Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 458

Chapter 458

Chapter 458 Easy promotion!

Cosmic Ladder Tower, ninth floor.

Wang Ye patiently searched for information in the secret realm ravaged by demons.

Through intelligence collection, analyze the location of the ladder leading to the next level.

Whoosh! Chi Chi!

Wang Ye traveled through the maze of space, killing labyrinth beasts one after another.

Marking the direction in the misplaced space, the dimensional turbulence overlaps, and Wang Ye slowly breaks the situation by relying on the control of the nine-story space.

Fight, mark.

Fight again and look for the exit.

His knowledge of space is not high, and his foundation is good, but his understanding of the way of advanced space is not good, far inferior to the way of time.

Fortunately, there is more than one way to break the game.

Has enough combat power to lock the space position by killing labyrinth beasts.

"This is it." Wang Ye walked to the deepest part of the space maze.

The Underworld Flame Demon Knife lights up, and kills happily, killing the Labyrinth Beastmaster.

Bai Lei's original bombing, shattering the space, and a ladder leading to the promotion road appeared.

Wang Ye put away the magic knife and stepped up the stairs.

Easy promotion!

Taishi Star Network.

The eyes of billions of human beings in the universe are all focused on Wang Ye.

Seeing his perfect performance on the ninth floor, all of them let out a sigh of relief. The big stone in their hearts finally landed, and they were relieved.

"I have already said, Wang Ye is fine, hahahaha!"

"Excellent! The third promotion in the universe star field! Create a new record in the Taishi star field!"

"Hey! Climb and climb in the big cosmic ladder, brush big monsters, and earn big points!"

"Hey, Wang Ye's ranking has risen a lot, by more than 200,000!"

"Normally, there is a big gap between the ninth and tenth floors. Although many contestants advanced to the first stage, they all fell on the tenth floor. It is also the ninth floor. Wang Ye's points are much higher, with a total score of 4500 and 4495. !"

"Enough is enough, Wang Ye must not take risks, it is better to keep 1 life point! The tenth floor is too difficult!"

Personal lounge.

Points: 4495.

Life: 1.

Ranking: 726563.

Wang Ye looked at the rankings while recovering.

Advancement to the first stage was already expected.

He is quite satisfied with scoring 4495 points.

But without taking risks, stopping on the ninth floor is a bit too cowardly.

"The tenth floor is the battlefield level. Judging from the levels of the first, fourth, and seventh floors, it should be the strength of the Marshal of the Demon Race, and he can fight." Wang Ye flipped through the points of the ranking contestants, and he could almost calculate come out.

Including the points from the tenth to the eighteenth floors, it is also known.

The tenth floor is 1000, the eleventh floor is 2000, the thirteenth floor is 3000...

Feng Ying of Beimo Universe Kingdom, currently ranked number one, has reached the sixteenth floor with extremely high efficiency.

From No. 2 to No. 197, they are still on the fifteenth floor, and the competition is fierce.

But it is not yet clear whether the strength is high or low.

Because for these proud sons of the eternal kingdom, all these can pass the test, the difference is only in time and completion.

After the end of the ninth cosmic day, we can barely see some comparisons.

The real difference in strength can only be distinguished after the first half of the stage is over.

Currently ranked top 10,000 contestants, Wang Ye clicked on the information to follow.

It is different from Breakout Match.

Now, he must devote himself to the details.


The cosmic ladder list suddenly refreshed.

1Donghuang Eternal Kingdom, Donghuang Wanyi: 25490.

2Beimo Universe Country, Fengying: 25477.


Wang Ye's eyes lit up.

A big boss came up, and only 10 points were deducted for completing the fifteenth floor.

"What if the Eastern Emperor, is this the prince of the Eastern Emperor's Eternal Kingdom?" Wang Ye sighed.

Sure enough, there is no one in a million, outstanding.

Not long after.

The leaderboard is refreshed again.

1Yunzhou Eternal Kingdom, Xianyuyan, 25495.

One mountain is even higher!

Wang Ye sighed with emotion.

He was still very impressed with this fairy.

Halfway through the first stage, there are not many people who can stay in the top ten, and she is the only one who can stay in the top three.

Although it does not necessarily represent the strongest strength, the comprehensive ability must be the top among all the contestants.

"I don't know if it looks good." Wang Ye wanted to know.

Compared with Xi Yan's dream lover, Qi Guan Xian Ai, who is better?

"I'm still not used to the new physical body." Donghuang Wanwan felt a little helpless when he saw that he was squeezed into the second place.

The fifteenth floor is over, 5 points behind, although it is not unacceptable, but normally with his ability, it should be a full score.

"The descendant of Xianyun Jingzhai." Before Donghuangwan's reincarnation, both his identity and strength were extraordinary, and he knew the major eternal kingdoms well: "I don't know who is soft and strong with Chi Xuan from the Eternal Sun Kingdom." is stronger in close combat?"

"The two brothers and sisters, Qingxuan and Qingyu, from Xuanxu Eternal Kingdom, haven't emerged yet."

"If you don't make the top ten in the first round, the old man Qingyuan will be so angry, Kukuku."

"It's Starfield Empire, which has a dark horse this time. This Empty White has always been in the top ten, which is a bit interesting."

"Let's wait until the first stage is over. The current competition system is still very unfriendly to many martial idiots with superior combat power. Using their brains is not their specialty."

Even if Donghuang is calm and composed, he is not in a hurry.

