A Saiyan Reincarnation - 22 Chapter 22: Words Of Wisdom

22 Chapter 22: Words Of Wisdom

Vocado : " And why can't I sense anything from you?"

On the scouter the man in black wasn't even registered with a power level of one or zero.

It was like he was completely invisible to it and my ki sense.

Darkest Dark Man : "Do you know who I am!"

In a deep and rough voice the man in black spoke.

Vocado : "Tall dark and mysterious?"

Darkest Dark Man : "I am the Darkness of the night, I am the shadow that lurks behind your every step, I am the hero of justice you criminals deserve, I am the…"

Darkest Dark Man / Vocado : "Darkest Dark Man!" / "'Batman!"

Vocado : "Haha, sorry, sorry you reminded me of someone else for a second there."

Darkest Dark Man : "Is this a game to you boy!"

Darkest Dark Man : " All this death and destruction you're causing."

The man in black pointed at me demanding an answer.

I turned off my scouter.

Unintentionally making my position go dark on Mayze's radar who a.s.sumed the worst.

Vocado : "I'm not a boy I'm a grown a.s.s man from another universe who was reincarnated into the body of a fictional alien race."

The hero Darkest Dark Man could only look at him with a strange curiosity before coming to the conclusion that the boy was simply delusional and speaking nonsense.

Without being able to see the man in black's face but by reading the expression in his eyes I could tell he thought I was a lunatic.

I didn't blame him, when I said it all out loud it sounded ridiculous.

Darkest Dark Man : "I don't know what you're talking about but this ends here!"

Vocado : "(*sigh) You know, I thought that if I told someone about what I was going through I would feel better about what I'm about to do."

Darkest Dark Man : "I don't know what it is you're planning."

The man in black got into a stance which I was able to recognize from Mr. Popo's training Jeet Kune Do as he prepared to fight.

Darkest Dark Man : "But you need to be stopped!."

The six years I spent training with Mr. Popo were the worst years of my entire life.

But seeing this weird guy get ready to fight, I couldn't help but remember something he said...

Flashback : ( Inside of the hyperbolic time chamber).

Mr. Popo : "Now remember maggot if you can mimic an opponent's fighting style during battle be sure to use it against them."

Vocado : "I don't get it."

Vocado : "Why would I ever do that in a fight?"

Mr. Popo : "Because it's a good way to p.i.s.s off an opponent and get them careless."

Vocado : "But won't it just make it harder for me to win against someone who's better at fighting that way?"

With a sinister yet happy chuckle the fat genie replied.

Mr. Popo : "Lessons over maggot looks like we gotta go back to the basics b.i.t.c.h."

Vocado : "Wah-Wait I still don't under-"


Without warning his leg blurred and swung across my face nearly breaking my neck as my body slid across the floor beginning the h.e.l.lish cycle of training again.

Flashback : (END).

Vocado : ("s.a.d.i.s.tic a.s.shole, but maybe he's got a point.")

I wanted to know how strong he really was so I decided on copying his stance until I could feel his strength and see which one of us was stronger.

Vocado ("All it would take is one slip up to finish this guy if he's weaker than me.")

Darkest Dark Man : "Hya!"

The black hero stepped forward and kicked high at me with his right leg, but I stepped back dodging the attack.

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We both stepped forward and back none of us willing to throw the first attack it felt like an intense footsies game.

We feinted each other back and forth with fake kicking and punching movements daring the other one to attack.

Until the black hero finally took another shot with his left leg with a low kick.

I dodged again by stepping back and repeated the process of feinting.

I was willing to take my time with him and fight defensively until I knew for sure whether or not this was someone I could win against.

To the bystanders observing and recording while cheering for the black hero.

Our fight was underwhelming and slow but to us it was like a game of cat and mouse.

In all honesty I preferred fighting on the ground then in the sky.

Mainly due to my entire training on earth never involving any aerial combat practice.

Fighting in the sky was still awkward for me since I no longer had the ground protecting me I had to worry about being attacked from below.

Although flying allowed for more mobility in the sky trying to punch and kick properly without the floor was easier said than done to get used to it.

After a whole twenty four seconds of constant fainting and footsies the black hero finally became irritated and approached.

Darkest Dark Man : "Humph."

He came in reckless and swung his fist right to left and I dodged them by ducking my head and countering with a high right kick.

Vocado : "Ha!"

To my surprise in an excellent display of speed he stopped my kick.

By blocking his head with his left arm and stepping back.

Vocado : ("He's fast.")

Using the momentum of my counter I stepped forward and used my left leg to kick his stomach.

But he pushed the kick away with his hands before it could hit.

I wasn't done yet I immediately spun my entire body to the right.

To deliver a spinning right kick to the face.

But mere moments before my heel could connect.

He tilted his head back and narrowly avoided the attack.

Vocado : ("I can't believe I'm seeing this, but his fighting skills are actually better than Mr.Popo's.")

Vocado : ("I don't think even I could have avoided my own attack like that.")

The black hero not willing to wait stepped forward again and kicked with his right foot aiming at my stomach.

I couldn't dodge I took the first blow and grunted, stepping back staying on the defensive.

Vocado : "Tsk."

We had returned to feinting and footsies waiting for each other to slip up or counter again.

My smaller body was at a disadvantage not only was my range shorter on punching and kicking but this guy was faster than me too.

But the gap in physical power was evident I was stronger.

This guy could take a beating but couldn't dish one out.

I don't want to waste any ki on this guy if I can help it.

Just in case things go south with Mayze and Kaper.

I'll need to save as much ki possible if we end up fighting stronger guys later.

Darkest Dark Man : "Enough! Take this!"

The black hero reached back and pulled out two metallic D shaped blades from G.o.d knows where.

They were sparking with electricity he spun them between his fingers before throwing them at me like Frisbee's

Vocado : "Is that what you hit me with earlier?"

They went through my afterimage.

Darkest Dark Man : "Where did he-!?"

I had jumped up quickly and flew above quietly landing behind him.

With the intention to snap his neck.

But before my hands could reach his neck.

In a great display of acrobatics the black hero instantly flipped backwards landing behind me and pulled another pair of metallic electric D's.

Pressing them against my head electrocuting me.


Vocado :"Grrr."-"Owowow!"


I gritted my teeth and growled in pain.

It gave me a splitting headache that only kept getting worse.

But this was my moment!

Instead of turning around to attack him

I used my tail like a whip and coiled it around his right leg electrocuting us both.

He dropped the Metallic D's and gritted his teeth in pain.

I pulled back my tail making the black hero lose balance and slip.

Before quickly spinning around and slamming my right fist into his chest.

Darkest Dark Man : "Ack!"

My fist unintentionally punched through his chest and his body slammed onto the ground, killing him almost instantly.

My right arm was buried into the deceased black hero's chest.

That punch broke through flesh bone and the rock beneath.

Leaving a b.l.o.o.d.y fist mark printed on the ground his insides were all gross and mushed.

I put so much force into the punch his chest cavity practically exploded from impact, splattering blood everywhere.

When I yanked my arm out of his chest it was covered in a layer of blood and blended guts.

Vocado : '' Yuck."

I created a towel to wipe off the b.l.o.o.d.y gunk on my arm and face while the crowd around me still recording and watching cried out in fear and ran away.