Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Is this something I can consider?

After the storm, there are rainbows everywhere.

After Wang Ye and Xinran pierced that layer of membrane, their relationship quickly heated up, and they became much closer.

"Do you have any plans in the future?" Xin Ran lay obediently in Wang Ye's arms.

"We planned to go to the barracks before." Wang Yedao: "Tieshan mentioned that human beings who have no power and no power in the colonial planet want to stand up and rise up to counterattack. If they don't have a proud and talented blood, entering the barracks is the best way .

Xinran sat up straight and looked at Wang Ye: "But he didn't tell you the death rate in the barracks?"

"Exceeding 90%, right?" Wang Ye laughed.

Xinran Qing'en: "Cosmic-level fighters are the lowest-level soldiers in the barracks. The three-year survival rate does not exceed 10%, and the ten-year survival rate does not exceed 1%, especially in the ancient battlefield Galaxy where the two races of monsters must compete."

"Even if the dark energy level is strong, the mortality rate exceeds 80% or more."

"Counterattack, there is a price to pay."

"The human war barracks is a pyramid of death."

Wang Ye nodded.

He knew the road was going to be hard.

But is there a choice?

"Do you have a good suggestion?" Wang Ye looked at Xinran.

"You can consider entering the eighteen top forces of the human race." Xinran's beautiful eyes flashed lightly: "Like Yunlan Xingyun, Liuhe Bank, Star Communication, Jiutian Heavy Industry, and Huanyu Chamber of Commerce, there are also countless forces that spread across the huge star field of the human race." Chance."

"But you have to start with the outermost members and work slowly, don't you?" Wang Ye said.

Xinran nodded: "But it will be more stable and safer. With your natural ability, as long as you improve your strength step by step, there will always be opportunities."

"Opportunities are not given by others, but created by oneself." Wang Ye understood Xinran's thoughts.

She is more traditional, step by step.

I prefer to go straight to the point, and the bayonet sees red.

method is good, but too old.

It may be hundreds of years before I wait for the opportunity.

I can wait, but Blue Star may not be able to wait, and the confidante on Blue Star can't wait even more.

"Yeah." Xinran is a very smart girl, understood what Wang Ye meant, and didn't try to persuade her anymore: "Then have you considered the Supreme Academy of Humanity and the First University of the Universe?"

Wang Ye laughed dumbly: "Is this something I can consider?"

This is a school of knowledge.

It has nothing to do with strength and talent.

"You have a strategy and are smart, you can give it a try, what if it succeeds?" Xin Ran's beautiful eyes flickered.

"I'm far behind." Wang Ye still had self-knowledge, and looked at Xinran: "But you can try it."

"Me?" Xin Ran's eyes flashed, she lowered her head, "I can't do it."

"Why not?" Wang Ye looked at her: "I remember your dream is not to enter the Human Supreme Academy?"

"Ah! How do you know?" Xin Ran was stunned.

I do not know.

Did you read it by the way when you read your mind before?

"Why did you give up?" Wang Ye was curious.

"I didn't give up." Xin Ranlian shook her head, as softly as a mosquito said, "I'm just saving money. The annual tuition fee of the Human Supreme Academy is 100,000 star points. Even if it's a work-study program, don't count other things. You have to pay ten years of tuition fees when you enroll." , also need 1 million star points."

"So you chose to be an assistant." Wang Ye suddenly realized.

Xin Ran Qing: "My family is ordinary, and the salary of a senior assistant is 10,000 star points per year. In addition, there are some extra rewards and subsidies for being with the colonial inspector. The average annual salary is about 20,000 to 30,000 star points. Although it is not as good as Top assistant, but enough."

"Save it up, in about 30 years, I will be able to save enough money to apply for the Supreme Academy of Humanity, just during this time I can learn more knowledge, and the chances of being admitted will be better."

Wang Ye smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be worthless to stay by my side?"

"Dreams and life are inherently difficult to balance." Xinran looked at Wang Ye: "If I can always be by your side, be a good housekeeper like my mother, and help my husband and my son, I will be content."

"Thinking too far, we are still young." Wang Ye said with a smile: "If you don't make a breakthrough now, when will you make a breakthrough? Your dream must be realized, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Hold it." Wang Ye took out 1 universe yuan with the icon of the universe bank printed on it, and placed it on Xinran's snow-white palm. Feeling the unstoppable trembling of her delicate arms, he helped her gently squeeze her fingers together: "This is for you!" Your wages in advance."

"The upper limit of the universe-level lifespan is 10,000 years."

"So, you have to be my assistant for ten thousand years."

"En, um." Xin Ran kept nodding her head, her pupils filled with tears, she looked at Wang Ye's affectionate body, her delicate body trembling, she tightly held the weighty 1 universe element in her hand, tears fell like rain : "I do, I do!"

"I want to be your little assistant for the rest of my life!"

The second round of fighting is over.

Wang Ye watched Xinran fall asleep exhausted, with crystal clear tears on his face.

He has read Xinran's heart and felt her affection, so he trusts her.

She is very smart, she awakened her abilities early, and she is very knowledgeable.

Being able to stand out from the three-tier screening of the colonial inspectors, and eliminate countless top secretaries to obtain assistant positions, it can be seen that it is average.

1 Cosmic Yuan is a decentralized investment.

If something unexpected happened to me that day, and Xinran learned something, maybe he could buy Blue Star for himself and achieve his goal.

From the current point of view, her chances of success are greater than her own.

