Owing to the contractile force of surface tension, it is concluded that the surface layer of a liquid is under very great pressure, much greater than the bulk of the liquid. Any extension of the surface of the liquid naturally causes a corresponding extension of the proportion of liquid which is thus compressed. If in a beaker of water there be placed a porous substance, such as animal charcoal, there is a great extension of the surface of the water, and a corresponding increase in the amount of compressed water. If instead there be subst.i.tuted a large number of very small particles of a substance, a still further increase in the amount of compressed water is involved. As the specific surface of the substance inserted is increased, and its amount, the proportion of compressed and denser water increases also, until it is a practically appreciable percentage of the total volume. It is clear also that the extent of the zone of compression will be determined also by the nature of the substance with which the water is in contact at its surface, _i.e._ by the extent to which it is hydrophile, and this indeed may be the more important factor.
Now in a gelatine sol we have the necessary conditions for a system in which the compressed water bears an unusually large ratio to the total, owing to the enormous surface developed by the minute particles of the disperse phase (amicrons) and to the unusually wide zone of compression surrounding each particle caused by the strongly hydrophile nature of gelatine. It should be pointed out that these zones of compression do not involve any abrupt transition from the zone of non-compression, the layer nearest the particle is under the greatest pressure, and the concentric layers under less and less pressures, the actual compression being thus an inverse function of the distance from the particle. Now if there be a gradual increase in the concentration of the sol, the time will come when these zones of compression begin to come in contact, and the system will then show a considerably increased viscosity. With further increase in concentration the zones of compression will overlap throughout the system, and when the layers under considerable pressure are thus continuous, the whole system will acquire a rigidity much greater than water and approaching that of a solid body. This is a gelatine gel, or "jelly." With increasing concentration the jelly becomes increasingly rigid, and if it be eventually dried out under suitable conditions it forms what is practically solid body--gelatine--which, however, still contains from 12 to 18 per cent.
of water.
It will be clear that, in the case of gelatine jellies (_e.g._ of 3-10 per cent. strength), an increase in temperature will cause an increase in the kinetic energy of the particles and effectively reduce the zones of compression. Indeed, they may be reduced to such an extent that they are no longer in contact, and the rigidity due to the continuous contact of the layers of great compression will then disappear; as we say usually, the jelly melts. On cooling, the decreased kinetic energy of the water molecules results in the return of the state of compression, with rapidly increasing viscosity and eventual gelation; as we say usually, the jelly sets. Neither of these changes takes place at a definite temperature (like a melting-point), and in "melting" (solation) or in "setting" (gelation) the temperature-viscosity curve is quite continuous. By various arbitrary devices, however, approximate melting and setting points may approximately be determined. The results also vary somewhat with the concentration of the gel or sol. Gels between 5 and 15 per cent. strong melt about 26-30 C. and set at 18-26 C.
On this view, we must regard a gelatine gel as a continuous network of water under great compression, and in this network are zones of still greater compression, which surround the particles of the disperse phase--the gelatine itself, and zones of less compression which in a weak gel, at any rate, have a compression equal to or much the same as the normal state of compression in water.
One consequence of this system is, that when a piece of gelatine swells, there is a considerable enlargement in the zones of compression; in other words, some, at least, of the imbibed water is compressed. Now the compression of water means that work is done, and when gelatine swells, therefore, we expect--and actually find--that heat is liberated (5.7 cal per g. gel). Hence also by the Le Chatelier theorem, we expect--and find--that gelatine swells best in _cold_ water. Further, the compression of water involves a decrease in volume, and we therefore expect--and actually find--that the volume of the swollen jelly is appreciably less than the volume of gelatine plus the volume of water imbibed.
