Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549 Who are you?

Practice room.

"The high-dimensional universe is too comfortable." Wang Ye clearly sensed the original energy.

Origin force, cosmic energy, space source, and time source, under the invisible high-dimensional law of heaven, constitute a part of the ancient star.

Cultivation here is completely different from the low-dimensional universe.

Achieve four-in-one!

Top Inner World One of the four keys to perfect quality.

"First strike a balance between time and space." Wang Ye opened the personal panel.

At present, he has comprehended all the ways of time and space below the top level, especially the dimensional world and dimensional space, which are the key to consummation, have reached the standard.

But in small details, there is still a little biased.

Time changes, Seventh Eighth.

Time overlap, sevenfoldeightfold.

Touch of Time, Seventh Eighth.

1.8 trillion potential points are consumed.

In the space of consciousness, Wang Ye comprehended the mystery of time.

The accumulation of endless years has turned into comprehension, raising the three ways of time to the eighth level, which is only a short distance away from complete comprehension.

Time attainments, a little improvement.

"It's even." Wang Ye immersed himself in the world of the top body.

The control of the will, the way of space and the way of time are in a delicate balance.

Without deliberate control, a smooth fusion can be easily achieved, making the world in the top body extremely stable.

"The way of matter, I have realized the source power, and I can barely reach the way of the source."

"But the way of energy has not yet."

Wang Ye knew what he lacked.

The classics area records the complete training framework and system.

The way of energy comes from Yuanxing.

Accurately speaking, it is a high-dimensional energy heaven, a heaven that leads directly to the highest.

It includes several innate avenues such as Soul Avenue, Zhouneng Avenue, and Element Avenue.

The fundamental composition of each innate avenue is the original way.

The comprehension of the original avenue is the key to the cultivation and improvement of immortality and eternal life.

At the same time, it is also the key to the transformation of the inner world.

"I want to realize the source of energy, and there are currently two most suitable paths." Wang Ye thought to himself.

"The first one is to nourish the sea of souls with countless treasures of heaven, material and earth, upgrade the star core, and integrate the soul itself into the high-dimensional origin."

"The second, transform dark energy into cosmic energy."

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Taking the Soul Avenue requires a lot of resources and money to accumulate.

Especially because my innate talent is not high, it will take longer.

But in the long run, the income will be much higher.

Because the soul, as one of the main carriers of human cultivation, is the foundation just like the body.

The foundation is firm and solid, and it is much easier to cultivate in all aspects.

And take the Zhouneng Avenue, the speed is faster.

And the short-term increase in combat power is stronger.

Because the transformation of dark energy into cosmic energy is like the transformation of dark force into source force, it is the sublimation of essence.

If you can learn the cosmic energy technique again, it will be icing on the cake.

Among the newcomers, there is a reference object


Relying on Cosmic Energy and Cosmic Energy Technique, it ranked first in the Supernova Tianjiao competition, which is enough to show.

In the long run, both require practice.

But in the short term, it will be much faster to take the Zhouneng Avenue.

Because, I have everything ready now.

Open up!

In the personal panel, there are combat power and dark power, but there is no dark energy option.

But Wang Ye knew where it was.

Basic supernatural powers.

From control technique to compression technique, then to coagulation technique, power control technique, white world technique, and finally black hole level mindfulness technique.

This is the way of Zhou Neng, the way of complete cultivation and control!

Runs through all abilities, and is the most basic part of the entire ability system.

After the mind-only technique, there is Zhou Neng!

Is it necessary to spend 350 billion potential points to increase the number of intentional skills?


In the space of consciousness, Wang Ye perceives the improvement of the mind-only technique.

The control and understanding of the dark energy in the sea of souls will soon be greatly improved.


Is it necessary to spend 0.3 evolution points to increase the number of intentional arts?



Wang Ye's control over mindfulness has reached its limit.

The use of will is also much stronger than before.

Hazy is already able to feel the existence of cosmic energy, the high-dimensional way to touch energy.

Show up!

Golden '+'!

Wang Ye was slightly taken aback.

There is no golden '+' like the dark power upgrade.

Intention-only art has reached the top of the ninth level.

what happened?

After thinking for a while, Wang Ye couldn't help but laugh when he came down to only eight layers of white world art.


White Realm Technique, Yae Nine.

In an instant, a golden '+' appeared behind Weiyi.

Wang Ye nodded thoughtfully.

That is to say, some limit breaking or upgrading will not appear until certain basic conditions are met.

It seems that I still don't have enough understanding of natural abilities.

The will fell again.

Does it cost 3 evolution points to upgrade to the mindfulness technique?


Without hesitation.

In the space of consciousness, Wang Ye is suspended in the starry sky of the high-dimensional universe.

The control of dark energy reaches the extreme, endless compression and condensation, the white world is shrouded, and the will is sublimated!

The dark energy in the soul sea is transformed alone!

Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly!


Dark energy turns into powerful cosmic energy.

Wang Ye felt the same strength as his physical body.

That is the most essential and purest energy in the high-dimensional universe, and it is also the basis for all cosmic energy techniques.

The way of energy, stepping into a new level.

