Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Star Examination

Star test area.

More than a dozen disciples gathered, several in groups.

Wang Yehe's gentle entry immediately attracted attention.

Especially the new disciples, they greeted the two of them one after another.

"There are quite a lot of people." Wang Ye looked around.

The entire star test area is divided into six corridors like a semicircle, consisting of six sectors.

Each has a huge door and a blue stone tablet.

Except for the gate of the skill corridor, which is open, the gates of the other five corridors are closed, which means that someone is participating in the test.

Right in the middle is the rest area, and Wang Ye saw two familiar figures.

"You guys came so fast." Wang Ye said to Qingxuan Qingyu.

Should have guessed that the two siblings would go straight to the star test area.

"It's all brothers, I can't wait to say that I will win the star test." Qing Yu said.

Qingxuan smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, it should have come earlier."

"It's not too late to come now." Wang Ye said: "The star test can only be tested once every ten years. This year happens to be the ninth year. Many disciples came here these days."

"Do you want to line up?" He said gently.

"Yes." Qing Yu said: "Brother is in the battle corridor, I am in the will corridor."

"Then I'll come after you." Rou Rou said to Qing Yu.

Wang Ye smiled and said, "I'll be behind brother Qingxuan."

His eyes fell on the bluestone tablet in the battle corridor, with names engraved on it.

Gu'er: 8 stars.

Qingyao: 7 stars.

Bai Luo: 7 stars.

Wind: 7 stars.

Dong Ningxuan: 7 stars.

Only five!

Each of them is a famous and famous figure in the history of Yuangu Star.

Wang Ye already knew it.

Gu'er, who is now in charge of Gu Xingyuan, Gu Tianzun, is already at the pinnacle of strength among the Supreme Tianzun.

Qingyao, what's more, one of the two supreme beings of Yuangu Star, known as Fairy Qingyao, is the head of Yuangu Star.

Bai Luo is the Heavenly Venerable of Bai Luo's Supreme Realm.

Seeing this name, Wang Yexin shuddered slightly, and number 4 died outside Bailuo Supreme Domain.

Feng was the first group of powerful people on Yuangu Star, but they had already fallen in the last Chaos Era war between humans and demons.

Dong Ningxuan, known as Xuan Tianzun, is the supreme Tianzun of the moor of frost.

Wang Ye glanced at the other bluestone steles, they were all the same.

Only when a newcomer reaches a rating of 7 stars or above, can Qingshi be named.

There are very few names left in the three items of literature.

There are three classic bluestone steles.

Knowledge blue stone tablet, two.

Technical bluestone stele, none.

The most eye-catching one is the blue stone tablet of will, which has eleven names, two more than the blue stone tablet of Dao Dao.

Ranked first, is the only one with 9 stars.

Supreme, Fairy Qingyao.

Wang Ye saw a familiar name on the blue stone tablet on the road

Ying Tianze, 7 stars.

He is number 4.

When I was a newcomer, I got a 7-star evaluation on the Dao, and I will be accepted as a personal disciple by the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

"If I have enough potential points and evolution points, I should be able to reach 7 stars." Wang Ye Anlin.

The same is a direct disciple, being accepted by the Lord of High Dimensions, and being accepted by the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, there is a big difference between the upper limit and the lower limit.

So I was not too tempted by the solicitation of the Lord of Star Wish High Dimension.

Although she looks like a fish and a wild goose, she looks like a fairy.

But apprenticeship is different from double cultivation, strength still has to be the first priority.

My goal is the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

Especially Yuan Tianzun and Gu Tianzun, the first two of Yuangu Star.

The door to the battle corridor will open soon.

Qingxuan entered it.

Not long after, the door to the Corridor of Will opened.

Qingyu enters.

Whether it is successful or not, it cannot be seen here.

But it can be seen on Saitama Stone outside the star test area.

In addition, there is a fluorescent screen in the living area to announce the star test results in real time, with detailed records.

Soon, Qingyu with her mouth curled up came out from the gate of the corridor.

"Come on." Wang Ye encouraged Wen Rou.

"Okay." Ruan Rou said softly, took a look at Wang Ye, and then walked to the end of the corridor.

The light flickered, and the door was closed after entering it.

"How is it?" Wang Ye looked at Qingyu.

"No way, the second level is too difficult." Qing Yu shook her head, a little regretful.

"It's normal. Now only Xian Yuyan and Jiu Gedi got two stars in the will star test." Wang Ye reassured: "With your ability, it will definitely be fine next time."

"Yeah." Qing Yu nodded: "After three years of honing in the Jiuyou Pagoda, my willpower has improved a lot, it's almost there!"

Wang Ye laughed dumbly: "Then go to Jiuyou Pagoda to practice for another three years?"

Dare to love, this is the real welfare for newcomers.

Qing Yu shook her head: "I asked senior Ningdan, but he refused."

Wang Ye thought for a while: "Try it, scold him for being stingy in your heart, and won't let you go."

"Is this useful?" Qing Yu blinked, doubtful.

"I don't know, you just keep talking about him." Wang Ye smiled and said, "Maybe it will be done."


After chatting for a while, the door to the battle corridor opened.

Wang Ye looked at Qingxuan striding forward, with his head held high, his face like a jade crown, and he was always confident.

He entered before Qingyu, but came out later than Qingyu.

Results, almost know.

"Passed?" Wang Ye asked.