Another consequence of such a compressed system is that a gelatine jelly, even in water, will have a surface tension towards water just as the water itself has such a tension to the water vapour above the liquid. This interfacial tension of the jelly will of course have a contractile effect, and will tend to resist swelling and to limit it as far as it possibly can. This force, tending to contract the jelly and resist imbibition is therefore one of the main influences at work in the swelling of gelatine, and is one of the two princ.i.p.al factors which determine the extent of the maximum swelling when equilibrium is established. The force tending to resist swelling is, in the ultimate, just surface tension. Its actual magnitude depends, of course, mainly upon the extent of compression in the dispersion medium of the gel, and will be a resultant which is a function of this compression. The magnitude will thus vary with the average compression in the continuous network of compressed water. It will be obvious that as the jelly swells the power of resisting the swelling will decrease, and the interfacial tension with the external water will tend to disappear. If the force tending to swell were great enough the swelling would continue until the zones of compression were no longer in contact and the gel would become sol.
As suggested above, it is probable that the extent of the zones of compression is determined by another factor in addition to the great development of surface. That factor is connected if not identical with that power which makes the system lyophile, and is evidently connected also with the solubility of the disperse phase, and may indeed be electrochemical forces tending to form a series of hydrates, or at least to cause an orientation or definite arrangements of the water molecules in the zone of compression. This idea receives some support from the hydrate theory of solution, and the zones of compression and orientation are the colloid a.n.a.logue of the hydrates supposed to exist in solutions of electrolytes. The extension of such zones on cooling are then a.n.a.logous with the series of hydrates formed, for instance, by manganese chloride with 2, 4, 6, 11, or 12 molecules of water when crystallized at temperatures of 20, 15, -21, -30, and -48 C. respectively, the idea being that the salts most hydrated in solution crystallize with most water.
As the compression is the result of two factors, one of which depends upon the nature of the disperse phase, we expect--and find--in other lyophile systems a considerable variation in their power of gelation.
Some indeed, though very viscous, _e.g._ egg alb.u.min, never quite set like gelatine, and others (_e.g._ agar-agar) set to a stiff gel from a much weaker sol than gelatine. When the zones of compression are large, as in gelatine, the magnitude of the compressing force on the outermost part of the zone is relatively small, and it is not surprising that time is necessary for the victory of this force over the kinetic energy of the water molecules. Hence we find a 5 per cent. jelly sets readily on cooling, but its elasticity increases steadily for many hours after it has set. This phenomenon, known as hysteresis, we should expect--and find--to be much more marked in a case where the zone of compression is unusually large (_e.g._ an agar gel). We should also expect--and find--that hysteresis is more marked in a high-grade gelatine than in a low-grade gelatine where both eventually form gels of equal elasticity.
We should expect too--and we find--that hysteresis is more prominent in weak gels than in strong. These points are of obvious importance in testing gelatine by its elasticity, _e.g._ the well-known "finger test."
There are also other facts and considerations which have an important bearing upon the point under discussion. It is necessary ultimately to regard true solutions of electrolytes and other bodies as heterogeneous, though perhaps of a rather different order. From this point of view molecules and ions existing in an aqueous solution will present a surface and have a.s.sociated zones of compression a.n.a.logous with those suggested for the minute particles of gelatine.
Now recent investigations have shown that the essential physical properties of water are affected by dissolved substances in a definite manner and to a fixed extent, and that these substances exhibit a sequence in order of their effect. This sequence is also exhibited in the essential properties of water as solvent and as dispersion medium for colloid sols. The sequence is known as the "lyotrope series." Thus the numerical value of the compressibility of aqueous solutions is reduced below that of water by salts which, with the same kation, exhibit an effect in the following order:--
CO{3} > SO{4} > Cl > Br > NO{3} > I
This same order is observed, in the effect on the increased values for the surface tension, density and viscosity of these solutions. On the other hand, the kations have a similar sequence of effects,
Mg < nh{4}="">< li="">< k="">< na="">< rb="">< cs="">
which appears when salts of the same anion are chosen. It is not surprising to find that this lyotrope series exhibit an a.n.a.logous influence on the chemical reactions of water, _e.g._ the hydrolysis of esters. In the hydrolysis by acids SO{4} r.e.t.a.r.ds the action, the other anions and the kations accelerate it, in the lyotrope order. In the hydrolysis by bases the series is reversed. Similarly the lyotrope series exert the same order of effect upon the inversion of cane sugar and other reactions.