The yuan star in the distance is the same as the ancient star, and the perception is more clear and free.

Keep improving!

Zhou Neng: 1st stage 2nd stage.

Wang Ye let out a sigh of relief.

The control of Zhou Neng has become even better like Yuanli.

The perception of the way of energy, like the way of matter, enters the original level.

Body and soul blend together to reach new heights.

Although it is not immortal, it has mastered four high-dimensional original energies.

Consciousness has fallen to the top level of the body world, feeling brand-new changes, Wang Ye is confident in the unity of the four paths.

And now with the assistance of Zhou Neng, it is like a tiger with wings added, and its combat power has been improved to a higher level!

"The four keys to the perfection of the top-level internal body world, and the integration of the four paths is basically no problem." Wang Ye thought to himself.

"In terms of will, although a 3-star rating is the best, it is recorded in the classics that a 2-star rating can also achieve perfection, but other aspects must be perfect."

There is no way to improve the will for the time being.

To improve to a 3-star rating through tempering, he would at least have to stay in Senior Ningdan's Jiuyou Pagoda for decades, or even a hundred years.

"There are two more keys, to do the best you can." Wang Ye nodded.

One is vitality. Fortunately, the tree of life is already a black hole level, and it can be supported by abundant life treasures.

One is energy, you need to buy a lot of natural treasures or energy potions!

Simply put


"Sell 164 top-quality indestructible utensils, and you'll have it." Wang Ye walked out of the training room.

This feeling of not being short of money is really cool.

Refining area.

Located at the edge of the new world.

very quiet.

There are slightly more people in the pharmacy area, but the refining area is really unpopular.

Among the four major skills, refining equipment is the most complicated, the most difficult to get started, and the most expensive, and newbies often don't choose it.

In the fully enclosed refining area.

Two top-notch girls are busy with their hearts and minds.

A positive refiner material.

The other frowned, thinking about the secret fusion of space.

Lan Xun and Ji Mengyi.

There are only two of them in the refining area all year round.

Occasionally, a few new disciples will appear and want to try refining weapons, but basically they will quit once or twice.

Even if there are two beauties accompanying her, it is useless.


squeak. The door was pushed open.

The two women who were so focused didn't even look over from the corner of their eyes, they were busy with their own affairs.

Nobody bothered them.

Find an empty refining table, and get busy on your own.

The sound of clang clang clang clang clang sounded quickly, and the refining and mixing of materials were mixed.

Metal smelting, energy compression, and vessel-like shaping are carried out methodically and quickly.

That feeling is like the two people who were practicing piano according to the score in the piano room, and suddenly heard the moving melody of "Flight of the Bumblebee" coming from the next piano room.

Fast and clear, energetic and passionate, loud and clear.

Listen to the sound, you will know that it is extraordinary.

Ji Mengni stopped her movements, raised her head, her beautiful eyes widened and her lips parted slightly, a little in disbelief.

"Wang, Wang Ye!?" Ji Mengni never expected to see Wang Ye here.

I was a little stunned for a while, and blinked.

He is coming to...


Ji Mengni was amazed when she saw Wang Ye's skillful and quick technique.

Although it is only the most basic smelting and miscellaneous removal, the fledgling is still rich in experience, and you can tell it at a glance.

Wang Ye's clean and neat technique is like taking off his coat lightly, and it has been completed unconsciously in the blink of an eye.

Covering her lips lightly, Ji Mengni looked at Wang Ye, her heart beating faster, she couldn't believe that this was the Wang Ye she knew.

This crafting technique, in her opinion, is even better than that of her senior sister!

But how is it possible!

Senior sister is a genius refiner who can easily refine high-grade indestructible artifacts with a success rate of 95%!

Even high-quality indestructible artifacts have a success rate of nearly 30%!

time flies.

Ji Mengni's expression kept changing.

Watching Wang Ye's refining weapon was like watching a complete teaching session.

From material extraction to vessel shape shaping, to adding special materials to mix energy, and finally merging space secrets to complete the final refining.

One step after another, without any redundant operations.

All the details are perfect and completed in one go.

It's like playing a whole piece of music, giving people the feeling that it's lingering, and the aftertaste is endless.

She was extremely shocked.

Ji Mengni turned her head and looked at the senior sister Lan Xun in the next station.

I don't know when, the senior sister has also stopped the refining in her hand, staring at Wang Ye, motionless.

But those exquisite eyes betrayed her heart, how shocked at this moment.


The light is bright, and the indestructible utensils are formed!

Shining dazzling luster, transparent and beautiful, just like a work of art.

The combination of powerful energy breath and perfect space secret clearly shows its quality and level.

Extreme indestructible utensils!

The two women were deeply stunned.

Especially Lan Xun.

She was known as a refining genius since she was a child, and she never thought that such a day would come.

A junior brother who had never met before, showed her refining skills that even she didn't know, and refined a top-quality indestructible artifact that she had never succeeded in so far!

The chest rose and fell sharply, and the heart shook again and again.

"Who are you?" Lan Xun resisted the shock, his voice trembling slightly.

(end of this chapter)