one gleeful screech
-------great mother drinks her wine
-------mouth bubbling with a smile
And none of them remains
-------all of them forever
-------young, entombing their age
-------the seraph's weeps