Because he is confident enough in his own strength.

After scanning the cosmic ladder list, enter the sixteenth floor.

His goal is to be No. 1 in all!

In case you don't get it

That's also because he didn't adapt to the physical body, and it has nothing to do with his strength.

The tenth floor!

The charge of thousands of monsters is astonishing.

The leader is the extreme black hole-level sub-beast, not only the high-level black hole-level sub-beast, but also hundreds of elementary and middle-level black hole-level sub-beasts!

Compared with the demons, the group of monsters cooperate more tacitly and have different abilities!

A little rampant, activating the blood of the beast, the body is as tough as a treasure.

Some flames are billowing, the talent is amazing, and the fireballs are fired like a cannonball.

Some are born to control space, their whereabouts are surreptitious, and they can even drill out of dimensional cracks.


Different cooperation tests the different coping abilities of the contestants.

It's a tough fight!

The ninth floor is a big threshold, and the difficulty of the tenth and ninth floors is not the same.

However, the well-prepared Wang Ye fought steadily, constantly eroding the combat power of the monster beast group, without any mistakes.

After experiencing the battle of Carmen Star, he even won the immortal life Xindi, and his ability has already been improved to a higher level.

In comparison, the tenth floor is much easier.

Amidst the excited applause of the universe and humans in the Taishi Starfield, Wang Ye successfully passed the tenth floor.

Eleventh floor, ranking 534833.

The twelfth floor. Rank 409710.

Thirteenth floor. Rank 257454.

Wang Ye was neither sick nor slow, and recovered slowly, coping with every test in his best condition.

The ranking of the cosmic ladder list, the rising tide lifts all boats.

The further you go, the more difficult it is, and the more contestants will fail.

Some of them are not weak in strength, or they accidentally fell into a tight siege, or their will was tired due to continuous fighting, or they couldn't find the ladder to the next level...

There is only one chance, and there is a lot of chance.

Of course, it is basically impossible for the truly strong to make mistakes.

For example, Wang Ye.

Points: 25481.

Life: 1.

Ranking: 95123.

"It's not bad." Wang Ye smiled.

5 points were deducted for the first nine floors.

From the tenth to the fifteenth floors, the difficulty was raised by one level, and only 14 points were deducted.

"There are some lack of experience ahead." Wang Ye looked at the time while recovering.

Now halfway through the ninth cosmic day, the end of the first stage is not far away.

"There is no need to go to the sixteenth floor for the time being, let's take a break first and recharge our batteries."

"Wait for the opening of the second cosmic ladder, the challenge space, and then look."

Wang Ye had a clear mind.

At that time, adjust the strategy according to the promotion rules.

Advancement is the priority.

On this basis, strive for higher points.

With 2 life points, there is room for trial and error, and there is a limit to advancing and retreating, and you can strive for higher points.

"The first stage is over, and my ranking should be stable within 100,000."

"All right."

Wang Ye is very satisfied with his performance.

Under the competition of countless heavenly favorites from the top ten eternal kingdoms, being able to get this ranking has greatly exceeded his expectations.

Taishi Starfield is boiling!

After Wu Yunduo and Apu were eliminated one after another, Wang Ye's extraordinary performance gave the human beings in the universe a boost!

What is a genius!

What is absolute strength!

This is Wang Ye!

The ninth cosmic day has entered the final countdown.

Wang Ye's ranking is still stable within 100,000, and the human beings in the universe are cheering and ecstatic.

This is the top 100,000 in the entire universe!

Even if it is only the first stage of the first round, it is enough to be proud for a lifetime!

Wang Ye is now not only the number one in the Taishi star field, but also the number one in all universe countries' star fields!

Every step he takes now is creating the history of Taishi Starfield!

Let the Taishi Star Domain praise the human universe!

Wang Ye swiped the cosmic ladder list.

Watching the rankings constantly changing, it almost stabilized before the end of the ninth cosmic day.

Especially the top 100 positions.

"The ten eternal kingdoms are amazing, taking 99 places."

Wang Ye looked at the only fish that had slipped through the net, Eiao Baibai, who was currently ranked seventh.

This super genius from the Gaara Empire is like a little red in a thousand blacks, very abrupt.

"10, 9, 8..." The countdown of the first stage entered.

Wang Ye locked his eyes on the ladder leaderboard.

1Yunzhou Eternal Kingdom, Xianyuyan: 109425.

2Eternal Kingdom of the Eastern Emperor, in case of the Eastern Emperor: 109417.

3The Eternal Kingdom of Mind, Jiugedi: 109408.

4Dream Eternal Kingdom, Yutuwan: 109393.

9Xiyu Eternal Kingdom, Taishu Xiaoyao: 109275.

10Xuanxu Eternal Kingdom, Qingxuan: 109244.

very close.

They are currently parked on the 21st floor.

There is not much gap between them.

But compared to the 100th place with less than 80,000 points, their strength has begun to run out.

"This is the current top player in the supernova Tianjiao competition." Wang Ye wrote down every name.

These will be his goals for catching up in the future!

Not for long.


The countdown is over.

The first stage has officially ended, and the universe ladder ranking has changed drastically in an instant!

4.66 million contestants were eliminated!

Close to two-thirds!

Current remaining: 2.51 million participants!

The second stage, start!

The new door to the ladder, the challenge space is lit up!

New promotion rules announced!

(end of this chapter)