Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 667

Chapter 667

"So that's it..."

Everyone suddenly realized. "" Extracurricular books% WwW. KeWaiShu. OR?G

In fact, not only Liu Yun was anxious, but everyone else was equally anxious, but it didn't show up like Liu Yun did.

Hong Chen stared at the cave with a strong light in his eyes.

"The Sect Master meant that there are not only saint skulls here, but...the most precious?"

"Not a treasure."

Su Han smiled and shook his head. To him, the things that were used in the spirit realm weren't really treasures.

In the previous life, as the master of the sanctuary, the objects used in the spiritual realm were **** to him. Don't say if you keep it, you won't even look at it.

In addition, Su Han was originally a master refiner, and an item he casually refined, even if it was a defective product, was stronger than these things.

This feeling is like him at this moment, facing the objects used by mortals. Those things are of no use to him, so how can they be called the treasures?

Of course, if one could obtain an item used by a spiritual monk at this moment, it would be considered good. Compared to the Longwu Continent, even the lowest level items in the spiritual realm were indeed the most precious.

"How does the Sect Master know that there is a treasure here? Is it just a guess? I just saw that there is only a saint bone there?" Hong Chen asked again.

Su Han smiled slightly: "The spiritual realm, or the so-called gods, is no longer using the space ring, but is able to open the space by itself, use it as your own storage, and even hide in it. The powerful can be undetected. , We call this kind of space the'storage space'. The treasure is in the storage space, so you naturally can't see it."

"So that's it..."

Everyone was stunned again, and at the same time, they were shocked. They really couldn't understand why Su Han knew so many things. I am afraid that even the Dragon Sovereign Realm would not know them?

Although I believe it in my heart, it has to be verified. If it is true that Su Han has said that there is that special space and that treasure, then it proves that Su Han has never lied to them.

"According to the Sect Master, the Spirit Realm is outside the Dragon Martial Continent, beyond the terrifying powerhouses of our mortal realms. Then the cultivation base of the Sect Master at this moment...can open the space opened by this skeleton?" Shangguan Mingxin said. .

"As long as he is completely dead, no matter whether the soul has been reincarnated or has died, as long as he does not exist in this world, I can open it." Su Han's words were full of confidence.

He naturally has a lot of means, but this kind of space, like a space ring, must erase the other's divine mind before it can be opened.

According to Su Han's thinking, the restrictions around the saint's bones have been greatly weakened by the years. If you want to come to this person, he should really be dead.

"I just don't know... what is in the storage space." Su Han's eyes flickered.

The items in the spiritual realm are not the ultimate treasure, but at this moment, they are still very useful.

These words, they are all sound transmissions, and only Phoenix Sect members can hear them. As for Duan Tiansheng, Wang Family, Yu Chen and others, they can only see Su Han and others talking, but they don't know what they are saying.

And when they were talking, under the cave, Tsing Yi's figure had reached a quarter of the distance.

As long as they step through this quarter, in their opinion, they can get the saint skull!

Tsing Yi looked back and saw that everyone else had already rushed. The fastest were Ji Mingkong who wore boots and Han Yiming who put on a big tripod!

The two people's cultivation base is not the highest here, but because of the existence of this Holy Spirit-level equipment, the pressure and resistance around them are much smaller, so the speed is much faster.

But even for them, they still only reached two-quarters of the distance.

Tsing Yi calculated for a moment, and immediately laughed: "Hahaha, don't waste your efforts, this saint's skull belongs to Qing!"

Ji Mingkong's face was gloomy, while Han Yiming frowned. The two had already urged the fastest speed, but still couldn't keep up.

As for the others, Zhou Chen from the Zhou family and Chen Yue from the Chen family, although their cultivation is also the pinnacle of the Dragon God Realm, their status is not too high in the family. Although they have been temporarily given a Holy Spirit-level item, they cannot Increasing speed is either a weapon or defensive equipment. It is impossible to speed up.

The head of the Chang'an Mountain Gate was also a middle-aged man. This man had a national character face and was named Mo Jingshan. Judging from his surname, it should have something to do with the Mo Jiuyou who was imprisoned by Su Han.

There is a deep anxiety on his face. Unfortunately, there is still only a Holy Spirit-level weapon. The one that can increase speed is a pair of high-grade purple-gold boots, but compared with Ji Mingkong's boots and Han Yiming's big tripod. , Is not a grade at all, even if his cultivation base is higher than the two, he still can't catch up.

It was the last God of War Sect, and a young man suddenly rushed out of it. This young man stepped on a steamer and looked extremely dazzling, like two suns.

This fire wheel is not big, only the size of a palm, but it is also a low-grade Holy Spirit-level item, and there is a shield around it.

The shield was a medium-grade Holy Spirit level, and it reduced the resistance and pressure around it, quickly separated from the crowd, and was about to catch up with Ji Mingkong and Han Yiming.

This young man was obviously the leader of God of War Sect entering the ancient battlefield this time. Otherwise, apart from the leader, no one else would have more than two Holy Spirit-level items.

"Buzheng, you should go back!"

Seeing the youth rushing, Ji Mingkong's eyes suddenly flashed, and under the wave of his palm, a black ball appeared.

Seeing this ball, the youth's complexion changed slightly, his famous footsteps, he immediately slapped the shield, and a strong light burst out from the shield.


Just at this moment, the black ball exploded fiercely, and the powerful impact quickly swept across, hitting the shield of the march fiercely.

Judging from this impact alone, at least the spontaneous might of the mid-term Dragon God Realm is resisted by a shield, and the pace is not injured, but it seriously affects the speed.

"Ji Mingkong, you are looking for death!"

Bu Zheng was furious, his eyes flashed with anger, he slammed on the steamer under his feet and rushed out again.

"This black heart ball, Ji Mou has."

Ji Mingkong sneered coldly, and between turning his hands, he took out two more.

Others thought that Ji Mingkong planned to throw all these two black **** to Fu Zheng, but Ji Mingkong only threw one.

When this one was thrown out, Ji Mingkong flashed his eyes again, and threw the other one at Han Yiming!

"Ji Mingkong, you bastard!"

Han Yiming's anger suddenly spread, and the big tripod also crashed into the impact of the black heart ball. chapter;*This book is collected and organized by (). For more beautiful books, please visit