"Mr. Marvin differed with me," said Mr. Gerrish sorrowfully. "He agreed with me on the main point, but he said that too many of his hands had been in his regiment, and he couldn't lock them out. He submitted to arbitration. And what is arbitration?" asked Mr. Gerrish, levelling his ruler at Mrs. Munger. "It is postponing the evil day."
"Exactly," said Mrs. Munger, without winking.
"Mr. Marvin," Mr. Gerrish proceeded, "may be running very smoothly now, and sailing before the wind all--all--nicely; but I tell _you_ his house is built upon the _sand_," He put his ruler by on the desk very softly, and resumed with impressive quiet: "I never had any trouble but once. I had a porter in this store who wanted his pay raised. I simply said that I made it a rule to propose all advances of salary myself, and I should submit to no dictation from any one. He told me to go to--a place that I will not repeat, and I told him to walk out of my store. He was under the influence of liquor at the time, I suppose. I understand that he is drinking very hard. He does nothing to support his family whatever, and from all that I can gather, he bids fair to fill a drunkard's grave inside of six months."
Mrs. Munger seized her opportunity. "Yes; and it is just such cases as this that the Social Union is designed to meet. If this man had some such place to spend his evenings--and bring his family if he chose--where he could get a cup of good coffee for the same price as a gla.s.s of rum--Don't you see?"
She looked round at the different faces, and Mr. Gerrish slightly frowned, as if the vision of the Social Union interposing between his late porter and a drunkard's grave, with a cup of good coffee, were not to his taste altogether; but he said: "Precisely so! And I was about to make the remark that while I am very strict--and obliged to be--with those under me in business, _no_ one is more disposed to promote such objects as this of yours."
"I was _sure_ you would approve of it," said Mrs. Munger. "That is why I came to you--to you and Mrs. Gerrish--first," said Mrs. Munger. "I was sure you would see it in the right light." She looked round at Annie for corroboration, and Annie was in the social necessity of making a confirmatory murmur.
Mr. Gerrish ignored them both in the more interesting work of celebrating himself. "I may say that there is not an inst.i.tution in this town which I have not contributed my humble efforts to--to--establish, from the drinking fountain in front of this store, to the soldiers' monument on the village green."
Annie turned red; Mrs. Munger said shamelessly, "That beautiful monument!"
and looked at Annie with eyes full of grat.i.tude to Mr. Gerrish.
"The schools, the sidewalks, the water-works, the free library, the introduction of electricity, the projected system of drainage, and _all_ the various religious enterprises at various times, I am proud--I am humbly proud--that I have been allowed to be the means of doing--sustaining--"
He lost himself in the labyrinths of his sentence, and Mrs. Munger came to his rescue: "I fancy Hatboro' wouldn't be Hatboro' without _you_, Mr.
Gerrish! And you _don't_ think that Mr. Peck's objection will be seriously felt by other leading citizens?"
"_What_ is Mr. Peck's objection?" demanded Mr. Gerrish, perceptibly bristling up at the name of his pastor.
"Why, he talked it over with Miss Kilburn last night, and he objected to an entertainment which wouldn't be open to all--to the shop hands and everybody." Mrs. Munger explained the point fully. She repeated some things that Annie had said in ridicule of Mr. Peck's position regarding it. "If you _do_ think that part would be bad or impolitic," Mrs. Munger concluded, "we could drop the invited supper and the dance, and simply have the theatricals."
She bent upon Mr. Gerrish a face of candid deference that filled him with self-importance almost to bursting.
"No!" he said, shaking his head, and "No!" closing his lips abruptly, and opening them again to emit a final "No!" with an explosive force which alone seemed to save him. "Not at all, Mrs. Munger; not on any account! I am surprised at Mr. Peck, or rather I am _not_ surprised. He is not a practical man--not a man of the world; and I should have much preferred to hear that he objected to the dancing and the play; I could have understood that; I could have gone with him in that to a certain extent, though I can see no harm in such things when properly conducted. I have a great respect for Mr. Peck; I was largely instrumental in getting him here; but he is altogether wrong in this matter. We are not obliged to go out into the highways and the hedges until the bidden guests have--er--declined."
"Exactly," said Mrs. Munger. "I never thought of that."
Mrs. Gerrish shifted her baby to another knee, and followed her husband with her eyes, as he dismounted from his stool and began to pace the room.
"I came into this town a poor boy, without a penny in my pocket, and I have made my own way, every inch of it, unaided and alone. I am a thorough believer in giving every one an equal chance to rise and to--get along; I would not throw an obstacle in anybody's way; but I do not believe--I do _not_ believe--in pampering those who have not risen, or have made no effort to rise."
"It's their wastefulness, in nine cases out of ten, that keeps them down,"
said Mrs. Gerrish.
"I don't care _what_ it is, I don't _ask_ what it is, that keeps them down. I don't expect to invite my clerks or Mrs. Gerrish's servants into my parlour. I will meet them at the polls, or the communion table, or on any proper occasion; but a man's home is _sacred_. I will not allow my wife or my children to a.s.sociate with those whose--whose--whose idleness, or vice, or whatever, has kept them down in a country where--where everybody stands on an equality; and what I will not do myself, I will not ask others to do. I make it a rule to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. It is all nonsense to attempt to introduce those one-ideaed notions into--put them in practice."
"Yes," said Mrs. Munger, with deep conviction, "that is my own feeling, Mr.
