Api di Bukit Menoreh Book 1 – Chapter 02
Untara take a long sigh." you’re just going to be home alone tonight, tomorrow you will go to Banyu Asri,. You will life there unit my return."
" I'm scared, precisely this night" reply his brother " What if that wild troops show up in here? ".
" They will not come here." answer his big brother. " I know for sure, the will ambush Uncle Widura troops. Because of that I must go ".
" No, no ." Sedayu eyes began to wet, and finally from his eyes that shed tears.
Once again untara took a long sigh. without realizing it he sat back beside his little brother. His heart became agitated. He could not stand idly when Widura troops who was in danger. But his little broter is really a coward. He who will approaching the age of 18 years, still to dependent to other people. After his father dead several years ago and his mother who just died several months ago. The that child almost never separated from him, especially in the confusion state like this. He fell as if he keep a baby child.
" Sedayu, your age is almost at 18 years. At your age, Adipati Pajang Which previously was called Mas Karebet, has been wreak havoc in Demak. Also, at that age Sutawijaya successfully resist Panangsang which possessing great strength".
" I'm not one of them ". answer Sedayu.
Untara shook his head ". At least, you should ashamed against yourself".
" But I'm afraid ". Sedayu ignoring the words of his brother.
Untara brood over back . Due to his own mistakes, in his little brother childhood he is to overprotective toward him. The Mischievousness of his little brother friend will definitely be faced by him. Because of that Sedayu too dependent toward him. Until he became adult, he cannot stand on his own feet. Although sometimes he also teach his little brother matrial art training, and in that training he can also showed his agility and skills. But his agility and skills only limited to the walls of his house. His heart to small to faced the world. It feel too little of his soul. Morever after Sedayu Hear, how the Penangsang troops that were desperate roam around Merapi mountain slope.