Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 830

Chapter 830

"I'm asking you something."

Seeing that Du Yuehui and others did not speak, Long Wu will questioned again, in that tone, there was an aggressive tone.

"Hmph, let you do some tricks again!" Nangongyu said cheerfully.

The Ye Family and Xuanyuan Family, as well as the other forces helping the Phoenix Sect, all sneered at this moment, and their hearts were extremely happy.

Originally thought that there was no hope, but the Phoenix Sect had this kind of experience, and a decision to counterattack came to a big comeback, and the top Du Yuehui and others were speechless.

"If you think it's not enough, I can show you another picture."

Long Wu Will spoke again, the screen disappeared, and then appeared again, but this time, it was a scene of Su Han and others in the ancient battlefield.

That scene was when facing everyone at Chang'an Mountain Gate.

At that time, the people of the Chang'an Mountain Gate had completely exposed that they had rebelled, and they did not have the slightest fear of using the power of the extraterritorial demon to fight Su Han and others, and were finally killed by Su Han and others.

When I saw this scene, the face of Chang'an Mountain Gate changed drastically!

They thought their rebellion was unknown to them, and they didn't expect that everything was not seen by Longwu's will, and it was completely exposed today!

The countless gazes all around looked towards the Chang'an Mountain Gate, and the shocking murderous intent broke out at this moment.

"Du Yuehui, Yuan bastards!!!"

Among the Chang'an Mountain Gate, an old man saw that things could no longer be hidden, and immediately snarled: "I think you are busy doing nothing, so you have come to find this kind of trouble! Dare to ruin the good deeds of my army of gods, and wait for my army of gods to come. After that, the first ones to kill are you!"

"Take them down!" Yuan Ling shouted immediately.

Not because he really hates the mutineers, but because he wants to use this opportunity to perform in front of Longwu Will.

Not only him, but other forces are the same, they all have to shoot to capture the people of Chang'an Mountain Gate.

"Leave them alone."

With a wave of Long Wu's claws, a transparent mask immediately lay down. This mask seemed extremely thin, but it directly enveloped all the people at Chang'an Mountain Gate, even the screaming Dragon Emperor Realm old man!

"I have captured them, how to deal with them, I will talk about it later, we are talking about Phoenix Sect at the moment, whether they are eligible for the Supreme Pass."

Long Wu's will to speak, interrupting the actions of many forces, and also interrupting Yuan Ling and the others, wanting to show some thoughts.

"First, the Phoenix Sect killed countless extraterritorial heaven demons. Second, the Phoenix Sect found a traitor. Are these two contributions enough?"

The voice of Longwu's will is still so flat, but it fell in the hearts of everyone, but it seemed that as his words were spoken, that tone seemed to gradually become cold.

"And you, Immortal Dao Ting, Yuxu Palace, Sword Immortal Tomb, Giant Island, God of War Sect... all the super sects have been under the guise of sheltering the Longwu people, but under the guise of the Longwu disaster, they are closed The gate of the mountain, indifferent to the cruel things that happened outside, caused the lives of the people in Longwu to be overwhelmed and wailed."

"Do you think, compared with Phoenix Sect, who is more qualified to obtain this Supreme Pass?"

The words of Long Wu's will, every word and every word, pierced the heart.

At this moment, not only Yuan Ling, Du Yuehui and others, even Nangong Chenfeng, and all the forces except Phoenix Sect were speechless.

"Now you tell me, are they eligible for the Supreme Pass for their contribution?" Long Wuhui asked.

Du Yuehui really was about to vomit blood, her face was gloomy, and after a long silence, she finally vomited a word: "Yes."

"what about you?"

Long Wu Will looked at Yuan Ling and the others again, and his gaze swept through all the forces opposed to Phoenix Sect's obtaining the Supreme Pass.

"Yes." Yuan Ling said.

"Yes." Mo Qinghai said.




Han Yunlai, the flowing water is elegant...All of them are speaking hard at this moment.

Even though they still feel dissatisfied in their hearts, Long Wu Will has already produced solid evidence. If they still refute, they are really looking for Long Wu Will trouble.

That is undoubtedly looking for death!

"Hahaha, Sovereign, this is an absolute counterattack!"

Liu Yun laughed freely, but after all, in front of so many people, his laughter was only a sound transmission.

Su Han touched his nose and said, "We have done so many good things? Why don't I even know about it..."

"Long Wu will, I decided to apologize to you for my impulse just now, and I take back what I just said!"

Suddenly, the powerful person in charge spoke. Instead of getting up, he said: "I think the Phoenix Sect is indeed qualified to obtain this Supreme Pass. Their strength shocks us, and their courage makes us admire their achievements. It makes us ashamed. Before today, we may have forgotten that we are still from the Longwu Continent, and the extraterritorial demon are the real invaders."

With this person's voice, most of the other forces, those who helped the five super sects before, turned out to speak at this moment, and turned their figures to the side of the Phoenix For this, Su Han Don't care at all.

For him, those who were toward the Phoenix Sect from the very beginning were sending charcoal in the snow, and these people, in the final analysis, can only be regarded as icing on the cake, not even icing on the cake.

Naturally, it goes without saying that which can be remembered, whether it is to give charcoal in the snow or to add flowers to the cake.

Even if they help Phoenix Sect at this moment, Su Han will not accept their kindness.

"Since you have already admitted, the contribution is skipped, let's talk about potential."

Long Wu's will seems to be determined to help Phoenix Sect. At this moment, he stared at Du Yuehui and said: "Speaking of potential, this matter is even simpler. You have spent a lot of time from establishing a sect to becoming a first-rate sect. Long time?"

"Two...three thousand years." Du Yuehui's heart jumped wildly, as if she had a foreboding what Long Wu's will would say.

"Where is Giant Island?" Du Yuehui looked at the flowing water again.

"Two thousand two hundred years." Liu Shui Qingya gritted his teeth.

"Needless to say, Yuxu Palace, you are outsiders. If you really want to talk about it, you are not even the people of Longwu Continent. If you really want to be serious, I won't even give you the opportunity to enter the Demon Immortal Sanctuary. "Long Wu will said.

Yuan Ling's expression changed drastically, but he dared not say anything.

"Phoenix Sect, it took ten years to become a first-rate sect."

Long Wu said indifferently: "It took two thousand years for the Immortal Dao Court and 2,200 years for Giant Island. If I remember correctly, the tomb of the **** of war and the tomb of the sword immortal went from Jianzong to first-rate sect, and it took at least For two thousand years, am I right?"

"That's right." Han Yunlai and Mo Qinghai said at the same time.

"Phoenix Sect, it took seven years."

Long Wu will said: "You all understand what I mean, right?"