"What the f.u.c.k just happened?" He uttered weakly as his hands shook with his eyes widened.
"Urgh... Help... Help..." Kirstel whispered weakly with her hands extended towards Francis. Her bloodied face continued to bleed profusely as her tears mingled with her blood.
In a snap, Francis regained her hold onto reality and swiftly moved towards Kirstel. "You're okay now... you're okay now..."
Kirstel then tightly gripped Francis's ma.s.sive arms as her lips shook uncontrollably while her sobs increased. While this sad sight before me continued, the lights all around the gla.s.s hall dimmed until the stage a few meters away from us was slowly swallowed within the endless darkness. I noticed that the two Caucasian hosts in the once well-lit stage are now gone. Gradually, the darkness returned all around us, and finally, I could see once more that we are, indeed, inside of a dungeon beneath my family mansion.
Ever felt like you're currently standing in such a dark and humiliating place that things just feel a whole lot like... A Linkin Park song? You know that one piano part in their song Numb that goes something like, "ting, ning, ning, ning... ning... ning..." Yeah, that's pretty much the mood of this whole place. The policeman is on the ground, sleeping like a baby, shards of gla.s.s are all over the place, the nurse is obviously beaten so severely that I could feel it hurting me as well, and the salesman just... he's just there. See? It feels and looks like a Linkin Park song! Earlier, I was feeling more like I'm in the Lady Marmalade music video, but now I feel like I'm reliving the early 2000s emo rock scene.
"AAAAAHHhhhhh!" I heard the slowly descending scream of the silver man from afar. It seems like he still hasn't plunged deep into his death. However, after a while, I saw the lava below us slowly getting covered with a dark metal floor, which felt a whole lot like a shutter door.
s.h.i.+t. Now, I have to plan something out real fast.
Haa... f.u.c.k. The policeman had been seeded, so there's absolutely no way I can fool him into being my key slave. The salesman... might work? I saw him doing everything that the nurse told him since earlier, but I think that's just him simping on her. Well, there's also the nurse... from what I can see, she seems like a rather strong-willed woman, but I'm not quite sure if she would step in to save me after what she had gone through.
What else...
I have no idea. This is so d.a.m.n frustrating. Maybe this would be the first time I would ask my mother to help me get out of this place, which is fine since my mom would not disown me for it... Still, seeing the charade that happened just now, I'm reasonably sure that the entirety of the Organization has their eyes on me. I just cannot imagine the humiliation that I would suffer along with my family. Susan would probably treat me the same way I treat her son.
f.u.c.k... Everything happened so fast that I can't seem to keep up well. Now, things are suddenly all back to slow motion while my senses have been heightened to a further extent that I could feel each bead of sweat trickling on my body.
I looked around me and saw that the skinny models who're guarding me have already left, but I'm still here tied tightly on the trolley with a mask on my face. What the heck is up with that? Ugh... Darn it all; when have I suddenly started swearing? Have I lost contact with my mind so much that I'm now using words the Lord would not have permitted me to use?
"Help!" I screamed in a m.u.f.fled voice as I shook my body round in hopes that the restraints around me would stop hugging my body tightly already. "PLEASE, HELP!"
Francis then looked at me in worry; it seemed like he had just now realized that I'm still alive. He then looked at the clearly beaten up and bruised badly. I could see from his shaking lips that he doesn't know who among the two of us should he tend to first.
While the man was deliberating with his own head, the policeman suddenly swung his eyelids open with his eyebrows outstretched. There doesn't seem like any differences within him other than the clearly green veins around his pupils, which made me look like he's some kind of human-plant or something. In fact, I could even see some green veins popping up on his forehead and his neck. He then raised his upper body like a machine and sharply moved his head to gaze at the nurse. The policeman then crawled towards the nurse like a prowling tiger as I could see his smiling lips and twinkling eyes all turn into a crescent shape. He then licked his upper lip while the salesman wasn't looking at him before pulling the nurse's arms gently.
