Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 975

Chapter 975

Looking at this mark, Su Han's brows can't help but frown, this is the demon fairy sacred talisman he got from Dongzu!

"Rely on this?" Su Han asked.


Xiaoqing nodded: "You may not know the origin of this thing, but it is definitely not as simple as you think. Let me take a look... There are four opportunities to use them. If you use all of these four opportunities, If you do, I can help you realize your four wishes."


Su Han was shocked. He naturally knew this demon fairy sacred talisman, but from the previous Su Han's view, he just felt that the demon fairy sacred talisman should be similar to a task item. The biggest function is to use the back door. , Maybe in some places where others can't enter, Su Han can enter with the demon fairy sacred talisman.

But he never thought that the effect of this demon fairy sacred talisman could be so great!

Trying to put the spar full of ancient tears into the space ring, it really succeeded, and Su Han then said again: "What the **** is this? It's not you who are helping me on purpose again and finding it for yourself Excuse me?"

"Absolutely not."

Xiaoqing said; "You don't need to know what this is for the time being. You just need to know that this thing is very useful, and there are only four opportunities to use it. Once all four times are used up, then this thing It is useless and useless, not even as good as a piece of white paper."

"With me, although you can use these four opportunities to help you realize your four wishes, in my opinion, you can not use it, and it is best not to use it, because when you come back here in the future, the greatest reliance is absolutely It will not be your own cultivation base, but this talisman paper!"

"real or fake?"

Su Han furrowed his brows deeply. He didn't think this demon fairy sacred talisman had such a big effect, and listening to Xiaoqing's words...Is he going to come back?

"I told you before that when we come here to practice, the highest cultivation level cannot exceed the Dragon God Realm. The next time the Demon Immortal Sanctuary opens, it will be three thousand years later. At that time, I had already broken through the dragon. Divine realm, so...I won't come back again." Su Han said these words a little heavy.

"No? That's just what you think."

Xiaoqing laughed and said: "What you have seen in the ancient times and the ancient times, whether it is the great gods or the disasters that destroyed the world, everything is true, including me, it is true. Do you understand what I mean?"

Su Han suddenly raised his head, his heart shook fiercely, and his face was full of disbelief.

"You think you are here to experience, but in fact, it is not like this."

Xiaoqing smiled and shook his head: "Too many words, I can't say, but as long as you are still alive, no matter how long, even one trillion years, you will definitely see me again, and you will definitely come to this ancient mountain again. , I will definitely return to this barren ancient era, even...the ancient era, even the ancient era!"

"If that time really comes, maybe you can help the resurrection, not just me, but also my parents, my relatives, my people, and even... you can stop the disaster from happening."

Su Han was dizzy for a while, Xiao Qing's words made his head a little bit down, and he couldn't react at all for a while.

Isn't this a place of experience? It's true?

Is everything I have seen, heard, and experienced true?

Then why, when the disasters in the ancient times came, I didn't die, and when the disasters in the ancient times came, I didn't die either?

This cannot be explained at all!

Xiaoqing seemed to understand what Su Han was thinking, and smiled: "The reason why you survived those two catastrophes is not because you came here as an experiencer, but because of your hands. , There is this talisman paper."

said, Xiaoqing shook the demon fairy sacred amulet.

Su Han is still a little unbelieving, only listening to Xiaoqing again: "Let's put it this way, why did you first appear in the ancient period? And why did they appear in this barren ancient period?"

The 'they' mentioned by Xiaoqing are naturally many people from Guizhou Qing, Xuanyuan Ruqing, and Bai Ling who have come from Longwu Continent.

"First, because of their pass level, second, because of this talisman."

Xiaoqing explained: "If other people who have this talisman have the same Supreme Pass, then once they appear, they will also exist in the ancient times, and the reason why you did not die in those two catastrophes is also right. It's because of this rune paper, that's why I said that this rune paper is very useful. If you have the opportunity to get other rune papers, it will be more important than getting the dwarven clan weaponry. The treasure!"

Hearing this, Su Han took a deep breath.

Xiaoqing's words explained everything very thoroughly, but Su Han could hear that his main purpose was still this demon sacred talisman!

"Don't say anything else, if you really come back the day, I will tell you everything, and now, I can't." Xiaoqing shook his head.

Su Han understood that maybe Xiaoqing wanted to tell him everything, but he was trapped in this ancient sacred mountain, after all, there were limitations.

He did not continue to ask, knowing that this has been enough, it shocked him.

"Let's talk about it, you still have four opportunities, I will go through the program and ask again, do you need me to help you realize other wishes?" Xiaoqing smiled.

Su Han suddenly fell silent.

Actually, this demon fairy sacred amulet is not his, but Dongzu's. In other words, Dongzu should decide these four opportunities.

If you change Dongzu to someone else and have an antagonism with Su Han, then Su Han will never hesitate. Use these four opportunities as you like.

But Dongzu is different. He is Su Han's master, the master who appeared in person when Su Han was besieged and attacked the five super sects in a rage!

On the entire Longwu Continent, if you say that Su Han owes favor to a sect, it is a sword palace, if Su Han truly owes someone favor, then it is definitely Dongzu!

If this thing is not important, it is enough, but it is so important, listening to Xiaoqing's meaning, it is best not to use it, then, do you still use it?

If you don't use it, you still have to enter the ancient times, you have to enter the afterlife, and you have to experience many things. Su Han's time is no longer allowed to continue to waste like this.

When Su Han was thinking about these things, Xiao Qing was also staring at him, the meaning was obvious, it's best not to use it!

But after a while, Su Han was still selfish and said, "I want to use two of these opportunities."

"Twice? You..."

Xiaoqing's eyes widened, and he was about to say something reflexively, but at this moment, his body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

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