The minigun that I'm dragging with both my hands then let out a loud screeching noise all over the room as it hit the floor. It sounded, oh, so unbearable, but I have to be the one to carry this.
"You need help with that, father?" The salesman said as he looked at me with a genuinely concerned expression.
"Nah. I'm good!" I said with a smile as I faked a tired expression. It would be troublesome if I made these people realize that I'm actually strong enough to lift this d.a.m.n minigun thing with both my hands easily. Also, I absolutely do not want these shady a.s.s people to carry this heavy weapon if I can help it! I will be the one to carry it, and I will never let any of these f.u.c.k ups have their skin make contact with the surface of this stupid minigun. "I'll be fine. Bless you, Francis."
The salesman then decided to ignore me wordlessly upon hearing this and just graciously bowed down with a somewhat annoyed expression. Well, to be fair, he always gives off that angry vibe every G.o.dd.a.m.n time.
I then heard the two people behind us giggle as they whisper all sorts of random ramblings beneath their breath among each one another. I noticed that this is enough to ruin the salesman's mood as his steps gradually turn into stomps that made me so nervous. What if he dents the floor or something? Who knows what would happen on a rusted floor?
"Hey, stop that..." I heard the nurse say amid a few nervous chuckles, which made me raise an eyebrow slightly.
I then moved my gaze towards the salesman and saw that he, too, felt kind of icky upon hearing the nurse's silent protestation. However, I think he hates it more because of the notion that the policeman gets to flirt with her... and not him.
"Come on, it's gonna be fine..." I sensed the policeman mutter quietly amid silent smooch noises and loud panting sounds. I then heard a few loud continuous footsteps behind us, which sorta sounded like there's some kind of struggle happening at this very moment between the two of them.
The salesman is now looking very haughty and angry as he gritted his teeth tightly. He then hid both of his trembling hands in his pockets as he continued to ignore the ramblings of the people behind us. I could see the vibration coursing throughout his body, and it's not because he's scared or anything; he's more like an active volcano on the verge of an explosion in about a few minutes or so.
"No... they're looking at us. We should wait..." The nurse's chuckle now disappeared as she began to sound a whole lot more worried and afraid rather than her usual playfulness earlier. Her giggles ceased; it's replaced with a few groans that seemed like a foreboding of a tragedy to come.
"Just shut up, b.i.t.c.h! You're the one clinging onto me so much earlier, and now you're here being like a prude suddenly? What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you?" I heard the policeman's angered utterance behind us, which prompted me to stop walking. I then looked behind me to see that the two people quarreling there at my back have now stopped moving altogether.
The policeman wraps the entirety of his arm around Kirstel's waist, pulling her further towards his chest. Meanwhile, the nurse is pulling her upper body far away from the policeman's torso with a look of absolute disgust and fear. On the other hand, the policeman is giving a very broad smile that spans all over the lower half of his face while an angered frown conquers the area around his eyes. The muscled police officer is using his other hand to grip Kirstel's left arms, which makes the lady shake profusely.
"N-no... th-that's not it! I just don't want to do all these with you here with all these people with us!" The nurse retorted with a soft tone that's filled with so much patience. She then used her other hand to ma.s.sage the policeman's biceps gently as she began to let out a pained smile.
"Just f.u.c.king take what a man gives you, b.i.t.c.h!" The policeman roared as he slapped the nurse's hands, making her stop ma.s.saging his biceps. She then groaned loudly with a pained hiss as she took a step back away from the policeman. "I have to remind you that I AM THE REASON WHY WE'RE ALIVE! You should be thankful to me!"
In a shocking turn of events, the policeman suddenly pushed Kirstel on the floor ever so forcefully, which is unnecessary since he could just push her lightly, and the now weakened nurse would still stumble on the floor just the same. Thus, because of the policeman's aggressive treatment, the nurse's body almost flew towards the brick wall with a pained groan. She then started to ma.s.sage her back with eyes that are about to tear up with both fear and worry.
"C-calm down, policeman. No need to be so violent, please?" The nurse implored upon the policeman gently with a soothing voice. She then tried to go towards him, but after seeing the distorted scowl on the policeman's face, Kirstel decided not to approach him and just go as far away from him as she possibly could.
"You don't have the right to tell me what to do, female!" The policeman snarled like a provoked wolf with his fangs bare as he gave full emphasis on the word 'female' as if he's trying to dehumanize Kirstel as much as he could. I feel like he's working so hard to a.s.sert his dominance that his prey just started rus.h.i.+ng away from him.
