Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5523

Chapter 5523

Before stepping into the **** realm, he had ten origins and a complete supreme avenue.

That can be called - Supreme Yuanzi!

It is no exaggeration to say that even the current Su Han, as long as he enters the universe, he will immediately become the 'first arrogant' in the true sense!

If he integrates the world origin of Motutu, the title and the like will no longer matter. What really increases is only Su Han's own potential and strength.

Su Han is also looking forward to how much the comprehensive combat power will increase after he integrates the origin of the world?

How much will the comprehensive combat power increase when you can draw the power of the galaxy starry sky?

If a tenth source domain is opened up and a domain technique is created, how terrifying is the power of the ten-line domain technique?

"Perhaps at that time, I will be able to smash the mask that Yuan Ling laid down." Su Han murmured in his heart.

When he was in the Netherworld Pavilion, Yun Yi once said that if he could gather together the ten sources, then the masters of these ten sources could also use the source as his body.

As long as the source does not disappear, then the self will not die or be destroyed!

This is similar to Su Han's reincarnation road.

The difference is that every time the Avenue of Reincarnation is resurrected, it will temporarily drop its own cultivation.

In a way, the Great Way of Reincarnation also has to pay a price, but this price is very small.

But here at the source, there is no need to pay any price!

As long as Su Han can master the world origin of Motutu, then he will have the opportunity to truly focus on the origin.

Between heaven and earth, the source is immortal, and Su Han is immortal!

He can, without paying any price, be resurrected infinitely!


The magic map in Su Han's hand floated into the void at this moment.

The ball, which originally seemed to be the size of a palm, turned into countless milky white spots, and began to penetrate in all directions on the ground of the Milky Way.

When it completely penetrates the galaxy starry sky, that is when it becomes the spirit of the galaxy starry sky plane.

And Su Han will become the well-deserved ruler of the galaxy at that time!

"Replace the original plane spirit with the plane spirit just now?"

Demon Ancestor and Tu Ning Lord looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.

"That is to say, when the Spirit of the Face succeeds, then you are the master of the Galaxy Starry Sky?"

"Almost." Su Han nodded.

Demon Ancestor and Tu Ning Lord took a deep breath at the same time.

If Su Han really does it, then he can incarnate the heavenly way of the Milky Way starry sky and punish him on behalf of the heavens!

Intuitively speaking, for example, certain thunder tribulations depend on Su Han's personal thoughts.


As long as he is in the galaxy starry sky, then Su Han is equivalent to immortality!

"Really are"

Master Tu Ning showed a deep wry smile: "What we want is to detach from the shackles of heaven, but what you do is to control heaven!"

Yuan Ling refined the original plane spirit of the Galaxy Starry Sky, but he did not have a new plane spirit to replace it. This is not the real control of heaven.

Su Han is like this!

"The reason why the masters of the extraterritorial demons can come to the galaxy starry sky has a great relationship with Yuanling."

Su Han said: "Yuanling refines the plane spirit of the galaxy starry sky, causing the plane barrier of the galaxy starry sky to disappear, so the Ministry of Industry did not notice when the extraterritorial demon **** realm came."

"The Ministry of Industry?"

Yaozu frowned and said, "What is the Ministry of Industry?"

"One of the four divisions of the universe, and the strongest force in the universe. It is above the major cosmic countries, but it is composed of the major cosmic countries to survey the sky in place of the cosmic countries. Whenever the Ministry of Industry finds that anyone who violates the law appears, it will immediately notify the law. The Ministry of Justice will punish him." Su Han briefly explained a few words.

Yaozu and Lord Tu Ning suddenly discovered that the gap between them and Su Han was not just a difference in strength.

Compared with Su Han, they have almost no experience to speak of.

"There are regulations in the universe. To refine the spirit of the plane without authorization, or to come to other lower planes with the cultivation of the Dominion Realm, will inevitably bring down punishment."

Su Han said again: "And like Yuanling, secretly refining the plane spirit of the Galaxy Starry Sky, and secretly colluding with extraterritorial demons to invade the Galaxy Starry Sky, he even gave up his avatar and let Jing Zhong's dominance realm take over his home. come."

"These are all serious crimes!"

"I don't believe that after the formation of the plane barrier, they still dare to risk being detected by the Ministry of Works and continue to pull the extraterrestrial demons to come!"

Hearing this, Yaozu and Tu Ning were both excited.

"That is to say, as long as a new plane barrier is formed, then we no longer have to worry about the threat of extraterrestrial demons?" Yaozu asked.

"This is based on the fact that the powerhouses of the extraterritorial demons did not arrive in advance. If the extraterritorial demons pass through the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Array before the magic map and the galaxy starry sky are completely integrated, and then send stronger extraterritorial demons to come, and we If there is no way to compete, then the Galaxy Starry Sky will not be able to escape the result of being destroyed." Su Han said.

"It is not so easy to dominate the arrival of the demons outside the realm. Before the creation of the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Array, UU Reading just pulled Haitian Zhenhuang and other three human emperors in the early dominance realm. They want to come. A stronger Dominion Realm powerhouse will inevitably cost a lot of money, otherwise, the extraterritorial demons will not be dragged to the present." Tu Ning Lord snorted coldly.

Su Han nodded slightly: "Now it's a matter of time, whether the fusion of the magic map and the map is faster, or the speed of the arrival of the extraterritorial demons!"


The demon ancestor and Tu Ning dominated, and their breathing became rapid.

"It's not too late, we immediately launched the great method of summoning the soul, summoning the remnants of the holy souls of the heaven and earth demons and the heaven and earth demons to resonate and lower the ancient energy!"

Thinking of this, the demon ancestor immediately shouted loudly: "The whole clan obeys!"

Countless demons are all shaking their bodies!

"Today, use the power of my entire clan to meet the ancestors of the demon beast!"

"Follow orders!!"

A neat and high roar came from the mouths of these demons.

"Sacrifice blood!" The demon ancestor shouted again.

The ten chiefs bear the brunt.

His left hand turned into a palm knife, and he severed the heart of his right hand.

There was blood gushing out of it, turning into a mass of blood mist the size of a palm, floating towards the air.

It can be seen that in this blood fog, there is a blood-red silk thread.

This silk thread is the bloodline of the ten heads!

Different from the human race, the main source of power for the demon family is their own bloodline power.

And the only way to awaken the two towers is to sacrifice their bloodline power!

Including the top powerhouses such as the White Tiger Demon God, the Nine-fingered Qin God, and the Great Master Qingtian, all the demons, at this moment, burst out with their own blood mist.

Demon Lord and Emperor, Demon Lord Lin Manqin, the same is true!


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