Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Chapter 256 This wave, earn blood!

"I have met senior." Wang Ye saluted respectfully.

The Pokmon-like Bailei Qi in front of him is probably an old monster born in the endless era.

Make a good impression first.

From what it said just now, it can be clearly distinguished that the Bailei Ball is the treasure that gave birth to it.

So here is the inner space, which is its world.

"Since you have collected enough dark crystals, I will answer you three simple questions." Bai Lei Qi Ling's voice was flat.

You are not as good as Aladdin's magic lamp!

Wang Ye wanted to complain.

The implication is that you won't answer the complicated ones?

Countless thoughts flashed in my mind, all kinds of information from the ten channels in the core area gathered together, and I meditated endlessly.

He doesn't waste time haggling over a price, lest it be seen as a problem.

Asking directly is the most efficient.

"The first question, senior, how many channels are there in the number of treasures worth more than 1 million dark crystals from the master of the black world?" Wang Ye cut to the point.

Since the number of questions is limited, artificially narrow the scope of judgment.

Break down a problem into more informative ones.

Zi! Zizi!

Bai Lei hovered outside his body, and the voice of Bai Lei's weapon slowly sounded: "Channel 7, 8, 9, 10."

Wang Ye nodded, knowing it clearly.

1 million dark crystals are equivalent to 100 trillion cosmic elements.

This is the dividing line between super star powerhouses and black hole powerhouses.

It is also the lowest price for top dark energy equipment.

An ordinary ninth-level super star powerhouse generally has a net worth of around 10,000 dark crystals, and those with strong financial resources can reach 100,000 dark crystals.

Junior black hole powerhouses are basically worth more than a million dark crystals.

Bai Lei Qiling's answer not only gave him a general understanding of the strength and wealth of the master of the black world, but also clearly identified the distribution of treasures in the black world.

There is a great possibility, there are ten channels!

"Second question, senior, I have entered ten channels respectively, what is the possibility of surviving each one?" Wang Ye gradually increased the amount of information in the question.

Three questions are not enough.

So he needs a large amount of information and narrows the scope to infer more.

And this question is also closely related to myself.

For him, getting something is based on survival.

People are dead, no amount of money in the card is useless.

Bai Lei Qi Ling glanced at Wang Ye.

In an instant, Wang Ye was swept away by Bai Lei, and his whole body seemed to be seen through.

"You are very cunning, a cosmic-level human, but your strength and potential are too poor." Bai Lei Qiling was a little perfunctory: "The possibility of survival cannot be estimated, it varies from person to person, and the best one is suitable for you."

Is this what I'm asking?

Some answers are not what you asked...

But the amount of information is still quite a lot.

Wang Ye didn't defend himself or argue about anything. In front of a powerful existence of this level, it's better to behave a little better.

Moreover, Bai Lei Qiling's impatience could already be heard from the tone of his voice.

Wang Ye pondered slightly.

The first two questions have already narrowed the scope area to a very small size.

One question is income, and the other question is survival.

As for the third question...

On the basis of obtaining information, add some potential possibilities to yourself.

"Thank you senior for answering, the third question...Since I have the destiny to come to Wuyuan Black Realm, this junior would like to know some past events of the masters of the Black Realm. If possible, can I pay homage to them to show my respect?" Wang Ye respectfully said.

"... have a heart." This time, Bai Lei Qi Ling's voice was much softer.

Judging from the tone of voice, if there is a good impression, it must be rising now.

Thousands of clothes, thousands of clothes, flattery does not wear.

Also affirmed the emotion between Bai Lei Qi Ling and the master of the black world from the side.


Bai Lei flashes.

Wang Ye suddenly felt the space around him change.

Faintly saw the figure of a powerful human being, wearing a black gold battle armor, holding a thunder halberd, and a strange black symbol on his chest, like two semicircles back to back.

At this time, he was stepping on the spaceship, wanton and arrogant, his high head was rebellious, and he was full of fighting spirit.

Wang Ye was dumbfounded.

Is this the master of the black world?

This is the spaceship of the space pirates!

It is exactly the same as the logo on his chest!

Wang Ye looked calm, but his heart was turbulent.

Never thought that the master of the black world would be a space pirate...

Galloping proudly in the universe, invincible, plundered countless wealth, killed countless strong men, destroyed countless families, and broke through the sky with his own strength.


As I imagined, the master of the black world is very good at the way of space, and his physical body is extremely powerful, and his talent and blood are proud.

The one-hand thunder combination skill combined with the way of space is invincible, and it can be called a leader among the strong at the same level.

But the only thing that confuses me is

There is no white thunder ball.

In every battle, I have never seen Wu Yuan use the white thunder ball.

Is it not necessary to use it?

Or did the acquisition of the Bailei sphere lead to Wu Yuan's death?

is short.

The surrounding space quickly returned to its original appearance.

Bai Lei rolled, and Bai Lei's weapon spirit gathered into shape again, and said to Wang Ye: "How do you feel?"

