Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 972

Chapter 972

After Zhou Jie left, Su Han turned to Xuanyuan Ruthless and Bai Ling and said, "You are waiting for me here."

"Yeah." The two nodded.

Su Han turned around and planned to enter the ancient sacred mountain, but he paused before turning around and said: "This time to enter the ancient sacred mountain, the time may be long or short. If I have not come out before you leave, then return to Longwu. After the mainland, you will go to the Phoenix Sect to find me."

"You think too much."

Xuanyuan curled his lips mercilessly: "I have seen it in ancient books. I have really crossed the nine screens. After entering the ancient mountain, it will appear in no more than a month. After all, it is only to realize your wish. , It's not as long as you think."

Su Han glanced at him helplessly, this guy really said something, showing no mercy.

Bai Ling said: "What do you want to do in the Phoenix Sect?"

Su Han smiled slightly, and said ruthlessly towards Xuanyuan: "Look carefully, how good your wife is. Unlike you, she only farts."

"Or she is my wife." Xuanyuan grinned ruthlessly, showing his big white teeth.

Listening to the words of the two, Bai Ling's face turned a little red, and he hammered Xuanyuan ruthlessly. The latter looked grinning, but it certainly didn't hurt.

"Talk about business."

Su Han said: "I said before that the Phoenix Sect already has five great guards. After this is over, I will set up three more regiments. The commander positions of these three regiments have not yet been taken over by me. Yu Chen, who once invited the Yulin Sect, did not know what to think although he agreed. I think it would be great if you two can be qualified for the positions of the other two army commanders."


Xuanyuan Ruthless and Bai Ling both froze for a while, and Bai Ling said, "Join the Phoenix Sect?"

"Yeah." Su Han nodded.

He feels that he has a monopolistic character. Among other sects, even in Yidao Palace, what decisions Nangong Duanchen sometimes makes must be discussed with all the powerful and high-ranking people in Yidao Palace.

But in the Phoenix Sect, Su Han is just saying what he wants to do, no one can control.

Even ordinary disciples must join the Phoenix Sect. The position of the commander of this great army, Su Han will focus on training people in the future, naturally must join the Phoenix Sect. As for the suspension, such as those honors in certain sects. Elder, Ke Qing, etc... Su Han never thought about it.

"This one"

Xuanyuan glanced at Bai Ling mercilessly, and said in deep thought: "It doesn't matter to me. I am too happy to be the commander of the Phoenix Sect. I will not be able to stop it in the family. After all... But Bai Ling is probably not that easy here. Right?"

"It's not easy, but it's impossible."

Bai Ling smiled bitterly and said, "You have said before that even if I want to marry, it depends on who the Holy Spirit Palace marries me, let alone join the Phoenix Sect. It's not good to say that it is Sentence!"

After a pause, Bai Ling said again: "Actually, there are some things you don't know. People like me have been planted with magic roots after joining the Holy Spirit Temple. Only the Holy Spirit Temple can unlock this magic root. , If you judge the sect or do anything unfavorable to the Holy Spirit Temple, this magic root will happen.

"Magic root?"

Xuanyuan ruthlessly showed an angry expression, and he didn't care about others, but Bai Ling was the woman he liked, naturally distressed and angry.

"Yes, magic root."

Bai Ling nodded and said: "The occurrence of the magic root does not make a person die immediately, but gradually dissipates the cultivation base, loses the will, falls into madness, and gradually grows old with the passage of time, and finally becomes a useless person."

Su Han frowned, and Xuanyuan Ruthless punched the ground with a punch, and said angrily: "Holy Spirit Hall, what a cruel heart! Can the tens of millions of disciples in it plant this kind of magic root?!"

"Each sect has its own management method. You can't change this, and you can't blame the Holy Spirit Temple. If you don't do this, I am afraid there will be no Holy Spirit Temple today." Su Han said.

He naturally doesn't think the Holy Spirit Temple is so cruel. In the starry sky, there are countless sects that have the same management methods, and some are even more vicious than the Holy Spirit Temple.

Thinking about it carefully, I finally cultivated a disciple, but he was unfaithful. After he got a lot of resources and improved his cultivation, he just left, what about the other people's sect?

It doesn't matter if there is one more disciple and one less disciple. If all the sects are judged, then this sect will immediately fall apart.

There are many ways to manage sects, some benevolent, and some are vicious, but there is no doubt that in the starry sky, most of the benevolent sects are not very strong, and rebellious and deviant, from disciples to disciples. Most of the enemies' things happened in this kind of sect.

"What do you mean?"

Xuanyuan looked at Su Han mercilessly, slanted his eyes and said: "Don't tell me, Phoenix Sect is also in this way of management."

Su Han did not deny it, but did not admit it, but said: "The sect is not like a family. The family is connected by This cannot be changed, but in the sect, people's hearts are unpredictable. It took a huge amount of resources to train them, but they just patted their butts and left. What do you want me to do?"

Xuanyuan Ruqing didn't say anything more, in fact, he didn't understand it, but this kind of thing happened to Bai Ling, which made him a little unacceptable.

The most important thing is that if the warrior bloodline in him has not been activated, then it will be a bit difficult to marry Bai Ling!

The Holy Spirit Temple controls the disciples most rigorously, and it is also one of the super sects who like to marry other big forces. Bai Ling is a beautiful, talented person, and there are not a few people who like her. For the benefit, the Holy Spirit Temple may decide when Will marry her out.

"Leave aside anything else, I will ask you two, do you want to come to Phoenix Sect?" Su Han asked again.

"Willing is willing, that is..." Xuanyuan looked ruthlessly at Bai Ling again.

"I am willing too."

Bai Ling looked at Su Han: "Actually, the magic roots were planted. No matter how good the Holy Spirit Temple is to me, there is a knot in my heart, whether it is Phoenix Sect or an ordinary disciple of an ordinary sect. If I can live freely, I am willing."


Su Han nodded: "Don't think about this, and talk about it later."

When 's words fell, he didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and took a step, his figure disappeared directly into the sight of the two.

After his departure, the mysterious tortoise disappeared, the huge human face collapsed, and Gao You didn't know how many illusory giants also slowly got up and collapsed with a boom.

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