Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 914

Chapter 914

?? On this day, these blood **** crows completely awakened.

Su Han did not hesitate, and led them out of the tree hole, towards the distance.

This place is too big to see the end at a glance, only a piece of dry and cracked ground can be seen, and in the sky, there seem to be ten suns that will always exist.

Here, there is no destination at all, Su Han can only move forward aimlessly like this.

It's like stepping on the spot. After walking for a day, the sight in front of me is like this, and after walking for a month, the sight in front of me is still like this.

If it weren't for careful observation of the surroundings, Su Han really doubted whether he was walking in an illusion.

Until three months later, the surrounding environment finally changed.

The earth was still dry and cracked, and the air was still hot, but in front of Su Han and the others, a large thatched house appeared.

This thatched hut is different from ordinary thatched huts. The reason why it is called thatched hut is because the construction is too simple. It is completely built with cracked tree trunks at will. In fact, this thatched hut is huge. One is thousands of feet high, and from a distance, it looks like a large palace.

When seeing these thatched houses, Su Han frowned, hesitated slightly, and finally showed decisiveness and walked toward the thatched houses.

"For everything here, I am an ant..." Su Han murmured, he really had such an idea.

As we proceeded, the thatched cottages got closer and closer. Before Su Han came to one of them, he saw the scene inside through the gap in the door.

There is no such thing as a bed or furniture as imagined. Some are just a huge figure.

This figure is a thousand feet long, exactly like a human being, but it is too huge.

When Su Han saw this figure, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he immediately moved back.

But he stopped suddenly again, because this huge figure did not give him any sense of crisis.

Observed carefully for a while, only to see this figure lying on the ground, seeming to be breathing slowly, and his mouth was muttering something, it sounded very weak.

"What is he talking about?" Siguo asked in confusion.

Su Han shook his head. The language of this huge figure was obviously different from that of himself and others, and Su Han could not understand it either.

At this moment, the huge figure suddenly stopped talking, and stopped breathing.

Su Han was taken aback for a moment, his brow furrowed deeply, and he couldn't believe it.

But the four dogs are incredible: "Dead?"

Su Han didn't reply, but said: "If I didn't guess wrong, what he said before should have only one word, that is...water."

"Water?" The middle-aged man transformed by the four dogs also frowned.


Su Han nodded: "You can take a closer look. This giant is covered in dryness and cracks. Just like this ground, we have the original fire attribute protection, so it doesn't affect much, but they have always survived here. Those ten rounds of the sun's scorching, I am afraid it is alive and thirst."


The four dogs were shocked and couldn't imagine what kind of pain it was.

"I didn't feel the slightest aura in him. The reason why the figure is huge should be because they are like this. Their status here should be like those of mortals who can't practice in Longwu Continent. "Su Han said again.

Blood God Crow may not know those ancient legends, but Su Han knows it, so when he saw this scene, he felt more deeply impressed.

Ancient books once recorded that in ancient times, because of the existence of ten rounds of the sun between the heaven and the earth, life was disgraced.

The creatures are charcoal!

The simple four words may not give people much feeling, but when Su Han saw the huge figure in front of him that had died, he really understood the meaning of these four words.

This huge figure, although it has no cultivation, can exist in the ancient times. It should be extremely powerful because of its huge size.

Even if the Dragon Sovereign Realm is coming, it is definitely not his opponent.

is such a strong man, but he is dying of thirst.

Although he sighed a little, Su Han was not that kind of emotional person. After looking around, Su Han left when he saw that there was nothing of value.

Next, Su Han, the Four Dogs and the other Blood God Crows kept going to thatched cottages.

The more I look at it, the heavier Su Han's heart becomes. Almost every thatched hut has such a corpse, or even several huge corpses. All of them have chapped lips, red eyes, pale face, and dying. I was still widening my eyes before, and seemed extremely unwilling.

This place should be a village. There are hundreds of thatched huts like this, and there are nearly a thousand indigenous corpses who have been thirst to death like this.

After a trip, nothing of value was obtained. Even some of the utensils used by these indigenous people were made of ordinary clay. They did not practice, and naturally they would not practice these tools. For Su Han, it is nothing more than an ordinary appliance has no effect at all.

Soon, Su Han and others left the village, still moving forward.

Up to now, Su Han can't believe that he is really in ancient times. If it weren't for the real ant legs in the space ring, and the second deity condensed by the flesh and blood of the ants, he had already broken through. The four dogs in the Dragon Emperor Realm, Su Han really doubted whether he had a dream.

In such a purposeless advance, months have passed.

It has been a full year since Su Han entered this place.

In the latter part of the journey, Su Han saw too many corpses. These corpses were different, including humans and beasts, but they all had a unified characteristic, that is, they were dying of thirst.

Among these corpses, Su Han saw several huge beasts again, because they had died and had no breath, and did not know which level of beast they were, but their bodies had shriveled and their blood was completely dry. , Although there is still a huge skin, that is, because it is too huge, Su Han's space ring can't be put down at all, and the four dogs did not leave the imperial domain, the big dog did not leave the imperial domain, but he himself is a dragon The respected state, dare not show up at all.

Therefore, Su Han could only watch the treasure-like corpse lying here, but was helpless.

Without stopping, they continued to walk like walking corpses.

One and a half years after Su Han entered this place, he finally saw the living creature again.

There are two living creatures in total. When Su Han saw it, his pupils contracted severely, and his heart almost beat out.