Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 427

Chapter 427

Chapter 427 Who gave them the courage?

Zanhori Space Pirates.

In the territory of Honghe Universe, the notorious four-star pirate group lives by plundering.

The leader is a middle-level black hole-level powerhouse, Setting Sun Run.

There is also a deputy leader, Xianyu Jinpeng, who is at the elementary black hole level.

There are fifteen superstar powerhouses under his command, and their strength is quite strong.

But at this time in their pirate ship, there are three outsiders.

Chimeng Emperor Ning'an, King Menghui, and You Yuanzi.

One middle-level and two elementary-level black hole-level powerhouses.

"No one in the 914 mobile team can fight except Wang Ye." Setting Yang Run had a deep scar on his face, and his expression was grim: "We five besieged Wang Ye, and the rest will be left to the younger ones."

"Are you sure?" Chi Menghuang Ning An said in a deep voice.

Setting Yang Run Jie Jie sneered twice: "If you are not sure, Master Mu will not send me to carry out this task, then Wang Ye is only better equipped, and I am worthy of him for one-on-one."

"Have you watched all his top ten reincarnation matches?" King Meng Hui didn't dare to be careless.

"Nonsense, do you think our space pirates are all reckless bastards?" The setting sun sneered: "I have never understood that kid's strength, so I dare to take this task?"

"Wang Ye's attack started with the internal body world. The comprehensive ability in all aspects is good, but there is no outstanding part. As long as he suppresses his top-level internal body world, he can lose the initiative. After that, you are four against one, are you afraid that you won't be able to take him down?"

Chi Meng Huang Ning'an nodded.

If they can really take down Wang Ye's inner world, they will have an advantage in strength and numbers.

It is a bit unreasonable for the four black hole-level powerhouses to be unable to win a mere super star.

One-on-one, he might not be Wang Ye's opponent.

But five-on-one, especially the notorious Setting Sun Run sent by Master Mu, they can even win the high-level black hole powerhouse!

Suddenly, the space ahead suddenly changed.

The radar display coordinates are momentarily disordered.

"The space is chaotic." Setting Yang Run has rich experience, with a gloomy expression on his face: "This kid is so courageous, instead of escaping, he took the initiative to attack us!"

"This is his character." Chimeng Huang Ning'an was not surprised, his face was serious: "Taishi Starfield breakout competition first, if you don't even have the courage to face it head-on, then it's not him."

"Open the hatch, **** him!" The setting sun showed his murderous intent: "You did it beautifully!"

"Don't let him escape!"

"Two intermediate black hole classes, three elementary black hole classes."

"Not even a high-order black hole level?"

"Who gave them courage?"

Wang Ye laughed dumbly.

But I also know that the Chimeng family plus the patriarch, there are only three high-level black hole levels in total.

One of them has long since lost its glory. It is impossible for the patriarch Chimeng Emperor Luo Jin to leave the Chimeng galaxy, and only Akanda, the number one warrior of the Chimeng family, is left.

In a hurry, it is not bad to be able to draw five black hole-level powerhouses.

"Then let's lose one-fifth."

"Collect some interest first."

In the void, the cosmic beasts and snakes are revealed, and the spatial dislocation brings dark tides overwhelming.

Not only trapped the spaceship, but also caused the first wave of kill control to the five black hole-level powerhouses!

Less battle, domain and control are key.

Black hole-level powerhouses not only have stronger world energy in their bodies, but the upper limit of the speed of the physical body alone can reach one-tenth of the speed of light, which is ten times that of a super star.

Including the strength of the soul, a higher level of life, having a stronger soul and will.

All aspects have advantages.


The space crack is torn open.

The original source of white thunder in the Qiankun thunder bottle is released, instantly surrounding the five black hole-level powerhouses.

Each responds differently, some are easily resolved, some don't care about resisting, and some...

In a hurry to parry.


The space is at the same frequency, and Wang Ye appears in a dislocation.

The thunder combination skill in the right hand explodes violently, and the Qiankun accumulation thunder bottle in the left hand bombards with white thunder.

King Meng Hui's complexion suddenly changed.

He is good at attack and speed, but he is the least good at defense.

Facing Wang Ye's instant burst of full strength, he fell straight to the wind, especially the overwhelming Bai Lei Yuanyuan, which put him in a desperate situation.

"Damn it, why did you attack me first!"

"They are alone!"

Wang Meng Hui was repeatedly blocked and retreated, and was seriously injured.

The top-level dark energy equipment on his body can't stop the dominance of the indestructible artifact.

Treasures, indestructible artifacts, are all rare items.

Only a small number of black hole-level powerhouses have low-grade treasures or indestructible artifacts. Ordinary black hole-level powerhouses have no financial resources at all.


The armor on his body was broken and bloodstained.

King Meng Hui's blood burst out, but it couldn't stop Wang Ye's destructive offensive, and he was severely injured in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

In the void, the cosmic beast Snake made a painful sound, its figure distorted, and space cracks appeared.

But at this time, the body of King Menghui had also been torn apart by Bai Lei.

Boom! Fold one first.

Chi! A sword with a cold light penetrated the space, full of dark power.

But Wang Ye quickly dodged.

In terms of space control attainments, the five black hole-level powerhouses combined are not as good as him.

"Sure enough." Chi Meng Huang Ning'an shuttled through the broken space, locking Wang Ye's position.

The figure is divided into two, and the avatar technique is performed, and the sword will cover the entire space.

He is very clear about his own strengths and Wang Ye's weaknesses.

Use sword intent and speed to deal with Wang Ye!

Hold back and wait for the advanced internal world of the setting sun to come!