"Sweet and hearty!" Wang Ye said seriously: "My greatest desire is to become the pirate king of the universe, unrestrained, and proud of the universe and stars."

"Really?" Bai Leiqi said, "Haven't you been with the starry sky adventurer all the time?"

Wang Ye smiled and said: "There is no other way. If you are weak, you can only pretend to be false. If you can't even save your life, what goals and ideals are you talking about? Maybe the seniors don't believe it, but I speak from the bottom of my heart."

"Since I entered the space starry sky, I have joined the space pirate group, robbed the monster race, killed the starry sky adventurers, and the universe country family, but I have never killed a space pirate."

"Unfortunately, after all, the strength is not enough, and the Space Pirates were forced to disband."

Bai Leiqi Ling looked at Wang Ye.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I believe you, what you said is true."

"You're right, your life is gone, so what's the use of having more..." Bai Lei Qiling muttered to himself, as if filled with endless regret.

Wang Ye bowed his head slightly: "The junior is finished asking, please send it out for me, senior."

Just accept it when you see it.

Bai Leiqiling's tone and tone of speech have changed from gentle to kind, with a feeling of fellow-mind.

I made some money in this wave just now.



Suddenly, a white thunder fell without warning!

Wang Yexin was shocked.

Isn't it?

I said it wrong! ?

Before he could react, Bai Lei landed on his wrist.

disappeared suddenly, forming a white lightning mark, which contained huge energy.

Wang Ye was startled.

This is! ?

"I'll give you an amulet." Bai Leiqi said, "You're too weak. Anywhere in the black world, it can trigger an attack and save your life."

"Thank you, senior." Wang Ye's eyes lit up.

This wave of family cards is so worth it!

Not only did you get a lot of information, but you also got a life-saving talisman from the black world!

This wave, earn blood!

"Don't be greedy, go to the second passage." Bai Leiqi Ling's voice fell to his ears, and Wang Ye felt the surrounding space suddenly change, dislocation and distortion, and the scene suddenly changed.


Wang Ye returned to the Bailei sphere.

Behind him was still the majestic Bai Lei, with an incomparably powerful aura, but inexplicably more intimate.


"So fast?"

Outside the Bailei sphere, almost all the strong people in the core area gathered.

Even if they didn't see Wang Ye enter before, they still received the news during this period and gathered around.

are waiting.

Wang Ye's appearance caused a thousand waves with one stone.

What did he go through?

What's in the White Thunder Ball?

What information was obtained?

Everyone wants to know.

Wang Ye glanced at everyone, his mind was full of thoughts, he quickly cleared his thoughts, and said, "There is a white thunder weapon inside, and it will answer your three questions."

Tool spirit!

What level of treasure is this?

No wonder it's so scary!

Everyone looked at the huge ball covered with white thunder, both in awe and longing.

"What question did you ask?" a brunette asked.

"Yes, tell me!" Another young man in white said anxiously.

Wang Ye smiled: "Why should I tell you?"


Needle drop can be heard.

The complexions of the dark energy level experts suddenly changed.

"Of course, I will tell the truth to the two seniors who trusted me unconditionally just now." Wang Ye looked at the imposing man in heavy armor and the plump woman, and nodded to them.

"Are you courting death?" The young man in white gritted his teeth, his pupils glaring.

Swish Swish Swish!

Yinai'er's dark-level ninth-level slave immediately stood in front of Wang Ye.

"You don't think this **** is useful, do you?" The young man in white snorted coldly.

"If you want information, ask yourself." The man in heavy armor stood up, his burly body exuding a strong courage, which made the young man in white look change: "There are three more chances, and the dark crystal worth 100,000 universes can enter .

"It's almost bought by them!" A short man frowned.

"That's your own business." The plump woman said in various ways: "I don't want to pay anything, and I always want to go whoring for nothing. How can there be such a good thing? My little brother has no obligation to tell you."

"Brother Gang, Madam Yan, are you sure you want to protect this little guy?" The brown-haired man said: "Although you are strong, but there are so many big guys, you are not afraid of you."

"You can try it." Wang Ye, who hadn't said anything, smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you that fighting is prohibited here, otherwise, you will be attacked by Bai Lei."

"Impossible!" The brown-haired man stared wide-eyed.

"Bluffer!" The young man in white snorted coldly.

Other people look at me and I look at you, and they are a little jealous.

Bai Lei's power, they witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Oh, why don't I, Mengnur, believe it?" Suddenly, a heavy breath descended from behind.

The heavily armored man frowned, as if he was facing an enemy.

A tall and mighty man with a vast aura, arrogant and domineering, with a huge ax in his hand that seems to be able to cut through everything.

Wang Ye's eyes brightened slightly.

In an instant, the white thunder symbol on his right wrist flashed.


In an instant, space distorts.

A terrifying white thunder fell without warning, and landed on Monnur with great precision.

The strong body like a giant mountain has no sense of experience, and it has disappeared into nothing when touched by Bai Lei, and even the giant ax in his hand has disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was dumbfounded.


"Now, we can chat." Wang Ye smiled.

(end of this chapter)