Gerrish, and I'm glad to have it corroborated by your experience. Then you _wouldn't_ drop the little invited dance and supper?"
"I will tell you how I feel about it, Mrs. Munger," said Mr. Gerrish, pausing in his walk, and putting on a fine, patronising, gentleman-of-the-old-school smile. "You may put me down for any number of tickets--five, ten, fifteen--and you may command me in anything I can do to further the objects of your enterprise, if you will _keep_ the invited supper and dance. But I should not be prepared to do anything if they are dropped."
"What a comfort it is to meet a person who knows his own mind!" exclaimed Mrs. Munger.
"Got company, Billy?" asked a voice at the door; and it added, "Glad to see _you_ here, Mrs. Gerrish."
"Ah, Mr. Putney! Come in. Hope I see you well, sir!" cried Mr. Gerrish.
"Come in!" he repeated, with jovial frankness. "n.o.body but friends here."
"I don't know about that," said Mr. Putney, with whimsical perversity, holding the door ajar. "I see that arch-conspirator from South Hatboro',"
he said, looking at Mrs. Munger.
He showed himself, as he stood holding the door ajar, a lank little figure, dressed with reckless slovenliness in a suit of old-fashioned black; a loose neck-cloth fell stringing down his shirt front, which his unb.u.t.toned waistcoat exposed, with its stains from the tobacco upon which his thin little jaws worked mechanically, as he stared into the room with flamy blue eyes; his silk hat was pushed back from a high, clear forehead; he had yesterday's stubble on his beardless cheeks; a heavy moustache and imperial gave dash to a cast of countenance that might otherwise have seemed slight and effeminate.
"Yes; but I'm in charge of Miss Kilburn, and you needn't be afraid of me.
Come in. We wish to consult you," cried Mrs. Munger. Mrs. Gerrish cackled some applausive incoherencies.
Putney advanced into the room, and dropped his burlesque air as he approached Annie.
"Miss Kilburn, I must apologise for not having called with Mrs. Putney to pay my respects. I have been away; when I got back I found she had stolen a march on me. But I'm going to make Ellen bring me at once. I don't think I've been in your house since the old Judge's time. Well, he was an able man, and a good man; I was awfully fond of the old Judge, in a boy's way."
"Thank you," said Annie, touched by something gentle and honest in his words.
"He was a Christian gentleman," said Mr. Gerrish with authority.
Putney said, without noticing Mr. Gerrish, "Well, I'm glad you've come back to the old place, Miss Kilburn--I almost said Annie."
"I shouldn't have minded, Ralph," she retorted.
"Shouldn't you? Well, that's right." Putney continued, ignoring the laugh of the others at Annie's sally: "You'll find Hatboro' pretty exciting, after Rome, for a while, I suppose. But you'll get used to it. It's got more of the modern improvements, I'm told, and it's more public-spirited--more snap to it. I'm told that there's more enterprise in Hatboro', more real _crowd_ in South Hatboro' alone, than there is in the Quirinal and the Vatican put together."
"You had better come and live at South Hatboro', Mr. Putney; that would be just the atmosphere for you," said Mrs. Munger, with aimless hospitality.
She said this to every one.
"Is it about coming to South Hatboro' you want to consult me?" asked Putney.
"Well, it is, and it isn't," she began.
"Better be honest, Mrs. Munger," said Putney. "You can't do anything for a client who won't be honest with his attorney. That's what I have to continually impress upon the reprobates who come to me. I say, 'It don't matter what you've done; if you expect me to get you off, you've got to make a clean breast of it.' They generally do; they see the sense of it."
They all laughed, and Mr. Gerrish said, "Mr. Putney is one of Hatboro's privileged characters, Miss Kilburn."
"Thank you, Billy," returned the lawyer, with mock-tenderness. "Now, Mrs.
Munger, out with it!"
"You'll have to tell him sooner or later, Mrs. Munger!" said Mrs. Gerrish, with overweening pleasure in her acquaintance with both of these superior people. "He'll get it out of you anyway." Her husband looked at her, and she fell silent.
Mrs. Munger swept her with a tolerant smile as she looked up at Putney.
"Why, it's really Miss Kilburn's affair," she began; and she laid the case before the lawyer with a fulness that made Annie wince.
Putney took a piece of tobacco from his pocket, and tore off a morsel with his teeth. "Excuse me, Annie! It's a beastly habit. But it's saved me from something worse. _You_ don't know what I've been; but anybody in Hatboro' can tell you. I made my shame so public that it's no use trying to blink the past. You don't have to be a hypocrite in a place where everybody's seen you in the gutter; that's the only advantage I've got over my fellow-citizens, and of course I abuse it; that's nature, you know. When I began to pull up I found that tobacco helped me; I smoked and chewed both; now I only chew. Well," he said, dropping the pathetic simplicity with which he had spoken, and turning with a fierce jocularity from the shocked and pitying look in Annie's face to Mrs. Munger, "what do you propose to do? Brother Peck's head seems to be pretty level, in the abstract."
"Yes," said Mrs. Munger, willing to put the case impartially; "and I should be perfectly willing to drop the invited dance and supper, if it was thought best, though I must say I don't at all agree with Mr. Peck in principle. I don't see what would become of society."
"You ought to be in politics, Mrs. Munger," said Putney. "Your readiness to sacrifice principle to expediency shows what a reform will be wrought when you ladies get the suffrage. What does Brother Gerrish think?"