"Yes." Qingxuan's eyes are exquisite: "Xian Yuyan, if you can pass two stars, I can naturally!"

"Amazing." Wang Ye has always known that the Qingxuan brothers and sisters are very strong.

Supernova Tianjiao is not ranked high in the competition, but because Qingxuan challenged Xianyuyan too early, it is a pity that he lost.

His true strength is not much worse than Xian Yuyan.

"You must be fine, Brother Wang Ye." Qingxuan said heartily.

"I accept your words." Wang Ye walked towards the battle corridor with a smile.


Through the gate, it is a passage suspended in the clouds and leading directly to the sky.

At the end of the passage, there is a majestic flame man, his eyebrows burn like flames, and there are blood lines on his forehead.

There is no expression on his face, but his pupils seem to be shining with fire. Obviously, his strength is not strong, but he feels supreme, existing like the sky, and it is difficult to compete.

There is a bright star mark on the chest.

He is the tester of the battle star test.


Wang Ye drew out his double blades without being affected at all.

The world inside the top level is suddenly suppressed, the will connects the two weapons, and the heart of the top blade explodes!


After dozens of rounds, Wang Ye defeated the flame man.

The figure disappears, and the path ahead reappears.

"One star has passed." Wang Ye continued on his way.

The strength of the tester is similar to that of Nong Bi, the supernova Tianjiao.

All aspects of combat power are balanced, but there is no strong point. With his current strength, he lives very easily.

2 stars is the key.

At the end, a majestic figure stood tall.

Signature flaming hair, raised eyebrows, superb flame pupils, like a flame messenger, standing there makes people feel awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"It's you again?" Wang Ye looked at the flame man's chest.

This time there are two stars, representing two stars.

And the breath is several times stronger than in the first level.


The source force exploded, and the time treasure was cast.

Gathering the majestic source of time, Wang Ye's firepower is fully activated, and there is no reservation!

Qingxuan is right, Xianyuyan and Piaobaibai have both passed.

He has no reason but!

Living Area.

The star test results scrolled on the screen.

"Wang Ye has passed the battle star test two!" Lei Gan shouted loudly, echoing.

"Haha, Xian Yuyan is under pressure now, her old enemy is chasing after her."

"Who said before that Wang Ye's double championship gold content is not as good as Xian Yuyan? Look! He easily won the 2 stars of the battle star test!"

"Not only Wang Ye, but also Qingxuan! There is also a gentle will star test that is also 2 stars, everyone is super strong!"

In the classics area, Xian Yuyan's beautiful eyes flickered, and Sui Er returned to calm.

Wang Ye's record did not surprise her.

But number one, definitely her.

"Good boy, you are really chasing after him, there is no room for breathing." Piao Baibai stroked his stubble and smiled: "But it's still a bit late, and we can all wait for the next year's star test to start again." Passed the first star test."

In the practice area, the corners of Donghuang Wanyi raised his mouth slightly.

Wang Ye caught up?

He doesn't care.

If he didn't want to expose his identity as a reincarnator, he would have passed the star test directly!

Supernova Tianjiao competed and lost to them.

But in the new world, no one can surpass him!

He was once an eternal peak powerhouse, even if the new physical body has not yet adapted, Wen Sanxiang's ability is real!

Whether it is Xian Yuyan, Wang Ye, or Baibaibai, gentle.

This time, no one can beat him!

Absolutely no chance!

Stop at the third level.

Still the flame man, but stronger.

Losing is normal.

Because the second level has been passed very reluctantly.

Even if the source power is raised to the second level of the third level, you still can't beat it.

There is too much difference between the realm and the perception of Tao.

"The old disciple is as high as five stars, amazing." Wang Ye praised.

But I admire those transcendent existences carved on bluestone slabs with 7 or even 8 stars.

How strong should they be in the rookie stage?

Can you reach this level by yourself?

Return to the rest area.

"Did you pass the third level?" Wang Ye and Ruan asked almost at the same time.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm still a little bit close." Gentlely said: "If you have no experience, you can pass next time."

"I'm far behind." Wang Ye said truthfully: "The opponent in the third round is strong in all directions, and suppressed me."

Gentle and thoughtful: "Then I will take the Daoxing test first, and wait for the will and state to recover."

"Okay, I'll go to the corridor of will." Wang Ye didn't care.

His fighting style is different from Gentleman's, and his will will not be lost too much.

Another round of star exams will end soon.

Qingxuan and Qingyu completed all three martial arts.

Qingxuan got five stars, and Qing Yu got four stars.

Participating in the star test for the first time, the results are enough to rank in the top ten in the Supernova Tianjiao newcomers.

Wang Ye and Wen Wen each completed another item.

"Excellent." Gentle looked at Wang Ye.

Very stable, two consecutive star tests are 2 stars.

"Actually, you should get 3 stars in the star test of will." Wang Ye also reached the third level, but soon fell.

His current will is almost the same as the gentleness before he understood the way of will.

But to pass the third level, you have to understand the way of will.

"How easy is it to get 3 stars." The old disciple in the rest area said, "Except for Boss Zero, I haven't seen any other newcomers who can get 3 stars in the first star test in one go."

"None of you newcomers seem to be able to do it?" Another old disciple also laughed.

"There will be soon." Wang Ye smiled.

Watching the door at the end of the avenue promenade open, then walk forward.

Fighting, Will, he's pretty good though.

But Dao perception is what he is best at!

(end of this chapter)