I never thought swearing would be this great! I feel like I have ascended into a realm higher than the heavens itself now that I'm uttering these taboo words in my head. Never have I ever wished to speak these cursed words such as f.u.c.k, b.i.t.c.h, and s.h.i.+t because I know my mom would cap my a.s.s so f.u.c.king hard that I would start asking to be on the other side already. However, now that I've tasted the forbidden apple, even though I know I have no right to say them, I still cannot stop myself. It's way too f.u.c.king fun!
Wait, what?
"Who said that?" I uttered as I looked back behind the people walking behind me. I am still f.u.c.king mad when these sons of b.i.t.c.hes decided that they would kill my f.u.c.king main b.i.t.c.h like that, and now I have to force myself into a.n.a.lyzing deeper! I have not thought as hard as this after my wife's death, and for someone as busy as me, that time is already a f.u.c.king long time ago even if it's just, like, a week or something. Man, I don't give a s.h.i.+t! I am so f.u.c.king tired, and I'm so absolutely f.u.c.king stressed if these whole shenanigans that every sort of h.e.l.lfire is just now currently running all over my head.
"I did!" The policeman replied with the same stupid smile that he always had. Seeing him look like that is just adding more unneeded tension in me, and I'm not f.u.c.king living for it!
"...why?" I, too, didn't know why I said that word like that or why I asked it with such a heightened form of condescension.
"I just did!" The policeman merely answered with a chuckle. Since we both didn't partic.i.p.ate in that stupid f.u.c.king game show in the last area, I still don't know what this son of a b.i.t.c.h's name is, and that makes me somehow more wary of him. "I just want to say it! Is there any reason for me to say anything; do I really need to ask for your permission?"
Silence took over all of us as I stopped my steps while directing my gaze at him. Outside, I am showing an expression of absolute nothingness, but insides, I am already ripping this piece of s.h.i.+t subhuman's face in a meat grinder.
"No, absolutely not," I replied calmly with a sarcastic smile as I continued to walk forward in the gla.s.s corridor.
Out of nowhere, while we're walking towards the door that's standing just a few meters away from us, a few m.u.f.fled noises suddenly resounded from all around us. No, that's not quite right; it's more like the f.u.c.king disgusting growls of many feral beasts on the other side of the next area's white door. It sounded so absolutely f.u.c.king inhuman like the sound of countless people bathing in the endless fiery sea of suffering in h.e.l.l. It's almost an impossibility to explain the sound well because it feels all too scattered and varied but also uniform in some unknown way. All I could say for sure is that those noises are the distinct unbearable cries of many people booming all at once. They sounded like they're inside of that room as they all let out the suffering they're feeling all with all their heart. Anything more other than that fact is an utter mystery to me.
"HOW LOOOOOONG!!! HOW LONG MUST WE STAY HERE!?" One of the voices that sounded like it came from an old man resounded among the endless other similar-sounding voices.
"WHY DID YOU PUT US HERE!? WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" Another voice from among the countless unbearable wailings resounded to me particularly well because it sounded a whole lot like the voice of a girl.
"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUUUUUTTTTT!" The deep and hoa.r.s.e voice then soon followed while the other noises continued to cry, weep, and beg.
We then slowly approached the door leading to the next area, and I reached out to it warily with trembling hands. Even I know whatever the f.u.c.k is happening here. I then gripped the door handle at the center of the door tightly before I heard the echoing sound of what sounded like sirens suddenly ringing all over the insides of the other side of the door.
Afterward, a voice then resounded from what seemed like an old and scratchy-sounding speaker that must have been inside of the room. "A little bit more... wait a little bit more..." The voice is filled with so much static and noise feedback that I couldn't quite determine if the voice was that of a man or a woman. However, what I do know for sure is that it sounded so monotonous and robotic that it's definitely computer-generated speech.
"NO MOOOOOORE!" The voice that sounded like someone with a sore throat said, which was then followed by them coughing loudly like a person on their deathbed.
"Wh-what the f.u.c.k is going on out there, father?" The salesman asked me as he moved beside me. He then tapped my back, seemingly saying that he doesn't blame me for hesitating to open the door.
"I... I'm sorry..." I uttered weakly as I swallowed my saliva with trembling eyes. "I, too, do not know what lies behind this door..." I said as spa.r.s.ely as I could while still tightly gripping on the door handle.
"It sounded like..." Kirstel whispered with a wavering voice. "It's like, there are people in there." Well, no s.h.i.+t, b.i.t.c.h! Thank you for your insightful commentary. f.u.c.k! I wish I can sew her lips tightly, so she would just stop being such a f.u.c.king annoying little c.u.n.t.
Oooh! Wow! That was the first time I ever uttered the C-word! I feel so dirty and so devilishly tainted, but somehow, I don't seem to feel like I did something wrong at all! Something is definitely going on with me!
"Why don't you open the door, father? Let's take a look!" The policeman excitedly uttered as he stuttered to flutter around like a high school girl who's just not expecting to see the face of her crush.
"Well..." I said before slowly tapping my forehead with the sleeves of my ca.s.sock. "Why not? Let's do this!"
Then, I opened the door.
What welcomed us is a bunch of people crammed inside of a large room with smooth gray stone walls. Every single person in the area all looked like the bloodied stranger we met in the first area. They all have frizzy hair, greasy skin, bloodied bodies, blackened teeth, crazed eyes, and hunched backs. There's a lot of bones of small animals on the floor along with hardened red and yellow liquid; I could even find a bit of white and brown stain all over the walls. I could tell that those stains are p.i.s.s, c.u.m, and s.h.i.+t just by the amalgamation of the different stench intertwining like many strings in the air. These strings of agonizing smell then penetrated our noses and pierced my holes so d.a.m.n f.u.c.king horribly that I could safely say that I felt molested by the smell of this area alone. A few scratches are embedded all over the stone room, and some are even on the ceiling. Right after opening the door, all these disgusting f.u.c.k faces all looked at us with varying degrees of gasps and fright. However, that shocked expression of theirs quickly faded once they directed their eyes onto us. The bloodied strangers before us are now locking their reddened and watery eyes at us as they squatted on the floor like they're all about to take a s.h.i.+t. Some were even biting their nails while some were scratching their blackened faces.
They all slowly stood up when they saw us as smiles started to crept past their faces.
And they ran towards us! They all did so while laughing out loud, with their hands outstretched towards us.
However, my instinct kicked in, and I quickly smashed the door close, making a loud banging noise all over the room. I then used my body to stop the door from opening when I noticed that the door couldn't be locked from our side.
f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k!!!WHAT THE f.u.c.k IS HAPPENING!?