Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 6117

Chapter 6117

Please indicate the source of the reprint of "The Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor":

The old man didn't feel anything about the first two things.

Many living beings come to the Cosmic Firm originally to buy and sell items, or to search for the whereabouts of certain things.

But the third thing made the old man startled slightly!

He took a deep look at Su Han: "Su Concubine, after you joined the Legendary Kingdom of Gods, you made such a big commotion that you are the prince of Ziming Universe Kingdom. The country knows."

"When you talked about Jing Zhongzhi's hatred, old man and others, you sighed a little."

"But you have to understand that once you really do this, it proves that you are completely on the opposite side with Jing Zhong, which is equivalent to... standing on the opposite side with Kaitian Supreme!"

Su Han almost laughed out loud: "Jing Zhong wanted to kill me many times, and almost killed me several times. When I was about to kill him, Kaitian Supreme also appeared to stop him. Can't you prove anything?"


"It's just standing on the opposite side, so what?"

"I never show off everything that belongs to me, but Kaitian Supreme should also know that even if he is a real Supreme, even if he is a superpower among many Supremes!"

"But he, can he still shake a kingdom of God?!"

The old man's pupils were fixed, and he shook his head decisively: "That is absolutely impossible! No matter how strong Kaitian Supreme is, he will never come to provoke the Kingdom of God. He knows exactly what kind of foundation the Legendary Kingdom of God has!"

"So the best!"

Su Han coldly snorted: "Let's leave it to us to solve the matters between us juniors. If Kai Tian Zhizun really thinks that he can touch me, then the Legendary Kingdom of God will definitely come forward. Why should I be afraid or worried now?" of?"

The old man opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

"The place where the cosmic star stone is sold is on the 179th floor, and the place to find people is between the 344th and 396th floors."

The old man said: "As for the investigation department, it is on the 800th floor. Wherever you want to go first, the old man can take you there."

"Buy the cosmic starstone first!" Su Han said.

The cosmic star stone is extremely important to him.

As long as there are enough cosmic starstones that can drive the Supreme Heavenly Fiend, even if the Legendary God Kingdom does not appear, there are very few people under the Supreme who can do anything to themselves!

"The cosmic star stone is not cheap, and it requires a lot of points, Su concubine must be prepared for this." The old man reminded.

"When the younger generation sold the origin, they got one-tenth of the total price of universe points, which should be enough for now." Su Han said.

"Oh yes, the old man ignored this matter, so come with me!" The old man said with a smile.

It is much more convenient to have him lead the way.

The majesty of the royal family of the Kingdom of God is once again reflected, and other creatures do not have this kind of treatment.

On the east side of the Cosmos Trading Company, there is a huge long ladder, along which you can reach the top.

Because they were in a hurry, Su Han and the others didn't watch it elsewhere, although they were rather curious.

Not long after, they reached the 179th floor.

The number of creatures here is much smaller. After all, the items that can use the cosmic starstone are very precious, and few creatures can own those things.

But only relative to other layers.

If you just look at it here, there are actually quite a few. "The universe is too big, many humble creatures may have extremely powerful items and means." Su Han thought to himself.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

This statement can be said to be vividly interpreted in the universe business.

Everyone didn't care about other creatures, but looked around.

The one hundred and seventy-ninth floor is also very large, with no end in sight at a glance, all around it are filled with counters, and there are cosmic star stones inside.

Although there are only four levels of cosmic star stones, there are too many creatures consigned here.

Moreover, there are many merchants who have rented counters in the Cosmos Trading Company and displayed their cosmic star stones here, so there are a lot of counters.

Su Han and the others took a rough look and found that the prices are basically the same, and the ups and downs will not be too high.

For example, low-grade cosmic star stones, the lowest one is one hundred universe coins, and the highest one is one hundred and twenty universe coins.

In fact, they are all of the same quality, but some merchants have great reputations, have stood in the universe for many years, and have enough goods, so many creatures are more trustworthy.

In this case, the price of the cosmic star stones they sell is naturally a little higher than other merchants, so they don't worry about not being able to sell them.

"How many cosmic star stones does Prince Su want to buy?" the old man suddenly asked.

"The more the better!" Su Han said in a deep voice.

The old man nodded lightly: "In this case, this old man recommends that you buy from the three counters of 'Black Gold', 'Enlightenment', and 'Mingyue'. Their quality is the same, and the price is also considered to be in the middle. The low-grade cosmic star stone One is around one hundred and ten universe coins, if you buy more, it may be cheaper."

"Okay, then listen to the senior." Su Han nodded.

In fact the price of items in Shenguo Universe Firm is a little higher than other places.

When he was in the Mica God Realm, Su Han heard that the price of a low-grade cosmic star stone is only one hundred cosmic coins.

However, Su Han's goal this time is not the low-grade universe star stone, but the lotus flower star stone!

Small businesses can sell lotus star stones, but the quality cannot be guaranteed, so Su Han still chose to listen to the old man's words.

The three counters mentioned by the old man are actually not individual counters, but each counter occupies an entire area.

Above their area, big characters such as 'Black Gold Counter' and 'Enlightenment Counter' are clearly visible.

As they entered here, Su Han and others also discovered that the number of creatures who bought cosmic star stones at these three counters seemed to be the largest on the 179th floor.

I saw people coming in.

The staff at these counters quickly put down what they were doing, and immediately saluted Duan Yihan, Su Han, and the old man.

"I've seen the little princess, I've seen Prince Consort Su, I've seen Lord Saber God!"

"Get up, as long as you are busy with your work, let's do some shopping." Duan Yihan waved.

Only at this time did Su Han realize that the seemingly ordinary old man beside him with restrained aura had the title of 'Sword God'.

Normally speaking, only those with top seven lives and nine spirits and above will have titles.

"I wonder what the little princess wants to buy?"

A middle-aged man with a small beard walked quickly.

He bowed and said, "Song Yi, the shopkeeper of the villain's black gold counter, is willing to serve the little princess." (End of this chapter)

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