Another World Transfer In Game Character - Chapter 54 Part

Chapter 54 Part

[Editor: Arhael]

 The next day, I had to serve at Randell-san's café from the morning.

 Since the horse will be delivered in the evening, it's conditional until then.

 His shop had a wall of gla.s.s facing the street and had a lot of light coming from outside. The café is similar to my original world.

 And the bright café interior can be seen from outside, so it's also attracting customers …… it supposed to be.

 Yet, there're only a few customers in the shop. The reason is probably Randell-san himself.

 He said that he is in the mid-30s and somewhat concerned about his stomach, at first glance he seems to be an ordinary middle-aged man.

 But he is abnormally sweaty.

 In architecture and sales, this characteristic means that “You are working hard” and there's the case of it becoming a merit.

 However, in such shops which are serving dishes, the sweaty smell has an opposite effect.

 So he thought of an idea “I'll leave the serving to others and won't come out” and “If possible a young and pretty girl”.

 And it's still a mystery why he set his eyes on me……

 While thinking such things while feeling dejected, the doorbell rang with karan karan and a customer came.

“W, Welc, ome”

“Walcome!” [TN: This is Alicia biting her tongue]

 We greeted the customer with a smiling face, voice and a bow.

 Moreover, Alicia is doing it with a lot of enthusiasm.

 Currently, Alicia is dressed in an ap.r.o.n until her knee with a dark blue color, headdress attached and holding a tray.

 She looks like Alice from Wonderland…

 And me on the other hand –

 A black short skirt about 10 centimeters above the knee, a café ap.r.o.n tied on my waist, a thin white blouse on top and the skirt hung with a suspender.

 This look is conspicuous, the loose body line which was holding the blouse stands out because of the curves.

 If you are a boy, the line will go down straight, but the line will distort due to women's bugle and the line making it look s.e.xy.

 Mine isn't big, but if it was big it would have an outstanding destructive power.

 The skirt is also short and it seems like the inside is visible if you bend down. I think that girls often wear such vulnerable clothes.

 The Magic Knight costume is also a mini skirt, but since it has cloaks and ap.r.o.n, it actually has a high defense power.

 Anyway, if this is what Randell-san was aiming, his sense will go through for 10 years.

“A, are you alone?”

“Eh, ah … ah, yeah, just alone.”

“Please take a seat here”

 To my surprised response, Alicia jump into the conversation.

 She was guiding the customer by pulling the customer's hand. It is originally a rude action, but if it's a young girl it would be forgiven. Cute is justice. [TN: loli is justice]

“Here, the menu. Please call us when you have decided your order”

 Serving a gla.s.s of water to the customer, I began to remember the scene of customer service and speech in my memory.

 Surely it should have been such a line.

 At the end she bowed her little head and smiled, the customer said “I understand” while blus.h.i.+ng a little.

 With that, it shouldn't have left a bad impression…… well then, the first difficulty has been pa.s.sed.

 After a while, the male customer ordered a morning set which is a coffee, toast and a scrambled egg.

 I told Randell-san the order, then he finished cooking quickly and asked Alicia to bring it to the customer.

 Anyway right now the number of customers had increased, I won't be able to deal with it alone, let's practice hard.

 It's not like I'm embarra.s.sed!

 Alicia put the dishes on the tray and serve it timidly.

 Surprisingly her steps are firm, this might be the effect of sword training. Her body seems to be firmer than before.

“So, sorry - fo, for waiting “

“Ah, thank you”

 Seeing Alicia working hard, the male customer also expressed his thanks with a smiling expression.

 Whether her figure was seen from the outside, this time a pair of female customers came to the store.

“See, that girl!”

“It's true, so cute.”

 They were pointing a finger to the small Alicia while whispering with each other. Apparently, the mascot girl effect seemed to show its effect so quickly.

“Welcome, is it only for two people?”

“Yes, please. That girl, your sister?”

“Well, it's something like that.”

 I also have a childish atmosphere, so they talked to me. Well, Alicia is a sister or a family for me, so it's not too off.

 I guide them to the seats, listened to the orders and let Alicia serve the dishes.

 We were handling the visitors like that …… before I noticed, the store was full of customers.

“Alicichan, do you want to eat pancakes?”

“I won't – eat! Because I'm “working” right now”

“Ara, this salad is delicious, isn't it? The dressing is new.”

“Yumir-chan, water please”


“Let's go on a date next time”

“Don't come here again, desu!”

 Alicia was popular with the female customer and I'm popular with the male customers, it feels somewhat strange when we were separated.

 While two people were running around in the store, it can be seen from outside and the customers will come again.

 If it was Randell-san, I suppose there would have been no customers coming.

 This world is hard for a middle-aged man.

“Ah, I saw it, it's blue!”

“Too bad, it's white”


“It's a lie,”

 It's actually white though.

 When I got s.e.xual hara.s.sment, I looked at Alicia, she was caught by a female customer and was stroking her head while rubbing her cheeks.

“Oka~y, don't touch the dancer-san”

“Ah, just a little more -“

“No, this child is mine”

 While rescuing Alicia several times after being captured, we overcome the peak of the day.

 Some female customer who is interested in the uniform talked to me.

“That uniform is cute, is it an original from this store?”

“Yes, it seems that the store manager designed it.”

“Hee, not bad”

“We are recruiting waiters, so please apply if you want”

“I thought of it a little, I also don't have work right now …….”

 It was a fairly good response, perhaps new waitressed will come in the future.