As long as she is admitted to the Human Supreme Academy, she can become a one-star citizen of the universe.

Successfully graduated, at least a two-star citizen of the universe.

After graduation, no matter the direction of employment is academic, research, technology or other, they have gained a lot of merits after a long time.

She can meet the two conditions required to purchase a colony star.

As for the rest, it may be difficult to buy the money needed to colonize the star.

But compared to the unknown in front of me now, at least there is a precise and clear path to take.

Reading books is indeed the method with the highest success rate of counterattack.

Oort cloud, asteroids.


A luxurious hyperspace jump spaceship stopped and landed.

Toss through multiple wormholes and fly continuously at a stable speed of light.

In less than three cosmic days, it has reached the locked position of Hongqi Supernet on that day.

The hatch opens.

The third team of the Monroe Star Guard headed by Monroe Ruiwen arrived.

Also has two teams, but the third team has three dark energy-level powerhouses, and the number of universe-level ninth-level powerhouses far exceeds that of the ninth team.

Comprehensive combat strength, ranked third in the Monroe Star Guard.

"Tsk tsk, it's clean." Meng Luo Ruiwen glanced around.

Hongqi Supernet did not find any valuable existence, only some spaceship wreckage.

"Captain, do you want to search the vicinity in a large area?" The left captain, Meng Luo Moluo, was tall and mighty.

"No need." Meng Luo Ruiwen's eyes flashed: "With Wang Ye's personality, it is impossible to hide. He really wanted to hide and did so early in the morning. There is no need to fight the Meng Luo star guards."

"Then where will he go?" The right captain, Meng Luo Mengju, has dark skin, like a cheetah.

"There are four small galaxies outside the 996 colony system, which are the 994, 995, and 997 colony systems of our Monroe tribe, and the 1869 colony system of the Red Scorpion tribe. Where do you think Wang Ye will go?" Meng Luo Ruiwen said calmly Said.

"Understood." Monroe nodded.

"Wang Ye's goal is to pass through the wormhole of the 1869 colony system of the Red Scorpions to go to the nearest five-star life planet, Xia Puxing, three light-years away." Meng Luo Ruiwen said: "Just go to the wormhole and wait."

"Good!" Monroe responded.

"Mengju, has the application result of Jiutian Heavy Industry come out?" Meng Luo Ruiwen asked.

"Not yet." Meng Luo Mengju said: "Their efficiency has always been very low in this kind of thing."

"It's not that the efficiency is low, it's that we are not qualified." Meng Luo Ruiwen smiled, disapprovingly: "If the Chimeng family asks for it directly, they will get it for one cosmic day. If the seven supreme forces ask, they will take the initiative to help you in minutes."

"Dogs see people as inferior!" Munro Mengju spat.

"Why aren't we like this?" Meng Luo Ruiwen returned to the spaceship: "It doesn't matter, set off to the wormhole of Xia Puxing, and wait for them to hit it by themselves."

"Give Wang Ye a surprise."


"Xia Puxing?" Wang Ye learned about the next stop of the Hurricane Pirates from Jie Ge.

"Yes, Xia Puxing is the territory of the Chimeng family, and it will be taken care of by the Chiscorpion family." Jie Jie said: "The entire galaxy group near here belongs to the Chimeng family. If there is no sister Min's help, you It's not easy to escape."

"Do they ignore the space pirates?" Wang Ye was curious.

"There are too many space pirates, is his little Chimeng family full of justice?" Jie Jie laughed: "Our space pirates have only two mortal enemies, one is the starry sky adventurer, and the other is other space pirates group."

"Other power families, as long as they don't provoke too much, they basically turn a blind eye and close one eye, and ignore us, otherwise they will get revenge from the pirates, and they will have nothing to eat."

Only starry sky adventurers are natural enemies of space pirates.

They kill pirates to get rewards.

"Why are we going to Xia Puxing?" Wang Ye asked.

"Replenishment, take a break by the way." Jie Jie raised his eyebrows: "You have a woman, the other brothers are in a panic, we pirates, we spend the money we earn, and we don't bring it when we live or die. go!"

"How long do you usually rest?" Wang Ye asked.

"About ten cosmic days." Jie Jie stretched his waist: "Staying in the spaceship all year round is also boring, and everyone also likes to go to the bustling planet to have fun, have fun, and rest."

Wang Ye nodded.

It happens to be able to visit the five-star life planets in the universe.

By the way, accompany Xinran to sign up at the Human Supreme Academy.

"Then where to go?" Wang Ye asked.

"Of course we went to sweep up the fiercely fought ancient battlefield." Jie Jie raised his eyebrows and said, "Otherwise, what are we doing here from the Taishi Starfield? Make war money, brother!"

As long as you are still mopping up...

Scavengers, right?

Wang Ye didn't point it out either.

In this way, it looks pretty good.

"The taste of the giant beast meat is amazing, how about a piece?" Hao Jie took out a piece of marinated giant beast meat and handed it over.

Wang Ye reached out to take it and took a bite.

, the taste is very special, but it is really good.

"This seems to be freshly pickled?" Wang Ye ate it in one bite.

"That's right, when we came to this galaxy, we happened to bump into a transport ship of Yunlan Xingyun. We robbed it and snatched a few giant beasts, good luck!" Jiemei said happily.

Clouds and stars!

Transport Ship! ?

Wang Ye ground his teeth.

Damn pirates!

Where is my forty light-year sword?

(end of this chapter)