Kirstel then hurriedly walked towards our direction. "There's no need to be so brash, policeman! We're all grown adults here; this is unnecessary!" The nurse uttered as she stepped away from the policeman with eyes filled with welling tears. She then stood between the salesman and me.
The policeman then extended his hand towards the nurse, which made the lady shriek out loud as she tried to move as far away from his reach in vain. The policeman then managed to grab the nurse's collar before the tearful lady could escape further. With a hoa.r.s.e chuckle, the policeman then pulled the nurse away from us and pulled her towards him closer than ever. The muscled man then started to face his back on us as he constricts the nurse's body using both his hands.
I couldn't see much because the policeman decided to hide his disgusting act away from us; perhaps, this is his way to appease the nurse's worries? However, she's not at all pleased with it. As the policeman licked and kissed all over the nurse's neck and face, Kirstel began to cry out in agony with a voice filled with utter disgust. She was about to ask for help when the policeman suddenly stopped her voice by pus.h.i.+ng his tongue forcefully towards the insides of Kirstel's mouth.
"You son of a b.i.t.c.h, stop this right now!" The salesman thundered with his usual snarky and arrogant tone. His trembling hands then began to move all over his pockets.
However, the policeman just peered at the salesman upon hearing that warning and smirked beneath the covers of his shoulders, mocking him with every step it takes. It seems that the policeman just decided to ignore the salesman's seemingly futile attempt to stop him as he started to a.s.sault and molest the still struggling nurse. Kirstel tried her hardest to wriggle away from the policeman's tight hold by hitting his body and pus.h.i.+ng herself away from the policeman's arms. However, it seems like this just makes the policeman tighten his grips around her body, making it even more impossible for Kirstel to escape.
Kirstel then started to stomp on the policeman's feet countless times, but the policeman just continued to a.s.sault her further as if he's not even feeling the pain of it all.
It's almost a spectacle to see! I have never seen such an ugly and angry scowl on the nurse's face directed towards the policeman for, like, the entirety of this whole dungeon shenanigans! Kirstel then began to smash her knees onto the policeman's crotch, but oddly enough, the muscled man still didn't seem fazed by it and just continued on groping and ma.s.saging and kissing and licking the poor nurse's body. At this point, the nurse is already giving off a vibe of full and utter pain; it's not one that is caused by a physical injury but more dynamic and for more complex than anything I have ever seen from a person before. The way her mouth stretches widely as she screams in terror, the movement of her body that resembled that of a wriggling worm, and the way she flails her limbs all over the place like she's swimming on air is a picturesque scene that I never thought I would ever see in this dilapidated h.e.l.l hole.
"I SAID, STOP IT!" The salesman roared with the fury of a thousand storms as he ran towards the direction of the man molesting the only lady in our group.
The policeman then decided to ignore him further, thinking that maybe the salesman wouldn't be able to do anything to him. However, contrary to what this stupid bird brain believes, the salesman has a trick up his sleeves. From out of the pocket of his slacks, he pulled out a small knife that Christopher used earlier. I'm guessing he had taken it from the servant's table and didn't tell us about his plans with it, which is super f.u.c.king shady, but it worked in his favor, so...
Who's the clown here, right?
Francis then thrust the knife towards the policeman with a roar. The now sweaty salesman kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing the policeman's back all over the place. He let out a blood-curdling shout, which sounded a whole lot like him being tortured and torturing someone at the same time--it's filled with pain and anger and excitement all mixed together to form an awful, awful mess.
Blood then started to spurt out of the policeman's body, and oddly enough, what came out of his back are a few squirts of green bile-like liquid that has the texture of c.u.m and evaporated milk. It slowly crawls out of the man's wounds while also squirting from the holes every now and then, which resembled that of a water gun being fired off from the policeman's back.
Finally, the f.u.c.king pervert in the blue uniform stopped his unstoppable s.e.xual onslaught and screamed out loud as I saw him fall into the floor. I then moved forward and pulled the nurse away from the policeman and hid her behind me as I carried the minigun with both my arms. I faked a pained expression, so it would seem like I'm having a hard time carrying this thing, but it's actually not that bad. However, I can't let these motherf.u.c.kers know that.
The salesman then stopped stabbing the policeman's back as he took a step back with green blood all over his body. He's still tightly gripping the knife on his hand as he panted heavily with pupils dilated so widely that I found it almost disgusting.
"Alright, alright," I said with a sigh towards the bloodied man who's screaming loudly on the floor. "Stop it right there!"