Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Two minutes have passed since entering this second level to snatching the Baizhang pumice stone of this Rainforest Sect.

Two minutes is already a long time for the big forces, and for the Phoenix Sect, it is already a lot behind.

Su Han stood on the pumice stone, waved his palm, and immediately one after another runes appeared. There were five runes in total, which were beaten by Su Han in the east, west, south, and north. The last one was beaten in the middle of the pumice. .

This is the formation, named "Wind Spirit Formation".

This array can use the wind to explode to a speed that exceeds twice its own speed, but there is no wind here, it is just pitch black, but it can still double the speed.


After the Wind Spirit Array was laid down, the hundred feet of pumice stone immediately traced a path in the void, much faster than before, and went straight ahead.

"The pumice stone of about five hundred meters should be at this speed, and the pumice stone of three hundred meters in size is much slower than ours here."

Su Han muttered to himself, raising his head and looking forward.

More than 400 pieces of pumice stone, when they are traveling, there will be a golden track, and this track is also just to identify where there is a pumice stone.

The trajectory of the pumice is different depending on the size of the pumice. When the largest pumice is moving, there are thousands of golden lights appearing in the rear, which can be recognized at a glance.

"At this moment, it is impossible to catch up with those large pumice stones. You only have to take one step at a time. First, grab the pumice stone three hundred meters in size, then five hundred meters, and then one thousand meters..."

Su Han took a breath, looked around, and finally landed the target on a piece of pumice stone about 300 meters in front of him.

A thousand people have stood on this pumice stone, surrounded by a layer of light yellow light, as if someone had deliberately laid down a protective mask.

"Chang'an Mountain Gate? Exactly."

Su Han smiled faintly, urged the pumice stone, and went straight to chase after the three hundred feet of pumice stone.

In the entire second level, no one except Su Han was able to urge the pumice stone to increase its speed, so these many forces would rob those large pumice stones.

Under this circumstance, in about half a minute, Su Han and others were already level with the 300-zhang pumice stone where Chang'an Mountain Gate was located.

"Phoenix Sect?"

On top of the pumice stone where the Chang'an Mountain Gate was located, there was an old man standing in the forefront. This man was dressed in white, his figure croaked, his head covered with white hair, and the breath of the peak of the Dragon God Realm was all over his body.

He glanced at Su Han and others, and then ignored them.

But Su Han smiled, and said loudly, "Everyone, Su has a 100 million low-grade spirit stone, how about buying your three hundred meters of pumice stone?"


The old man's face sank and he cursed directly.

"Shame on your face, old thing, I think you have enough life?" Liu Yun shouted loudly.

The old man's expression suddenly showed anger: "What kind of thing do you dare to talk to the old man like this? If it wasn't for the time, the old man would kill you with his hand!"

"Hahahaha...he said he was going to kill me, did you hear it?" Liuyun seemed to have heard the best joke in the world.

The other Phoenix Sect members were also very cooperative, and laughed.

Their appearance made the faces of the people at Chang'an Mountain Gate gloomy, and bursts of murderous intent burst out, and the cold chill filled the surroundings.

Chang'an Mountain Gate, a first-class sect, among many first-class sects, Chang'an Mountain Gate is definitely the top class.

Even if it is a super sect, although it does not need to be respectful, it still needs a lot of politeness. Few people dare to ridicule their majestic existence like Liuyun.

"Su Baliu, take care of your subordinates' mouths, otherwise, you won't be able to live long in the third level!" The old man snorted coldly, as if he still had no plans to shoot.

As long as you are a savvy person, you don't want to take a shot here. The fight here is time, not the strong and the weak.

"You scolded them first. They scolded you. There is nothing wrong, right?" Su Han spread his hands, looking very casual.

"If your Phoenix Sect is such a group of trash that can only make a profit, I think you can't go to the Demon Immortal Sanctuary!" The old man snorted coldly.

"What nonsense!"

Su Han frowned, changed his previous look, and said like a ruffian: "I will ask you, can you sell 100 million lower-grade spirit stones?"


Murderous intent appeared in the old man's eyes, and his palm turned over and a great axe appeared.

"He said not to sell!"

Su Han turned to the Phoenix Sect and said loudly, "If you don't sell it, what should I do?"


Everyone in the Phoenix Sect spoke at the same time, as if they were about to tear their voices apart, like that, where it looked like a regular sect, it was completely a group of bandits.

"Then grab it!"

Su Han laughed and suddenly jumped off the hundred feet of pumice stone. With his palm flipped, the magic sword appeared directly in the night. Su Han did not hesitate, grabbed the handle of the knife and out of the night in the night. Boom! ! ! "

Without any second words, Su Han held Polar Ye and slashed it out!

The monstrous sword light burst out at this moment, and there was even a thunderous roar. The sword light flashed from the void, drawn a gorgeous arc, and smashed straight to the old man.

At the same time, the Phoenix Sect's holy cold guards all rushed out. Behind them, a famous purple night guard laid down various protections such as the guardian of the earth and the wooden spirit pot. The guards of the starry sky are overwhelming from the void. fall.

"Phoenix Sect, you are looking for death!"


"Destroy this bunch of things that do not know good or bad!"

Seeing that the Phoenix Sect really dared to make a move, the people at the Chang'an Mountain Gate all opened their mouths, each took out their weapons, unfolded their dragon power, and rushed out of the pumice stone.


The blade light fell at this moment, and directly blasted on the mask beyond the three hundred feet of pumice stone, and the mask collapsed with a bang under the knife.

The sword light was undamaged and went straight to the old man.

The old man's face changed slightly. This mask was cast by him and could withstand several full attacks of the Dragon God Realm peak, but under Su Han's sword, he could not hold on for even a moment.

He gritted his teeth slightly, a little pumice in his footsteps, and his figure rushed out fiercely. The giant axe in his hand swung down and collided with Su Han's blade.


Under the fighting between the two, the old man's face changed drastically, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the figure flew out directly.

The giant axe in his hand faintly looked like he couldn't hold it. The huge force from the blade light made his chest tremble, as if it was about to burst.

But the jet-black blade light, still inexhaustible, landed from the top of his head.

At this critical moment, the old man did not hesitate, flipping his palm, immediately took out a **** stone and swallowed it.