Children are a gift from G.o.d.
A child is a flower which has come down from Paradise.
Nothing is dearer than a child, except a grandchild.
When your son is young, train him; when he is grown, make a brother of him.
That child is loved most who is young until he is grown up, or sick until he recovers, or absent until he returns home.
Your riches and your children are a temptation to you (_Koran_).
Happy is the woman who has first daughters, then sons.
If you do not train up your child, time will do it.
The training of children is like chewing stones.
Your riches and children are your enemies--beware of them (_Koran_).
The joy of parents in their children prolongs life.
Sorrow for a child is a burning fire in the heart.
He who is not tender to his child shall find no tenderness in G.o.d to him.
Your children are not too many for Death, nor is your money too much for a rapacious governor.
When your father and mother become old, and you take them into your house, say not a word of impatience to them, nor rebuke them, but speak graciously, and be humble to them, and say: "O my G.o.d, be merciful to them, even as they tended me when I was young" (_Koran_).
Be dutiful to your father, and your son shall be dutiful to you.
He who is ill-mannered to his father will be ill-treated by his son.
The good-will of parents procures the good-will of G.o.d.
The central gate of heaven is open to the man who has been dutiful to his parents.
Paradise is open at the command of mothers.
You, and all that you have, belong to your father.
A daughter is always proud of her father.
An unmarried daughter has a broken wing.
A man who has no brother is like one who has a left arm and no right.
A brother is a wing.
When evil befalls you, you will know the value of a brother.
Your brother is he who shares your distress.
The same regard is due to the eldest brother from the youngest as that which is due to a parent from his child.
G.o.d helps him who helps his brother. Who forsakes his brother will be forsaken by G.o.d.
A man is a mirror in which his brother's likeness is seen.
The best man among you is he who is best to his relations.
Blood does not become water.
Honour your tribe, for they are the wing with which you fly.
The measure of a man's greatness is that of his tribe (clan, party).
Be friendly to your relations, but do not depend on your relationship.
If it were not for my own arm, my mouth would have nothing to eat.
A friend is a second self and a third eye.
A true man is he who remembers his friend when he is absent, when he is in distress, and when he dies.
A friend is known only in adversity.
If your friend is sweet, do not eat him up.
If you would keep a friend, do not lend him money nor borrow from him.
Keep to your old friends--your new friends will not be so constant.
You may find in a friend a brother who was not born of your mother.
The n.o.blest man is he whose friendship may be easily obtained, and whose enmity can be incurred only with difficulty.
He is a weak man who can make no friends, and still weaker is he who loses them.