This lyotrope influence has also been shown to exert considerable effect in the behaviour of lyophile sols. With the lyophobe sols the addition of foreign substances apparently affects the disperse phase only, but with the lyophile sols the effect on the continuous phase is also important, and may overshadow the other. Now, in gelatine and in hide gels and tanning sols we are dealing with lyophile systems, and there are many points of behaviour in which lyotrope influences become prominent.
Similar effects are observed upon other lyophile sols (_e.g._ alb.u.min, agar-agar, etc.) which differ widely in chemical nature. Thus the salting out of alb.u.min (reversible precipitation) is influenced by sodium salts in lyotropic sequence as follows. The anions hinder precipitation; in order of precipitating power they are:
citrate > tartrate > SO{4} > acetate > Cl > NO{3} > ClO{3} > I > CNS
The sulphates ill.u.s.trate the kation effect, which is independent and which favours precipitation:
Li > K > Na > NH{4} > Mg
If the experiments be carried out in faintly acid solution this order of effect is exactly reversed, iodide and thiocyanate having the greatest effect and citrates the least. The coagulation temperature of alb.u.min and the coagulation by other organic substances are similarly influenced by the lyotrope series.
Lyotrope influence also exerts a powerful effect on the behaviour of gelatine sols and gels. The gelation temperature is influenced thus:--
raised by SO{4} > citrate > tartrate > acetate
lowered by Cl < clo{3}="">< no{3}="">< br="">< i="">
The kation effect (small) is Na > K > NH{4} > Mg
Other lyotrope substances raise or lower the temperature thus:--
glucose > glycerol--(H{2}O)--alcohol < urea="">
The effect on gelation is also ill.u.s.trated by the change of viscosity of the sol with time. The same lyotrope order is found.
In the salting out or precipitating of gelatine with salts, the order of anions is lyotrope:
SO{4} > citrate > tartrate > acetate > Cl
Also the osmotic pressure of gelatine sols is markedly lowered by neutral electrolytes in lyotrope sequence:
Cl > SO{4} > NO{3} > Br > I > CNS
Similarly lyotrope influences are shown in the modulus of elasticity: substances which favour gelation increase elasticity, whilst substances which favour solation decrease elasticity. The order is again lyotrope.
The permeability of the gel is affected by lyotrope influences; alcohol and glycerol reduce diffusion through gelatine (or agar); and urea, chloride and iodide increase it. (Similarly the diffusion of sols through "semipermeable" membranes is affected by lyotrope influence.) The lyotrope series also influence the optical activity of gelatine sols and the double refraction of strained gels.
The swelling of gelatine (and other gels) is very strongly influenced by the lyotrope substances and merits more attention than it has received.
Hence this lyotrope influence exerts a profound effect in the manufacture of gelatin, and perhaps even greater in the manufacture of leather. This is only to be expected. If a gel comprise a continuous network of compressed water, as suggested above, the presence of other substances in the gel which cause increases or decreases in the compression must modify accordingly the properties which depend upon this state of compression, such as the viscosity of the melted gel, the rate of gelation, the elasticity of the gel, and the rate and extent of its imbibition. This indeed we find to be the case. Now the substances which affect the compressibility, surface tension, etc., of water _least_, _i.e._ the substances producing little or no compression of water, are just those which reduce the compression of water in a gelatine jelly, and cause a decreased viscosity, elasticity, surface tension, etc., and which therefore naturally allow the gel to swell more than in pure water. Conversely, the substances which cause the greatest compression of water, the greatest increase in its surface tension and viscosity, are also the substances which increase the compression, viscosity, elasticity, and surface tension of gels, and which therefore hinder imbibition. The effect on swelling is as follows:--
Sodium sulphate > tartrate > citrate > acetate; > alcohol > glucose > cane sugar; (water) chlorides-pota.s.sium < sodium="">< ammonium;="">< sodium="" chlorate="">< nitrate="">< bromide="">< iodide="">< thiocyanate=""><>
As the amount of compression will depend upon the amount of substance, we expect--and find--that the effect is usually additive, and that suitable mixtures of substances having an effect in the opposite sense will produce no change.
