Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 916

Chapter 916

?? Regarding Su Han's anger, all these Blood God Crows didn't hear it. Anyway, he had finished his cultivation, and it was no different if he could not get out.

Furthermore, in such a dangerous place, it is better not to go out, and fools are willing to go out.

If Su Han knows their thoughts, maybe Su Han might really choke them to death.

Although there is a crisis here, you can't just stand here forever, waiting for the exit of the demon fairy sanctuary to open.

Crisis has always coexisted with good fortune, Su Han is not such a timid person, at least, his tears of ancient times, the sacred stone of the demon, and the heart of Titan have not yet been obtained.

moved forward again, aimlessly.

When the second year after Su Han came here, something that shocked him happened.

He saw a human being, a normal human being, who looked exactly the same as himself except for his appearance.

is exactly the same, because everything Su Han saw here was that huge, but the human being he encountered at this moment was quite normal.

This person is wearing a shirt made of no known leather, covering his lower body, and behind him is carrying a long bow.

This longbow is like wood, but there is a halo on it, which is obviously extraordinary.

What shocked Su Han was naturally not the existence of this person, but the longbow behind this person and the bow quiver in his hand.

There are bows and arrows in the bow and quiver. Su Han can see clearly that there are nine in total.

It was almost the first time that Su Han saw these nine bows and arrows. In his mind, the name of an ancient **** emerged.

This ancient **** is called Houyi.

When Su Han saw him, he also saw Su Han.

However, his eyes were indifferent, as if looking at the air, which made Su Han a little embarrassed.

The two do not have a common language, so after meeting, they just glanced at each other, and there is no longer too much intersection.

The thing that shocked Su Han is happening.

But seeing this man standing on the ground, looking up at the sky, he seemed to be looking directly at the ten suns.

I looked at it in a dazed manner, not for a moment, not a day, or two days... but a full month.

During this month, Su Han was also watching him, holding his breath and watching.

He can't imagine what will happen next, because it will be the complete opening of later generations, and it will be the most earth-shaking change in the galactic universe!

A month later, the man moved.

He finally retracted his gaze and stopped looking at the sky. With a sigh, he took down the longbow behind his back, and immediately flipped his palm. He took out all the nine bows and arrows in his quiver.

Su Han stopped breathing completely, his eyes widened, and his heart stopped beating, as if he had become a sculpture.

"The descendants shoot the sky, one bow and nine arrows..."

A paragraph of words simply recorded in the ancient book appeared in Su Han's mind.

He always thought that this was just a legend, and the sun was transformed by the Golden Crow clan. It was still just a legend. After all, no one saw it with their own eyes, and no one would believe it.

In his last life, after Su Han became the ruler, he had close contact with the sun star.

The scorching temperature on the surface of the sun star, even Su Han, who is the dominant realm, feels like being roasted.

In the end, Su Han just stood at a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles from the sun star, and could no longer move forward.

The horror of the sun star also made Su Han even more disbelief in the records in this ancient book, because he really couldn't imagine that he could shoot down nine rounds of the sun under one bow. What a terrifying cultivation level would this require?

At this moment, this thing he never believed in is about to happen before his eyes.

But seeing the man holding a long bow, slowly pulling the bowstring away, spreading the fingers of the long arrow, and holding all the nine long arrows in one hand.

Pull the bow and arrow.

Then... Archery!


As soon as the person released the bowstring, there was a humming from the sky and the earth.

This buzzing is not very big, not as loud as the laughter of the Titan giant, but it is just such a buzzing, but it makes Su Han's gaze plunge into darkness in the blink of an eye, and then, he feels the world shakes. , The whole person revolved.

Consciousness, gradually disappeared.

He didn't see that earth-shattering event after all.

When Su Han wakes up again, the scene before him has completely changed.

is no longer the dry and cracked ground, nor is it a barren environment, nor is it within a radius of a million miles, alone.

The reason why he wakes up is because a burst of laughter wakes him up.

When he opened his eyes, Su Han found a group of savages surrounding him, pointing and saying something that he still didn't understand.

The reason why they are called savages is because they are not covered by the slightest concealment on their bodies, so they are displayed in front of Su Han.

But their appearance is also different from Su Han. These savages are covered in hair. Although they are human, they look a bit like beasts. They are not completely upright, but slightly bowed.

"this is"

Su Han woke up He opened his eyes wide, and the scene of Houyi shooting into the sky was still echoing in his mind.

It's a pity that he didn't see the fall of the sun, and he still didn't see what kind of earth-shaking scene it was.

But in a daze, Su Han seemed to see a huge figure, chasing the sun, gradually away.

Thinking back now, Su Han shivered suddenly.

The person who chased the sun was also a great **** in ancient times. This person was the same name as Hou Yi and others, called... Kuafu.

Looking around at the moment, but seeing the bushes and lush greenery, there are countless huge rattans around, and huge trees in the sky, and above these big trees that seem to stand between the sky and the earth, there are savages. The figure, as dexterous as a monkey, is moving quickly.

Su Han can see clearly that the speed of these savages is much faster than his Dragon God Realm, even if he displays the fifth step of the Nine Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, the speed is increased by sixteen times. Not in time!

In the last moment, I could see them leaving, but in the next moment, they were gone.

"Where am I?" Su Han frowned and took a deep breath.

Seeing that he wakes up, the savages around him seem to be a little scared, and they flashed towards the back.

But soon, the fear on their faces disappeared, and they came around again. Some of them were holding utensils made of clay in their hands. Inside the utensils were placed...

One after another fruit!

The book is from