Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Chapter 438 Super Ace!

Worthwhile trip!

Wang Ye accepted the medium-grade indestructible artifact and was quite satisfied.

Attacking internal world treasures are treasures that can immediately increase your upper limit, raising your longest board.

Because of the contestants in the Supernova Tianjiao competition, the average strength of the inner world is about triple advanced inner world.

My own double-top internal body world, the perfect level, can exceed the average.

But other favored children of heaven basically have the bonus of internal world treasures, and generally speaking, they will forcibly pull themselves to the average level.

Now that I also have the inner world treasure, the situation is completely different.

It is very important to have an advantage on this longboard!


"Go and make up for the shortcomings." Wang Ye was in a happy mood.

"Get a wave of potential points and combat achievements along the way."

"I still have to do what I promised General Yi, after all, he promised me a low-grade indestructible artifact."

"Take down Saba Star as a thank you gift."

Wang Yezhan was in high spirits.

The figure galloped in like an arrow.

The safest way for him now is to clear all the black hole-level magic commanders outside Saba, which is safe and simple.

But quite time consuming.

Those black hole-level magic commanders are not fools, waiting to be killed.

It is possible to escape, or it is possible to enter Saba Star and break the balance of the planet.

Once the civil war on Star Saba collapses, even if he kills the extraterrestrial black hole-level magic commander, it will be useless. This general attack is likely to end in failure.

Instead of this, it is better to concentrate our combat power and directly take down the seventeen black hole-level magic commanders in Saba Star!

Capture the thief first and capture the king first!

Fuck him hard!

In Saba Star.

The battle is much more intense than off-planet.

Cosmic fighters fight, fighting at the superstar level, a large number of corpses pile up like mountains, and blood flows like rivers.

In terms of morale, the Seventh Army is currently in full swing.

But in terms of strength, Prady's magic army is stronger.

Otherwise, the first four general offensives would not have ended with the retreat of the Seventh Army.

Regardless of the number of super-star magic generals or black hole-level magic commanders, Prady's magic army is more.

Waiting for work with leisure, setting up a large formation to wait for the arrival of the Seventh Army, and commander Hermes also has a small advantage in strength against Yi Shiwu.

Not big.

But there are five more black hole-level magic commanders than the Seventh Army!

A melee!

On the side of the Seventh Army, many general-level super-star powerhouses tried their best to contain the black hole-level magic commander and create opportunities for the Seventh Army.

Strong morale, unyielding attack, supporting the backbone of the Seventh Army!

Yi Shiwu is very clear that now is the best opportunity.

Once Sabaxing increases its troops and restores its morale, it will be even more difficult to take it down.

He is waiting.

The knife that turned the tide of the battle appeared.


A young man covered in white thunder fell from the sky with double blades in his hands!

Everyone in the Seventh Army was ecstatic!

he came!

The nemesis of Prady's magic army!

Let all the strong demons be terrified!

"Shua!" Hermes, the commander of the demon clan, had superb eyes and was well prepared.

A blue light flew out of his hand at an extremely fast speed, and exploded in front of Wang Ye.

In an instant, endless blue lightning intersects, layer upon layer, containing the mystery of time parallelism and time overlapping, like a cage.

Wang Ye let out a light snort.

Based on his attainments, he can naturally see that this is an indestructible artifact with dual systems of time and abilities.

And it's a medium-grade indestructible artifact!

"This is the rhythm of double happiness!" Wang Ye sacrificed the bottle of thunder.

The mouth of the bottle seems to have infinite suction, and the blue lightning intertwined with time overlapping shadows is absorbed wantonly, and it is a feast for the eyes.

Wang Ye walks in parallel time without any constraints, just like walking on flat ground.

As if traveling through time and space, suddenly appeared from outside the blue cage, and directly took the back of an unsuspecting black hole-level magic commander!

The war blade condenses powerful dark power, tearing his armored body severely.

"Ah!" The black hole-level magic commander made a painful sound, his eyes were blood red.

The 100,000 people fighting against him will naturally not miss this opportunity, and the spear pierced through the chest of the black hole-level magic commander.

But the violent attack of the black hole-level magic commander before his death exploded violently, directly blasting him out.


Wang Ye raised his knife and fell, killing the black hole-level magic commander.

The clean attack directly destroys the defense, and the white thunder shrouds it, destroying the body.

Kill the third-order black hole-level magic commander.

Potential points: 69.78 billion 70.05 billion.

Light and shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and Wang Ye entered the blue lightning cage again the next moment.

Demon Commander Hermes:? ? ?


Time changed, and the scream of another black hole-level magic commander suddenly sounded from the other side.

Gritting his teeth, Hermes, the commander-in-chief of the demon clan, blasted Yi Shiwu back, and even took back the indestructible artifact.

But he didn't have any chance to help, Yi Shiwu followed him like a shadow, and soon restrained him.

In just an instant, another black hole-level magic commander was brutally killed.

Wang Ye has a ghostly figure, and his space is dislocated.

The next moment, another black hole-level magic commander appeared behind him again.

But this time there is no blue lightning cage to cause trouble, and with the loss of two companions in a row, all the black hole-level magic commanders have long been vigilant, Wang Ye will not succeed again

Boom! boom!

One side is the source of white thunder, and the other side is blue lightning.

Wang Yelei's combination skills both exploded!

The black hole-level magic commander who was attacked by surprise was so confused that he even evaded defense.

The attack of the 100,000 generals behind him should not be underestimated either.

