Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5598

Chapter 5598

chi chi chi...

Lin Yu dragged the dry trunk like a grasshopper, making a chirp on the ground.

Su Han could see that wherever Lin Yu passed, ferocious traces of dirt were pulled out from the ground.


Lin Yu's own weight seemed to be very heavy, and when he landed on the ring, there was a muffled sound.

"I heard that you insulted the owner of the valley before?" Su Han stared at him.

"So what?"

Lin Yu snorted coldly and said, "I don't allow others to praise her beauty? She deserves Su Yun to be a widow for the rest of her life!"


Su Han squinted his eyes: "Inappropriate words, bullshit! The so-called Mu people really don't deserve to be called 'humans'!"

"You only have the kung fu of your mouth?"

Lin Yu shouted: "Don't think that you can beat Shi Xing by chance! My methods are completely different from Shi Xing. You must be vigilant and don't let my branches tear your mouth!"

"Having said so much, you just want me to take the first shot?"

Su Handan smiled: "That's fine, I'll do what you want."

The voice fell, and the right hand that was hanging from the waist shook slightly.


The power of cultivation surged out from the palm of the hand and turned into a long sword that was completely condensed by the power of cultivation.

To deal with a half-step master, Su Han didn't even bother to use the Cang-Breaking Divine Weapon and the Boundary-Breaking Blade.


No nonsense.

The moment the long sword condensed, Su Han waved his arms directly and walked towards Lin Yu.

Lin Yu's defense is obviously stronger than his attack, which is the most important reason why he lured Su Han to take the shot first.

Seeing the long sword fall, Lin Yu's dry trunk suddenly grew many green buds.

The sprout rose so fast that it almost turned into a towering tree in the blink of an eye.

All the green branches, leaves, etc., all formed a circle and covered the top of Lin Yu's body.

A turquoise light emanated from those leaves and turned into a huge mask.


At this moment, Su Han's long sword also fell.

In fact, with his speed, it was completely possible for Lin Yu to not even have a chance to shoot.

But in that case, it would be too cheap for Lin Yu.

According to what Ao Huaizhen and Zhao Yijin said, it was better to torture Lin Yu properly.


A crisp sound came from above the mask.

Lin Yu's body was shocked fiercely!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of cracks spread from the top of the mask, and finally the entire mask exploded!

"What?!" Lin Yu exclaimed reflexively.

This is one of his strongest defenses. It can not only resist the opponent's attack, but also absorb the opponent's attack power into himself, and then double it back to the opponent.

But Su Han's sword fell, but before he could absorb the attack power, he directly blasted the mask!

What does this prove?

Su Han's strength is far beyond his own endurance!

"That's all you have? Not even Shi Xing." Su Han pouted.

At the same time as he spoke, his hands were not idle.

Swish swish!

The long sword was swung thousands of times in an instant, and each time it cut off the branches and leaves that Lin Yu showed.

When the branches were cut into two pieces, everyone could see that green liquid was flowing from the branches.

That is Lin Yu's blood!

Lin Yu may have no hands and feet, but these branches and leaves are his hands and feet!


A painful roar came from Lin Yu's mouth.

When Su Han cut off those branches and leaves, it was equivalent to picking off his tendons and hamstrings, and not just once, but thousands of times!

The kind of pain that came at the same time over ten thousand times in an instant, made the bark on his trunk start to fall off, his whole body swayed, and he was about to fall down at any time.

"Too weak!"

Su Leng snorted and slashed at Lin Yu's body with his sword.

"I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

Lin Yu was not as stubborn as Shi Xing, he didn't want his body to be cut in half.

Of course it can be restored, but it also needs resources after all, right?


The second guardian Dandan said: "Lin Yu has already conceded defeat, you can't do it again."

Su Han slowly withdrew the long sword: "Just an ant like you, you still have the courage to insult the valley owner? It's just a waste!"

Lin Yu gritted his teeth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and left the ring angrily.

To be honest, when he turned his back to Su Han, he was very cautious, for fear that Su Han would come over with another sword.

It was not until he completely left the ring that Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"He's so strong? You're not going to release water, are you?"

At this moment, Yang Ling's voice suddenly entered Lin Yu's ears.

Lin Yu looked up and saw that Yang Ling had also finished the fight and was walking down from the ring.

And his opponent lost an arm, and the wound was completely scorched.

"Fuck water!"

Lin Yu transmitted a voice to Yang Ling and said, "His strength is not ordinary, and I don't think you are necessarily his opponent. The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you better stop talking nonsense, you will be hated by this kind of evildoer. It will be unlucky in the future!"

"He can't be my opponent!"

Yang Ling said solemnly: "I have the Origin Domain, and I have more Domain Techniques, and in the battle just now, my cultivation has improved again, even if I don't rely on the Origin Domain, I can still defeat Shi Xing! Now, I have stood at the pinnacle of half-step domination, and under domination, absolutely no one will be my opponent!"

"You really overestimate yourself. You'll know when you fight him."

Lin Yu snorted coldly and stopped talking.

And his words caused Yang Ling's self-confidence to suffer a serious blow again.

"Su Han..."

Yang Ling looked gloomy: "I don't believe it, you can really defeat me with the cultivation of the second-level emperor!"

in the next time.

The third time to draw lots, the fourth time to draw lots, the fifth time to draw lots...

Twenty-four into twelve, twelve into six, six into three!

The other outer disciples of Lurougu, including Ao Huaizhen and Zhao Yijin, have long since been eliminated.

In the red lotus event, UU Reading did not enter the top three, even if it was fourth, it would not be considered a ranking.

However, Ao Huaizhen and Zhao Yijin were not discouraged, but raised strong expectations.

Because they also have a younger brother!

In the next three battles, everyone who met Su Han's opponents was the same as Shi Xing and Lin Yu before.

After being tortured for a long time, admit defeat!

These guys have their own arrogance, and they thought they could fight Su Han for 300 rounds.

In the end, it was discovered that Su Han was only making fun of them!

In addition to Su Han, Yang Ling and a young man named 'Xuanchong' were among the top three.

It is said that this person is one of the great clans in the universe, a descendant of the branch of the star clan!

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