"I'll take care of her." The policeman said as he looked at the salesman with a perfectly crescent-shaped grin, showcasing his finely white teeth. "Why don't you help father out of that thing, won't you, please?" He said ever so politely as he gently stroked the nurse's exposed arm.
"S-sure, man..." The salesman then slowly pulled his body away from the still shaking nurse. The lady nurse then swiftly moved her body to embrace the policeman tightly like her life depended on it. Without further ado, the bruised woman wept uncontrollably as she smothered her face onto the policeman's firm chest. Seeing this, the salesman slowly frowned but immediately stopped whatever he was thinking with a sigh.
What kind of reaction is that?
It's... interesting.
Francis then walked towards me with a downcast gaze, but he slowly then smiled as he swiftly took the restraints constricting my body. I then clumsily pretended like I was saddened of what I had just gone through and delighted after finally being let go.
I slowly wrapped my body around his sweaty and fat body while tapping his back. "You are my hero, Francis. Thank you so much." I said gently before pulling my hands away from me. "I'm sure the nurse was so happy that you're still here with us," When I said this, a bright smile slowly crept upon the salesman's face, which solidifies my theory. I then followed this with a saddened tone, "but it's too bad that I still cannot save all of us from harm."
"I-it's okay, father..." He said gently as he gently moved me towards the still crying nurse and the still smiling policeman. "You've done well enough. I'm sure our numbers wouldn't decrease after this! We will even find a way to get out of here without the need for sacrificing everyone."
No one else dying, huh?
I then looked at the policeman who's still giving off a distorted smile while looking at me intently with his crescent-shaped eyes. He then nodded at me slightly, which I reciprocated by slightly moving the tip of my lips.
Hmph. I doubt that!
The policeman then slowly raised the nurse while whispering, "Do you want me to do anything else for you, m'lady?"
The nurse then sniffed thrice while still tightly embracing the policeman's muscled body. "Let's just get the h.e.l.l out of here... please!"
"O-of course!" The salesman replied instead as he moved towards the nurse while trying his hardest to act kind. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d has been cold and rude the entire time, but here he is now all chummy in the sight of a p.u.s.s.y. What a d.a.m.n sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "We will get you out of here, Miss Kirstel." Francis then stammered and flushed upon saying the nurse's name before continuing, "You have a beautiful name, by the way."
The nurse merely ignored him entirely and just continued to bury her face onto the policeman's chest.
I then looked at the door that's standing a few feet away from us. "We don't have any meat anymore. What should we do? We can't possibly open that door now." I then swiftly diverted my gaze towards the policeman as dark shadows slowly surrounded my piercing glare. "Someone has to do something."
An O shape then appeared on the policeman's lips before he replied with a chuckle. "Of course!" He then moved towards the door ahead of us with the same distorted smile while the nurse continued to embrace him tightly. Swiftly, the policeman took a blade form inside of his pocket that he had been hiding for a long time now and suddenly thrust it on his upper right arm with the same smile.
The nurse then screamed and took a step back away from the policeman with her hands, covering her lips. Without even flinching or removing his smile, the policeman swiftly used his blade to cut a chunk of flesh from his arm, ripping his uniform in the process.
"Y-you have a knife!?" The salesman asked, which is a very valid question. I have noticed that knife for a while now, and if it weren't for the seed embedded in the policeman's gut, who knows when he would tell us the existence of that concealed blade and what he would do with it when he did so.
"THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT TIME TO BE ASKING THAT! HE'S CUTTING HIS FLESH OFF! AAAHHH!" The nurse continued to scream in this annoying high-pitched tone, which sounded, so... gosh... it's so horrible because of the highness of its pitch!
The policeman then chuckled. "It's okay." He uttered before he chunks the flesh he had extracted from his arm towards a rather big hole on the lower side of the door. The door then opened slightly, and the policeman waved his hands towards the now open corridor with the same distorted smile. "Shall we?"