A New Life In High School DXD - 18 Discovery And Departure To The Underworld

18 Discovery And Departure To The Underworld

As we trained I noticed that his mana control was slowly increasing, I taught him a little about the body to body fights after all I couldn't always count on magic.


Yukio: "Today is enough, we should rest"

Rias sat on the floor as he stretched, we were struggling to improve his body to body I noticed him looking at me

Yukio: "Is something wrong?"

RĂ­as: "I'm curious. How did you get so strong?"

Yukio: "Strong? If you compare me to Grayfia I would be an ant" I shrugged.

RĂ­as: "That would be if I compared you to her, but you're so young and yet you have that strength."

For now, do not worry, your duty is to be as strong as you want and make your destiny. "I put my hand on his head while rubbing his hair, at first he complained, but I accept after a while

Yukio: "We should go out, Grayfia is waiting for us" A white hole was opened which swallowed us, and we appeared again in the previous mountain.

I could see Grayfia who was standing nearby looking at us with a smile, so I approached to talk about my plans.

Yukio: "Today I plan to go to the underworld, do you think you can complete our deal now?"

Grayfia: "Don't you really need help?"

Yukio: "No, just send me there, don't worry" For a while now I was offered help but I really didn't want to accept, I wanted to try my strengths and it would be very difficult to explain it's annoying.

Grayfia sighed and looked at me, "I understand... When will we leave?"

Yukio: "In four hours, I need to do some things first, we'll meet again at this place see you later" I started to run in another direction if I was going to the underworld I had to go prepared.


Grayfia: "He's very stubborn..."

RĂ­as: "Onee-sama You'll protect him, won't you?"

Grayfia looked at RĂ­as who had a worried face and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Grayfia: "Rias, are you worried about Yukio-sama?"

RĂ­as: "Ah! Not at all... I was just curious" Bufo and started walking in another direction "Let's go back for now..."

Grayfia: "She cannot be sincere at least with herself" Suspiro and followed her


I was jumping between roofs, a few days ago I contacted Yasaka and told her about going to the underworld she asked me to go and see her before I left saying she would give me a gift, at first I wanted to refuse it but after some thought it was better to accept any help I was still weak.

Due to my speed only lasted about two hours to get to Kyoto I continued running and I could see a desert place with several rocks.

Yukio: "Should I call her? I really don't remember where it was." Just when I was thinking of contacting Yasaka I felt a presence and I saw a woman with long blond hair tied up in a dark suit revealing beautiful shoulders.

Yasaka: "It's good to see you Yukio-kun" With a beautiful smile

Yukio: "Yasaksan your power increase is unbelievable"

Yasaka: "It would be thanks to your help, wouldn't it?"

Every time I could visit Yasaka to talk, I gave her some pills, I had a lot of confidence in each other, and she taught me to use my skills correctly, just as we often fought together to train, so our powers increased.

Yukio: "You don't have to say it, I have to thank you for helping me with my skills, but the truth is that I came because today I will go to the underworld" When I finish my words the smile on Yasaka's face disappeared.

Yasaka: "*Suspiro* Do you really have to do it? What's so important?"

Yukio: "I can't tell you, but I a.s.sure you I'll be careful" I smiled, I knew he really cared about me.

Yasaka: "Well, anyway when you get something in your head it's hard to get it out of you, follow me."

I could only smile in defense, in such a short time already knew me enough, so I followed her to cross the barrier, we came to the same room I was in the last time.

But this time there was a chest in the middle and I felt something inside, it was very curious, so I stared at it.

Yasaka: "I haven't told you what it is yet and you're already so interested"

Yukio: "Uh? What's that Yasaksan?"

Yasaka: "I don't know much about that, we found it in ruins a few years ago, so it has always been preserved, although all I know is that it has some kind of energy that is the same energy that you emanate from your body.

I looked carefully thinking about what was inside as I took a step, I felt the same familiar energy that runs through my body when I use my dragon aurora.

Yukio: "Can I open it?"

Yasaka: "Go ahead, but be careful"

I was able to shorten the distance and felt a presence inside, so I slowly opened it to reveal two black bracelets that emanated strange but familiar energy when my hand touched on the system began to speak.

System *DING* [ Dimensional object found ]

System *DING* [ User has found a dimensional object - 3,500 Token reward ]

System *DING* [ Sacred-Demon Seal ]

System *DING* [ The user meets the requirements for absorption ]

System *DING* [ Absorption Begins ]

Yukio: "Wai---" I couldn't finish my sentence when the bracelets seemed to come to life and were embedded in my chest where they were absorbed, I felt the energy entering my body and pressure that made me kneel as I spit out a breath of blood.

Yasaka: "Yukiooo" Yasaka shouted as he ran quickly to me with tears

I could only see her but not talk to her I felt that my body was falling asleep and blood was flowing through my mouth and ears, a headache a.s.saulted me when everything became black losing my consciousness


I thought I had died I heard nothing and everything was dark, but soon I felt as the wind hit my body I slowly opened my eyelids just to surprise me what I was seeing, I was standing on the sky with beautiful clouds everywhere

Yukio: "What is this place? Did I die again?" I was totally confused.

