Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 630

Chapter 630

It means the realm of chaos.

Yaozu is currently one of the eight huge chaotic realms.

Wang Ye and five people, led by Jin Kui Tianzun, arrived outside the boundary.

Huge golden energy enveloped an area, and it was densely packed, all of which were strong from various forces.

There are more than ten Tianzun alone.

Headed by him was a man with jet-black hair who was carrying the Heavenly Dao Holy Treasure Saber on his back. His side face was cold and arrogant, and his eyes were deep and dark.

Gu Tianzun!


One of Wang Yexin's Lin.

Fate came to the city, don't keep it?

In case the demons take advantage of the chaos to attack Yuanlai City, can Yuan Guxing withstand it?

"The teacher doesn't seem to be here, and there is no Tianzun Yuan." Wang Ye looked around.

In addition to Gu Tianzun, there are only Jinkui Tianzun and Pipa Tianzun on our side, and the rest are from other supreme forces.

Second Senior Sister Xuan Tianzun, Gentle Teacher Killing Tianzun, Xian Yuyan's teacher Bai Luo Tianzun, and several other top-notch Tianzun did not come.

The problem should not be big.

Yuangu Star's Heavenly Venerate combat power has always been very high.

"After a war breaks out, don't approach the core area. In an ethnic war, **** the enemy while keeping your life is a science." Jin Kui Tianzun said in a low voice.

"Understood." Everyone responded.

Once the war breaks out and there is chaos, Jin Kui Tianzun has no time to protect them.

And such protection does not make any sense.

Actual combat is the best lesson.

They are black hole level, and there are opportunities for error tolerance.

"Wang Ye, how did you survive the battle of Yuanlai City?" Piao Baibai asked curiously.

"...strength." The corner of Wang Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

It is impossible to tell the four people that I am hiding in the dimensional space and just do some sneak attack work.

That's too embarrassing.

"Awesome." Qing Xuan gave a thumbs up.

"Don't rush forward, run away if you can't beat it." Wang Yedao: "Our battle limit is eternal life. If you accidentally encounter the Lord of High Dimensions or the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, everyone teleport to five directions to escape."

"I won't." Qingxuan is very sincere.

"Me neither." He said gently.

"I am gentle." Wang Ye looked at Piao Baibai.

"Qingxuan, follow me." Piaobaibai smiled and said: "In terms of space attainments, Xianyuyan is inferior to me."

"Okay." Wang Ye and the five quickly discussed some plans and formulated strategies.

It is different from the last battle of Yuanlai Castle.

This time they are the offensive side, it feels completely different.

Fuck the demon clan who is helping the evildoers!

In the golden field, more and more strong human beings gathered.

Most of them are above eternity, and there are very few immortal lives.

There are fewer black hole-level lives, only five of them, five of Ni Jue, and one team of Chu Lang.


"Buzz!" A heart-shattering sound rang out.

Even under the protection of golden energy, Wang Ye felt trembling.

Invisible energy fields, one by one virtual space grids, instantly surrounded a huge chaotic world!

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a huge explosion, like tapping on a keyboard, and the attacks resounded one after another in every place in the Chaos Realm of Yunyi!

Chaos Holy Treasure!

The highest-level treasure of a strong human being!

Let's kill! !

"The four supreme giants of mankind, the virtual emperor." Wang Ye sighed.

It turns out that they are not the only ones going this way!

"Roar!" implies the appearance of a statue of three holy lions in the Chaos Realm.

Blue eyes and blue eyes, condense the energy of the chaotic world, and counter the power of the chaotic holy treasure!

The majestic energy bursts continuously, and the holy treasure of heaven, which gathers all the power of the chaotic world, exerts the full power of the highest level under the highest refining!


A clear voice sounded.

Wang Ye saw the golden energy disappear from their side.

It means that in the chaotic world, a phantom of a noble woman in a dress appeared.

He had a smile on his face, and his gestures were elegant.

A rain of golden coins fell from the sky, instantly covering the three holy lions.

Pieces of golden coins fell on the body, like burning, imprinted into his body and disappeared instantly!

Suddenly, the golden light was shining brightly, and the three holy lions roared in pain, and the aura of power appeared and disappeared, as if they were sealed, making it difficult to move.

Bank of the universe, queen of elegance.

"Can the two supreme giants be taken down?" Wang Ye was a little worried.

This is almost part of the strongest combat power that humans can produce.

However, the power of the huge chaotic world refined by the Supreme Supreme and the huge chaotic world refined by the Supreme Heavenly Venerable are not even the slightest difference!

Struggling, Howling, Exploding!

The three holy lions were extremely angry and unyielding.

The collection implies the power of the holy treasure of the heavenly way in the chaotic world, and the will is tenacious, and it will not hesitate to die!


A dragon gun crashed down from the endless sky!

Through the world, the terrorist attack passes through the two holy treasures of chaos, vast and domineering, unparalleled in majesty!

Chi! Run through the three holy lions!

Slaughter the world infinitely, kill the Emperor of Heaven!

Endless golden light, each virtual grid burst!

It implies that the energy of the chaotic world fluctuates violently, and the energy of chaos dissipates!

Even the defense as strong as the Supreme Refining is shattered at this moment.

The three top human beings, gather together!

"There is a third way, crazy..." Wang Ye was shocked.


The four supreme giants of mankind, all except the Burner are here!

Only to capture the Chaos Realm of Yunyi!

No, I want to cut the rhythm of the Yaozu severely!

Wang Ye stared wide-eyed, watching the virtual human emperor's holy treasure of chaos spread out.

Shrouding itself and implying the Chaos Realm, the huge aura of other three human powerhouses can be faintly sensed in the distance.

