Ancient Rome : from the earliest times down to 476 A. D - Part 29

Part 29


(Time allowed, 30 minutes.)

1. What powers did Octavia.n.u.s Augustus take to himself? What change did he make in the government of Rome? What changes did Constantine make?

2. The gradual extension of the right of Roman citizenship, the causes of each extension, and dates.

3. What were the possessions of Rome at the beginning of the Christian era? How were they acquired, and when?

4. Explain _praetorian guards; provincia; colonia; tribunus plebis; comitia centuriata_.

5. _Allia, Beneventum, Saguntum, Metaurus, Pharsalia;_ where were they?

what happened there, and when?


1. Describe the circ.u.mstances under which the tribunate was established.

2. When and where did the military events in the war between the Caesarians and Pompeians occur?

3. Sketch briefly the career of Pompeius.

4. What persons composed the Second Triumvirate? In what essential points did the Second Triumvirate differ from the First?

5. When and for what reasons was the right of citizenship given to the provinces?

6. What radical changes in the government were made by Diocletian?

June, 1885.

1. Give an account of the Second Punic War (with dates).

2. Explain _tribunus plebis, censor, dictator, imperator_.

3. How were the provinces governed under the Republic, and how under the Empire?

4. What were the causes of the Social War, and what the results?

5. When and where did the following events take place: the defeat of Varus; the first Roman naval victory; the decisive victory over Pyrrhus; the death of Brutus and Ca.s.sius; the conquest of the first Roman province?


35TH ACADEMIC EXAMINATION November 22, 1889.--Time, 9.30 A.M. to 12 M., only. 48 _credits; necessary to pa.s.s_, 36.

1. Mention two prominent characteristics of the Roman people. (2)

2. Mention one element which Rome has contributed to the civilization of the world. (1)

3. Mention two foreign enemies that fought Rome on Italian soil; state the result in each contest. (4)

4. Describe the situation of any two of the following places, and state an important historical event connected with each: Caudine Forks; Pharsalia; Pompeii; Cannae. (4)

5. Which occurred first: (1) Fall of Carthage, or captivity of Jugurtha; (2) Battle of Actium, or battle of Philippi; (3) Death of Antony, or death of Cicero? (3)

6. What do you understand by a "proscription"? Mention the two which occur in Roman history. (3)

7. What were gladiators? who was their leader when they rebelled? (2)

8. What notable service was rendered to his country by Camillus; Tiberius Gracchus; Marius; Cicero? (4)

9. Mention two laws that are landmarks in Roman history. (2)

10. Give the boundaries of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Christian era. (3)

11. Briefly describe the system of slavery as it existed in Rome.(2)

12. What was the Haruspex? how did he determine future events? (2)

13. Was the Roman government usually tolerant of religion? on what ground were the Christians punished? (2)

14. Describe the way in which the Romans attacked fortified towns.

Describe two engines used by them for this purpose.(3)

15. Whence did Rome derive literature and art? (2)


16. To which of the two great parties in Rome did Sulla belong? (1)

17. Tell something of the reforms which he inst.i.tuted. (2)

18. Mention two wars in which Sulla was engaged. (2)

19. Briefly describe his dictatorship and how it came to an end. (2)

20. Give a sketch of the character of Sulla. (2)


June 14, 1889.--Time, 9 30 A.M. to 12 M., only.

48 _credits; necessary to pa.s.s,_ 36.