Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 905

Chapter 905

?? Not long after Su Han teleported away, dozens of figures appeared here.


"This **** is really brave enough to teleport from a place so close to Longwu City."

"The reason for choosing this place is obviously that this person did it deliberately, in order to let the people of my five super sects have a look, so as to slap us in the face."

"If I can find out who this person is, I will definitely have no scum left!"

When these people scolded, on the Longwu City Square, Dongzu's brows also frowned.

In his mind, a face emerged, and it was the gray-haired old man that he had just seen.

"Who is this person?"

After thinking for a moment, Dongzu sighed in his heart: "I still hold hope, I think that little guy may still be alive, but this person does not have his breath at all..."

"Also, that old bastard's shot directly killed him, how could he be alive?"

"It's a pity, genius is easy to break, such a strong talent, in the future, it is bound to be promoted to the Dragon Sovereign Realm, it is not impossible to be in the Dragon Sovereign Realm, but he... just died."

While sighing, Dongzu slowly walked towards the distance.

This person holding the Supreme Pass will spend at least a few years in the Demon Immortal Sanctuary. Naturally, it is impossible for him to wait here for such a long time.

And after he left, the crowd was also in a discussion, and gradually dispersed.

This is a huge passage, surrounded by stars. Su Han stood here, looking at the stars in the distance, and couldn't help but think of the time when he entered the gate of the deer.

At that time, it was also transmitted through such a channel.

But the two are obviously different. The gap between the Gate of the Deer and the Sanctuary of the Demon Immortal is huge.

I don't know how long it has passed, but it seems that he has reached the end of the passage. The scene in front of him suddenly changes, the passage disappears, and a huge world emerges again.

Su Han stood on this land like a weak ant.

is indeed like an ant, because there is a big mountain in front of him!

At the first glance, Su Han only saw it as a mountain, but at the second glance, Su Han's pupils contracted suddenly and his breathing almost stopped.

Where is a big mountain, it is clearly...a giant! ! !

To be precise, this is a... mythical beast!

In the starry sky, there are strict levels of beasts.

Monster beast, fierce beast, fairy beast, divine beast, holy beast!

These five levels correspond to the mortal realm, spiritual realm, fairy realm, **** realm, and holy realm.

Of course, it's not to say that the beasts in the lower star regions are all spirit beasts. The beasts in the middle star regions are all fairy beasts, whether they are monsters, fierce beasts, or fairy beasts, or beasts. A realm, and only after reaching this realm can it be called a fairy beast or a divine beast.

And what is placed in front of Su Han at this moment is a divine beast!

"gluttonous..." Su Han muttered to himself.

In the legend, the dragon gave birth to nine sons, and one of them is gluttonous!

However, this is only a legend after all. In fact, Taotie is not a child of the dragon, but an independent race. The strongest of the Taotie family, even stronger than the dragon.

And the one placed in front of Su Han at this moment... is a gluttony!

As the former demon dragon ancient emperor, Su Han naturally knew this beast. Its huge body could not be described in words. If it weren't for the occasional breathing on it, Su Han really couldn't see it. It is a living creature.

The traces on its body are like cliffs. Some of the uplifts are like huge mountain peaks. The four claws that are climbing on the ground are like four big mountains. The body is completely wrapped, and the height alone is a million feet!

"Where is this demon celestial sanctuary, how can there be gluttonous existence!" Su Han's heart jumped wildly.

Among the gluttons, there are strong and weak. After he came to Longwu Continent, he had seen gluttonous once, but that time, there were still three.

However, the blood of the three gluttons is not pure, and the cultivation base is very low, but the one in front of them is a real gluttonous, a real beast!

Such a behemoth, with a single breath, can make Su Han's body burst open, and his soul and spirit will be destroyed.

Even a glance at Su Han would cause Su Han's pressure to rise sharply and directly suffocate.

The gap between the two is really too big. If Su Han is just the current Su Han, he can't realize it, but in his previous life, he had seen the terrifying strength of the gluttonous beast level.

Therefore, after discovering that it was a gluttony, Su Han kept his breath without saying a word, and did not dare to gasp for fear of awakening the sleeping gluttony.

"This gluttony... is full of treasures!"

Seeing that he didn't disturb the other party, Su Han couldn't help but think about it.

is not only gluttonous, all mythical beasts are full of treasures.

Their skin can be made into a **** armor, even if it is a strong **** of the same level, it is difficult to break through.

And if there is such a set of divine armor, even if it is Su Han is only the dragon vein realm, once it is put on, it will be regarded as the dragon sovereign realm, and it will not hurt him!

and gluttonous nails can also be refined into magic gluttonous nails are retired once every 100,000 years, and once the powerful forces of the upper star domain have been auctioned, they have sold sky-high prices.

Its flesh is more amazing than those precious pill. Its blood can not only enhance cultivation, but also contains the inheritance art of the gluttonous family. Its eyes can be refined into golden pupils. At a glance, the fairyland is strong. Crash!

Its teeth can be deployed in formations. If all of them are gathered together, they can be displayed with the cultivation base of the peak of the fairyland, and they can even kill the inferior gods!

In short, a beast of this level is really full of treasures.

When Su Han was in his last life, as a top-tier refiner and alchemist, he was naturally very clear about this, so he was so greedy for this gluttony.

Of course, it's just greedy.

He still knows himself well. If he really dared to touch this gluttonous food, let's not say whether the latter would kill Su Han. With Su Han's cultivation at this moment, even if it's bombarded for a hundred thousand years, he won't see it. Got to be able to hit gluttonously with a little injury.

"Forget it, don't think too much about it. This is a complete, surviving beast, even if it is dead, I can't use it."

Su Han shook his head and murmured, "Furthermore, I can't fit my storage bag!"

Thinking of this, Su Han smiled bitterly.

This life is really different from the previous one!

Stop thinking, Su Han walked slowly towards the distance.

To the sleeping glutton, Su Han is an ant, even if Su Han walks on it, it may not be able to feel it.

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