 Actually, it seems that Randell-san is the second son of a clothing store owner, so he seems to know about sewing.

 And this sense of his clothes must be from his parents.

 But he said that he liked to cook and opened this store.

 If he succeeds, it might be the first restaurant that can be enjoyed with eyes for the first time in this world.

 Without trouble, we worked until 5 in the evening and became good waitresses.

 On the way, Emily came to us, so troubles likely won't come.

 Afterward, the guild was also crowded with a lot of adventurers …… umm, that's, sorry.

 Anyway, business with Keith-san is at 6 in the evening, so I have to go to the square soon.

 By the time we were released, there were 3 women wanting to apply, so this shop's future should be fine.

“No, it was very helpful. Here, the guild quest completion tag and grat.i.tude from me”

“Eh, the reward is different, is it fine?”

“I don't mind. Thanks to you the employees increased.”

“Umm, then I'll take it without reserve”

 After being seen and touched, the quest was finally finished.

 It would be rude if I hesitated … no, it was very hard.

 My ap.r.o.n pocket contained three addresses and a “contact me later.” written.

 Since Alicia was caught several times, it can't be helped.

 As expected she can't avoid them while carrying dishes.

 The female customers weren't reserved at all.

“Looking at the reaction of today's customer, I think this store will be able to run well. It's thanks to Yumir-chan and Alicichan. If there's anything I can help you with, please tell me without reserve. I'll help as much as I can. “

“Such an exaggerated -“

 As I said so, I suddenly had a thought.

 He is dealing with meals, so isn't he good with the market?

 Rice, wheat, sugar … there're many things missing in the village currently. If he can introduce me to someone who can trade on a regular basis –

“No, this is too much ahead …… and it has high risks too by doing so”


“No, I'm just talking to myself.”

 For the time being, having a connection related to food is good enough.

“Well then, we'll be going for now. Next time I'll be interfering as a customer.”

“I'm glad to hear that…… but it's a little disappointing. You can work as a waitress again you know?”

“I'll pa.s.s”

“Eh, I want to use that uniform again”

“Ah, then I'll give the uniform to both of you.”

 As he said so, he brought the uniform from the back room. This was supposed to be washed later though……

“Actually, I don't know how many adventurers already saying “Sell this” to me -“

“Please tell me the name later. I'll kill them.”

“As expected, please stop it”

 I smiled while packing the uniforms into a small bag.

 We received it and left the store. Well, I suppose this was a good experience.

 I decided to go to the guild first and receive the reward while releasing killing intent to Emily who was grinning.

 Then Legur-san suddenly showed his face, because I felt irritated I threw out a blow with [smash] and intimidated him.

 It's an early skill from the warrior job, this skill is a single melee attack, but it's very convenient because you can release it even by bare hands.

 Legur-san pulled back his face and went to the room on the back like a moonwalk.

 After that, I immediately went to the square because time was pressing.

 Because two horses will cost 160,000 Gils, I prepared gold coins instead of a card payment.

 The trading basis is still cash after all.

 When we arrived at the square, Keith-san was already waiting there with two horses beside him….horses…..

“Ma !?” [TN: 馬=Uma=horse]

 Is that a Horse!? What is that, Kuro○gou!? Matsu ○!? [TN: sorry I don't know which reference is it XP]

 There were two large horses that look like from horse racing called Banba with a majestic look.

“Yo, you came”

“Good evening, Keith-san …… Horses, big isn't it?”

“Yeah, because the horses will pull the load in the gra.s.sland, so I chose those with a larger horsepower.”

“This, 80,000 Gils is enough?”

“It's enough because it's not a war horse. It had the power and stamina, but it's only that. It's a big eater too.”

 The horses brought by Ako-san was also bigger than the Sara breed I used to see, but this one is even bigger.

 I heard Banba horses in Hokkaido were twice as big as a Sara breed, but this horse is as much as that.

“A horse like this only cost 80,000, I feel bad”

“Honestly, it doesn't have much speed so don't expect much, but that power is equal with Hillmark.”

“It's enough! Then, this is the money!”

 I give Keith-san a bag containing 16 gold coins which were just taken from the guild just recently.

 He accepted graciously, opened the bag, checked the amount of money and put it in his pocket.

“Certainly, this is the owners.h.i.+p proof. Please don't lose it because it's the owners.h.i.+p proof”

“Owners.h.i.+p proof”

“Here, there is a branding mark here right? This number is written in the proof and you will be the owner of this horse if you have the proof”


“If we don't do that, it will be trouble to know who the owner of the horses”

 Certainly, there will be many similar horses and it will also help to regain stolen horses from a thief.

“Do I need to report this somewhere?”

“No, you don't aside from emergencies”

“Fumu. Then, what's the name of these two?”

 One had a big gray body. Another one had a bulk of black hair. Both of them are like mares.

“Let see, I did give them a name before…… you should give them a new name here “

“Eh, me?”

“Yes, the owner has changed it's time to start a new life. Their life……well, they are horse though, but it's a lifetime turning point.”

“Understood, then …”

 If I say huge horses, both of them are representatives……

“This one with bulky hair is Seiko and this one with white gray color is Urara”

“Strange name. But aren't you glad, Seiko, Urara!”

 Well, originally Ha○seiko is a stallion, Ha○urara is a fawn colored, there's a slight difference though.[TN: hmm, quite weird. Did the author switch the name?]

 With this, our partners increased.