Api di Bukit Menoreh Book 01 – Chapter 23
Henceforth Untara for the next battle had two opponents left to face. But blood has been flowing too much from his wound. Therefore his body had lost the strength it had before. Because of that, there was the possibility of him dying faster So he immediately prepared to continue the battle.
Both opponents had also been prepared. The young man armed with the sword was approaching step by step, while the tall stout man, that was unarmed man still tried to try it with his hand.
Both opponents of Untara also seem to see the opportunity. They looked at the blood dripping from the wound on Untara shoulder. Therefore they can only do prolonged fight long enough to kill him. How they could be proud of their friends that they had killed one of the Pajang officers named Untara. A name respected by the opponent and admired by friends.
Shortly afterwards the young man attacked with his agility. His ability to wield the sword was enough to attract Untara's attention. But Untara did not have much time. If he reacted too late he would die. As long as it still has enough energy, then he has to fight to save his life, his brother's life and dozens of others in Sangkal Putung. Therefore, there was no other option for Untara, if he did not kill his opponents, then his bet is dozens of lives in Sangkal Putung including his own life.
But the young man, his opponent was really nimble. He deliberately lured Untara to move too much, so that the blood kept flowing from the wound. But Untara was no longer a newbie, still Untara always restrains himself by not losing himself to his anger. He attacked violently, but every action made proper use of his remain energy. Therefore even though he praised his opponent for his intelligence, he still cursed him as well.