Flanking back and forth, causing heavy damage!

The battle spirit burned wildly, but could not receive any assistance, and fell soon.

Seventh Army, morale boosted!

The eyes of all the generals, one hundred thousand generals, including one million general Yi Shiwu, all radiated fiery light.

This is their surprise soldier!

No, it's Super Ace!

Without Wang Ye, he would not have attacked Saba at this stage.

It turns out that he was right!

The arrival of Wang Ye and his extraordinary strength wiped out the advantage of Prady's magic army in just an instant!

Even, our own advantage is expanding!


Wang Ye's extremely fast attack killed the fourth black hole-level magic commander.

He is crazy!

Facing a group of black hole-level magic commanders who have been pinned down repeatedly and consumed a lot of strength, Wang Ye, who is at the peak of his combat power, is invincible like a tiger in a flock of sheep!

The double-bladed killing intent was revealed, the blue lightning and white thunder alternately glowed, Wang Ye's dark power erupted violently, and he was about to kill the fifth black hole-level magic commander

"kill him!"

"Kill him no matter the cost!"

"Leave the others to me!"

Demon Commander Hermes roared.

If Wang Ye is not dealt with, all their black hole-level magic commanders will be killed one by one by this super-star human genius!

Including him!


The world collapsed, and Hermes' combat power was pushed to the limit.

Top talent is in full bloom!

The physical body is divided into ten parts, cast from blood-red rays of light.

That is the essence and blood in his body, the source of his life!

Ten flesh-and-blood clones instantly attacked the other 100,000 generals, and Hermes burned his fighting spirit and attacked Yi Shiwu.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the ten black hole-level magic commanders who were replaced vacated and surrounded Wang Ye!

Headed by two middle-level black hole-level magic commanders, the battle spirit lights up, and the murderous aura is enveloped!

They also have no retreat!

Wang Ye must die!

Clap clap!

The Void Binding Ring was shining brightly, and the shield of the Manifestation Art was constantly shattering.

Bailun Yanjia showed its power and retaliated repeatedly, but it couldn't stop the attack of the black hole-level magic commander at any cost!

Time light wheel!

Centaur-like space beast gallops, countless circles of light condense into a time light wheel and appear!

A halo of light envelops ten black hole-level magic commanders, Wang Ye has many afterimages, the top-level inner body world guardian, and the world-changing technique are condensed into one body, and the original source of Bailei is fully released!

Bang bang bang!

Unprecedented pressure!

How powerful is the attack of ten black hole-level magic commanders?

The fusion of the black world withstands the top-level inner world, the dark force and the physical body explode, and even break the time light wheel limit with brute force!

kill! kill! kill!

Wang Ye looks crazy, but his eyes are clear and calm.

Explode to the limit, squeeze your own potential to the limit!

After entering the Plady galaxy for so long, this is the first time he has been forced to this extent!

Boom boom boom!

Bai Leiyuan bombarded the black hole-level magic commander in front of him head-on.

On the other side, Wang Ye ignored the defense, and the third form of the Nianfeng Blade exploded, killing the enemy in front of him with infinite killing intent!

But at the same time, the physical body was severely torn apart and severely injured.

The moment the light wheel of time was blasted, and the space was dislocated, Wang Ye appeared behind the black hole-level powerhouse who was severely injured by the source of the white wheel, and blasted him to death.


The time domain is broken.

The remaining eight black hole-level powerhouses surrounded Wang Ye in an airtight manner.

Wang Ye's murderous intent ignited to its peak, he attacked frantically, broke out, and surpassed the limit!

The sword intent condenses in the mind, gathers into shape, and the domineering killing intent breaks all shackles!

It seems to return to the land of blood haze, to the world of swords.

Form 1: Destroy evil spirits!

Break through all evil, kill all falsehood.

Boom! !

Wang Ye's domineering knife tore through the powerful physical defense of the middle-level black hole-level magic commander who was glaring in front of him!

The sword intent is as bright as a crystal, like the condensed source, indestructible.

Knife heart, into.

Slay the reincarnation knife,

He realized.

In the extreme fighting, comprehend the truth of the sword heart.

Boom boom boom!

The black hole-level magic commanders attacked at any cost, completely destroying Wang Ye's few remaining defenses.

"Let's die together!" The middle-level black hole-level magic commander twisted his face, exhausted all his strength, and firmly shackled Wang Ye.

A terrifying force is burning, it is his fighting spirit, burning to the extreme!

Boom and burst!

Boom! !

Terrible explosion, the air wave shook the surrounding black hole-level magic commander away.

Mushroom clouds rise, space turbulence collapses, and countless dimensional cracks crack, creating chaos.

"Dead, finally dead!" Demon Commander Hermes gritted his teeth, his pupils were bare.

Other black hole-level magic commanders also showed joy.

This human being is too scary!

Everyone in the Seventh Army thumped their hearts, their faces turned pale.

Wang Ye's body fell on their hearts like a heavy hammer, as if they were suffocated.

Millions of generals, Yi Shiwu, showed even more sadness.

But suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at the center of the explosion in surprise.

On the contrary, Hermes, the commander of the demon clan, showed panic and was short of breath.

All the black hole-level magic commanders couldn't hide the fear in their eyes, looking at the endless dimensional crack, the center of space turbulence.

A figure stands proudly, with a fighting spirit, like the center of the world.

Why! !

He, can't he be killed! ?

(end of this chapter)