"Here we come!" Chimeng Huang Ning'an showed joy.

Triple body world, huge energy coverage,

Setting Sun Run deserves to be the leader of the pirates in the Red River Cosmic Kingdom, and his strength is not inferior to that of high-level black hole-level powerhouses.

As long as Wang Ye's inner world is suppressed

What! ?

Not only the red masked emperor Ning'an's complexion changed instantly, but the setting sun's iron-like cheeks twitched, and surprise appeared in his eyes.

It was him who was suppressed in the inner world!

Wang Ye's top internal body world is already double!

Completely crushed!

"Impossible!" Setting Yang Run panicked.

His advanced internal body world is a rare flawed quality.

Even if Wang Ye's top internal body world rises to the second level, at most it is only slightly ahead of him, how could the gap be so big!

Especially Wang Ye didn't use any inner world treasures at all!

"His inner world is of perfect quality!?"

"And the first level is upgraded to the second level, at least 50 times more expansion!"

The setting sun gritted his teeth.

Feeling heavy pressure, the plan was completely disrupted.

But now there is no way to retreat, only hard work!


"The inner world attacks together!"

The setting sun ran roared and shouted.

The deputy leader, Xian Yu Jinpeng, was close at hand, so he responded immediately.

At this moment, a golden arrow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, blasting into his inner world at an extremely fast speed.

Boom! !

Xianyu Jinpeng stared wide-eyed, not only the world inside his body was shaking again and again, the energy could not be gathered, even the soul sea was shaken out of shape.

However, this was just the beginning. The endless burst of energy, like a flood breaking through a dam, instantly shattered the world in his body to pieces.

"What kind of treasure is this..." Xianyu Jinpeng was shocked.

The terrifying dark force shrouded it, and Wang Ye's attack swallowed it.


Do the same!

Jin Yan's soul-devouring arrow shattered You Yuanzi's inner world again.

Wang Ye, under the coercion of the inner world, used his own strength to deal with the strongest setting sun Run and Chimeng Huang Ning'an.

While abusing food with ease, Jinyan Soul Eater Arrow fully demonstrated the power of a middle-grade treasure.

The second layer of space-secret boundary-breaking arrow alone is already unstoppable.

The astonishing explosion of treasure energy, these poor black hole-level powerhouses don't even have an indestructible defensive artifact.

You Yuanzi, the defense collapsed.

Like Xianyu Jinpeng, he was quickly killed.

"Try the life-chasing arrow." Wang Ye's right hand shone with golden light, and the first layer of space secret of Jinyan Soul-eating Arrow was lit up.

Time changes, the speed burst is not as good as the second layer, but it is still unstoppable.

"No!" Chimeng Huang Ning'an showed panic.

Witness the terrifying power of this treasure with your own eyes, even breaking the inner world of Xianyu Jinpeng and You Yuanzi.

He fled and dodged in a hurry, while the setting sun on the other side cursed secretly, at this moment, all Wang Ye's attacks were directed at him alone!

Phew! The Jinyan Soul Eater Arrow does not need to be controlled, it is like a homing missile, chasing after Chimeng Huang Ning'an.

Wang Ye only had the setting sun running in front of him, and the world inside his body had been completely suppressed.

The blade of Nianfeng opens the second form, Wang Ye takes the initiative in space and time control, Kui Niu Liuyi Dao is cast, and the limit-breaking skills explode!

The setting sun is fighting and retreating, his heart is full of fear.

"The old thief hurt me!"

"Is this something I can handle!"

In an assassination where the chances of victory are at hand, the enemy is like a living target. No matter the location or the information, all the information is transparent.

Who would have thought that Wang Ye's strength would be so strong!

It's completely different from the round-robin match of the top ten!


Chi Menghuang Ning'an was chased to nowhere, and was instantly hit by a life-chasing arrow.

The treasure hit hard, breaking a big hole in his chest armor.

The energy exploded, the surrounding time was in chaos, and the golden evolution domain enveloped the entire area.

"Energy can be controlled." Wang Ye controlled it freely, expanding the Jinyan Transformation Domain in an instant, covering even the setting sun.

The setting sun, who was already at the end of his strength, showed even more panic.

At this moment, there is only one word left in his mind


However, there is no escape.

Already suppressed by the internal world, the time attainment and space attainment are completely controlled, no matter how fast the speed is, it is useless.

The centaurs and beasts galloped in the void, and the time light wheels formed by countless apertures appeared one after another, mixing with the Jinyan Transformation Domain.

Time light wheel!

Time is fleeting, just a thought.

Wang Ye's attack became ghostly and terrifying under the control of dual time.

Chi! boom!

Wang Ye died tragically in the setting sun.

The pirate leader who has run across the Red River universe for decades, has plundered and committed countless crimes.

Hunting geese all day long, was finally blinded by geese.

"Do you have any last words?" Wang Ye looked at Ning'an, the Chimeng Emperor who had only the last single seedling left.

"The Chimeng family will never let you go!" Chimeng Emperor Ning An's mouth was full of blood, and his eyes were full of anger.

The explosion with all the blood, but it can't shake the unimaginably powerful super star powerhouse in front of him.

"Coincidentally." Wang Ye knocked Chimeng Huang Ning'an to the ground, and the time was turning and changing, overlooking this middle-level black hole-level powerhouse.

"I will not let them go."

Puff! Blood splattered everywhere.

Chimeng Emperor Ning An angrily stared at his eyes, and died tragically on the spot.

Wang Ye held double blades in his hand, suspended in the starry sky, and the world returned to its original state.

The five black hole-level powerhouses are all wiped out!

(end of this chapter)