Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5771

Chapter 5771

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor! People from the Phoenix Sect and the Ji family have already fought together.

The Ji family was not supposed to be the opponent of the Phoenix Sect, but because of Ji Fengyun's appearance, somehow, they broke their own limit, or the limit of the human body, resulting in a significant improvement in their strength.

Of course, this kind of improvement will definitely not last long, but if this step can be achieved, Ji Fengyun's strength and preciousness can already be imagined.

During the first round, Ji Fengyun could participate in the ancient battlefield, but the Ji family did not send him out. To the Ji family, Ji Fengyun is a treasure, and there must be no loss.

As for the Phoenix Sect, they did not fall into a disadvantage. The children of the Ji family broke the limit, but at most they could draw with them.

The Ziye Divine Guard did not summon magic, and only the Starry Sky Divine Guard and the Holy Cold Divine Guard attacked. In terms of the number of people fighting, the Phoenix Sect was relatively small, but it would not be defeated.

If Mingyue Shenwei also made a move, and Zhenlong Shenwei also made a move, then the Ji family would also be suppressed.

However, from the beginning of this second level, the two great guards never made a move. Even the Ziye guards only cast some defensive spells and did not really attack.

They are some of the trump cards of the Phoenix Sect.

It can be said that in the absence of Ziye Shenwei, Mingyue Shenwei, and Zhenlong Shenwei, the only ones who can determine the success or failure of this battle are the two at the peak.

Su Han, Ji Fengyun!

The battle between the Phoenix Sect and the Ji family was ignored by both of them. Su Han stood upright above the void, feeling the astonishing resistance and gravity.

Ji Fengyun also walked out of the pumice stone, but it wasn't the real body in white clothes, but the avatar, Ji Fengyun in black clothes.

Although the cultivation level of the avatar and the deity are exactly the same, the deity is the deity after all. Obviously, Ji Fengyun's deity is much stronger than the deity.

At this moment, he just wants to test Su Han with the strength of his avatar.

"The old man said before that the human body has limits. If you can break this limit, you will break the rules and look forward to the existence of the way of heaven."

Ji Fengyun in black looked at Su Han and said calmly, "10% strength."


When his voice fell, there was a roar. Ji Fengyun didn't use any dragon skills, as if he was just punching Su Han with his fist with his physical strength.

This punch fell into Su Han's eyes, making the latter look very carefully. The seemingly ordinary attack was actually not. It seemed that he had realized the laws of the flesh. The trajectory of his fist blasted Su Han. Han is locked in all directions.

This kind of lock is different from the lock of breath. Su Han can ignore the lock of breath, but the lock of his fist makes him unable to dodge or retreat. The only thing he can do... is to attack!

Of course, Su Han never thought of dodging, let alone retreating. He always knew that attacking is the best defense!

"If you use 10% of your strength, then this sect will also use 10%."

Su Han smiled slightly, and also punched out.

With this punch, he didn't use his cultivation power, he just used his physical strength to blast towards Ji Fengyun.


There was an instant contact between the two, and the next instant, there was a monstrous roaring sound.

Centering on the place where the two fists collided, an astonishing shock wave spread rapidly, radiating towards the surroundings like a wave.

Su Han looked a little dignified. From the opponent's fist, he could feel a powerful destructive wave, which was no less than an ordinary law of destruction.

At the same time, there was a turbulent force in Ji Fengyun's fist, which seemed to have been suppressed all the time and never exploded. Once it exploded, it would be earth-shattering and terrifying.

The two collided and confronted each other for about a moment, and Ji Fengyun's fist emitted a trace of strength.

It was this sliver of strength that made Su Han snort, his face turned slightly pale, and he took a step back.

As for Ji Fengyun's avatar, he was still standing there, completely unharmed.

"Young people are terrifying."

Ji Fengyun nodded slightly, as if admiring: "Although this is only a 10% of the strength of the old man, if it is an ordinary dragon god, even if it is the peak, it will inevitably be seriously injured or even die directly, and you are not the peak of the dragon god. , let alone displaying his cultivation, he can resist it with just physical strength, and even if he takes a step back, he is still proud of himself."

Su Han didn't open his mouth. If someone else said this, he would definitely sneer, thinking that the other party was arrogant.

But Ji Fengyun is different, he has thoroughly studied every realm he has passed through, and will not make a breakthrough until there is really nothing left to study.

This kind of person is undoubtedly very terrifying.

No matter in terms of strength, character, or perseverance, it can be called terrifying.

And this kind of person is also worthy of respect, even if he is hostile, he is also worthy of respect.

"Su Baliu, it's really rare for you to cultivate your body to such an You and I can compete, but we must decide whether to win or lose. How about giving the spell to the old man?" Ji Fengyun said suddenly with a flash of his eyes.

Su Han looked at Ji Fengyun for a moment, then said slowly: "What if you lose?"

"I lost?"

Ji Fengyun smiled and shook his head: "I will not lose."

The simple four words, but one can hear the strong self-confidence inside, as well as the peerless demeanor of his outstanding demeanor for his era.

"If you lose, how about following me for a thousand years?" Su Han said.

He used to be the ancient emperor of the demon dragon, and his greatest hobby was to study the laws of heaven and earth, magic and other things.

Besides this hobby, as the leader of the world, he naturally likes to find talents the most.

Like Long Lie in the previous life, Ling Qinghai, Shen Li, Ling Xiao and others in this life were all excavated and cultivated by him.

For Ji Fengyun, Su Han obviously loves talents.

"It's up to you..."

Ji Fengyun waved his hand flatly: "Time is the most important thing here, you and I don't need to waste time talking. Next, what the old man wants to display is 30% strength."

Su Han took a breath and nodded slightly.


Ji Fengyun suddenly yelled violently, and swung his fist violently, without any fanfare, he bombarded Su Han fiercely.


At this moment, the space buzzed, and around Ji Fengyun's fist, there seemed to be an astonishing trajectory, and that trajectory seemed to form a passage, and in this passage, there was nothing else, only Ji Fengyun's arm!

At first glance, this punch seemed to be hitting extremely slowly, but in the next moment, it was already approaching.

Su Han's face was solemn, and 50% of his physical strength was deployed, blasting towards Ji Fengyun.