Sanctuary, crazy!

No entry, let alone exit!

This is to fight until one side is completely defeated!

Humans, if you want to use this battle, kill the monster race completely with fear!

"Go!" Gu Tianzun soared into the sky!

The sonorous and high-spirited voice is like a charging horn!

In an instant, a strong human being rushed towards the Chaos Realm like a meteor!

Wang Ye and his party followed closely behind the impassioned human army, and their hearts were surging!

Three armies of strong human beings descended rapidly.

At this time, the three holy lions were pierced from the top of their heads, their hair was disheveled, and they were furious.

From time to time, golden rays of light appeared on his body, like scales, locking it firmly in place.

The virtual space grids exploded continuously, and the domain controlled all fields.

It means the offensive and defensive battle in the chaotic world, and it started with a bang!

"Kill!" The morale of the strong human being was high, and his arrogance was soaring.

Wang Ye and his entourage entered the world of Chaos!

Piaobaibai and Qingxuan are in a state of excitement!

Gentle eyes full of killing intent, entering a state of killing.

In Yunyi Chaos Realm, her way of killing intent is more powerful, and her combat power has increased dramatically!

Xian Yuyan stepped on the proud bone sword, full of sword spirit!

Immortal life of the monster clan will soon appear in front of you.

The indestructible space beast as tall as the sky, the thick scale armor comparable to a treasure has amazing defense, and the original energy is majestic.

Going to stimulate the blood of the beasts, they have the physical body that is not inferior to their ancestors, and the special ability of the blood.

"!" The source of the flame burned like magma!

Naturally strong and unparalleled physical body and strong vitality, no fear of melee attacks!

At the moment when Yaobaibai blasted through the defense, the huge source of flames enveloped him.

The original energy is raging!

"Haha, it's not that easy." Piao Baibai has good strength and can dodge flexibly.

Using the high-dimensional swordsmanship that he had learned in Wuji for ten years, he killed the indestructible beasts and screamed again and again.

Whoosh! As soon as Xianyuyan swordsmanship is used, it fully demonstrates the ability of the sword seeker.

The best innate treasure, the proud bone sword, has reached the peak, and the high-level high-dimensional swordsmanship can be used at will.

In the way of the sword, her talent is the ultimate.

Especially her other attainments are also not weak!

Time and space are reversed, and domains are scattered!

Chi Chi Chi! Xian Yuyan fights against three immortal space beasts alone.

Boom! boom! This side is gentler and more domineering.

Come to Yunyi Chaos Realm, which is her home field!

After apprenticeship to kill Tianzun, not only the combination of sword and sword is more powerful.

And a high-quality innate treasure equipment, paired with two top-quality innate treasure weapons, the combat power is monstrous!

My friends, you have become stronger.

But the strongest is still yourself!

"Boom!!" Wang Ye held the Split Front Saber in one hand and the Wang Xuan Soul Saber in the other.

First record!

With the domineering Wushuang's attack, he punched an immortal beast head-on.

Strong physique, directly tearing the defense!

Snapped! Soul venom drips.

The Immortal Space Beast let out a wailing sound, its soul trembled, and it was instantly wiped out!

Although the original energy of the physical body is far superior to other immortal beings, the immortal beast who follows the route of stimulating the blood of the beast, the soul power is not as good as the immortal demon king who follows the route of transformation.

Kill the Immortal Fifth Heaven.

Get 10 evolution points.

Light and shadow flashed before Wang Ye's eyes.

directly ignore.

Too little.

I don't like these evolutionary points now.

Looking around, he saw that the little friends were fighting hard and there was no danger.

Wang Ye quickly locked on to an eternal life in front of him, turned into a streamer, and teleported directly!

Two steps over!

Even if the kill is only Eternal First Layer, there are 400 evolution points!

"Give it all to me! Kill this group of **** humans! Eat their flesh! Drink their blood!" The Eternal Demon Emperor Bu Xing shouted angrily, driving a group of immortal space beasts to charge into battle, and his face suddenly changed.

Shua! Time and space change.

The space is blocked and shackles, and a powerful breath envelopes him.

"Humanity is eternal!?" The Eternal Demon Emperor Bu Xing looked ugly.

Breaks of electric light were released instantly, and Zhou Neng merged into the space.

The entire field shook again and again, and Wang Ye's figure appeared in an instant.

Bu Xing's frightened face suddenly eased, relieved, his slender eyes narrowed, and terrifying lightning **** appeared in his claws.

But suddenly, his complexion changed drastically!

Wang Ye appeared strangely behind him, and the twin swords appeared with terrifying light!

Among Bu Xing's sharp voice, the original Lightning Company is the guardian.

But the terrorist force is simply unstoppable, just like the punishment of God.

"Extreme innate treasure!" Bu Xing looked at the ferocious sword and broke everything.

Cohesive powerful forces, violent source force, falling from the sky.

Bang bang bang! The treasures of body protection shattered one after another, and the blood vessels burst open.

"How can there be such a terrifying black hole-level human being!" Bu Xing was terrified.

Twisting time and space to escape, but was bound to death.

The ferocious slender eyes were blood red, and he watched the sword of this terrifying human being smash his head open!

"Ah!!" In Bu Xing's sharp voice, Lian was revived by condensing the original energy.

Suddenly there was tearing pain, and Bu Xing's broken soul let out a mournful cry.

Peng! Annihilation in an instant.

Kill the Eternal Second Heaven.

Get 800 evolution points.

Evolution point 809.81609.8!

Light and shadow flashed in front of my eyes.

Wang Ye stood in the air, his eyes were superb, and he was full of vigor!

Battlefield, he is back! (end of this chapter)