Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don't Move! - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The quant.i.ty of meat ingested by these newly transformed zombies were clearly much larger than the common zombies . Fortunately, the shop was located in a remote area, so there were not many people around, thus not many zombies .

“Ohh! Grawwr!”

Due to the lack of food, the newly arrived humans had easily attracted their attention .

Bai Lin threw the cellphone to Bai Xiaoxi again . “It’s switch to video call, so record me!”

When they got off the car, Bai Ling already switch the phone call to video call . Bai Shan can now clearly see the current situation on Bai Ling’s side .

When Bai Shan heard her sister, she already guessed what the other was about to do

. She was choked with anxiety and couldn’t utter a single word before Bai Ling was too far away . She heard a bloodcurdling screech .

The anxiety and dread she felt put her on edge . She watched her lovely son sound asleep in her arms . She had followed Bai Lin’s advice and plug her son’s ears . Unconsciously, she hugged her son tighter .

She looked at the familiar figure on her phone screen . In the same picture, she saw huge monsters holding b.l.o.o.d.y pieces of flesh . The monsters were terrifying . Suddenly, they turned around… Did they discover Bai Lin?

Bai Shan couldn’t help screaming and prayed to G.o.d to protect her big sister . If something

something was to happen to Bai Ling, she won’t know what do to . Nothing must happen to her sister, nothing!

Despite already reaching the age of 22 and already an adult with her own thoughts, Bai Shan was emotionally depend of Bai Ling . Bai Ling was like a mother figure to her, always there when she needs it the most, supporting her in the most difficult moment . The person that occupied a large part in her heart, apart from her child’s father, was Bai Ling .

“Don’t… Don’t…” come over! When those huge and powerful monster pounced at her big sister, Bai Shan let out a repressed scream and shut her eyes, not daring to look any longer .

“Second Big Sister, rest a.s.sured . Nothing will happen!”

will happen!” Bai Xiaoxi’s small voice didn’t show any fear because Bai Ling was too powerful . She was more powerful than the average human .

The next second, she looked again and saw Bai Ling’s agile body shuttling between the sinister monsters which were bloodsoaked and smelled of rot . It seemed as if she was merely playing a game and had no fear when facing those zombies that could end her life with one bite . Even a careless move, an accidental grab of her arm or a slip on the ground could turn her into chunks of meat .

Bam! Bang! Slam!

With extreme accuracy, the folding chair slammed onto the zombies’ head . Every time she was about to be bitten, Bai Ling used the chair

used the chair as a s.h.i.+eld . However, the most unexpected thing is she dared to use her hands against the zombies! She grabbed the zombies’ arms and broke their joints . She was ferocious and those arms weren’t mere chopsticks .

Although the chair attack didn’t break their head, it still have the effect of stunning them for an instant .

Bai Ling turned back with a smile, illuminating her dull but pretty face . “Shanshan, are you scared?”

Seeing the smile on her face, an oasis of calm amidst the bellows of the zombies and the blood-filled streets, Bai Shan felt how great her sister was, a firm pillar that could hold the sky . She engraved her image deeply into her mind .