The interpretation of lyotrope influence is of course somewhat speculative, but considered as a surface phenomenon, the surface specific of the molecules and ions of the lyotrope substance must be one of the factors involved. One naturally also connects the effect with solubility and the tendency to form hydrates in solution, the zones of compression being zones of orientation and of electrochemical attraction. The hydrate theory of solution again affords an instructive commentary. The fact that, broadly speaking, the polyvalent anions and the monovalent anions also group themselves together, suggests that electrical forces are at work, and the order of effect of monovalent anions almost suggests that what are called "residual valencies" are in operation. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that in the lyotrope influence, in the crystallizing of salts, and in the formation of a gel, we have zones of compression and orientation which are manifestations of the same forces--surface and electrical; the chief differences in the case of gelatine being that the zones are larger and that the electrical effect is perhaps of less definite magnitude.
However these things may be, the fact of water compression determines the rigidity of the gel, and the changes in this compression of the continuous phase determine the surface tension resultant which hinders swelling, and which is one of the two main factors fixing both the rate at which gelatine swells in water, and the final volume attained by the gel.
Before leaving this point, it is desirable to note the effect on the swelling of gelatine of the extremes of this lyotrope influence.
Substances like iodides, thiocyanates and urea prevent a gelatine sol from setting to a gel at all, and a piece of gelatine in such solutions swells rapidly until it solates. On the other hand, sulphates, tartrates, etc., make a stiffer gel on account of the enhanced compression. Gelatine in such solutions may swell, but at a much slower rate than in water and with a decreased maximum extent. A gelatine gel may in such solutions not only fail to swell at all, but actually contract and in some cases, indeed, be practically dehydrated. If a gel be in a very concentrated solution of such a substance, it may be that the lyotrope compression in the external solution is greater than the compression in the dispersion medium of the gel; in which case the surface tension effect is reversed, and the external solution tends to increase in volume and the gel to contract. Hence we find that the saturated solutions of such substances as ammonium sulphate and pota.s.sium carbonate will dehydrate a gel almost completely, and will also, by a similar action on pelt, make a kind of white leather. It is important to remember this contractile effect of strong solutions of salts, because it is very easy to confuse this effect with a similar result produced in another manner, viz., by a reduction of the force tending to swell.
A very important feature of the colloid state is that the particles of the disperse phase appear to possess an electric charge, and if this charge be removed a colloid sol no longer remains such, but precipitates, flocculates, coagulates, etc. As to the origin of this charge several theories have been advanced, but the most generally accepted is that it is a result of the adsorption of electrically charged ions by the particles of the disperse phase. The enormous specific surface possessed by this phase renders it particularly liable to such adsorption. This view harmonizes well also with the general behaviour, of colloid sols and gels, in endosmosis, kataph.o.r.esis, precipitation, etc. According to this point of view the particles of the disperse phase are surrounded by a surface layer in which these ions are in much greater concentration than in the volume concentration of the dispersion medium. The hydrion and hydroxyl ion are particularly liable to such adsorption. In the case of a lyophile colloid, like gelatine, the charge may be either positive or negative, according to the nature of the predominant ions in the dispersion medium, and the amount of adsorption is determined by the concentration of these ions in accordance with the adsorption law.
In effect, therefore, the particles of the disperse phase each carry an electric charge of the same nature, and as similarly charged bodies repel one another, the particles of the disperse phase will tend to separate and to occupy a bigger volume. It is the author's opinion that this repulsion of similarly charged particles is the cause of the swelling of gelatine. The amount of charge and force--tending to swell--is due possibly to several ionic adsorptions, which may be considered to operate independently, and the power of repulsion is determined by the nett charge, which in the case of a "positive colloid"
is positive, and in the case of a "negative colloid" is negative. As ions possess different electric charges, the charge on the disperse phase is subject to the valency rule.