Unknown "Die again? You look interesting young" A n.o.ble voice is heard when a beautiful woman appeared carrying six pairs of pink wings and a halo on her head, her hair was white with a loose dress up to her knees having pink eyes.

I was impressed and from what I saw, it was not so much that she was beautiful, what happens is that I did not feel any energy emanating from her body, it was as if she did not exist and looked like an angel.

Yukio: "An angel?"

???: "I am a SerafĂ­n, but I can notice that in this world there are some but their power is too low..."

(SerafĂ­n did not have twelve pairs of wings, oh, the system said something called Dimensional...)

Yukio: "Does that mean you're from another dimension? What is this place?"

SerafĂ­n: "I am from a different dimension, and this place could be called a hidden world, if you ask yourself what I am doing here, since you will see that I was sealed since the great battle of eons ago, I never thought that I would become a dimensional weapon" sighs heavily as he rubs his forehead.

Yukio: "Wait... Sealed? So they lost the war?"

SerafĂ­n: "Not really hehe, I sacrificed myself to do so in order to seal my enemy, because of that idiot we remain here for eons

Unknown: "Who you call idiotic!"

In that appeared a woman with an appearance of a teenager, reminded me a little Akeno having a long black hair to his hips and golden eyes, the most characteristic were two horns coming out from his forehead, a tail coming out from his back and six pairs of black wings I was astonished.

Unknown: "Why do I feel a dragon in this child?"

SerafĂ­n: "A dragon?" He began to evaluate the boy with his pink eyes, only to feel sweat on his forehead.

SerafĂ­n: "S-satan that's it!" Seraphim pointed at Yukio with her trembling finger and the demon tried to scan him just to look the same.

Yukio: "What? Why do they see me like this?"

Satan: "T-tu Don't you know? No... Who are you?"

Yukio: "...."

SerafĂ­n: "May I ask you something?" I felt strange the way these two behaved now...

Yukio: "I suppose..."

SerafĂ­n: "Are you the Dragon of the Abyss?"

I got confused but I remembered that this was the name of my bloodline line, so I answered honestly "Yes... Why?"

Both girls turned pale when they stepped back and bowed.

Serafín/Satán "! We're sorry for our lack of senior respect!"

My mind was paralyzed. What the h.e.l.l is going on here? I did not understand the att.i.tude of these two girls, but it was not the time for this, I had to leave this place, Yasaka must also be waiting for me to return.

Yukio: "Would you please stop doing that? I want to ask something.

Serafín/Satán "At your service!"

Yukio: "How do I get out of this place?"

SerafĂ­n: "Ah, raise your dragon aura a little and you can go out, to return to enter just have to think about this world and will return"

Yukio: "Well, I'll come back later" I released my aura and it was as they said soon everything became dark and I came back to reality, where I could notice that I was lying on a bed, my wounds probably disappeared the system healed them because they had removed 100 tokens.

I was going to get up but I felt a little weight and I turned my head to see Yasaka, I was a little surprised.

I was not blind, I knew this woman felt something but had the body of a child I could do, yet I also liked Yasaka.

Yasaka may have felt my movement and opened his eyes immediately embraced me as he spoke.

Yasaka: "Are you all right? Don't you have any wounds? I'm sorry!

Yukio: "Hey, I'm fine, I should be the one to apologize for making Yasaksan worry."

Yasaka shook her head as she looked me in the eye, "I'm the one who told you to come and you ended up like this, I'm so sorry".

I put my hand on her head as she stroked it, it was strange for a child to stroke an adult, but I saw no resistance from Yasaka.

Yukio: "It's not your fault, I was careless but thanks to Yasaksan I discovered something very useful" I smiled at him

Yasaka was sorry that I consoled her in this way, but she knew something...

Some time ago she had realized that Yukio was not normal, sometimes instead of seeing a child appear as a young man in his twenties, she always wanted to ask but did not want to ruin everything, so she left it for later.


We got up and left the room I had to meet Grayfia to go to the underworld, so I said goodbye to Yasaka who did not expect a hug with an extra phrase at the end.

Yukio: "When I'm older, I'll definitely come for you."

Yasaka was distracted but blushed greatly when she understood the meaning she meant but Yukio disappeared suddenly.

Yasaka: "YUKIOOO!"

I couldn't help laughing at her behavior, she was an adult woman but still looked like a child, so speed up the pace.


Two hours had pa.s.sed and I reached the mountain where I could see RĂ­as with Grayfia.

RĂ­as: "Why were you so late?" He frowned, they'd been waiting for an hour.

Yukio: "My bad, I had some things to complete. Can we go?"

Grayfia: "Enter the circle" A red circle appeared, and we all approached but Grayfia frowned as he turned his gaze to Yukio muttering

Grayfia: "Fox..." They were his words when he felt a scent of Yukio, Who didn't even know that his "supposed mother" would give him a good talk soon, so then they all disappeared into the circle.

---- In the meantime.

SerafĂ­n: Do you think we can tell him?"

Satan: "He's still very inexperienced but without a doubt, he'll make it, I wouldn't mind helping him to get out of here..."

SerafĂ­n: "*Suspiro* The problem is.... Will he accept us?"

Both girls looked at each other and decided with great determination.

SerafĂ­n/Satan "Servants..."